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Start a Business in Texas
Start a Business in Texas
Start a Business in Texas
Ebook589 pages5 hours

Start a Business in Texas

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About this ebook

This state-specific title in Entrepreneur's evergreen SmartStart series shows the reader how to start a business in Texas. The staff of Entrepreneur Media presents essential guidance to aspiring business owners including state-specific rules, regulations, contacts, and statistics. Includes updated forms, worksheets, and tax information.
Release dateAug 1, 2015
Start a Business in Texas

The Staff of Entrepreneur Media

For more than four decades, Entrepreneur Media has been setting the course for small business success. From startup to retirement, millions of entrepreneurs and small business owners trust the Entrepreneur Media family;Entrepreneur magazine,, Entrepreneur Press, and our industry partners to point them in the right direction. The Entrepreneur Media family is regarded as a beacon within the small to midsized business community, providing outstanding content, fresh opportunities, and innovative ways to push publishing, small business, and entrepreneurship forward.

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    Start a Business in Texas - The Staff of Entrepreneur Media

    | Preface

    The zipper, the helicopter, and the artificial heart valve. What do these inventions have in common? They came to us through small business ventures—not major corporations. In fact, small businesses are responsible for more than half of all the innovations developed during the 20th century. Today, small businesses play an integral role in our daily lives as Americans, whether we are directly involved with one or not. According to a recent study by the House Committee on Small Business, small businesses represent more than 99 percent of all employers. They employ 51 percent of private-sector workers, 51 percent of workers on public assistance, and 38 percent of workers in high-tech jobs. The study also found that 85 percent of Americans view small businesses as a positive influence on American life.

    Another factor contributing to the move towards small business in this country is the erosion of public confidence in large, established corporations. From the fear of falling victim to downsizing, to a perceived lack of concern for employees’ well-being, former corporate workers are turning away from big business and embracing the opportunities and rewards offered through entrepreneurship. In turn, these entrepreneurs are bringing new sources of innovation and creativity to the marketplace. Given the current social and economic climate in the United States, there has never been a better time to start your own business.

    Support for entrepreneurship at the federal, state, and local levels is at an all-time high—further evidence that the time is right for starting your own business. Many government agencies understand the import role small business plays in America’s stability and economic future, and are acting accordingly when it comes to funding various ventures. In fact, the House Committee report concluded that small businesses receive one third of all federal prime and subcontract dollars.

    Yet with all this potential success and personal fulfillment comes the risk of failure and disappointment, so it is crucial for you to understand the ins and outs of small business ownership, from what it takes to fund, open, and manage your company through how to make the right decisions when times turn difficult.

    How to Start a Business in Texas is a state-specific, startup book designed specifically for entrepreneurs. The following is a sampling of what you’ll find:

    •State and federal information on specifics for starting your business, from choosing the right legal forms to filing taxes and incorporating.

    •Tips for operating your business once you have officially conquered the startup phase. There are helpful hints regarding proper accounting methods, how to market your product or service, and how to choose and keep quality employees.

    •Guidelines for developing a business plan—possibly the most important step in forming and operating a profitable business.

    •Statistical information about your state to help you anticipate trends and give you the ability to compare economic and social factors affecting your business.

    •Several appendices filled with addresses, phone numbers, and website addresses for the agencies and resources you will probably need to contact for licenses, permits, business registration, financing alternatives, workers’ compensation, unemployment taxes, and more.

    It’s all here, in one helpful, easy-to-use volume. If you find errors, or if changes to existing laws are not reflected, please let us know so we can better help others who will be using this information in the future. Thank you for choosing Smart Start and we wish you much success in your new enterprise.



    Part One

    Setting Up Your Business

    1 | Think

    smart (smärt) adj. 1) characterized by sharp, quick thought: intelligent; 2) shrewd in dealings: canny

    start (stärt) v. 1) to begin an activity or movement: set out; 2) to have a beginning: commence; 3) to move suddenly or involuntarily; 4) to come quickly into view, life, or activity: spring forth

    Asmart start—this phrase certainly has a ring to it. In fact, it sounds like what all burgeoning small business owners and entrepreneurs strive to achieve. And, yet, the statistics show that only one out of 20 new ventures will survive to celebrate its fifth anniversary. So what is it that will give you the edge on starting your new venture? The answer involves knowledge and preplanning.

    Look back at the definitions of smart and start. Both words imply action—action on your part. You have a dream: starting a business. You are the one responsible for making that dream come true. You won’t be working for a boss; you will be the boss. You won’t have a set nine-to-five schedule; you will work whatever hours are necessary to stay on course.

    Of course, with any dream there are inherent challenges. A study published by Dun & Bradstreet lends some insight into the common challenges faced by today’s small business owners. These are the top ten challenges:

    1.Knowing your business. This aspect entails in-depth industry knowledge, market savvy, and a certain practical knowledge.

    2.Knowing the basics of business management. The basics include accounting and bookkeeping principles, production scheduling, personnel management, financial management, marketing, and planning for the future.

    3.Having the proper attitude. Realistic expectations coupled with a strong personal commitment will carry you through.

    4.Having adequate capital. From establishing a good relationship with a bank to maintaining a business credit report, sufficient capital is vital to surviving the first year.

    5.Managing finances effectively. In a phrase—cash flow. Cash flow entails ongoing capital, inventory management, extending credit to customers, and managing accounts receivable.

    6.Managing time efficiently. A combination of discipline, delegation, and planning (your business plan has already set the priorities) is essential for effective time management.

    7.Managing people. Finding and keeping qualified personnel is critical to building a successful business.

    8.Satisfying customers by providing high quality. You will establish and maintain credibility with your customers when you constantly deliver the best possible product or service.

    9.Knowing how to compete. New ways of selling, knowing the marketplace, a clear understanding of your niche, and sticking to your original plan all qualify as things you must do for the stiff competition that may lie ahead.

    10.Coping with regulations and paperwork. Welcome to red tape central—where you may be required to file anything from quarterly tax payments to withholding taxes, from employee manuals to profit-sharing and pension plans, from sales tax records to industry-related reports.

    You have heard the phrase work smarter, not harder. Working smarter means overcoming these ten challenges by knowing what lies ahead of you. A smart start for your business means understanding the course, possessing the skills to overcome the obstacles, and knowing the right way to clear the hurdles. Whether you’ve competed in athletics, academics, or a simple game of cards, if you are starting a small business then you’re in for the race of a lifetime. Before you run out and buy a pair of the best and fanciest running shoes, take a moment to consider what it takes to be an effective and profitable small business owner.

    The Entrepreneurial Personality

    People come to the entrepreneurial path from different directions. Increasingly, some start fresh out of college or after a stint at home raising their kids or simply because the idea of actually retiring is abhorrent to them. Most, though, come to entrepreneurship straight out of the work force. And many of them dabble in their would-be business before they take the plunge completely, testing ideas on the side, while maintaining a day job. Quitting a full-time job to start a business isn’t something to be taken lightly. You should be sure now is the right time to get started. First, you need to ask yourself some questions: Do I have enough money? If you have a family, are they ready for this? Is there a need for a product or service like mine?

    Many successful entrepreneurs say a sense of urgency that made starting their businesses not just a desire but a necessity was their driving force. One entrepreneur’s advice: You’ll know the time is right when you can honestly say ‘I’ll put my house, jewelry, and other personal collateral on the line to attain the startup money I need for the long-term rewards I deserve.’ We’re not recommending you put up your home (though more than a few entrepreneurs started that way). But that willingness to risk everything likely means you’re ready to start now.

    What motivates potential entrepreneurs to stop daydreaming about business ownership and actually do something about it? While many people think one single incident—such as getting fired or being passed over for a promotion—is the impetus for becoming your own boss, most experts agree it’s usually a series of frustrations that leads to entrepreneurship.

    A fundamental desire to control their own destinies ranks very high on most entrepreneurs’ lists of reasons for starting their own businesses. This need is so strong that entrepreneurs will risk family, future, and careers to be their own boss. Unable to feel truly fulfilled working for someone else, these individuals cannot be happy following someone else’s plan or taking orders from a boss. They’re often convinced that they have a better way, or an idea that would really revolutionize their industry—or at least their little corner of it—and working within a corporate structure is simply stifling that improvement.

    Some Serious Self-Evaluation

    It’s rare that one person possesses all the qualities needed to be successful in business. Everyone has strong suits and weak points. What’s important is to understand your strengths and weaknesses. To do this, you need to evaluate the major achievements in your personal and professional life and the skills you used to accomplish them. The following steps can help:

    1.Create a personal resume. Compose a resume that lists your professional and personal experiences as well as your expertise. For each job, describe the duties you were responsible for and the degree of your success. Include professional skills, educational background, hobbies, and accomplishments that required expertise or special knowledge.

    2.Analyze your personal attributes. Are you friendly and self-motivated? Are you a hard worker? Do you have common sense? Are you well-organized? Evaluating your personal attributes reveals your likes and dislikes as well as strengths and weaknesses.

    3.Analyze your professional attributes. Small-business owners wear many different hats, but that doesn’t mean you have to be a jack-of-all-trades. Just be aware of the areas where you’re competent and the areas where you need help, such as sales, marketing, advertising, and administration. Next to each function, record your competency level—excellent, good, fair, or poor.

    Go for the Goal

    In addition to evaluating your strengths and weaknesses, it’s important to define your business goals. For some people, the goal is the freedom to do what they want when they want, without anyone telling them otherwise. For others, the goal is financial security. When setting goals, aim for the following qualities:

    Specificity. You have a better chance of achieving a goal if it is specific. Raising capital isn’t a specific goal; raising $10,000 by July 1 is.

    Optimism. Be positive when you set your goals. Being able to pay the bills isn’t exactly an inspirational goal. Achieving financial security phrases your goal in a more positive manner, thus firing up your energy to attain it.

    Realism. If you set a goal to earn $100,000 a month when you’ve never earned that much in a year, that goal is unrealistic. Begin with small steps, such as increasing your monthly income by 25 percent. Once your first goal is met, you can reach for larger ones.

    Short and long term. Short-term goals are attainable in a period of weeks to a year. Long-term goals can be for five, ten, or even 20 years; they should be substantially greater than short-term goals but should still be realistic.

    The most important rule of self-evaluation and goal-setting is honesty. Going into business with your eyes wide open about your strengths and weaknesses, your likes and dislikes, and your ultimate goals lets you confront the decisions you’ll face with greater confidence and a greater chance of success.

    Market Matters

    As with any business, your plan of attack should start with a thorough assessment of your idea’s market potential. Often, this step alone will be enough to tell you whether you should start part time or full time. You can’t become so caught up in your love for what you’re doing that you overlook the business realities. If you find there is a huge unmet need for your product or service, no major competition, and a ready supply of eager customers, then by all means go ahead and start full time. If, on the other hand, you find that the market won’t support a full-time business, but might someday with proper marketing and business development, then it is probably best to start part time at first.

    Investigate factors such as the competition in your industry, the economy in your area, the demographic breakdown of your client base, and the availability of potential customers. If you are thinking of opening an upscale beauty salon, for example, evaluate the number of similar shops in operation, as well as the number of affluent women in the area and the fees they are willing to pay.

    Once you have determined there is a need for your business, outline your goals and strategies in a comprehensive business plan. You should always conduct extensive research, make market projections for your business, and set goals for yourself based on these findings. It gives you a tremendous view of the long-range possibilities and keeps the business on the right track. Don’t neglect writing a business plan even if you’re starting part time: A well-written business plan will help you take your business full time later on.

    Get Your Financial House in Order

    One major factor in the decision to start part time or full time is your financial situation. Before launching a full-time business, most experts recommend putting aside enough to live on for at least six months to a year. (That amount may vary; completing your business plan will show you in detail how long you can expect to wait before your business begins earning a profit.)

    Basic factors you should consider include the amount of your existing savings, whether you have assets that could be sold for cash, whether friends or family members might offer you financing or loans, and whether your spouse or other family members’ salaries could be enough to support your family while you launch a business full time.

    Family Affairs

    The emotional and psychological side of starting a business is less cut-and-dried than financial and market aspects, but it’s just as important in your decision to start part time or full time.

    Begin by discussing the situation with your spouse, significant other, or family members. Do they support your decision to start a business? Do they understand the sacrifices both full-time and part-time businesses will require—from you, from them, and from the whole family? Make sure your loved ones feel free to bring any objections or worries out in the open. The time to do this is now—not three months after you have committed to your business and it is too late to back out.

    Then, work together to come up with practical solutions to the problems you foresee (could your spouse take over some of the household chores you currently handle, for example?). Lay some ground rules for the part-time business—for instance, no work on Sunday afternoons, or no discussing business at the dinner table.

    Getting Personal

    Besides the effect business ownership will have on your family, equally important to consider is the toll it might take on you. If the idea of taking the full-time business plunge and giving up your comfy salary and cushy benefits keeps you awake at night biting your nails, then perhaps a part-time business is best. On the other hand, if you need to work long hours at your current full-time job, you commute 60 miles round-trip, and you have two-year-old triplets, piling a part-time business on top of all those commitments could be the straw that breaks the camel’s back.

    Of course, a full-time business does require long, long hours, but a part-time business combined with a full-time job can be even more stressful. If this is the route you’re considering, carefully assess the effects on your life. You’ll be using evenings, weekends, and lunch hours—and, most likely, your holidays, sick days, and vacation time—to take care of business. You’ll probably have to give up leisure activities such as going to the movies, watching TV, reading, or going to the gym. How will you feel the next time you drag yourself home, exhausted after a late night at the office . . . then have to sit right down and spend four hours working on a project that a client needs the next morning? Carefully consider whether you have the mental and physical stamina to give your best effort to both your job and your business.

    Build It or Buy It?

    When most people think of starting a business, they think of beginning from scratch—developing your own idea and building the company from the ground up. But starting from scratch presents some distinct disadvantages, including the difficulty of building a customer base, marketing the new business, hiring employees and establishing cash flow . . . all without a track record or reputation to go on.

    Some people know they want to own their own businesses but aren’t sure exactly what type of business to choose. If you fall into this category, or if you are worried about the difficulties involved in starting a business from the ground up, the good news is that there are other options: buying an existing business, buying a franchise, or buying a business opportunity. Depending on your personality, skills, and resources, these three methods of getting into business may offer significant advantages over starting from scratch.

    Buying a Franchise

    If buying an existing business doesn’t sound right for you but starting from scratch sounds a bit intimidating, you could be suited for franchise ownership. What is a franchise—and how do you know if you’re right for one? Essentially, a franchisee pays an initial fee and ongoing royalties to a franchisor. In return, the franchisee gains the use of a trademark, ongoing support from the franchisor, and the right to use the franchisor’s system of doing business and sell its products or services.

    McDonald’s, perhaps the most well-known franchise company in the world, illustrates the benefits of franchising: Customers know they will get the same type of food, prepared the same way, whether they visit a McDonald’s in Moscow or Minneapolis. Customers feel confident in McDonald’s, and as a result, a new McDonald’s location has a head start on success compared to an independent hamburger stand.

    In addition to a well-known brand name, buying a franchise offers many other advantages that are not available to the entrepreneur starting a business from scratch. Perhaps the most significant is that you get a proven system of operation and training in how to use it. New franchisees can avoid a lot of the mistakes startup entrepreneurs typically make because the franchisor has already perfected daily routine operations through trial and error.

    Reputable franchisors conduct market research before selling a new outlet, so you can feel greater confidence that there is a demand for the product or service. Failing to do adequate market research is one of the biggest mistakes independent entrepreneurs make; as a franchisee, it’s done for you. The franchisor also provides you with a clear picture of the competition and how to differentiate yourself from them. For more information when investigating a franchise or business opportunity, check out this helpful resource: The FTC provides a free package of information about the FTC Franchise and Business Opportunity Rule. Write to: Federal Trade Commission, 600 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, DC 20580, or visit

    Buying a Business Opportunity

    If a franchise sounds too restrictive for you but the idea of coming up with your own business idea, systems, and procedures sounds intimidating, there is a middle ground: business opportunities.

    A business opportunity, in the simplest terms, is a packaged business investment that allows the buyer to begin a business. (Technically, all franchises are business opportunities, but not all business opportunities are franchises.)

    Unlike a franchise, however, the business opportunity seller typically exercises no control over the buyer’s business operations. In fact, in most business opportunity programs, there is no continuing relationship between the seller and the buyer after the sale is made.

    Although business opportunities offer less support than franchises, this could be an advantage for you if you thrive on freedom. Typically, you will not be obligated to follow the strict specifications and detailed program that franchisees must follow. With most business opportunities, you would simply buy a set of equipment or materials, and then you can operate the business any way and under any name you want. There are no ongoing royalties in most cases, and no trademark rights are sold.

    However, this same lack of long-term commitment is also a business opportunity’s chief disadvantage. Because there is no continuing relationship, the world of business opportunities does have its share of con artists who promise buyers instant success, then take their money and run. While increased regulation of business opportunities has dramatically lessened the likelihood of rip-offs, it is still important to investigate an opportunity thoroughly before you invest any money.

    2 | Plan

    Now that you have given serious thought to whether you are ready for the entrepreneurial life (and hopefully decided that yes, you are), it’s time to drill down to basics. To get started in any kind of business, whether a franchise, new business, or turnkey situation, you have to map out your business strategy. In order to do that, you need to consider the market to which you will be selling your product or service. Once you know that, you can begin to solidify your ideas by putting together a winning business plan and making it all official by securing the necessary legal paperwork.

    Defining Your Market

    You’ve come up with a great idea for a business . . . but you’re not ready to roll yet. Before you go any further, the next step is figuring out who your market is.

    There are two basic markets you can sell to: consumer and business. These divisions are fairly obvious. For example, if you are selling women’s clothing from a retail store, your target market is consumers; if you are selling office supplies, your target market is businesses (this is referred to as B2B sales). In some cases—for example, if you run a printing business—you may be marketing to both businesses and individuals.

    No business—particularly a small one—can be all things to all people. The more narrowly you can define your target market, the better. This process is known as creating a niche and is key to success for even the biggest companies. Walmart and Tiffany are both retailers, but they have very different niches: Walmart caters to bargain-minded shoppers, while Tiffany appeals to upscale jewelry consumers.

    Many people talk about ‘finding’ a niche as if it were something under a rock or at the end of the rainbow, ready-made. That is nonsense, says Lynda Falkenstein, author of Nichecraft: Using Your Specialness to Focus Your Business, Corner Your Market and Make Customers Seek You Out. Good niches do not just fall into your lap; they must be very carefully crafted.

    Rather than creating a niche, many entrepreneurs make the mistake of falling into the all over the map trap, claiming they can do many things and be good at all of them. These people quickly learn a tough lesson, Falkenstein warns: Smaller is bigger in business, and smaller is not all over the map; it’s highly focused.

    Keep It Fresh

    Once your niche is established and well-received by your market, you may be tempted to rest on your laurels. Not a good idea, says Falkenstein. [You must] keep growing by re-niching. This doesn’t mean totally changing your focus, but rather further adapting it to the environment around you.

    Ask yourself the following questions when you think you have found your niche—and ask them again every six months or so to make sure your niche is still on target:

    •Who are your target clients?

    •Who aren’t your target clients?

    •Do you refuse certain kinds of business if it falls outside your niche?

    •What do clients think you stand for?

    •Is your niche in a constant state of evolution?

    •Does your niche offer what prospective customers want?

    •Do you have a plan and delivery system that effectively conveys the need for your niche to the right market?

    •Can you confidently predict the life cycle of your niche?

    •How can your niche be expanded into a variety of products or services that act as profit centers?

    •Do you have a sense of passion and focused energy with respect to your niche?

    •Does your niche feel comfortable and natural?

    •How will pursuing your niche contribute to achieving the goals you have set for your business?

    On a Mission

    Once you have designed a niche for your business, you’re ready to create a mission statement. A key tool that can be as important as your business plan, a mission statement captures, in a few succinct sentences, the essence of your business’s goals and the philosophies underlying them. Equally important, the mission statement signals what your business is all about to your customers, employees, suppliers, and the community.

    The mission statement reflects every facet of your business: the range and nature of the products you offer, pricing, quality, service, marketplace position, growth potential, use of technology, and your relationships with your customers, employees, suppliers, competitors, and the community.

    The Write Words

    To come up with a statement that encompasses all the major elements of your business, start with the right questions. Business plan consultants say the most important question is, What business are you in? Since you have already gone through the steps of creating your niche, answering this question should be easy for you.

    Answering the following ten questions will help you to create a verbal picture of your business’s mission:

    1.Why are you in business? What do you want for yourself, your family, and your customers?

    Think about the spark that ignited your decision to start a business. What will keep it burning?

    2.Who are your customers? What can you do for them that will enrich their lives and contribute to their success—now and in the future?

    3.What image of your business do you want to convey? Customers, suppliers, employees, and the public will all have perceptions of your company. How will you create the desired picture?

    4.What is the nature of your products and services? What factors determine pricing and quality? Consider how these relate to the reasons for your business’s existence. How will all this change over time?

    5.What level of service do you provide? Most companies believe they offer the best service available, but do your customers agree? Don’t be vague; define what makes your service so extraordinary.

    6.What roles do you and your employees play? Wise captains develop a leadership style that organizes, challenges, and recognizes employees.

    7.What kind of relationships will you maintain with suppliers? Every business is in partnership with its suppliers. When you succeed, so do they.

    8.How do you differ from competitors? Many entrepreneurs forget they are pursuing the same dollars as their competitors. What do you do better, cheaper, or faster than competitors? How can you use competitors’ weaknesses to your advantage?

    9.How will you use technology, capital, processes, products, and services to reach your goals? A description of your strategy will keep your energies focused on your goals.

    10.What underlying philosophies or values guided your responses to the previous questions? Some businesses choose to list these separately. Writing them down clarifies the why behind your mission.

    Putting It All Together

    Crafting a mission statement requires time, thought, and planning. However, the effort is well worth it. In fact, most startup entrepreneurs discover that the process of crafting the mission statement is as beneficial as the final statement itself. Going through the process will help you solidify the reasons for what you are doing and clarify the motivations behind your business.

    Here are some tips to make your mission statement the best it can be:

    Involve those connected to your business. Even if you are a sole proprietor, it helps to get at least one other person’s ideas for your mission statement. Other people can help you see strengths, weaknesses, and voids you might miss. If you have no partners or investors to include, consider knowledgeable family members and close friends, employees, or accountants. Choose supportive people who truly want you to succeed.

    Set aside several hours—a full day, if possible—to work on your statement. Mission statements are short—typically more than one sentence but rarely exceeding a page. Still, writing one is not a short process. It takes time to come up with language that simultaneously describes an organization’s heart and soul and serves as an inspirational beacon to everyone involved in the business. Large corporations often spend an entire weekend crafting a statement.

    Plan a date. Set aside time to meet with the people who’ll be helping you. Write a list of topics to discuss or think about. Find a quiet, comfortable place away from phones and interruptions.

    Be prepared. If you have several people involved, be equipped with refreshments, extra lists of topics, paper, and pencils. Explain the meaning and purpose of a mission statement before you begin—not everyone will automatically know what they’re all about.

    Brainstorm. Consider every idea, no matter how silly it sounds. Stimulate ideas by looking at sample mission statements. If you’re working with a group, use a flip chart to record responses so everyone can see them. Once you’ve finished brainstorming, ask everyone to write individual mission statements for your business. Read the statements, select the best pieces, and fit them together.

    Use radiant words. Once you have the basic idea in writing, polish the language of your mission statement. Every word counts, says Abrams. The statement should create dynamic mental visuals and inspire action. Use offbeat, colorful verbs and adjectives to spice up your statement. Don’t hesitate to drop in words like kaleidoscope, sizzle, cheer, outrageous, and marvel to add zest. If you want customers to boast about your goods and services, say so—along with the reasons why.

    Once your mission statement is complete, start spreading the word! You need to convey your mission statement to others inside and outside the business to tell everyone you know where you are going and why. Post it in your office, where you, employees, and visitors can see it every day. Print it on company materials, such as your brochures and your business plan, or even on the back of your business cards.

    Conducting Market Research

    So you have a great idea for a product—something that’s bound to capture the hearts and minds (and wallets) of consumers everywhere. Or perhaps you have stumbled on a service that isn’t being offered by anyone else—one that is desperately needed. This is your opportunity! Don’t hesitate . . . don’t look back . . . jump right into it and . . .

    Wait! Before you shift into high gear, you must determine whether there really is a market for your product or service. Not only that, you need to ascertain what—if any—fine-tuning is needed. Quite simply, you must conduct market research.

    Many business owners neglect this crucial step in product development for the sole reason that they don’t want to hear any negative feedback. They are convinced their product or service is perfect just the way it is, and they don’t want to risk tampering with it.

    Other entrepreneurs bypass market research because they fear it will be too expensive. With all the other startup costs you’re facing, it’s not easy to justify spending money on research that will only prove what you knew all along: Your product is a winner.

    Regardless of the reason, failing to do market research can amount to a death sentence for your product. A lot of companies skim over the important background information because they’re so interested in getting their product to market, says Donna Barson, president and owner of Barson Marketing Inc., a marketing, advertising, and public relations consulting firm. But the companies that do the best are the ones that do their homework.

    Consider market research an investment in your future. If you make the necessary adjustments to your product or service now, you’ll save money in the long run.

    What It Is, What It Does

    What exactly is market research? Simply put, it’s a way of collecting information you can use to solve or avoid marketing problems. Good market research gives you the data you need to develop a marketing plan that really works for you. It enables you to identify the specific segments within a market that you want to target and to create an identity for your product or service that separates it from your competitors. Market research can also help you choose the best geographic location in which to launch your new business.

    Before you start your market research, it’s a good idea to meet with a consultant, talk to a business or marketing professor at a local college or university, or contact your local SBA district office. These sources can offer guidance and help you with the first step in market research: deciding exactly what information you need to gather.

    As a rule of thumb, market research should provide you with information about three critical areas: the industry, the consumer, and the competition.

    1.Industry information. In researching the industry, look for the latest trends. Compare the statistics and growth in the industry. What areas of the industry appear to be expanding, and what areas are declining? Is the industry catering to new types of customers? What technological developments are affecting the industry? How can you use them to your advantage? A thriving, stable industry is key; you don’t want to start a new business in a field that is on the decline.

    2.Consumer close-up. On the consumer side, your market research should begin with a market survey. A thorough market survey will help you make a reasonable sales forecast for your new business. To do a market survey, you first need to determine the market limits or physical boundaries of the area to which your business sells. Next, study the spending characteristics of the population within this location.

    Estimate the location’s purchasing power, based on its per-capita income, its median income level, the unemployment

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