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Automotive Machining: A Guide to Boring, Decking, Honing & More
Automotive Machining: A Guide to Boring, Decking, Honing & More
Automotive Machining: A Guide to Boring, Decking, Honing & More
Ebook657 pages5 hours

Automotive Machining: A Guide to Boring, Decking, Honing & More

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

A detailed, authoritative, and thorough automotive engine-machining guide for the hard-core enthusiast has not been available until now. Mike Mavrigian, editor of Engine Building Professional, walks you through each important machining procedure.
PublisherCar Tech
Release dateApr 17, 2017
Automotive Machining: A Guide to Boring, Decking, Honing & More

Mike Mavrigian

Mike Mavrigian, a certified member of the National Institute of Automotive Service Excellence, has authored Modern Engine Blueprinting Techniques; Performance Exhaust Systems: How to Design, Fabricate and Install; and many other titles. He is editor-in-chief of Auto Service Professional and contributes to a number of magazines. He also owns and operates Birchwood Automotive Group, which assembles project vehicles.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    My husband and I both enjoyed reading this one.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Automotive Machining walks the new machinist through some concepts and tooling commonly used in automotive machining. Many other concepts are explained in detail that appears to be aimed to a learned machinist new to the automotive sector. As a story, this guide is a little out of order and repetitive. However, I don't believe Mavrigian was aiming to produce a basic instruction guide. Rather, this book is set up in projects - the same way mechanics and machinists learn on the job. This book is handy to have around when beginning in the automotive industry and refreshing yourself when an engine comes into your machine shop. The images are clear and the work covered is applicable for anyone doing engine work.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Wow, where was this book when I was assembling my race engines? The technology involved has obviously evolved since those days, but the information is the sort I was looking for then and would definitely need today, more than ever! The tools needed to do the job correctly are beyond the means of most, but the dedicated shops. The information, however is invaluable in planning your project and consulting with your machine shop on what you expect to be done.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Overall this is a very informative book, it has a lot of good information. Unfortunately, this information isn't always organized well, with related sections not being together, and the same topic being covered in multiple sections, with slightly different information each time. This is especially true when the book discusses metrology and NDT. There are also a number of editing errors.If you have mechanic and machinist skills, this book could be useful as to applying machining techniques to engines, but the book isn't consistent as to the skill level of its target audience. At times, it explains in great detail very simple things, but then later it will gloss over moderately complex things as if the reader should know them already.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is an awesome book, very informative. Goes into great detail and is very helpful. If you are rebuilding an engine this book will be of great help.

Book preview

Automotive Machining - Mike Mavrigian


As an engine builder, you need machine shop services for a stock rebuild, modified, or high-performance engine. Whether you’re an avid enthusiast or considering machining as a profession, this volume covers all critical operations of engine machining, so you have a clear understanding of the process and how to perform certain procedures yourself.

Although professionals are often required to perform automotive machining processes, it does not preclude the avid enthusiast from performing some machining and being closely involved in the machining process during an engine rebuild or high-perfomance build.

A typical automotive machine shop contains hundreds of thousands of dollars of machining equipment. Even a hard-core consumer cannot afford, nor is it practical, to buy this equipment. As a consequence, an at-home engine builder needs to contract a qualified machine shop for engine machining services. If you’re investing thousands of dollars in an engine build, you need to thoroughly understand these engine machining procedures, so you can guide the process and confirm that the correct results have been achieved. When your head, block, intake manifolds, and many other parts have been machined, you need to inspect, measure, and verify that the components are to specification.

Once all machining is complete, the assembly will be performed either by you or the machine shop. These critical components need to precisely fit together. The tolerances between components is exacting and can be as little as .0001 inch. It is incumbent upon you to invest in a set of tools to measure and verify the work that has been performed. This includes a C-clamp micrometer, caliper micrometer, dial indicator, dial bore gauge, bore gauge fixture, depth gauge, feeler gauge, pushrod measurement tool, machinist’s straightedge, torque wrench, torque plus angle gauge, ultrasonic tester, and other specialty tools and materials for engine building. With these tools, you are able to analyze and evaluate the machine shop work. Equally as important, these tools provide the means to take critical measurements during engine assembly. As a result, you are able to assemble the engine with precision, and this helps ensure that you have a strong-running and reliable engine.

The information provided in this book is intended both for the aspiring engine machinist and the performance consumer. It provides valuable insight into the processes involved in engine machining and assembly. You are given a complete tour of machining necessary for a typical engine build, and beyond that, you are shown the steps to machine engine parts for a build. All the parts of the engine must be compatible and complementary; a certain set of parts requires precise machining so the engine can operate as designed.

In many cases, an engine builder starts with a thoroughly used and tired engine that’s in need of a rebuild. In this book, you are instructed how to properly clean all engine components using bead blaster, soda blasting, chemical, and ultrasonic cleaning methods. You’re shown how to inspect and evaluate the engine block to ensure that it’s a worthy rebuilding candidate. In addition, you learn about the inspection of all components in the engine, so you can identify past problems, current solutions, and determine which parts are worth saving and which ones are not.

When it comes to block machining, main bore aligning, cylinder and cam tunnel honing, and boring are covered. Cylinder sleeving is often required in the engine building process, and that is also revealed. Truing the surfaces of the block deck ensures a seal between the block and the heads. A crankshaft is subjected to all kinds of opposing loads and as it accumulates hours of operation, it can bend, the journals can wear, and suffer other problems.

Measuring, machining, and other parts of crankshaft preparation are covered in detail. Connecting rods are the highest stressed components in an engine, and therefore, if yours are to be reused, they must be thoroughly inspected and properly reconditioned. In particular, the selection and installation of the connecting rod bolts must be done correctly to ensure that there is no failure because a connecting rod failure will likely destroy the entire engine.

You are shown how to install guides, machine and install valveseats, true the deck surface, measure the combustion chambers, and all the other critical steps to returning heads to their full health. Pistons and rings must be properly fitted to the bore of a particular engine block, so the process for fitting the ring to the cylinder and ring filing is covered.

Chapters provide information on rotating assembly balancing, blueprinting, clearance checking, CNC machining, port matching, pushrods, connecting rods, and more. Also included is an overview of final engine assembly tips.

With this comprehensive volume, you will be able to disassemble, inspect, and evaluate the engine components. And with this information, you will be able to make the best high-performance building and engine rebuild decisions, so you ultimately have the best engine to suit your needs. Once the machining has been performed, you will be able to take all the parts, properly fit them, and conduct a professional-caliber final assembly.



Prior to test fitting and/or final engine assembly, cleanliness is absolutely critical. This includes every component involved (block, crankshaft, connecting rods, pistons, camshaft, timing system, oil pump and pickup, oil pan, valvecovers, intake manifold, cylinder heads, rockers, pushrods, lifters, timing cover, etc.). There is no such thing as too clean.

A variety of cleaning methods are available, depending on the application. These include hot tanks, spray cabinets, ovens, airless shot blasting, cabinet media blasting, tumbling, and manual cleaning involving hand or power tools.

An airless shot blaster slings...

An airless shot blaster slings steel (or stainless steel) shot onto the block or cylinder heads as the part is rotated while secured in an adjustable cage. Compressed air is not used. Following shot blasting, the part must be tumbled in a rubber-lined drum to shake any remaining steel shot from the part.

Airless Shot Blasters

An airless shot blaster cabinet uses a high-speed impeller that blasts steel shot at the parts as the parts slowly rotate in a cage. This machine does not use compressed air. The steel (or stainless steel) shot is about .030 inch in diameter. After the part has been blasted, the part must then be tumbled in a large tumbling drum to remove any remaining shot. Airless blasting with steel shot is intended for cast-iron parts only and should not be used on softer aluminum parts. Components may only be airless shot blasted after they have been degreased and are thoroughly dry.

Hot Tank Cleaning

Solvents heated at approximately 170 degrees F break down contaminants faster than room-temperature solvents. However, solvents must be chosen carefully to be compatible with ferrous (steel or iron) or nonferrous (alloys) components. After a part has been cleaned in a hot tank, it must be rinsed in hot water and then blow-dried. At this point, steel or cast-iron surfaces tend to surface rust very quickly, so application of a rust inhibitor is required as soon as possible. Hot tanks are available in various types, including hot-soak and hot-soak with agitation and spray jets.

Jet Spray Cabinets

A jet spray machine uses heated solvent and a series of high-pressure spray nozzles. The parts being cleaned are secured in a cage or appropriate mount, on a turntable. The part is rotated during the wash and rinse cycle. Liquids, depending on the application, can include hot water and/or solvents appropriate for the material being cleaned. High-caustic solvents may be appropriate for steel or cast-iron; a detergent-based cleaner is best for aluminum parts.

Threaded Holes

Regardless of the cleaning method, all threaded holes in the engine block should be inspected and cleaned. Be sure to clean all threaded bolt holes and give special attention to the cylinder head deck and main cap threaded holes. Using a rifle-style bristle brush, scrub all female threaded holes. To make sure that threads are in good condition, and to remove any contaminants/debris, it’s a good idea to run a chasing tap through all threaded holes.

Do not confuse this with a cutting tap. Common cutting taps tend to remove metal, which is to be avoided. Chasing taps are specially designed to both clean and re-form existing threads without removing excess material. Especially for main cap bolt holes and the block’s cylinder head deck bolt holes, using a chasing tap helps to ensure that the threads are clean while retaining the necessary strength and integrity.

Scrub the block exterior with a clean, soft brush soaked in hot water and Dawn and rinse. I’m not trying to promote the brand of detergent, but for some reason, Dawn seems to do the best job of removing oils and grease. When all internal and exterior surfaces have been thoroughly rinsed, blow clean compressed air through all bolt holes, passages, and exterior surfaces. At this point, when the block is dry, immediately apply a thin coating of clean engine oil to main saddles, lifter bores, and cylinder bores to prevent surface rusting. Cast-iron blocks tend to oxidize (surface rust) very quickly when clean and dry, so this is a good time to mask and paint the block exterior. If the part is not to be painted, apply a thin coat of a rust inhibitor to all surfaces, especially if the part is stored for a while prior to assembly.

All threaded holes in a...

All threaded holes in a block should be chased to ensure cleanliness and thread condition. Here, a block’s cylinder head deck hole is being chased. Drive the tap with a hand driver only. A variety of sizes is needed to cover all holes. The most critical threaded holes include the block’s head deck holes and the main cap holes.

Cold Solvent Wash

Commonly available parts washers that use a cold (unheated) solvent are useful for degreasing smaller parts such as connecting rods, pistons, camshafts, etc., but this requires allowing the parts to soak and then be hand-brushed or scraped to remove grease and other solvent-soluble contaminants. However, since no pressure is involved, this may or may not remove contaminants from blind holes or passages. Also, this process is time-consuming and is not generally used in an engine builder’s shop.

A hot jet spray wash...

A hot jet spray wash is commonly used to clean blocks, cylinder heads, crankshafts, and more. The table rotates as high-pressure heated solvent or detergent is sprayed.

This block has been oven...

This block has been oven cleaned, tumbled, and washed in a jet spray cabinet to a like-new finish.


Often referred to as thermal cleaning, a dedicated oven can be used to degrease an engine block or cylinder heads. A dedicated cleaning oven cooks the component, turning grease, oils, paint, and other contaminants to ash. The component is initially heated to about 375 degrees F to cook off surface vapors, which are then oxidized in a separate chamber at about 1,300 degrees F. The oven’s primary chamber then rises to a higher preselected temperature of about 600 to 700 degrees F, for steel or cast-iron components. When the cleaning cycle is complete, which usually takes about three hours or so, all sludge contaminants have been reduced to easily disposable ash. After the component has cooled, it is then washed/rinsed in a hot tank to remove remaining particles.

Aluminum components require more care because extreme temperatures can result in distortion. Typically, aluminum castings cook at about 500 degrees F. This lower temperature also reduces the chance of valveseats and guides loosening in cylinder heads. Regardless of material (steel, iron, or aluminum), the oven temperature must drop very slowly after the cooking stage until reaching room temperature, to prevent metal distortion.

Although a hot tank accumulates sludge and requires periodic cleaning and proper disposal, the use of a cleaning oven eliminates the need to dispose of hazardous waste (sludge), making ovens a bit more environmentally acceptable.

Although most cleaning ovens are...

Although most cleaning ovens are designed to rotate the part during the heat cycles to evenly heat the part, some engine builders like to preheat some parts to cook off any residual oils, prior to glass bead blasting.

This block has been degreased,...

This block has been degreased, but surface rust and some contaminants remain.

The same block has now...

The same block has now been shot blasted and tumbled. The block is now ready for machining.

Soap and Water

There are instances where washing/scrubbing and rinsing by hand are applicable, such as performing a final wash and rinse of an already-machined engine block prior to assembly. Using very hot water (as hot as your hands can tolerate) and Dawn dishwashing liquid can produce excellent results. With the block on a stand that allows you to rotate the block, shoot hot water into all oil and coolant passages, and then pour Dawn into the same passages. Using dedicated (and clean) bristle brushes that are designed for block cleaning, scrub passages as access permits; follow with multiple hot water rinses until all traces of soap are eliminated.

This Chevy big-block has been...

This Chevy big-block has been stripped down and placed into a cleaning oven. The block is secured within a tubular cage. With the cage mounted in the oven, the machine rotates the block during the thermal cleaning process to distribute heat evenly, cooking off all grease, paint, rust, and sludge.

Here, the airless shot blasting...

Here, the airless shot blasting process has been completed, resulting in a clean, down-to-bare-metal block that’s ready for tumbling. After the block has cooled down in the oven, the block, still mounted in its cage, is moved to an airless steel shot blasting cabinet, which cleans off the ash created by the oven.

Media Blasting

An enclosed blast cabinet can be ideal for cleaning certain parts, such as pistons, connecting rods, mounting brackets, valvecovers, etc., but the media must be selected carefully. A variety of blasting media is available, including but not limited to glass bead, crushed walnut shells, crushed corncobs, crushed pecan shells, plastic bead, and soda. Depending on the media, you can accomplish not only cleaning to bare metal, but also lightly deburring razor-sharp edges where desired. Never use a high-abrasive media such as sand, which is simply far too aggressive. If an abrasive media is used, such as glass bead, the component must be thoroughly and carefully washed and rinsed afterward to remove all bead particles. For that reason, it is not wise to glass bead blast an item such as an intake manifold, because the possibility of particles being trapped inside runners is too great.

The cage is then disassembled...

The cage is then disassembled and removed from the block. Using the shop’s overhead crane, the caged block is removed from the shot blaster.

Finally, the block is placed...

Finally, the block is placed into a rubber-lined tumbler drum. The drum rotates, allowing the block to tumble randomly. As the block tumbles, any remaining steel shot is knocked loose and removed from the block.

Block Cleaning Brushes

Regardless of the method of degreasing used, always clean oil and water passages with appropriate-sized bristle brushes. A long-bristle rifle brush can be used to clean oil galley passages from the front to rear of a block. Small-diameter rifle brushes can be used to clean oil passages in crankshaft main and rod journals. A dedicated-diameter, long-handled rifle brush can be used to clean camshaft bores. Very small-diameter specialty rifle brushes are also available specifically for cleaning the inside of oil-through pushrods. After brushes have been run through any passage, the passage must then be rinsed with pressurized hot water followed by blowing dry with compressed air. After you’re finished with brush work, and before you store the brushes, wash all brushes with hot water and detergent and rinse with hot water to remove any contaminants from the bristles.

Cabinet Tips

If the part to be cleaned features hidden passages that cannot be positively cleaned, avoid blasting with an abrasive media. Also, avoid bead blasting into female threaded holes, since beads can be trapped, and the abrasive action can degrade the thread integrity. After bead blasting, use compressed air to flush all traces of the bead particles. Do not try to initially remove bead particles with a wet rinse, as this can easily cause beads to be stuck to surfaces, possibly in small clumps inside any passages. Also, never use an abrasive media on a part that is wet or features oil or grease. The part must be degreased, rinsed, and dried prior to blasting.

Concerns about potentially contaminating threaded holes with media can be avoided by plugging these holes with temporary bolts. After bead blasting, remove the bolts and manually clean female threaded holes with a chaser tap and solvent. I discuss the use of chaser taps later in this chapter.

Soda (sodium bicarbonate, essentially a form of baking soda) is a nice choice, since it’s water soluble and allows easier removal via rinsing. Soda’s benefits include being able to clean even surfaces that are still contaminated with oil or grease. Soda does a great job of cleaning, but it does not allow you to soften sharp edges because it’s not as aggressive as other media such as glass bead. Although soda might be usable in a conventional blast cabinet, it’s best to use a blast system that is designed for soda for highest efficiency and dust reclamation.

Soda Cabinet Blasting

There are distinct advantages to the use of soda, instead of traditional methods using glass bead or plastic. Unlike these other medias, soda easily removes surface grease and oil residue, as well as paint, eliminating the need for a precleaning step. One distinct benefit relates to cleaning an intake manifold (especially a dual-plane-style manifold). The danger when using glass bead (or other abrasive media) lies in the concern for particulates becoming trapped inside hidden/hard-to-reach runner areas, which could lead to disastrous results in a running engine. Because soda is water soluble, entrapment is avoided with a simple water rinse. Any particles that might remain don’t pose an abrasion danger (because they’re not hard abrasive particles) and effectively break down during engine operation.

Benefits of Soda Blasting

•Soda is granular, suitable for use in pressure pots or in cabinet systems.

•Soda crystals are sharp and provide outstanding cleaning/stripping performance when delivered under relatively low pressure but with high velocity.

•Soda is friable, meaning that it fractures into smaller particles. This increases cleaning performance while softening blasting impact. Unlike other blast media, soda is relatively soft and doesn’t damage metal surfaces.

•Soda is nontoxic and nonhazardous, with a nearly benign pH of 8.2.

•Soda is water soluble and easy to rinse clean.

•Soda leaves no abrasive grit that can damage moving parts.

Blasting Media

A wide range of blasting media is available, each with its own characteristics. Depending on the material to be blasted, including cast-iron, cast-aluminum, steel, etc., and type of component including blocks, heads, manifolds, pistons, connecting rods, etc., and the desired surface finish, attention must be paid to selecting the appropriate type of media for the specific application.


Commonly available silica sand is far too aggressive and should never be used on any engine-related surfaces. This is often used on car components, body panels, frame rails, and suspension parts. But sand is so abrasive that it literally eats away at soft aluminum, pits cast-iron, and does irreparable harm to other steel parts.

Glass Bead

Depending on the specific grade (grit), glass bead media is produced as preformed tiny balls, which, depending on the grade of glass, produce a smoother and brighter finish than angular abrasives (results in a matte satin finish). Glass bead, like most blasting media (other than soda), does not act as a desiccant, so the component must be dry and grease-free prior to blasting. Grease, oil, etc., are eventually removed during blasting, but over the long haul, you end up contaminating the glass bead in the hopper. The same applies to layers of paint that flake off easily. Large flakes (larger than, say, your little fingernail) collect in the hopper and eventually clog the feed tube. When/if this occurs, a quick fix is to place the tip of a bolt into the gun nozzle and hit the foot pedal. This causes the bead to back-flush, temporarily clearing the system for continued use. Regardless, glass bead or any blast media should be routinely changed to remove foreign contaminants and to renew the capabilities of the media.

What most people don’t realize is that a huge range of glass bead is available, from very, very aggressive down to ultra-fine grades. All glass bead is not created equal, so pay attention to what you’re buying. A fine-grade glass bead produces a matte satin finish.

Crushed Glass Grit

Similar to glass bead in initial appearance, but the particles feature random shapes and sharper edges. This cuts faster and is more aggressive than glass bead, and produces a medium texture.


Unlike hard and aggressive media such as sand, baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is able to strip to bare metal without abrading the parent surface. Soda media is softer than other types of media and is friable, which means that the soda crystals break down upon impact (akin to throwing a snowball against a brick wall as opposed to throwing a rock against the same wall). Essentially, soda does the job without damaging the metal. Because soda is softer, and because it is water soluble, it leaves no abrasive grit that can damage moving parts (such as hood or door hinges).

Soda is nontoxic and nonhazardous, making its use far safer than other abrasive or chemical stripping methods. However, dry blasting generates a great deal of dust. For this reason, it is recommended that a dust mask be used, as well as eye and hearing protection.

In addition to blasting sheet metal

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