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Guru's Heart Practices: Texts for Dispeller of Obstacles
Guru's Heart Practices: Texts for Dispeller of Obstacles
Guru's Heart Practices: Texts for Dispeller of Obstacles
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Guru's Heart Practices: Texts for Dispeller of Obstacles

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Guru’s Heart Practice contains the essential texts for the Guru practices of Padmasambhava, according to the Dispeller of Obtacles’ cycle These unique hidden treasures are a revelation with a rich history. This extensive cycle contains teachings and practices for the preliminaries up to and including Dzogchen. Linking to a fresh treasure has the power to imbue us with hot and juicy blessings that invigorate our being and generate profound devotion and joy. Just as we prefer to have fresh food, the treasure teachings revealed with the short lineage’ are endowed with a very special quality that has not been interpolated by anyone else, but has come directly from Padmasambhava by means of one of his disciples appearing as a present-day incarnation. The teaching is then spread to people for their immediate practice.

Release dateNov 17, 2014
Guru's Heart Practices: Texts for Dispeller of Obstacles


GURU PADMASAMBHAVA was miraculously born within a blossoming lotus flower on the shore of Lake Dhanakosha in the northwest of Uddiyana. Known as Padmasambhava, the Lotus-Born, he grew to adulthood in the kingdom of Uddiyana and travelled extensively thereafter through ancient India, in search of realized masters of sutra and tantra with whom to study the Dharma. The Lotus-Born Guru then travelled to Nepal, where he engaged in rigorous practices and extraordinary displays of compassion. Finally, he reached Tibet at the invitation of the renowned Dharma King Trisong Detsen, taking teachings with him that would inspire and transform, and that continue to do so to this day.

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    Guru's Heart Practices - Padmasambhava

    The Supplication to the Lineage of Tukdrub Barchey Künsel, entitled Bestower of the Splendor of Accomplishments

    Deden shying gön khyabdak chö kyi ku

    Protector of the Blissful Realm, all-pervasive dharmakaya lord,

    Ötsen tong bar chimé lha yi lha

    Shining with thousands of effulgent marks, deathless god of gods,

    Solwa deb so chi nang barchey sol

    I supplicate you, dispel the outer and inner obstacles!

    Jingyi lob shik choktün ngödrub tsol

    Bless me, bestow the supreme and common siddhis!

    Dru dzin dakpo namnang longchö dzok

    Lord of Potala, sambhogakaya Vairochana,

    Nyingjé wangchuk dro gön pekar chang

    Mighty Compassionate One, protector of beings, White Lotus-Holder,

    Solwa deb so chi nang barchey sol

    I supplicate you, dispel the outer and inner obstacles!

    Jingyi lob shik choktün ngödrub tsol

    Bless me, bestow the supreme and common siddhis!

    Palden pema lé trung trulpé ku

    Glorious nirmanakaya, Lotus-Born,

    Nangsi zilnön gyalwang tötreng tsal

    Splendrous subjugator of all that appears and exists, Tötreng Tsal, king of victorious ones,

    Solwa deb so chi nang barchey sol

    I supplicate you, dispel the outer and inner obstacles!

    Jingyi lob shik choktün ngödrub tsol

    Bless me, bestow the supreme and common siddhis!

    Yeshe kha la chöpé tsok kyi jé

    Queen of wisdom dakini gatherings,

    Sangwé dakmo yingchuk tsogyalmar

    Mistress of Secrets, Dhatvishvari Tsogyalma,

    Solwa deb so chi nang barchey sol

    I supplicate you, dispel the outer and inner obstacles!

    Jingyi lob shik choktün ngödrub tsol

    Bless me, bestow the supreme and common siddhis!

    Jikten mik chik gyaltsab bairo jé

    Regent Vairochana, single eye of the world,

    Jampal dorje tri song yabsé la

    Manjushrivajra Trisong, father and sons,

    Solwa deb so chi nang barchey sol

    I supplicate you, dispel the outer and inner obstacles!

    Jingyi lob shik choktün ngödrub tsol

    Bless me, bestow the supreme and common siddhis!

    Damdzin namtrul né ter gya tsé dak

    Incarnation of Damdzin, lord of one hundred treasures and places,

    Nyikmé dro dul chokgyur dechen ling

    Tamer of the beings of the dark age, Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa,

    Solwa deb so chi nang barchey sol

    I supplicate you, dispel the outer and inner obstacles!

    Jingyi lob shik choktün ngödrub tsol

    Bless me, bestow the supreme and common siddhis!

    Khyabdak jamyang khyentsé wangpo dang

    All-pervasive lord, Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo,

    Khorlö gönpo lodrö tayé la

    And sovereign of the mandala, Lodrö Thaye,

    Solwa deb so chi nang barchey sol

    I supplicate you, dispel the outer and inner obstacles!

    Jingyi lob shik choktün ngödrub tsol

    Bless me, bestow the supreme and common siddhis!

    Lé mön kalden zabsang tenpa dzin

    Heirs to the profound secret teachings, with fortunate karmic aspirations,

    Lung zin chödak gyüpar chepa la

    Predicted Dharma-holders, and masters of the lineage,

    Solwa deb so chi nang barchey sol

    I supplicate you, dispel the outer and inner obstacles!

    Jingyi lob shik choktün ngödrub tsol

    Bless me, bestow the supreme and common siddhis!

    Yidam daki damchen né ter kyong

    Yidams, dakinis, vow-holders, and guardians of the treasures and places,

    Zungjuk yeshe rolpé khorlo la

    Circle who revel in nondual wisdom,

    Solwa deb so chi nang barchey sol

    I supplicate you, dispel the outer and inner obstacles!

    Jingyi lob shik choktün ngödrub tsol

    Bless me, bestow the supreme and common siddhis!

    Changchub bardu tsa sum lhakpé lhé

    Supreme divinities of the Three Roots, accept me until enlightenment,

    Jezung jikgyé dü shyi duk nga sok

    Pacify the eight fears, four maras, and five poisons,

    Chi nang sangwé barchey kün shyi shying

    And the outer, inner, and secret obstacles.

    Ku sum lamé gopang nyur tob shok

    Let me swiftly attain the state of the Trikaya Guru.

    This was composed by Padma Garwang Trinley Drodül Tsal, a joyful servant of Padma, at Devikoti Tsari-like Jewel Rock [Tsandra Rinchen Drak], the upper retreat of Palpung, on an auspicious day in the waxing part of the second month. The scribe was Karma Gyurmey who is endowed with the fortune of karmic aspirations. May virtuous goodness increase.

    The Seven Preliminary Points of the Practice

    According to The Guru’s Heart Practice, Dispeller of All Obstacles

    I, the Immortal Padma,

    The vidyadhara who embodies all the victorious ones,

    Will expound, for my fortunate disciples of the future,

    This profound Heart Practice.


    You, the person who is to accomplish me,

    In an auspicious and blessed area,

    In a pleasing dwelling place,

    Should arrange representations of Body, Speech, and Mind,

    And set out whatever you have of amrita, rakta, torma, and feast offerings.

    Sit down on a comfortable seat and expel the stale breath.

    Supplicate the guru again and again.

    Dedicate a torma to the lord of the place.

    Then, while possessing the yoga, put into practice

    These seven preliminary steps.

    Samaya. Seal, Seal.

    For this, first, gather the accumulations.

    Second, draw the boundary for the hordes of obstructors.

    Third, apologize for the adversity of misdeeds and failings.

    Fourth, take the vajra pledge.

    Fifth, shower the great resplendence of wisdom.

    Sixth, consecrate the offering articles.

    Seventh, confirm natural awareness.

    Through these steps of practice,

    You will become a vessel for the profound samadhis.


    There are four, and for the first,

    Invite the field of accumulation in the sky before you.


             The rays of light shining from the seed syllable in my heart center invite the assembly of mandala deities of the great magical net of vidyadhara gurus.

             BENZA SAMA DZA

    In their presence, which is manifest filling space,

    Imagine that you and all other beings

    Take refuge one-pointedly with a respectful frame of mind:

    Namo dak dang khanyam semchen malü kün

    Namo! I and all sentient beings equal to the sky

    Lama sangye chö dang gendün dang

    Take refuge in the Guru, Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha,

    Yidam pawo khandro chökyong tsok

    In the assemblies of Yidams, Dakinis, and Dharma protectors,

    Tukjé cheden nam la kyab su chi

    And in all those possessing great compassion.

    Then, for the aspiring Mahayana resolve

    Ho ngön gyi gyalwa sé dangché nam kyi

    Hoh! As all the victorious ones and their sons of the past

    Lamé changchub chok tu tukkyé tar

    Aroused their minds towards the unexcelled supreme enlightenment,

    Dak kyang mar gyur khanyam dro kün la

    I, too, will accomplish buddhahood

    Pen dak ledu sangye drubpar gyi

    In order to benefit my mothers, all beings as numerous as space is vast.

    Om ah hung hrih rigdzin pema jungné lasokpé

    Om ah hung hrih! I prostrate to Vidyadhara Padmakara

    Chok chü kyabyul nam la chaktsal lo

    And to all objects of refuge in the ten directions.

    Ngö su jor dang yi lé jungwa yi

    I present you with a Samantabhadra offering cloud, filling the sky,

    Kunzang chötrin namkha gangwé chö

    Of actual and mentally-created offerings.

    Sotar changchub sempé labpa dang

    I confess transgressing and violating the pratimoksha vows,

    Rigdzin ngak kyi damtsik nyamchak shak

    The bodhisattva trainings, and the tantric samayas of the vidyadharas.

    Pak dang soso kyewö tsok nam kyi

    I rejoice in all the noble and ordinary beings

    Gyalsé chöpa ché la jé yi rang

    Who engage in the conduct of the sons of the victorious ones.

    Tayé drowa dukngal gyurpa la

    Please turn the appropriate wheels of Dharma

    Penpa jitar tsampé chökhor kor

    To benefit the infinite number of suffering beings.

    Kalpa jewa samyé jinyé du

    Without passing away, remain for the sake of beings

    Drowé dönchir nya ngen mi da shyuk

    Throughout countless millions of aeons.

    Dak gi dü sum sakpé gewa nam

    I dedicate all the virtue gathered in the three times

    Dro kün changchub nyingpo tob chir ngo

    So that all beings may attain the essence of enlightenment.

    Cultivate the four immeasurables as the application

    Sönam di yi dro kün dé dangden

    By this merit may all beings possess happiness.

    Dukngal kündral dak la min gyur chik

    Freed from their suffering, may it ripen upon myself instead.

    Dukngal mepé dé dang mindral shying

    May they never part from the happiness devoid of misery,

    Chö kün nyamnyi tangnyom la né shok

    And may they abide in impartiality, the equal nature of all things.

    Dza hung bam ho

    Tsok shying nam

    By jah hung bam hoh, the whole field of accumulation,

    Yigé sum gyi nampa yi

    In the form of the three syllables,

    Dak dang khanyam dro la tim

    Dissolves into myself and beings as numerous as the sky is vast;

    Drib dak jingyi lab par gyur

    Our obscurations are purified and we receive the blessings.

    In order to draw the boundary for the hosts of obstructers

    First, with yourself in the fully perfect vivid presence

    Of the form of the great mighty one,

    Consecrate the torma as a mass of sense pleasures.

    With blazing lights and the hook mudra,

    Summon the hordes of deceivers into your presence.

    Assign the torma and purify creditors.


             In an instant, I become Supreme Steed Heruka with overwhelming wrath and ferociousness and with a majestic brilliance that blazes like the fire at the end of the aeon.

    Cleanse the gektor with


    Purify it with



    While showing the garuda mudra with your hands, say


    Three times.

    At the end consecrate it with


    With the hook mudra, summon the guests by


    Dedicate it by saying three times:


    Issue the command with an imposing tune.

    HUNG HRIH nangsi döné dakpé kyilkhor la

    HUNG HRIH! Within the primordially pure mandala of all that appears and exists

    Nyidzin gek dang lokdren mingmé kyang

    There are no names such as dualistic fixation, obstructor, or deceiver.

    Ma tok lobur trulpé shyenwang gi

    Yet, not realizing this, due to the dependency of momentary confusion,

    Changchub drub la tsewé jungpo kün

    All you demons who prevent us from attaining enlightenment,

    Lenchak jalwé torma di long la

    Take this torma as payment of our debts

    Rang rang sosö né su dewar deng

    And disperse leisurely to your respective dwellings.

    Dak gi khakhyab drowé dön ledu

    For me to realize the yoga of the wisdom forms,

    Yeshe chakgyé naljor drubpa la

    In order to benefit beings filling all of space,

    Khyö kyang kha lé ma dé dé yi chir

    Since even you are not beyond this space,

    Penpé sem la nyering ma chi kyang

    Although there exists no distance for an altruistic frame of mind,

    Lé ngen wang gi kyilkhor tawa la

    Due to the power of negative karma you have no fortune

    Kalwamé chir ré shyik shyendu deng

    To perceive this mandala, therefore go elsewhere for a while.

    Galté mi dro dorje tsönchar gyi

    If you do not leave, the rain of vajra weapons

    Lü ngak yi sum dultren jishyin du

    Will completely reduce your body, speech, and mind to dust

    Dün gyü rik kyang tsené lakpé chir

    All the way down to your seventh generation.

    Dewé danta nyi du chir deng shik

    Therefore, be gone right now.

    Daknyi wangchen tachok rolpé ka

    By the command of me, the great and mighty Sporting Steed,

    Könchok rinchen sum gyi jinlab dang

    By the blessings of the precious Three Jewels,

    Yidam tsawa sum gyi tingdzin dang

    By the samadhis of the yidams of the Three Roots,

    Chönyi nampar dakpé denpa dang

    By the perfect truth of dharmata,

    Gyundré luwa mepé tendrel gyi

    And by the unfailing coincidence of cause and effect,

    Gowé ka la mi nyen jungpö tsok

    May the hordes of demons who disobey this command

    Drakshul dorje rolpé tsarché do

    Be destroyed by the ferocious vajra display!

    Expel them with mustard seeds, charmed sand, gugul, fierce mantras,

    And with dance postures and music.

    Then, again with the protection circle,

    Draw the boundary line against obstructers.

    HUNG daknyi palchen pema wang gi ku

    HUNG! I am the great and glorious form of the Lotus King.

    Khordé tamché sang sum chakgyar dzok

    All of samsara and nirvana is complete as the mudras of my three secrets.

    Chetsen drendral nangsi yo shying truk

    My matchless great might makes all that appears and exists quake and tremble.

    Chen nyi rab bar nyidé özer tro

    My two eyes burn with the light of the sun and moon.

    Dorje drö kyi choktsam küntu kor

    With my vajra gait I move in all directions.

    Hung pé ngarö gek pung tsené jom

    My roar of hum and phat annihilates all obstructers.

    Trulpé ponyé jikten kyongwa chu

    Unable to resist, the ten guardians of the world

    Wangmé kuk té tuk lé trulwa yi

    Are summoned by my emanated envoys,

    Mi zé trowö tsok kyi zir shying sung

    While the awesome wrathful one, emanated from my heart, protects.

    Tro chung dumé tsam kyi trinlé dzé

    Numerous tiny wrathful forms perform activities at the boundary.

    Dorje sashyi ragur ladré sok

    Filling all directions are the vajra ground, fence, dome, canopy, and so forth,

    Tsöncha nam ngé gur gyi chok kün tam

    And the dome comprised of five kinds of weapons.

    Meri mepung si sum küntu truk

    The towering mass

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