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The Visitors Book
The Visitors Book
The Visitors Book
Ebook64 pages1 hour

The Visitors Book

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

In this small but perfectly formed collection of supernatural short stories, Sophie Hannah takes the comforting scenes of everyday life and imbues them with a frisson of fear, then a gust of terror. Why is a young woman so unnerved by the presence of a visitors book in her boyfriend's inner-city home? And whose spidery handwriting is it that fills the pages? Who is the strangely courteous boy still lingering at a child's tenth birthday party when all the parents have gathered their children and left? And why does the presence of a perfectly ordinary woman in a post office queue leave another customer pallid and sweating with fear?

Beware what you open this Christmas!

PublisherSort Of Books
Release dateNov 26, 2015
The Visitors Book

Sophie Hannah

SOPHIE HANNAH is the New York Times bestselling author of numerous psychological thrillers, which have been published in 51 countries and adapted for television, as well as The Monogram Murders, the first Hercule Poirot novel authorized by the estate of Agatha Christie, and its sequels Closed Casket, The Mystery of Three Quarters, and The Killings at Kingfisher Hill. Sophie is also the author of a self-help book, How to Hold a Grudge, and hosts the podcast of the same name. She lives in Cambridge, UK.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    An interesting little collection of four ghostly stories. Creepiness comes from implications rather than atmosphere, but I did enjoy it.

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The Visitors Book - Sophie Hannah

The Visitors Book

I am not a snob. My parents are snobs and so were my grandparents. Every member of my extended family apart from me is a snob, and I am nothing like any of them. I wasn’t the one who bought a black cat with one white paw and named it ‘Paw White Trash’ – that was my cousin Lydia. She called it ‘Trash’ for short, and thought it was hilarious. My aunt Philippa commits the details of the Sunday Times Rich List to memory; I never even look at it.

And yet Aaron has just called me a snob. Which is ridiculous. Of the two of us, he’s the snob. At the very least he’s a pretentious idiot.

He’s standing with his back to me, opening a bottle of wine. I shouldn’t say anything. I should let it go. Except that, after what I’ve just discovered about him, I want to have the row more than I want this thing between me and Aaron to work. No doubt my desire to argue the point would pass if I gave it a chance – like a mosquito bite that stops itching if you can resist scratching it for long enough – but I lack the self-discipline.

‘I might be a lot of things, but I’m not a snob,’ I say.

When we got out of the cab last night and I saw his house for the first time, my reaction was entirely neutral. It was a house – no more and no less. I can honestly say that I had no thoughts about it at all. Only in the light of what happened later did it occur to me that Aaron’s home is a two-up, two-down terrace on a street lined with similar houses, London brick on one side, white render dirtied to grey on the other. Aaron’s is on the brick side.

What else did I notice? Washing hanging on lines in one or two front yards, net curtains to ward off nosy passers-by. Some clean cars, some dirty; one half collapsed, missing its front wheels. A man with a shaved head, wearing a puffa jacket and white trainers with huge, protruding tongues. But also … wasn’t there an elderly man in an expensive suit and a long black overcoat? Yes, I’d swear there was. Now that I come to think of it, I nearly commented on it at the time, how bizarrely smart he looked. Christ, I’m glad I didn’t. Aaron would be throwing it back at me now as proof of my snobbery: shock horror, a smartly dressed man on a down-at-heel street! But I’m not like that, really. When I saw Aaron’s house I didn’t think, Oh dear, it’s not a moated mansion. Why would I? I didn’t expect him to be landed gentry. He’s an ordinary person, not an aristocrat, and that’s fine.

‘Snobbishness is my least favourite character trait,’ Aaron says matter-of-factly now, as if he might not be talking about me.

‘I’m not a snob,’ I insist.

‘When I asked you to sign the visitors book, you sniggered as if it was the most ludicrous thing in the world. Flick to the end and add your name, I said.’ Aaron smiles and hands me a glass of wine. ‘You refused, and looked as if you were struggling not to laugh. Tell me what you found so funny and we’ll see if there’s snobbery involved.’

He doesn’t sound angry. He sounds bored, as if it doesn’t matter to him; he’d quite like to win the argument but he isn’t emotionally invested in it. It makes me feel uneasy. So does the way he avoids my eye.

I stare down at the large green leather-bound book on the kitchen table. The visitors book: that’s what he called it and that’s what it appears to be. It has the words ‘Visitors Book’ on the cover in gold cursive writing.

‘You could sign it now,’ Aaron suggests. ‘Why don’t you, if only to make me happy? It might convince me you’re not a snob.’

‘Don’t be ridiculous, Aaron. I don’t need to prove anything.’

I can’t work out why he cares so much about me signing his silly book.

I open it and start to flick through the pages, skimming the comments: ‘Netterden is a fantastic house! We shall remember our visit with great fondness – The Flemings’; ‘We had such fun and will take away with us plenty of memories to treasure – Winifred and John Santandreu, Islington, London’; ‘The views from the terrace at dusk are breathtaking – Richard and Sue Graham’. Different inks, different handwritings. All are barely legible – shaky and erratic,

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