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A Momentary Marriage
A Momentary Marriage
A Momentary Marriage
Ebook415 pages6 hours

A Momentary Marriage

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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New York Times bestselling author Candace Camp offers a delicious marriage-of-convenience story in this passionate historical romance, featuring her signature “clever and witty banter, sharp attention to detail, and utterly likable characters” (Publishers Weekly, starred review).

James de Vere has always insisted on being perfectly pragmatic and rational in all things. It seemed the only way to deal with his overdramatic, greedy family. When he falls ill and no doctor in London can diagnose him, he returns home to Grace Hill in search of a physician who can—or to set his affairs in order.

Arriving at the doctor’s home, he’s surprised to encounter the doctor's daughter Laura, a young woman he last saw when he was warning her off an attachment with his cousin Graeme. Alas, the doctor is recently deceased and Laura is closing up the estate, which must be sold off, leaving her penniless. At this, James has an inspiration: why not marry the damsel in distress? If his last hope for a cure is gone, at least he’ll have some companionship in his final days, and she’ll inherit his fortune instead of his grasping relatives, leaving her a wealthy widow with plenty of prospects.

Laura is far from swept off her feet, but she’s as pragmatic as James, so she accepts his unusual proposal. But as the two of them brave the onslaught of shocked and suspicious family members, they find themselves growing closer. They vowed, “until death do us part”...but now both are longing for their marriage to be more than momentary in this evocative romance, perfect for fans of Sabrina Jeffries and Mary Balogh.
PublisherPocket Books
Release dateJul 25, 2017

Candace Camp

Candace Camp is a New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author of more than sixty novels of contemporary and historical romance, including the bestselling Regency romances Enraptured, Treasured, and The Marrying Season. She is also the author of The Mad Morelands series, Before the Dawn, and Heartwood. She grew up in Texas in a newspaper family, which explains her love of writing, but she earned a law degree and practiced law before making the decision to write full time. She has received several writing awards, including the RT Book Reviews Career Achievement Award. Visit her at

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Rating: 4.310975619512195 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Candace Camp is a gem among writers. I have never picked up a book written by her that I haven’t liked. She captures her audience perfectly. There is never any stretching of the story to make it linger. Loved this book!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Two dense idiots falling in love, annoyingly sweet and frustratingly lovely.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I quite enjoyed this. I like that the heroine wasn't just a damsel. She had backbone and intelligence and compassion. And the hero was a nice mix of presenting his shell and getting to see past it into his soft core. =) The couple got in their own way in the relationship a little bit, but not too bad. And the mystery (unlike the last one) was pretty decent!

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    *May Contain A Few Spoliers*James de Vere, knows that he is dying, his body is weakening, and his mind is slowing going and he knows that he has little time left, according to many medical specialists. but there is one man he still needs to see, the only one that could save him. The father of the one woman who hates him. But he soon learns that he has recently died, and his daughter is left on her own with little funds, and he decides to offer her freedom from her situation, he offers her marriage and since he knows he will die, she will be taken care of financially. Laura, does hold to many emotional attachements, she is more pragmatic and logical and accepting James' proposal seems like the smart thing to do. But as she settles into her life as James' wife, Laura starts to realize that there is something off about the whole situation. And she uncovers the real truth behind James' sickness, and she may be the only one that can save his life.In some gut deep, primitive way, he felt Laura was his. She had become his the moment he slid the ring on her finger. He told himself the feeling was only because by marrying him. Except that the way he felt about Laura was in no way like the responsibility he carried for the rest of his family. It went core deep and it was ...passionate.I truly enjoyed this book just as much if not more, than book one. Now I don't know if this is part of a official series, but they are definitely connected. James and the hero of book one, Graeme, are very close friends. We see a interesting plot develop here. At first we see a couple that have a marriage of convenience. James is looking for a wife that can properly take care of his financial interests after he is gone so he doesn't go to his money grabbing relatives. Laura is looking for a way out, after just losing her father, and Laura is very logical and smart. She knows its not the most ideal of situations, but she is intelligent and doesn't get overcome by emotion. She looks at life with a very logical mind. Makes sense since her father was a doctor. The story takes a turn when our heroe's health takes a turn for the worse, his mind is falling apart and then Laura finds something mysterious and leads her to believe that her husband is being slowly murdered and she will need to find the culprit and heal James.This author took me on a ride of mytery and danger and most of all a fascinating love story that pulled me in the more pages I read. Candace Camp has outdone herself with this one. It might be my favorite book of hers so far, and I have enjoyed quite a few of her wors. But this one took me on a roller coaster ride, one which I had no clue which would be up or down. It was unpredictable, intriguing and packed with a sexy romance that only this author can write. The actual love story that builds between James and Laura is simply wonderful. We see a couple that go from a very pragmatic and platonic type relationship, turn into friends which then turns into spice and heat. The turn of events just bring this couple closer together and I got a kick out of seeing them kick butt together.Overall A Momentary Marriage was a love story that is packed with danger, a mystery that has twists and turns you won't see, and a on the edge romance to engage your appetites. DELIGHTFULLY WRITTEN

    2 people found this helpful

  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I finished a book in 29 days.

    This book suited my mood and part of that was the characters handed you, via conversation or internal thoughts, everything on a silver platter. It wasn't challenging. It also wasn't particularly engaging. Time s I fell asleep reading this book was probably roughly 20, along with an avg pages read of 3.

    After reading these kinds of set ups that I love and being left a little cold, I think I might put Camp on my meh shelf and get on with my life.

Book preview

A Momentary Marriage - Candace Camp

chapter 1


Sir James de Vere was going home to die.

He would end his life as he had lived it, alone in the midst of his family. It was a bleak prospect, but even so, not as bad as spending his last days here in the gray and grimy city. At least at Grace Hill, he would have the beauty of his gardens. And Dem would enjoy the freedom of the country.

He glanced over at the huge dog, stretched out in the sunlight coming through the window. As if he had heard his master’s thoughts, the brindle mastiff raised his head and looked at James, then, apparently satisfied that all was in order, lay back down again.

Sir? the man on the other side of his desk said uneasily.

James turned back to his man of business. Obviously he had missed whatever the fellow had said. He found it more and more difficult to maintain his focus—indeed, to think of anything but the stab of pain behind his eye. I beg your pardon. I didn’t hear you.

I was asking if there was anything else, sir. The man’s tone was deferential, but James knew he was itching to leave. James was never sure if Johnson was more uneasy about incurring James’s displeasure or that of his dog. He had kept sneaking glances over at the mastiff throughout their conversation. In fact, Dem had a pleasant, even sweet nature, but James had never seen a reason to ease anyone’s mind about it.

No. I think that’s everything. He had wrapped up every detail; there should be no confusion or encumbrances or dangling ends in his estate. Even though he wouldn’t be here to see it, James disliked a lack of order. If he left it to his family, they would muck it up and eventually toss it all in Graeme’s lap to untangle. There was no point in subjecting his cousin to that.

Um . . . The agent shifted on his feet. Mrs. Hobart?

Ah, yes. Mrs. Hobart . . . James had forgotten about her—and wouldn’t that have sent that brown-eyed beauty into a snit if she had known?

Yes, sir. She, ah, came by the office last week.

Did she now? How enterprising of her.

She’d heard you were in the city. I said you were not; I assumed you would not, um, that you, ah . . .

You assumed correctly.

Dem let out a deep bark, which made Mr. Johnson jump. The animal surged to his feet, facing the doorway, on alert. There were footsteps in the hall, and James’s cousin appeared in the doorway. The mastiff gave a wag of his tail and padded over to regally offer his head for a pat.

James’s visitor obliged, saying, Hallo, Dem, I believe you’ve grown even more enormous since I saw you last.

Hello, Graeme.

James. Graeme’s blue gaze went to James’s agent, and he hesitated.

Johnson, sir, the man supplied.

Yes, of course. How are you? I believe last time I saw you, you were awaiting a happy event.

Were you? James glanced at his agent. Trust Graeme to remember such niceties.

Yes, sir. Johnson beamed. Thank you for asking. We have a bouncing baby boy, healthy as an ox, I’m happy to say. And you, my lord, I believe you and Lady Montclair have been blessed as well.


James watched as an equally fatuous smile spread across his cousin’s face. He resigned himself to a discussion of the wonders of infants. It did little to distract him from the knife of pain behind his right eye. His fingers twitched, and he curled them into his palm.

Graeme, glancing over at James, broke off his effusions. But I have interrupted you. I apologize. I shall return later.

No. James straightened. Stay. We are finished here. He turned to Johnson. Buy Mrs. Hobart some jewelry, a necklace and earrings. He paused. He had been with her for some time; it tended to raise expectations. Maybe a bracelet as well. You’ll know what to get better than I.

Certainly, sir. Johnson paused, then went on delicately, You’ll wish to add a note?

Oh. Yes. That was the last thing he wanted to do with his head in this vise. But of course he must. It was expected. Seizing a piece of paper from a drawer in his desk, James frowned for a moment over the page, then scribbled a few words and signed it. Hastily, he blew on the ink to dry it, folded the note, and handed it to Johnson.

Graeme watched the procedure, his face a study in astonishment, and when the agent had exited the room, he swung back to James, saying, You are, I take it, breaking it off with your mistress?

Obviously. James lifted a brow. I don’t know why you’re surprised. It’s been months.

Yes, but I would have thought—it’s just—you’re not going to tell her good-bye?

I just did.

With a note.

And some very nice diamonds. Believe me, she’ll appreciate those far more than a few words from me. He gave Graeme a half smile. Don’t worry about bruising Ellie Hobart’s heart, coz. She doesn’t have one. That’s why I choose not to indulge in romantic encounters. There’s no emotion involved, only cash. No fuss and no tears.

No affection.

James shrugged. I don’t keep a mistress for affection. Come. Sit down. Would you care for a drink? Whiskey? Graeme agreed, taking a seat in one of the armchairs before the fireplace as James crossed to the decanters. What are you doing in London? I would have thought you couldn’t tear yourself away from domestic bliss.

It wasn’t easy. Graeme took the glass James held out to him, his concerned gaze on James’s face. I had to come to the city for business. I already miss Abby and Anna like the devil.

Of course. James knew Graeme was speaking only the truth, astonishing as it was to James that anyone would prefer to live with a squalling infant.

You should see her, James. Graeme’s eyes lit up. A full head of hair, jet black, just like Abby’s. She looks like her.

James had seen the baby in question and as he remembered, she had not looked like much of anyone, only a tiny red wailing thing with a madly wobbling chin. He did recall, however, a burst of black hair spiking out all over her head like the raised hackles of a dog.

It’s been only three months since you’ve seen her, but you cannot imagine how much she’s grown. Graeme went on to enthusiastically detail the many changes.

Fortunately, Graeme did not require much response from his listener, for James heard only half of what he said through the pain that gripped him. The headaches came more and more frequently now, until at times he wanted to bash his head against the wall in search of blissful unconsciousness.

Graeme, watching him, stopped his flow of words. James. What’s the matter? You look terrible.

Why, thank you, cousin. I am glad to know you don’t feel the need to flatter me.

You know what I mean. You look as if you haven’t slept in a week.

I probably haven’t. He gave Graeme a thin smile. I’ve had a little trouble sleeping lately.

I’d wager it’s more than that. You’ve lost weight as well. Are you ill? What is it?

Apparently, the doctors can’t agree on that. I’ve discovered recently the true depth of medical ignorance.

Graeme frowned. How many doctors have you seen? How long has this been going on? Does Aunt Tessa know about it?

God, Graeme, what in the world do you think my mother could do?

Point taken. But, really, James, you can’t just sit here and suffer.

Sadly, I have discovered that I can.

You should go see Dr. Hinsdale.

"Who? You mean your Miss Hinsdale’s father?"

"She’s not my Miss Hinsdale. But yes. His family views him as a bit of a disgrace since he chose to actually do something useful with his life, but he’s one of the brightest men I know. Always up on the latest thing."

Thank you, but I suspect I’d be lucky to survive passing through his door, if the lovely Laura is there.

Don’t be absurd. Laura may, um . . .

Despise me?

Don’t be daft. Laura isn’t the sort to hold grudges. She knew you were only speaking the truth.

Mm. But truth is not something many people relish hearing.

Trust me. However she may feel about you, she would never turn you away. She is much too fair, not to mention kind.

Doesn’t your wife object to your blatant admiration for Miss Hinsdale?

Abby is much too fair, as well.

James had to chuckle, despite the pounding in his head. All your women are paragons.

Graeme grinned. Yes, I know. I’m a lucky man. But Laura is not mine. And Abby knows that I feel about Laura as one would about a sister.

Of course . . . if one had wanted to marry one’s sister.

That was eleven years ago. I was too green to understand what I felt. What I’m saying is, Abby knows I love only her. And stop trying to get me off the subject. We’re talking about you seeing Dr. Hinsdale.

Must we?

Yes. If anyone can find what’s wrong with you and fix it, Dr. Hinsdale can.

I’m tired of chasing a magical cure. I think I shall go home soon. Things are in order here.

In order? What are you talking about? Graeme’s voice rose in alarm. You sound as if—James, you’re frightening me. He paused, then added, It’s not like you to give up.

James huffed out an exasperated laugh. You’re bringing out the heavy artillery now. Next you’ll be telling me it’s for queen and country.

Don’t be a buffoon. You know very well it’s for me. For all of us who love you. I don’t want to lose you, James. Go see Dr. Hinsdale.

You’re bloody persistent. James sighed. He was tired of hope; he was tired of fighting. And he was most excessively tired of keeping a stiff upper lip. Where is this medical miracle worker?

You know where. You went there to talk Laura into breaking our engagement.

Ah. Yes. Close to Canterbury. Rather out of the way.

It’s not the ends of the earth. An easy day’s trip from here. I’ll take you.

No! No. James saw the faint hurt on the other man’s face, but he couldn’t explain why he’d rather be alone. It was simply easier not to have to maintain the façade of stoicism. He tried to soften his abrupt words. You have business to do, and you must get back to your wife and daughter. I’ll go to Canterbury before I return home.


Yes, yes. I’ll take a bloody oath on it. Now can we talk about something else?

Satisfied, Graeme left the tender subject and returned to more raptures on the bliss of fatherhood, relieving James of the burden of conversation or, indeed, of even really listening. James leaned back, letting the familiar tones of his cousin’s voice wash over him.

James came to with a start, his heart pounding, his breath jerking in a gasp that set off a paroxysm of coughing. Graeme was gone. Thank God. At least he had not witnessed the wracking cough. It was embarrassing enough that James had fallen asleep in front of his cousin, like some decrepit ancient. The rest of the time he could not sleep, yearning to slip into oblivion, yet today, with someone there, he could not keep his eyes open.

With a snort of disgust, James pushed up from his chair. The butler would appear soon, no doubt, to pester him with afternoon tea, laying out an array of delicacies with his ever-hopeful expression. James thought of escaping, but there was nowhere else to go, nothing to be done. He had just spoken to the only person whom he would regret never seeing again.

Dem heaved to his feet and padded after James as he left the study and walked down the hall. He stopped at a door that was smaller, plainer than most in the house, for the small room inside had been refashioned from what had once been the butler’s pantry.

Dem sat down, letting out an almost human sigh. James smiled faintly and brushed a hand over the top of the dog’s blocky head. That’s right. It’s the place you cannot enter. He rubbed his thumb across the wrinkles that gave the dog his perpetually grave look. I apologize.

James stepped inside, closing the door behind him, and turned on the low gaslight. It was a small space, filled with several glass-fronted cabinets, too cramped, really, for his tastes. But it was imperative that the room be windowless and unventilated, sheltered from the touch of sunlight, air, and dampness that would ruin the ancient pages.

Not long ago, he had spent hours at a time here, carefully preserving his collection of medieval writings. Now he merely strolled past the cabinets, drinking in the beauty of the illuminated manuscripts, the gilt and jewel-like colors of the ornate letters, the cunning drawings hidden among the curlicues. Studying these painstaking works of countless monks never failed to soothe him.

Was it faith or art that fueled their efforts?

Cynically he had always assumed that it was a love of beauty that inspired the monks, the same joy and yearning that swelled in his chest as he gazed at them. But perhaps, in the good brothers, at least, that sweet ache had been faith. James was not well enough acquainted with such things to know.

He leaned his forehead against the cool glass of a display case, the vicious pain in his head increasing. His heart began its now-familiar pounding, stuttering in that way that shot a spear of panic through him. It would pass, he knew, but deep down he could not quite suppress the fear that this time it would not.

This was the last time he would see the manuscripts. He hated to leave them, but they were too delicate to pack and cart about the countryside. And his longing for the verdant gardens and spacious rooms of Grace Hill was stronger than his love of any art. It was time to go there.

But first he had to go to bloody, benighted Canterbury. Why had he been so weak as to agree to Graeme’s urgings? But he knew the answer to that—deep down inside him there still grew a tender green shoot of hope. Futile though it would doubtless turn out to be, James was unable to ignore it.

He would seek out Laura Hinsdale’s father. And some irrepressible sense of mischief, some spark of humor that refused to leave him, made him smile, thinking of the look on Miss Hinsdale’s face when he crossed her threshold again.

chapter 2

Laura gazed at the cluttered room. She had packed most of their remaining belongings, but she had not had the heart to enter her father’s study. Now, looking at his books and papers haphazardly stacked and fallen and wedged in wherever they would go, the long scarred table on which sat beakers and dishes and various pots and jars, tears clogged her throat anew.

It was so unfair, so vastly unfair that a good, kind, intelligent man like her father, a man who had spent his life healing others, should be taken away at his young age when so many other men far less worthy than he survived. Venal, brutal men like Sid Merton.

She scowled at the thought of their landlord. He would be coming around today, wanting his money in full—no matter that her father had been in his grave less than two weeks. She had sold everything she could the past few days, but not many people wanted medical tomes or old, well-worn furniture. A doctor in the next village had purchased her father’s instruments, and she thought one of the men with whom her father had corresponded might buy some of his library, but it was scarcely enough to pay her father’s debts.

She could only hope that she could stave off Merton with it, allowing her time to try to find the rest of the money . . . though God only knew how she would manage that feat. Panic seized her as it had several times since her father’s death, flooding her chest and throat as if to choke her. What was she to do?

A heavy succession of thuds against the door of the cottage made her jump. It would be Merton. Who else would hammer so gracelessly at a house in mourning?

Laura opened the door with all the calm and dignity she could muster and faced Sid Merton. Tall and broad, he was accustomed to intimidating everyone with his size. The fact that neither Laura nor her father had allowed him to bully them had offended Merton and seemingly made him determined to prove that he was to be feared.

He started inside, but Laura neatly sidestepped him, slipping out of the house and into the yard, so that to talk to her Merton had to turn away from the door. She waited for him to speak, her face set in the calm aristocratic mask she knew he hated.

She could hear faint noises from the street in the background—the rumble of a wagon farther down the road, the swish of a broom sweeping the stoop across the street, a child’s high-pitched laughter. She hoped even Sid Merton would think twice about threatening her in public view.

Have you got it, then? I want my money. Merton scowled, thrusting out his hand.

I have sold some of Papa’s things. Laura reached into her pocket and pulled out a coin purse, opening it and pouring the contents into his outstretched palm.

This? He stared at the pitifully small pile in the center of his beefy hand. This is what you’re giving me?

Laura reached into her other pocket, withdrawing two paper pound notes, and laid them on top of the coins. And this. It’s all I’ve been able to get so far, but I’m sure I’ll manage more if you will but give me a little time.

That’s not even half what you owe me. And that’s only for the note your father signed. You’re also behind in your rent. Four weeks behind. He held up his other hand, fingers spread and thumb tucked in, to demonstrate.

Yes. I am aware how many four is, Laura retorted. But—

Are you mocking me? He took a long step forward, looming over her. D’ya think this is a joke?

Believe me, I find nothing humorous in my situation.

You think I should just let you stay here for free?

I’m not asking for that. Laura’s hand curled her fingers into her skirts, struggling to maintain her calm. But my father passed quite recently, as you know. It will take a bit of time for me to settle his affairs. I’ll find a way to pay you the rest if you would only—

Oh, I could let you stay here. Merton smiled in a way that sent a shiver of dread down her spine. He reached out to wrap his thick fingers around her wrist. If you were a bit nicer to me, maybe.

Laura stiffened, fury coursing through her. Behind her she heard the jingle of horses in harness and the roll of wheels, but she paid no attention. I’d sooner go to debtors’ prison than be ‘nice’ to you.

Fine by me. He yanked her forward, and she slammed against his broad chest. Jerking her arm up behind her back, he bent over her. I like a bit of a fight.

Stop! Laura wedged her other arm between them and pushed with all her strength, turning her head aside. A sharp pain shot up her twisted arm. Let go of me!

Behind them a man loudly cleared his voice. I beg your pardon.

Merton straightened to glare over Laura’s head at the man who had dared interrupt him. His grip slackened enough for Laura to turn, easing the pain in her shoulder, and edge away from Merton.

A tall, thin man, his face shadowed by a hat, stood at the edge of their yard, a team of horses and a carriage behind him. His pose was studiedly careless, weight on one leg and a hand resting lightly on the head of a gold-knobbed cane. In a cool, faintly bored voice, steeped in aristocratic hauteur, he went on, It appears your suit is unwelcome to the lady.

What business is it of yours? Merton snarled.

Well, you see, I have come to speak with her father. He swept off his hat and sketched a bow to Laura. Good afternoon, Miss Hinsdale. I hope I have not arrived at an inopportune time.

James de Vere? Laura stared. Graeme’s cousin was the last person she expected to see in her yard. He looked older and thinner than the last time she’d seen him, when he’d come to inform her that she must give up the man she loved. But he was just as coldly handsome, his tone as supercilious. It was humiliating that he of all people should find her grappling with Sid Merton in front of her house. Even more humiliating, given her current situation, she must hope for his help.

Beside her, Merton let out a short, harsh laugh. I wish you luck with that.

Sir James’s brows lifted faintly at the words, but he ignored Merton, saying, If you would be so kind, Miss Hinsdale, I would appreciate a bit of your time. If, of course, you are not otherwise occupied.

I am perfectly free. Laura took another step away, jerking her arm as hard as she could. Merton’s grip did not loosen.

You’re not going anywhere, Merton growled.

James turned a disdainful gaze on him. You, my good man, are becoming tiresome.

Tiresome! Merton gaped at him.

Time you left, don’t you think?

No, I don’t think. Merton tossed back James’s words in a smug, singsong mockery.

Mm. Clearly.

The large man flushed with anger. Naturally, Sir James would come to one’s rescue in an irritating manner. Even the way he stood was insulting, too certain he would have his way to bother bracing for a fight. His arrogance would probably cow many men, but Sid Merton was a bully used to relying on his size and his fists to get what he wanted. It would take more than a haughty attitude to intimidate him.

Sir James . . . Laura began in a conciliatory fashion, hoping she could convey to him the need to tread lightly.

Both men ignored her.

You’re the one who’s leaving. Merton scowled menacingly, his free hand knotting into a fist.

I think not. For the last time, release Miss Hinsdale and go.

Merton let out a scornful laugh, making a show of looking the other man up and down. You think you’re going to make me?

No. James smiled thinly. He snapped his fingers, and the largest dog Laura had ever seen jumped out of the open carriage door. He is.

chapter 3

There was a dead silence as both Laura and Merton gaped at the dog. The top of his square head was level with James’s waist—and James was a tall man. The animal’s muscular body was a mottled combination of black and yellowish tan, but the muzzle and face were entirely black, as if he wore a mask, and it rendered his eyes barely visible, giving him an even more sinister appearance.

James flicked his hand toward Laura. Guard her.

The dog stalked over—he was even more terrifying at close range—and took up a stance beside Laura, fixing Merton with his unswerving gaze. Color drained from the big man’s face and he dropped Laura’s arm. Shooting her a final vicious look, Merton whirled and strode away, not glancing in Sir James’s direction.

Laura’s stunned gaze followed him for a moment, then went to James. Gratitude mingled awkwardly with her years-old dislike. I, um, thank you.

Sir James gave a careless shrug and strolled toward her. As he drew close, she could see that purplish shadows were smudged beneath his eyes and his face was etched with lines of weariness. I could hardly allow the churl to accost you. And he was annoying me.

Obviously Sir James accepted gratitude as gracelessly as he did everything else. Laura looked down at the dog. Her gaze hadn’t very far to go. The animal regarded her gravely, the thick wrinkles above his eyes giving him a worried look.

And thank you, she told the dog. He accepted the compliment better than his master, giving a single wag of his tail as he continued to study her. Laura was someone who generally liked dogs, but this one made her a trifle wary. May I pet him?

You’re wise to ask. James might look older and more worn, but his voice was the same, delivering whatever he said in a cool, faintly ironic tone, dipping now and then into ice but never warming. She remembered it well; their last conversation had lingered in her thoughts for a long time. But, yes, you may touch him. He’s not likely to bite your hand off.

Not likely? That’s reassuring. She stroked her hand across the wrinkled head. He allowed her caress without losing any of his dignity—no tail-beating, rear-end-wiggling, hand-licking response from him. His calm steady gaze was a trifle unnerving. Trust you to have a pet that terrifies people.

She thought the noise James made was a chuckle. Trust you not to back away from him.

Had he just given her a compliment? It seemed unlikely. What’s his name?


Demosthenes? Her eyes flicked up to his. The orator?

And seeker of truth. James gave her a faint smile that didn’t reach his eyes; it was the only kind she had ever seen on his face. He has a knack for pulling the truth out of people.

Mm. I imagine he can be very persuasive. Laura smiled.

James shifted and cleared his throat. Miss Hinsdale . . . as I told that oaf, I’ve come to see your father. Is Dr. Hinsdale in?

Unexpectedly, tears filled Laura’s eyes. She had not cried for a few days, but somehow now, at his casual mention of her father’s name, she was pierced all anew. She could see James’s eyes widen slightly, his faint but unmistakable pulling back.

What— he began, but left the sentence dangling.

Papa died two weeks ago, she told him baldly. No need to couch things in a genteel manner with this man.

Despair gazed back at her for an instant before the mask descended once again on James’s face. I see. His hand tightened on the head of his cane and he appeared to lean on it now rather than use it as a whim of fashion. Well, that’s that, then. He glanced away. My condolences. Then, awkwardly, I am sorry, Laura.

Thank you. The use of her given name startled her; he had not addressed her so since they were children. Though he was Graeme’s cousin, he had never been Laura’s friend. But there was a genuineness to his brief statement that unexpectedly touched her. Would you like to come in?

He looked as if he needed to sit down.

Oh. Well. James’s face was tinged with an uncertainty she had never seen in him. Yes, thank you.

He followed her into the house, pausing at the doorway. Perhaps you’d rather Dem not enter.

Why? She looked over at the dog. He was my rescuer, after all.

He is also rather large, and he has a deplorable tendency to, um, salivate.

As if to demonstrate, Dem shook himself vigorously, sending slobber flying from his drooping jowls. Laura laughed. Somehow it made the impassive dog less intimidating.

I see what you mean. Still, he deserves a treat, don’t you think? I suspect we can handle a bit of a shower.

Both man and dog trailed after her as she went into the kitchen. Filling a large bowl with water, she set it down on the floor. While Demosthenes lapped up water, she fished through a pan on the stove, coming up with a bone, which she placed on a plate beside the dog.

You have made a friend for life.

At James’s words, Laura turned toward him. He stood in the doorway, still perfectly straight, but there was something unutterably weary in his face. He was ill; that would be why he had come to see her father. It must be something dire to have led him here. Not, of course, that he would deign to tell her. She gestured toward the kitchen table.

Won’t you sit down? Or perhaps you’d rather sit in the parlor. Sir James was not the sort of man who visited in the kitchen.

This is fine.

Would you care for tea? She moved to the stove to heat the kettle without waiting for an answer.

Thank you, no, he replied, but when she set the cups down on the table a few minutes later, he took a sip.

It was exceedingly strange to be sitting at the kitchen table with Sir James de Vere, sharing tea. Laura cast about for something to say. I’m sorry you came all this way. Can I help you, perhaps, or . . . Laura trailed off.

Thank you, no, he said again, with as little emotion as he had earlier rejected her offer of tea. It was a professional matter. Graeme suggested it. Clearly, he was not aware of your father’s passing.

No. Laura shook her head. I haven’t written his mother yet. It must be such a happy time at Lydcombe Hall, with the new baby. I hated to bring up anything sad.

I am sure Aunt Mirabelle would want to know, however. And Graeme.

Yes, she’s always been very kind to me. She and my mother were close friends.

I remember. I shall tell them, if you wish, when I reach Grace Hill.

Thank you. Pray tell her that I will write soon.

Another silence fell. The dog’s crunching of the bone seemed inordinately loud.

What sort of dog is he? Laura dredged up another topic.

A mastiff. He’s a good watchdog, though not as fierce as he looks.

I would think his appearance would suffice.

James smiled faintly. Generally. He glanced around at the emptied cabinets and filled boxes. What will you do now?

I haven’t decided. Perhaps I’ll go to my father’s relatives. Laura could not entirely keep her distaste for that idea from coloring her voice, so she forced a smile to negate it.

I am sure Aunt Mirabelle would be happy for you to visit, um . . . He cleared his throat. Laura suspected he had belatedly realized the awkwardness of Laura’s presence in the house of the man who had once loved her.

Yes, Lady Montclair is very kind, but the situation is—it hardly seems the time to intrude upon them. The new baby . . .

Of course. Well, I . . . He pushed up from the table. I should go.

She stood up, as well,

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