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Matched with the Prince
Matched with the Prince
Matched with the Prince
Ebook138 pages3 hours

Matched with the Prince

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About this ebook

Firenze Elena Anagoli has waited for this day for all of her life: the day she finds out her match- her true love. But what she never expected was to be matched with the Prince of Glavendale, the kingdom she lives in, and all the changes it would cause in her life. However, the Prince has a past and it will come to bite them in the butt when they try to have their happy ever after.

Release dateJul 31, 2017
Matched with the Prince

Piper Giannini

I am a high school senior and aim to major in English. I want to become a book editor. I'm hoping my stories satisfy my readers and bring a new light to their perception of the genre.

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    Book preview

    Matched with the Prince - Piper Giannini

    Matched with the Prince

    by Piper Giannini

    Copyright 2017 Piper Giannini

    Smashwords Edition

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, they please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    A Message from the Author

    About the Author

    Where to find more from Piper Giannini

    Chapter 1-

    Wake up, Firenze! A high pitched voice pierced through the sleepy fog that consumed my brain. It's your birthday! My mother’s voice. I flinched away, closer into my warm, soft pillow and blanket. Was it really my birthday already? I could hardly believe it.

    My eyes fluttered open and butterflies filled my stomach as I looked up into my mother's lively brown eyes. I was terrified and extremely nervous. Today was the day when my match would be revealed. My one true love. I was excited, to say the least, and scared beyond belief.

    Come on, your father made you breakfast and we have a little gift for you! My mother's excited, melodic voice rang through my ears, too loud for so early in the morning. She kissed my forehead and left my small room.

    Soft light shone in through my window as the early morning sun rose just above the horizon. I slowly got out of bed as nervous questions raced through my head. Who was my match? Were they of a higher class? Would I have to move far? Would they love me? How would this change me?

    Today we would be going to the town meeting hall. Although small, many times large gatherings were held there. There, the local Matchmaker would let all of the girls who shared my birthday know who the Matchbox had paired us with. The Matchbox was a magic box given to the royal family many centuries ago by a good witch (or so the tale says), which gave them the power to bring a person to their true love. My older brother, Kyle, used to say it was all a joke. Until his match was revealed. He was absolutely smitten with her. I hoped my love would be just the same.

    Rarely did someone not have a match, and if they didn't, they had three more tries. They would return to the Matchmaker every three months. If they didn’t have a match, they were considering outcasts and lowly. I felt bad for these people, but at the same time knew they probably did not deserve a match.

    Only girls went to the Matchmaker on their eighteenth birthday. Once the girl found out her match, they would be contacted and would meet at an agreed location. Often, the boy was older or younger than the girl. This was quite the life changing experience for everyone involved, and was highly anticipated by all in the kingdom.

    I was nervous to find out who the love of my life was. Kyle liked to joke that it was the Prince, who was twenty and still hadn’t found a match, but I knew that wasn’t the case. Even if he was really handsome. A low class family like us were very unlikely to have a child with a highborn match. It was simply fact, and I knew the likelihood of the Prince even being interested in a low woman like me was minuscule.

    I gazed into my closet, my eyes falling on the navy blue dress with a ribbon around the waist and white beads at the top, as well as little blue flowers at the bottom. The sleeves cut off at the middle of the shoulders, as it was hot this summer. I grinned, giddy to put the beautiful gown on. I called out to my mother, who came into my room and smiled with me as I held it up.

    I’m so excited, I said to her. And nervous. Really nervous. Do you have any advice for me?

    She looked at me, a proud smile on her face. She put her hand on my upper arm approvingly. Just be yourself, and I’m sure he will fall head over heels for you. You are such a wonderful girl, I don’t see how he couldn’t fall for you. She pulled me into an emotional embrace, in which I almost began to bawl. I was going to miss her. She pulled away, her eyes watery. Now, let’s get you dressed.

    She helped me put on undergarments that would help hold the dress in place, and then the dress itself. She tightened the corset tight enough so that my figure was accentuated. I put on matching blue heels. The entire outfit had cost months of savings, but my parents were determined for me to wear something special. This was the most expensive dress I had ever owned. It had been my early birthday present a week ago. I had been so excited to wear it. Now seeing it on, my heart raced in anticipation. I couldn’t wait, and yet I was so nervous my hands shook.

    Mom helped me go down the hall to the kitchen to eat breakfast with my family as an unmatched woman for the last time, my hand in hers.

    We lived in a small cottage with one room for Kyle (although it was no longer his as he and his match lived elsewhere), one for me, and one for my parents. We had two bathrooms, one connected to my parents’ room and then one in the hall my brother and I used to share. We had a kitchen, pantry, and living room. And that was it. All cramped into a small space. I wasn't complaining, however. I loved my family and being close to them. Another reason I was nervous for today, as I would have to move in with my match, according to tradition.

    As I walked to the farm table in the kitchen and the delicious smell of blueberry pancakes -my favorite- assaulted my nose, I saw a small box on my plate. My mother sat next to my brother at the table, while my father finished up making my favorite breakfast.

    He carried over a large plate of blueberry pancakes and another of bacon. He grabbed a jug of local milk and I was in heaven.

    My favorite! I exclaimed, excited. All the wonderful smells made my stomach growl loudly.

    Of course, honey. My father smiled at me, his face full of love and pride. I loved my dad so much, it nearly hurt. My eyes began to water as emotions overcame me.

    Ah ah ah! My mother scolded my brother when he reached for some bacon, slapping his hand. Let her open her gift first. My brother rolled his eyes playfully. I giggled, blinking back the tears.

    I looked down at the small black box in wonder and picked it up. It wasn't heavy. What was in it?

    I opened up the top and gasped. Inside was a beautiful silver heart pendant on a chain.

    It's beautiful! I exclaimed, tears building up in my eyes again. Dad, mom, how could you afford this? It must have been a fortune!

    Oh, don't worry about it. Dad said, a smile on his face.

    We thought since you're going to meet the love of your life, you should have this. My mother said, tears in her eyes as well.

    Oh, mom. I stood up and hugged her, a few tears escaping onto my cheeks. Thank you all. So much. I said as I pulled away, getting choked up.

    Here, let me help you put it on. My mother pulled the necklace out of the box and hooked it behind my neck. I looked down at it.


    I have a little something for you, too. Kyle said with a playful smirk.

    Kyle had been matched to a wonderful young woman named Sara. They had moved to another house in the village, but Kyle came over today as support. I was very glad he was here for me, both for the matching ceremony and because I hadn't seen him in a while.

    He pulled out a green journal, with laces of gold in the shape of mystical trees on the front, who, together, formed hundreds of words. It was beautiful. For you to write all about your man in. He grinned, a twinkle in his eye. I knew, despite his playful demeanor, he was happy for me. It warmed my heart.


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