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Your Dog’s Diet is Important: More Years Together With Proper Nutrition
Your Dog’s Diet is Important: More Years Together With Proper Nutrition
Your Dog’s Diet is Important: More Years Together With Proper Nutrition
Ebook150 pages54 minutes

Your Dog’s Diet is Important: More Years Together With Proper Nutrition

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Your dog is your buddy. In some cases the best friend. They offer you unconditional love and company. Some breeds live to please you. They can brighten up your day when you get home after a long day of the office with how excited they are to see you. It is a known fact that having a dog can improve your mental health and offer companionship for many people. Dog’s can be trained to do a number of things, they can be trained to be a Seeing Eye dog, police dog, and even clown dog’s. They can do tricks such as dance with your, sit, play dead.

I love my dog. He is a 2 year old dopey golden retriever who is my protector and my buddy. I love the greetings I get from him when I walk in the door. I love the fact that when he wags his tail, his whole body shakes back and forth. I spoil my dog and to be honest I never gave much thought to what I was feeding him, or even how important it was. My whole life I have had dog’s. You would think that I know all about their diet and how important it is for them to have a good diet.

Well I don’t, or at least I didn’t up until a short while ago. I was one of those dog owners who didn’t give my dog’s diet a second thought. I bought whatever dog food was one sale that week and never read the ingredients. I listened to my vet advertise brands of dog food and sometimes took his advice but other times didn’t because I knew he was being paid to promote the food. I could tell because of all the free samples he was trying to get rid of.

I wasn’t however, one of those people who fed their dog’s leftovers from the dinner table. Those are the people who fall for the puppy dog eyes that our dog’s seem to have mastered. That is not to say I didn’t toss him a taste every now and then, but for the most part, I never fed him. Some of the food we eat can be toxic for a dog, and greasy foods, or fried food, forget it. Have fun cleaning up after him after that mess!

It wasn’t until I noticed my dog’s coat not looking as shiny as it once did. Other dog owners have said it wasn’t until their dog’s began scratching themselves silly or not have much energy that they notice something was the matter. One person said it wasn’t until their dog’s stomach grew so much from him being overweight did they realize their might have been a problem with the food.

Dog’s are mammals, just like us. If we eat too much and don’t exercise enough we are going to get fat as our dog’s. If we eat food that is not good for us, we tend to feel lethargic afterwards and do not want to move. Eating unhealthy for us can cause a whole slew of problems from heart disease to diabetes. We can make our skin look unhealthy and our hair and when we go to bathroom. Well let us just say that it can be pretty ugly sight.

Dog’s are no different.  If they eat too much and get no exercise they become overweight.

If they eat food that is not good for them, they to can feel lethargic and have no energy.
What they eat can affect their coat and their skin. Dog’s can get most of the same diseases we do. They can get cancer, they can get heart disease, and have heart attacks. They can even get diabetes.

Release dateAug 6, 2017
Your Dog’s Diet is Important: More Years Together With Proper Nutrition

Read more from John Gahan, Lcgi

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    Book preview

    Your Dog’s Diet is Important - John Gahan, LCGI



    More Years Together With

    Proper Nutrition


    Legal Notice:- The author and publisher of this Ebook and the accompanying materials have used their best efforts in preparing this Ebook. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of the contents of this Ebook. The information contained in this Ebook is strictly for educational purposes. Therefore, if you wish to apply ideas contained in this Ebook, you are taking full responsibility for your actions.

    The author and publisher disclaim any warranties (express or implied), merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. The author and publisher shall in no event be held liable to any party for any direct, indirect, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of this material, which is provided as is, and without warranties.

    As always, the advice of a competent legal, tax, accounting or other professional should be sought. The author and publisher do not warrant the performance, effectiveness or applicability of any sites listed or linked to in this Ebook. All links are for information purposes only and are not warranted for content, accuracy or any other implied or explicit purpose.


    Table of Contents:

    Chapter 1 – Why Worry About Your Dog’s Diet.......................3

    Chapter 2 – When Should Good Nutrition Start......................5

    Chapter 3 – What Are The Three Choices Of Dog Food and How Are They Made?


    Chapter 4 –What Makes A Healthy Dog Food and Where Can You Find It?.. 7

    Chapter 5 – What To Do When Your Dog Is Overweight.......10

    Chapter 6 –Should You Give Your Furry Friend Table Scraps? 11

    Chapter 7 – What Goes In Must Come Out. How Your Dog’s Diet Affects His Waste


    Chapter 8 – What Is The Raw Dog Diet?................................15

    Chapter 10 –Should You Give Your Dog Vitamins?................19

    Chapter 12 – Do Pregnant Dog’s Need To Be Fed A Different Diet? 21

    Chapter 13 – What To Feed Your Senior Dog........................22

    Chapter 14- Should You Give Your Dog Treats?....................24

    Chapter 14 – To Sum It All Up...............................................27


    Chapter 1 – Why Worry About Your Dog’s Diet

    Your dog is your buddy. In some cases the best friend. They offer you unconditional love and company. Some breeds live to please you. They can brighten up your day when you get home after a long day of the office with how excited they are to see you. It is a known fact that having a dog can improve your mental health and offer companionship for many people. Dog’s can be trained to do a number of things, they can be trained to be a Seeing Eye dog, police dog, and even clown dog’s. They can do tricks such as dance with your, sit, play dead.

    I love my dog. He is a 2 year old dopey golden retriever who is my protector and my buddy. I love the greetings I get from him when I walk in the door. I love the fact that when he wags his tail, his whole body shakes back and forth. I spoil my dog and to be honest I never gave much thought to what I was feeding him, or even how important it was. My whole life I have had dog’s. You would think that I know all about their diet and how important it is for them to have a good diet.

    Well I don’t, or at least I didn’t up until a short while ago. I was one of those dog owners who didn’t give my dog’s diet a second thought. I bought whatever dog food was one sale that week and never read the ingredients. I listened to my vet advertise brands of dog food and sometimes took his advice but other times didn’t because I knew he was being paid to promote the food. I could tell because of all the free samples he was trying to get rid of.

    I wasn’t however, one of those people who fed their dog’s leftovers from the dinner table. Those are the people who fall for the puppy dog eyes that our dog’s seem to have mastered. That is not to say I didn’t toss him a taste every now and then, but for the most part, I never fed him. Some of the food we eat can be toxic for a dog, and greasy foods, or fried food, forget it. Have fun cleaning up after him after that mess!

    It wasn’t until I noticed my dog’s coat not looking as shiny as it once did. Other dog owners have said it wasn’t until their dog’s began scratching themselves silly or not have much energy that they notice something was the matter. One person said it wasn’t until their dog’s stomach grew so much from him being overweight did they realize their might have been a problem with the food.

    Dog’s are mammals, just like us. If we eat too much and don’t exercise enough we are going to get fat as our dog’s. If we eat food that is not good for us, we tend to feel lethargic afterwards and do not want to move. Eating unhealthy for us can cause a whole slew of problems from heart disease to diabetes. We can make our skin look unhealthy and our hair and when we go to bathroom. Well let us just say that it can be pretty ugly sight.

    Dog’s are no different.  If they eat too much and get no exercise they become overweight.

    If they eat food that is not good for them, they to can feel lethargic and have no energy.



    What they eat can affect their coat and their skin. Dog’s can get most of the same diseases we do. They can get cancer, they can get heart disease, and have heart attacks. They can even get diabetes.

    This is why it is so important to understand why your dog’s diet is so important to their lives. Just like with us, dog’s are what they eat, just like we are. Unfortunately though a dog can not tell you when something does not feel right on them, or when they have a stomach ache from the food they eat. Most of us watch what we eat because of the health benefits that come with the effort, and it is the same thing in our dog’s.

    A dog’s diet needs are not that different from our own. They require the same vitamins and minerals as we do just not in the same quantity. They require protein, carbohydrates and fats just like we do. Their stomachs work similar to ours. There are only a few differences. If we eat too much and not exercise enough, we get overweight. Overweight can bring on a whole slew of problems for us. For a dog, it is no different. If they eat too much and do not get enough exercise, they too will become overweight and they too will deal with a whole slew of problems also. The food we put into our body can affect our skin and our hair. The food we put on a dog’s body affects their skin and their hair. Why do some dog owners think otherwise? We eat certain foods to give us the nutrition we need to keep us healthy. The same is true for dog’s. While they can not eat the same foods we do, careful attention should be paid to the ingredients in dog food to make sure they are getting a healthy and nutritious meal.

    Poor diet in dog’s could mean many things. Dog’s with a poor diet do not have high energy levels, they many develop healthy problems down the line, they can be overweight or underweight. They can have teeth problems, bad breath, infections. The list goes on and on. An unbalanced diet for you dog could mean a shorter lifespan that

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