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Dangerously Mine: Loving Dangerously, #1
Dangerously Mine: Loving Dangerously, #1
Dangerously Mine: Loving Dangerously, #1
Ebook245 pages3 hours

Dangerously Mine: Loving Dangerously, #1

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

After aliens invade and conquer Earth, Eva is transported to a distant slave-trading planet. Freedom and escape are her only priorities, but none of her martial arts training could have prepared her for enslavement to the warrior King Taio. Eva finds herself drawn to this sexy alien male who ignites her heart and body.

Taio is disgusted with the idea of owning a slave—until now. From the moment he sees her, he knows Eva is his for the taking. Torn between lust and duty, Taio discovers nothing will stop him from protecting his little warrior.

Publisher’s Note: This story was previously published by Ellora’s Cave under the title Dangerously Mine and has been revised for re-publish by the Author.

Reader Advisory: Eva’s sexual awakening includes voyeurism.

Release dateMay 16, 2017
Dangerously Mine: Loving Dangerously, #1

A.M. Griffin

A. M. Griffin is a wife who rarely cooks, mother of three, dog owner (and sometimes dog owned), a daughter, sister, aunt and friend. She’s a hard worker whose two favorite outlets are reading and writing. She enjoys reading everything from mystery novels to historical romances and of course fantasy romance. She is a believer in the unbelievable, open to all possibilities from mermaids in our oceans and seas, angels in the skies and intelligent life forms in distant galaxies. Where you can find me: Website: Subscribe to my Amazon page: Email: [email protected] Like me at: Goodreads: Follow me on Twitter: Follow me on Instagram: amgriffinbooks Subscribe my newsletter for updates giveaways:

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Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Not terribly written BUT......

    Cheating asshole sonofabitch “hero” who never even asks for forgiveness, but tracks her down because she is pregnant to make her his mate at the end instead of his sex slave. I hate him. I really really hate him. It’s not a HEA if you despise the guy she ends up with, is it? There is nothing likable about him. He’s horrible. Yuck. Grow a backbone.

    2 people found this helpful

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Dangerously Mine - A.M. Griffin


The awful stench coming from her was embarrassing. Eva Smith sniffed under her arms.

Yep, I can raise the dead.

The jeans she had on were faded and torn. She wore a t-shirt with a picture of a popular cartoon character and even that was no more than tattered rags now. She could only imagine the cartoon characters saying about her stench, Gurrl, you stink!

The whole reason she’d volunteered for night watch two evenings in a row was to get a break from the overpowering, eye watering smell coming from base camp. The smell from fifteen people who hadn’t had a bath in weeks was nauseating to say the least.

Eva crouched on a tree branch twenty feet above the forest floor. Years as a martial artist gave her the strength and agility to scale the tree with ease. But now, after hours in the same position, her muscles ached. With one arm hugging the tree trunk for stability, she used the other to punch on the cramp that formed in her thigh.

As she worked the muscle loose she kept her eyes on the horizon of clustered trees, looking for camp. Although she couldn’t see them, she knew they were there, hiding beneath the canopied covering of the lush trees. Her constant companion, Allysan Miller, sat in the tree opposite hers. Ally didn’t dare come closer and even joked that their combined smell would melt the forest surrounding them. Instead of crouching, Ally sat on a thick branch, her legs hung underneath her as she hummed Sun and Moon by Duk Duk Goose, her favorite Afro-Punk band from New York. The song was appropriate. Because of the enormous space craft in the sky, Eva hadn’t seen either in a while.

Although this wasn’t Ally’s night to keep watch, she was here to kill the boredom. Eva didn’t mind. She welcomed the company of her new friend, especially tonight. The forest seemed weird.


Eva couldn’t put her finger on what was so off about it though. Well, aside from the fact that aliens were out there, somewhere, hunting down humans.

Her senses had been on high alert ever since the aliens came. Her neighbors in her old apartment building had been delusional about their arrival. But Eva had known better. While the hippie couple was busy making Welcome to Earth signs, Eva had cowered in her barricaded apartment waiting for something bad to happen.

Why had the aliens come to Earth? She didn’t have a clue, but she had seen enough science fiction movies to know this invasion would end badly. These extraterrestrials didn’t want to phone home.

The aliens had arrived in shiny metallic space crafts that sat low in the sky in every major city around the world. As big as small cities, their crafts blocked the sun, forcing residents to live in perpetual darkness.

In less than a week, they’d leveled countries, toppled governments, disrupted communication and swatted the world’s most powerful super-nations’ military forces down as though they were nothing but pesky flies. All hell had broken loose.

Eva had been right, the aliens were hostile. Humans weren’t prepared for the fight and were losing the battle. Unfortunately, I told you so didn’t seem appropriate.

That had all happened about three months ago. Or had it been two?

No matter, she thought, shaking her head.

The small pocket-sized calendar that she’d stuffed into her backpack before escaping the city and her apartment had been lost a long time ago. There was something about running from aliens that made a person decide fast what items were important. The calendar, along with her comb, toothbrush and soap, was long gone.

It was easy enough to pull her straight, jet-black hair back into a bun and scrub her teeth with leaves, but there wasn’t a viable alternative for soap.


She and the other survivors had found a stream eight miles north of camp two weeks ago and since that bath a fine film of dirt covered her olive-toned skin.

Besides Ally’s soft humming, the night was quiet, no signs of nightlife, no owls hooting, no raccoons scavenging, not even a bat in the sky.

That was her first clue that things were about to turn ugly.

Something’s off. Eva scanned the dark horizon. She, along with the others with her, had fled the cities after the initial attack. No one knew why the aliens invaded Earth. Some speculated they were here to enslave humans—or eat them. At this point, it didn’t matter.

Survival was the key.

Ally straightened her back and focused her gaze on the skies. Yeah, I feel it too.

Go check on everyone. I don’t like this feeling. The hairs on the back of Eva’s neck stood on end.

Ally nodded once, scaled down the tree and ran. Eva watched as Ally bounded through the underbrush until her back disappeared in the darkness. Only then did Eva look back to the blackened sky. Something was definitely up.

A familiar low hum filled the still night. Craft.

Far on the horizon, a small, metallic alien space ship shot through the sky.

Shit. She climbed down a few branches. Too slow. She scurried faster. Five feet from the ground, she jumped. As her feet hit the dirt and grass, she took off running through the trees to camp, ducking under the low-hanging branches.

As she ran, she could hear her heavy breathing, dried leaves and sticks crunching under her fast-paced feet and the increasingly louder hum of a craft whizzing through the air. It was gaining on her.

They’re coming! They’re coming! Take cover! she yelled. Eva prayed her voice would carry over the loud roar of the ship that now followed close behind.

At the whistle of the space ship cutting through the wind above her head, she dove into a thicket of high weeds. She buried her face in the dirt and covered her head and ears with her hands. The noise moved past her.

Too close. Her heart slammed in her chest as she jumped up and sprinted toward camp. She couldn’t leave the other survivors behind. If the craft took them she would be alone. No. She had to save anyone she could.

Whiz, boom! The ground shook underneath her feet.

Whiz, boom! Eva skidded to a halt. Dirt and grass flew at her, erupting from the ground.

Whiz, boom! She shielded her face with her hands. The dirt and rocks pelted her, piercing her skin.


The impact deafened her ears. She pulled her hands away from her eyes and covered her ringing ears. She watched the confusion unfold in front of her. Blood, skin and body parts were scattered everywhere. Eva looked in horror as most of those who had, in those short months, become dear friends hung dead from tree limbs. A panicked frenzy consumed the bloody and confused survivors.

Hands grabbed her arms tightly, biting into her flesh, shaking her. Eva pulled her gaze away from the carnage to look at Ally. Tears ran down Ally’s dirt-stained cheeks. Her mouth moved, but Eva couldn’t hear what she said.

What is she saying? Eva struggled to understand her.

A bright glow of orange light flickered in the corner of her eye. Her head turned in slow motion toward it.

Her eyes finally focused. Fire.

That was enough to snap her out of her stunned daze. Stick together! Eva screamed. Panic engulfed those around her. Just as the skittish prey that they were, they spoke all at once, darting in different directions.

That way! Eva pointed to the small area free of the rapidly encroaching flames. Come on!

Eva made a break for the trees before flames blocked their way. No time to waste. If they stayed where they were, they would surely burn to death. Or worse, get captured. She ran through the small opening with Ally on her heels. She hoped everyone else either heard her command or saw the direction they were heading.

Whiz, boom! Ten feet in front of them, the ground shook. Chunks of dirt flew skyward.

Shit! Eva made a hard left. They needed to avoid the flames quickly overtaking the trees and underbrush.

Whiz, boom! Her ears popped, debris pelting her right cheek.

Straight, she needed to keep straight. The sounds of her heavy breathing did nothing to block out the screams. Don’t turn around. Lead them to safety!

Eva in a wild gaze, spotted the opening in a clearing in front of her, she skidded and took a hard left. Avoid the clearing. They wouldn’t stand a chance out in the open.

Whiz, boom!

Shit. The ground in front of her erupted in a hail of dirt, rocks and grass. The impact knocked her to her back. Without thinking, she scrambled to her feet and ran straight into the clearing.


The larger craft sat fifty feet in front of them, metallic and shiny with the square door open and a ramp extending from it to the ground. Immediately, she turned around to go back.

Turn around! Not this way, turn around! Everyone behind her trampled into the clearing as she tried to push back the way she had come.

No one heeded her warning. This is all wrong, we need to get out of here, she repeated frantically.

They had been herded.

A monstrous alien with green, scaly skin appeared, towering over her. His yellow eyes with reptilian slits rested on the panicked crowd. He opened his mouth, revealing two-inch-long, razor-sharp teeth, dripping saliva.

We are the Loconuist.


Chapter One

Taken: Year Three

Heat caressed Eva’s face and shoulders. Warmth permeated her body. She could almost imagine the sun’s warm rays bathing her in light and heat. Fresh air circulated through her nostrils. The scent of food wafted through. Eva sniffed, there was more...

The smell of garbage and feces singed her nose hairs and overrode her senses. Warm liquid with a distinctive metallic taste trickled to the back of her dry, irritated throat.

She swallowed. Blood.

As she came to a dull ache in the back of her head began to throb harder and harder.

Voices. Where are they coming from?

The shouting made her head hurt even more. Straining her ears, she tried to hear what all the fuss was about. Panic rose in her chest, she couldn’t understand anything, not a word.

She wasn’t on the Loconuist space ship any more.

Feeling more than a little dazed and confused, Eva strained to open her eyes. She snapped one shut when a sliver of sunlight temporarily blinded her. Her heart beat faster. She needed to find out where she was. Sun and fresh air, both were something she hadn’t felt in over three years while confined on the Loconuist space ship.

She tried again. While one eye wouldn’t open at all, the other opened just enough. Eva winced again. The bright light was too much for her retina. But she’d been right. She was somewhere with sunlight.

But where?

Eva forced her good eye to open again. A sea of different species were out in front of her, none of them human. A gasp caught in her throat. Aliens! Why were these...things...watching her?

She darted her gaze around the crowd. There were some aliens who had the appearance of six-foot-tall walking lizards, others resembled little miniature dragons and, of course, the famous little gray aliens. Sprinkled in the crowd were humanoid figures with hair on top of their heads, two eyes, two arms and two legs. Although humanoid in appearance, the skin colors threw her off. Not the colors she was used to on Earth, but gold, pink, blue and orange.

For God’s sake, orange.

A chill ran down her spine. Eva tried to pull her arms closer to her body, but they wouldn’t budge. Looking to her right, a man, or what appeared to be a man, was holding tight to her arm. Another one was on her left. Both men stood just over her five-foot, four-inch frame and were shirtless, their thick muscular frames exposed to the heat. Their brown leather pants were a shade darker than their skin tone.

This can’t be good.

Finally, her memory returned.

Men, the same as the ones currently holding her, entered the holding bay of the Loconuist space craft and dragged everyone out, kicking and screaming. She and Ally were doing what they did best, hiding from the aliens, but that didn’t seem to matter this time. These aliens were intent on taking them all away. As they approached Ally and her, the only thing left to do was fight. Fight as though their lives depended on it.

I guess we lost.

Eva had trained with the best martial artists, and not only was she an expert in various weapons, but also hand-to-hand combat. Her punches and kicks on these guys hadn’t seemed to make a difference. It had been as if she punched a tree trunk. They were solid as rocks.

Where’s Allysan? she whispered, her throat hoarse. After all the years trapped in the belly of an alien space craft, Ally had become more than her friend. She was her sister, her confidant. Most importantly the only family Eva had.

Eva tried to open both of her eyes wider, or rather, the one good eye.

The men tightened their hold, twisting her bone in the socket. Excruciating pain surged through her.

Holy shit! Let me go, you bastards. She tried her best to wiggle out of their grasp, letting her legs drop from underneath her. No such luck. Pain fired up her arms, around and over her shoulders.

Her outbursts did nothing but rile up the crowd. The noise level rose to an almost deafening roar. Pausing a second to comprehend what was really going on, she looked around and stiffened as the realization struck her.

"Are you selling me?"

She stood on what she thought was an auction block while the aliens in the crowd appeared to be placing bids on her. Having her arms secured by two thick creatures definitely wasn’t helping her situation. She panicked even more, her heart racing. There’s no escape.

Over the roar, Ally shouted her name from her right, the only sound she had understood so far. She didn’t see Ally, but she spotted other familiar faces from the space ship behind a large gated area.

I have to get back to Ally. To hell with this, she muttered. Taking two steps back, she swung her arms to the front of her body. The man to her right lost his balance.

Got you. She swung both her legs to the right, wrapping her knees around the man’s thick neck. Her only chance of escape was to take down the weaker of the two first.

She wasn’t sure how much force she needed to snap his neck, but at this moment, she just wanted him down. Her efforts were rewarded as the man slowly slumped to the ground with a thud.

The other tugged on her arm, hard. Snap. She faltered and yelled out, the pain biting through her.

Definitely dislocated, her left arm would be of no use to her anymore.

Lowering her body, she firmly hit the last man standing, lifting him off his feet. She rammed her useless shoulder just below his belt and sent him flying over her, landing with a hard thud behind her.

Now free, Eva sprinted to the gated area. Her only chance of finding Ally was there. She couldn’t get separated from her. Not now. Shutting out the roar from the crowd, she ran as hard as she could.

Allysan! Her friend’s badly bruised face came into view as she pressed against the gate.

Ally’s tears made clean lines down her dirt-stained face. Don’t let them take you away from me, she cried.

I’m coming, Eva yelled as she sprinted hard to the fence.

Ally’s lanky arm extended through the links. Eva, hurry, she called out with a cry.

She reached out to grab the links, and a sharp pain hit her spine. Her legs stopped moving and wobbled under her weight before eventually giving way. Eva could only watch Ally stare back as she fell to the ground. The voice in her head yelled at her to get up, fight against whatever those things had done to her, but her body was no longer under her control.

No, no, no, Ally cried and begged, dropping to her knees.

Ally, I’m so sorry.

Then blackness.

Chapter Two

Taio Xochis hated coming to Xenaris. The place was always filled to capacity with traders from all over the galaxy. Everyone knew that if you needed hard-to-find items, go to Xenaris. Right now, he definitely needed a pulson emitter for his disabled vessel.

Their vessel had run into trouble going through the Interplanetary Travel System. Ankon, his pilot, had been lucky to avert a space collision. If anyone could have done it, it was him. In order to return home to Sonis, they needed to get the vessel up to light speed and the only place Ankon could find the part he needed was on Xenaris, the last place Taio wanted to be.

Finding what he needed had been easy enough, but it cost as much as a small planet. As soon as the merchants spotted the Sonis Royal Crest on the arm of his black skin suit, they tripled the price.

How much longer do we have to stay here? Taio asked. He watched in disgust as a Lorandian thief used his skills to pilfer trinkets off an unsuspecting couple. If the thief had tried that on Sonis, he would have had his hands removed and his lifeless body thrown into the Singha Ocean. With the help of his royal guards, crime was

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