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An Heiress in Disguise
An Heiress in Disguise
An Heiress in Disguise
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An Heiress in Disguise

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Hell will freeze over before Miss Philomena Aubrey willingly marries the insufferable Honorable Luther Whyte. Her mother had angled Mina’s quite hefty dowry in front of the vicar and secured him, but Mina still resisted. When Mrs. Aubrey threatens to force her into the marriage, Mina’s father hides his daughter with a friend of his as he leaves for an extended business trip. A wounded war hero, burdened by guilt after inadvertently sending his French fiancée to death, Lord James Darling keeps his family as far away from his tormented heart as possible. But as he keeps bumping into his mother’s new lady’s maid, he grows suspicious—is she a spy?—and sets out to expose her, only to find himself mesmerized by her feistiness and her warm heart.
Release dateAug 30, 2017
An Heiress in Disguise

Jennifer Wenn

Mother of kids. Writer of romance. Addict of coffee.

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    An Heiress in Disguise - Jennifer Wenn


    "We both know you are anything but a maid, so please stop the knee bending."

    Yes, my lord.

    And stop calling me that.

    Yes, my lord.

    I said stop it.

    She kept quiet for a second more before lowering her gaze so he couldn’t see the twinkle in her eyes. Of course, my lord.

    He surprised her by being quite resourceful, grabbing her chin with his strong fingers and forcing her to look him in the eye. I said stop it.

    Yes, my lord.

    I mean it.

    Of course, my lord.

    Stop it before I do something we both will regret, he said, lowering his head until their noses almost met.

    Feeling his breath against her lips stirred something inside her, and she couldn’t hold back a shiver of delight. Mesmerized, she stared into his eyes, watching them as they turned warmer, burning into her.

    Whatever you say, my lord.

    His gaze turned darker, hotter, and before she could think one straight thought he lowered his head until their lips almost touched. What would you say if I do the unthinkable and kiss you?

    Thank you?

    He stared at her for a second, as if in shock over her honest and direct approach. His normal coldness disappeared as he reluctantly smiled down at her. Slowly, he lifted one hand and put it around her neck, stroking the sensitive skin of her neck with his thumb.

    Remember that you asked for it, he whispered.

    Praise for Jennifer Wenn

    Jennifer Wenn weaves a wonderful story…

    ~Pauline Michael, Night Owl Romance (3.5 Stars)


    Very well-written…. The characters are so vivid. They seem about to walk right off the page.

    ~Maura, Coffee Time Romance and More (4 Cups)


    The plot, the characters, the love, loss, pain, and just everything about life that we know is out there is blended into the pages almost seamlessly as though they were born there.

    ~Valkyrie Fatality, Rockin’ & Reviewing (5 Stars)


    I would definitely re-read it.

    ~Victoria Lane, The Romance Reviews


    Also available from The Wild Rose Press, Inc.

    and written by Jennifer Wenn


    The Royal Family Series






    The Barnesville Collection



    An Heiress

    in Disguise


    Jennifer Wenn

    The Royal Family, Book Four

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

    An Heiress in Disguise

    COPYRIGHT © 2017 by Jenny Wennergrund

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author or The Wild Rose Press, Inc. except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

    Contact Information: [email protected]

    Cover Art by RJ Morris

    The Wild Rose Press, Inc.

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    Publishing History

    First Tea Rose Edition, 2017

    Print ISBN 978-1-5092-1529-4

    Digital ISBN 978-1-5092-1530-0

    The Royal Family, Book Four

    Published in the United States of America


    To my children—

    Don't worry… Be happy…

    Chapter One

    The harbor of Bayonne, June 1813


    Lord James Darling took a deep, staggering breath as he recognized the strained voice behind him. Ignoring a desperate urge to simply walk away and pretend he hadn’t heard, Jamie clenched his jaw until it ached before turning to face his accuser.

    Raphael Delon looked distinguished and utterly elegant, as always, his expensive clothes more suitable for a ballroom than a small, bedraggled French harbor no one had ever heard of. His well-cut hair, as dark as Jamie’s was blond, moved slightly in the warm summer night breeze, softening the harsh outlines of his handsome face.

    But nothing could soften the cold hatred pouring from his brown eyes, eyes that only days before had laughed with Jamie, showering him with admiration. Showering him with brotherly love.

    I’m not a murderer, Jamie tried without heat, without belief, knowing in his heart he was fighting a lost cause.


    Sighing, Jamie felt worn out, like an old rug walked upon by thousands of merciless feet. Please leave me alone, he whispered, turning his back to his accuser again, as if the simple gesture could erase all the evil in the past. It is done, and there isn’t anything more I can do about it. God knows I have tried.

    The pain when the sword edged through his skin and into the flesh of his arm made him whimper, and he fell forward, down onto the dirty gravel of the dock. In shock he stared down at his arm in the dim light from the flickering streetlamp, watching blood color his dirty shirt red.

    "It’s only a flesh wound, so don’t you fret yet, mon cher. Save those tears for when I am done with you, when I know you suffer as much pain as I do."

    Why? Jamie’s hoarse question seemed to amuse his former friend.

    Raphael laughed coldly, kneeling and putting the bloody end of the sharp sword against the side of Jamie’s neck.

    "Such an odd question to come from you, mon cher. One would think a devious mind such as yours would be able to not only come up with destructive plans but also understand why the people affected might feel…offended."

    I’m merely an English soldier. My quest is for my king and my king alone. I know of no other plans.

    This time he let out a painful roar as the sword penetrated the delicate skin of his shoulder, near his neck, scraping the bone as it was pushed deeper into him.

    "My, my, mon cher, how you disappoint me. I thought a soldier like you, who is famous for his bravery and courage on the battlefield, would have more stamina. More…perseverance. Instead you don’t even defend yourself. You simply lie at my feet like the shivering rat you are, unable to rip your gaze from your executioner. Raphael leaned closer until his lips almost touched Jamie’s ear. Like my sister did when she died because of you."

    The pain in Jamie’s shoulder and arm was nothing against the soaring agony which ripped through his heart at the mention of Raphael’s younger sister.


    The name alone made his whole being sing, and as he closed his eyes, images of her lovely face danced through his memory. Oh, how he had loved her, that beautiful, fickle girl who had mesmerized him with her teasing eyes and secretive smile from the first time he saw her. A vision of beauty, with her thick, black hair and brown eyes over a pert French nose, she’d had him following her around like a jealous, lovelorn fool until that memorable day when she’d finally agreed to what he had known from the start—they were meant for each other.

    He would have done anything for her. Anything.

    But the horrifying truth was that in the end he had killed her. Without mercy he had put her in front of death and never given her a chance to find a path back to life.

    There was evidence…

    What evidence? Raphael snapped, adding more pressure to the sword at the side of Jamie’s neck. How could there be evidence? My sister was an angel, a gift from God. She was an overprotected nineteen-year-old maiden who had never known the darker side of life until the day she died. All the contact she’d ever had with soldiers was in a ballroom or assembly hall. How could there have been evidence that she was a spy?

    I don’t know, Jamie moaned, almost unable to withstand the pain. All he wanted to do was to defend himself, to tear the sword out of his accuser’s hand and press hard into the man’s heart, but he couldn’t. Not to Raphael. Not to Aurélie’s brother. I couldn’t believe it myself when I first heard, but by then it was too late. Everyone else was already convinced she was guilty, and there was nothing I could do. Nothing…

    You could have hidden her! You could have helped her to escape! But no, not Lord James Darling. You chose to bring her to them, taking her right into the hornets’ nest. She hadn’t a chance against their accusations, and because of you she died. Because of you the night sky has one more star watching over us.

    Jamie knew Raphael spoke the truth about Aurélie, that she had been an angel in disguise as a French noblewoman. She had been loyal, loving, and incredibly supportive of him, always there to listen and help him through what he had experienced out in the field, out in the war.

    She had been there for him. She had cried for him. She had without restraint given him her virginity out of pure love, and in return he had sent her to her death by presenting her to the men who accused her of betrayal. Of espionage.

    "Believe me, killing you, mon cher, will hurt me more than you. I thought of you as a brother, as a relative, and I loved you like I have loved no other man. But you betrayed us. You killed her. And now you shall die."

    Jamie tried to turn away, but Raphael was too strong. Without mercy, full of hatred, the Frenchman pulled the sword away from Jamie’s neck before pushing it right into Jamie’s torso. As Jamie collapsed completely to the ground, the last thing he saw before the pain eased and the world turned black was Raphael determinedly walking away without looking back. Without mercy, the Frenchman left his friend alone on the dark dock, slowly bleeding to death, just as Jamie had left his sister alone to face her accusers.

    Faint from loss of blood, Jamie closed his eyes. All he could think of was the love of his life, Aurélie. Soon we will meet, my love, he whispered as running steps and shouting voices closed in. Soon we will be together again.

    Chapter Two

    Hampshire, the beginning of September 1814

    I don’t want to marry Mother’s paramour!

    Harold Aubrey looked up from the letter he’d been reading, intense blue eyes in an otherwise homely face sparkling with laughter.

    Really, Mina? Paramour?

    With as much drama as she could muster, Mina threw her hands out in an overly theatrical act of utter despair. "I wish she simply could marry the bore herself, and give me the chance to meet someone special to my heart."

    With a defeated sigh, Harold put the letter down on the worn desk in front of him and sank back deeper into his leather chair.

    A sound wish, he mused, crossing his fingers in front of him. Only your solution has one small problem. Your mother is already married to me.

    Mina’s strawberry-blonde ringlets bounced against her slender shoulders as she snorted loudly. "I know that. You are my father, after all. I simply nurse a desperate wish that mother will cease this annoying nagging about the Honorable Luther Whyte being the perfect husband for me."

    Maybe he is.

    She stopped midstride, glaring at the man who hid…er, sat behind his large desk. "Do you think the Honorable Luther Whyte is a good match for me?"

    I won’t say he is your perfect match, sweetheart. But you have to admit you have nursed a quite unhealthy grudge against the poor man ever since your mother first introduced him. You have never allowed him a chance against your own prejudice.

    He’s a vicar!

    This time it was Harold who snorted. Please enlighten me as to what possibly can be wrong about him being a vicar? Isn’t that a profession respectable enough for you?


    You started this, sweetheart.

    Mina sank down into one of the chairs on the other side of the desk, crossing her legs at the ankles in front of her in a very unladylike manner, one which would have had her mother neighing with frustration if she’d seen it.

    There’s nothing wrong with being a vicar, I guess. But the Honorable Luther Whyte is such an awful one. He thinks his profession gives him the right to give his honest opinion on any subject, no matter how personal.

    Now you’re exaggerating.

    No, I’m not! Mina had to stand again, too agitated to stay motionless. Her father always joked about her inability to stay still, telling everybody she’d been this energetic since she was born. His favorite tale was how at birth she hadn’t had the patience to wait for being delivered and instead chose to surprise her parents and come into the world on the couch in the salon as they shared a nice cup of tea.

    Yesterday he told me that I slouch. Slouch!

    He did, did he?

    Yes! And most patronizingly, I assure you.

    And you became offended because…?

    She took a deep breath, trying to stay calm and serene, an almost impossible mission for her. "Because I don’t slouch!"


    Mina’s eyes narrowed as she stared at her father, who couldn’t hide his amusement. What was wrong with the man? Didn’t he understand how important this was to her? If he didn’t help her, she would be Mrs. Honorable Luther Whyte sooner than she would like to think.

    Her mother had made up her mind, and nothing was going to stand in her way, especially not an unwilling bride-to-be. That it was her own daughter she would force into an unwanted marriage didn’t bother Ophelia Aubrey at all. She would be happy enough for both of them.

    Mina loved her mother dearly, and in the beginning she truly had tried to like the man her mother had chosen for her. She had forced herself to smile invitingly and encouragingly, flattering him as much as she could in an attempt to make some sort of connection to him.

    But he was impossible to like.

    The Honorable Luther Whyte was not only too aware of his own importance. He knew he was a handsome man, and he had a knack for sending gazes meant to subdue toward every woman he met. Mina’s mother insisted, with a very girlish giggle, that he had smoldering eyes. To Mina they looked more like puppy eyes, all wet and yearning.

    All the married ladies of their acquaintance had adored him at first sight and fought for a second of his attention. When they realized he was a very eligible bachelor, the game changed—now they threw their daughters in his path, silently praying for him to choose theirs.

    To Mina’s horror, he had chosen her.

    Ophelia had gloated for days, filling her daughter’s delicate ears with tender words about the man she now almost had in her hand. There was only one little obstacle between Ophelia and eternal bliss—getting her daughter to accept his proposal.

    I don’t want to marry him, Mina now repeated to her father, determinedly searching for the right words to persuade Harold into seeing things her way. He doesn’t care who he marries, as long as the wife brings money into the nest. He didn’t care a bit about me until mother informed him about me being one of the wealthiest heiresses in the country. You should have seen him, Father. The calculating smile he bestowed on me was ugly.

    Unfortunately, you will have to learn to live with men wanting you for your dowry. I happen to be a very wealthy man, and you are my only child. There will always be men who want you for what you bring with you into the marriage. But it doesn’t mean you can’t bond with such a man. What if he turns out to be the perfect choice for you, if you get to know him better?


    Harold held up a hand, and Mina immediately shut her mouth. She knew better than to force him to listen before he was ready to. If she ever would be able to make him see this from her view, she knew she would have to let him inform her about his thoughts first.

    Then she would make him change his mind.

    Mina, sweetheart, you are such a dear child, and you know how much you mean to me.

    When he seemed to expect something from her, she nodded in full agreement. Even though he was a bit awkward when it came to showing her his feelings, she knew without a doubt how much he loved her.

    Good, good, he praised her, before continuing. Your happiness is most important to me, and I want you to rest assured that I will never force you into something you don’t want to be a part of.

    She nodded to let him know she still listened to him, and he awarded her another appreciative smile.

    "That said, I want you to try to understand what your mother and I face when it comes to finding you a suitable husband. There are so many strange men out there, Mina, and we would hate to see you ending up in the hands of a man who doesn’t appreciate your sweet person. Mr. Whyte might seem to be a bit too impressed by your hefty dowry, but the truth still remains the same—he is better than what you think."

    No, he isn’t.

    You would have a good life with him.

    No, I wouldn’t.

    The Soberton vicarage is quite a handsome house, with plenty of room for a family.

    Mina closed her eyes, a wave of nausea overwhelming her at the mere thought of having a family with that man. She could hardly stand being in the same room with him. How would she ever be able to endure everyday life close to him, unable to avoid him? To be unable to shut a door and leave him and his wet puppy eyes on the other side?

    She could forgive her father for thinking highly of the Honorable Luther Whyte; he was a man, after all. Men never seemed to see deeper into another man’s soul than what carriage he drove or how many horses he had.

    But her mother…

    That was a completely different story. Ophelia Aubrey wasn’t known for her intelligence, but she possessed a good and affectionate heart. Deep down, Mina knew her mother only wanted what was best for her. It wasn’t Ophelia’s fault that the cur had bewitched her so completely that she couldn’t recognize what he really was—a sniveling, conniving scoundrel.

    If you open up your heart to him, you might be surprised what you find when you get to know the real man, her father said, as if he had heard her thoughts and wanted to defend her suitor. It’s not easy to always be nice and likeable when one is only met with suspicion and contempt.

    He had a point there; she had to give him that. She had built a wall high enough to hide the Honorable Luther Whyte’s church, but still… Somewhere deep inside her she knew he was no good.

    She knew it.

    Unfortunately for her, her parents didn’t. Especially not her mother. The Honorable Luther Whyte had done an excellent job with her, wrapping her around his little finger with his fawning and flattering words, and now Ophelia was a puppet in his repelling hands. A puppet who wanted nothing but to marry away her only daughter to him, no matter what it would take.

    I know I haven’t been altogether polite toward him, she admitted, ignoring her father’s amused eyebrow arching up. But you don’t understand what it’s like, having Mother constantly trying to persuade me to accept his proposal. She simply doesn’t understand how I can find him unacceptable, and I’m terrified she will come up with some scheme which will put me in a position where I can’t deny him.

    A frown marred Harold’s high forehead as he took in what she’d said. Are you telling me your mother is threatening to force this marriage?

    Before Mina had a chance to answer, the door burst open, and her mother floated into the room, a vision in pink muslin.

    There you are, she exclaimed dramatically when she saw Mina by her father’s desk. I’ve been looking all over for you. Mr. Whyte is here for you, and I want you to immediately seek him out in the salon.

    Mother! In desperation, Mina grabbed her mother’s hand, pressing it against her chest. I don’t want to go to him. Please, can’t you simply tell him I’m unavailable?

    Philomena Aubrey, Ophelia gasped dramatically, sounding a bit too much like her daughter, while Mina fidgeted under her father’s amused gaze. It was embarrassingly obvious that this apple hadn’t fallen too far from the tree. I have already told him you will grant him his wish to see him. I tell you, he must be on the verge of proposing to you again. A big, happy sigh escaped Ophelia’s smiling mouth as she stared, starry-eyed, at her daughter, apparently already envisioning the occasion. Can you imagine the triumph? she continued, almost breathlessly. You, married to the most wanted bachelor of our acquaintance? It would vex Hester Primrose more than anything. The other day she hinted about Mr. Whyte showing an interest in Rosalind, and with quite a patronizing smirk, mind you. Oh, how I would love to be the one telling her about your engagement. Such a victory…

    Let Rosalind have him, Mina said, trying hard to stifle an almost overwhelming urge to pout. If she wants him, she can have him. Better her than me, I say, even though it would mean I would have to go to his house when I want to visit her.

    Mr. Aubrey, Ophelia whined to her husband, seeking aid. You have to talk to your daughter. She is too stubborn for her own good. Here he is, the perfect man, asking for her hand in marriage. A gift any other woman would be ecstatic about. But not Mina. No, she is determined to ruin her one chance for happiness. Soon she will be a spinster, unwanted, on the shelf, destined to spend her life either alone or in a loveless marriage with some man who’s not too picky about his bride.

    Mina closed her eyes, weary of the battle. How would she ever be able to reach through her mother’s craziness?

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