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Loving an Alpha Billionaire 2 & 3
Loving an Alpha Billionaire 2 & 3
Loving an Alpha Billionaire 2 & 3
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Loving an Alpha Billionaire 2 & 3

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Book 2 Description

Mia and Jason proceed with their divorce, they settle their assets and go about their normal live. Gina, Mia’s best friend, moves in with her to help and ease her through the divorce. One day, Mia and Gina go shopping together for the ten year college reunion that they are invited to.

Things take a turn for Mia when her daughter is admitted into the emergency room. Mia and Jason are forced to dissolve their marriage then and there. Mia goes to the reunion and meets Joseph Lauraunt, a young and charming businessman who came straight out of her past.

Book 3 Description

Mia leaves Joseph and goes back home, thinking she will never see him again. Although she was flattered and smitten by him, she is not ready for another relationship. Amelia stays with her father for a while and Mia discovers something she never thought she would. Joseph has bought the hotel she works for and is her new boss.

He insists that she goes out for dinner with him and he takes her on his boat. They have a few dates and he tells her that he’s in love with her. This frightens her because she is so afraid to trust a man again, but her love for him prevails in such a short time. They get married and have five children together, along with Amelia, they begin their new lives together.

PublisherViola Black
Release dateNov 26, 2015
Loving an Alpha Billionaire 2 & 3

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Nice read. I Will continue reading the rest of series

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Loving an Alpha Billionaire 2 & 3 - Viola Black

Loving an Alpha Billionaire

2 & 3

Viola Black

Copyright © 2015 by Viola Black. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used, reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form without the prior written consent of the author.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Characters, names, places, incidents and events are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Table of Contents


Chapter One - It Is the End

Chapter Two - We’ll Get Through It

Chapter Three - So This Is It

Chapter Four - That Wasn’t the End, This Is.

Chapter Five - So This Is Good, Right?


Chapter One - Man That Was Good

Chapter Two - Never Thought That Would Happen

Chapter Three - Now You’re In

Chapter Four - Well That Was Easy

Chapter Five - A New Beginning

Loving an Alpha Billionaire



Viola Black

Chapter One - It Is the End

You should have the house. I can’t believe he’s even trying to be nice, or think he’s being nice.

I don’t want anything from you.

No, Mia, it’s the best thing. Just think about Amelia.

Don’t you dare tell me to think about my daughter, did you think about her when you were screwing some woman, when you were tearing this family apart? I shouted.

Maybe we should just come back to that, should we discuss the money? The lawyer suggested. I hate airing my dirty laundry in public like this. I didn’t want to get a lawyer so Jason just hired an attorney to officiate for us.

Fine. I said.

The joint account, it’s yours and you should take my settlement too. I cheated, Mia, I did. And I’m sorry, so just…you should take everything. I looked at him for the first time in days, his face was serene and it looked remorseful but I didn’t want to believe it.

Take it, Mia. Please.

Just to make you feel better? I said.

No, I want you to be happy and I want to give you and Amelia what I can, take it all. The house, the joint account, the divorce settlement, I don’t want anything.

I want you out of the house by the end of the week. I said simply.

Okay, I will be but, we never thought about therapy Mia maybe we can-

No! You have destroyed me, you have destroyed this family. I don’t want you in my life any more than you need to be, I don’t want Amelia growing up without a father so,

I understand, so you’ll take it? I thought about it for a moment, and unfortunately he was right. Amelia should stay where she is comfortable and I don’t make enough on my own to pay for what Jason has built for us.

Yes fine. We need to discuss custody.

What do you want? I want to see Amelia as much as I can.

You never wanted to see her before, now you want to see her as much as you can?

I regret missing things, I want to make it better. Preferably without divorce but-

But nothing. I said shortly.

Okay. He said quietly. His phone ringing interrupted.

Aren’t you going to get that? I asked him.

No, we can finish here. We should finish. I nodded and turned to the lawyer.

Custody is usually the hardest part of a divorce so just take your time. I sighed heavily.

I think full custody is the best thing, with visitation rights.

What about holidays?

We can spend them together with your family for a few years, until Amelia can understand better.

I think that’s best, my parents would like that. They don’t like this divorce but-

"You don’t get to do that, you don’t get to make me the bad guy. You cheated on me, even worse you told some other woman that you loved her. Whether or not you meant it is beside the point, just saying the words, laying with another woman I…I don’t know what to say about it. You did this, just you." I said angrily.

I know, I wish I could convince you to believe me, I want you to believe me. Mia, I love you. I always have and I always will.

Love me from a distance. Was all I said.

You’ll have full custody, and I’ll take her on the weekends. For Christmas and Thanksgiving we’ll go to my parents’ house, and , maybe during the summer she can spend a week or two with me. He suggested. I can’t keep him away from his daughter, he’s a cheating bastard but I can’t deny Amelia her father because when he is around her, I can see that he loves her.

That’s fine, that will work. The lawyer drafted it on the contract.

I do love Amelia, don’t’ think I don’t.

I know you do, I just want to know when you stopped loving me. I said sadly. He reached for my hand but I pulled it away.


No, I want to know when this started. I want to know how you could tell another woman that you love her. Am I the stupid one? I believed you every time you said you were working late or had to take on new cases.

I was working late and…I just thought- when I would come home late you and Amelia would be sleeping and I would have to leave early so we never had any time for- intimacy. One night it was just late and I had sex with her and then we kept on- I was going to tell you and I was going to end it. He tried to explain.

Going to isn’t the same thing as going to. I started laughing unnaturally. The lawyer excused himself to print the contract.

What’s funny Mia? I couldn’t control my giggles, he started laughing after a few moments.

It’s just that you say you did this because we don’t have sex, and I came into the office that day to- I couldn’t even finish.

What is it? I really think that’s what it was. He said.

The day I caught you, I had come into the office to have sex with you, like that one time when you first got the um- the new office. I giggled. We both laughed together. I think it was so much funnier because we’re in his office right now. I looked over at the desk and remembered, we were so happy that day. He was promoted to a senior partner and we were decorating his office, we ended up on his desk having sex like newlyweds. I smiled to myself, wondering where those days went, where our passion went. I always believed that people could marry their high school or college sweethearts, I thought we would last.

Oh, yeah I remember. He smiled at me. We both looked at each other and I couldn’t look away, no matter how much I wanted to. he stroked my face carefully and pushed my hair behind my ear.

Jason… I started.

Shh, please, he whispered. He leaned in close to my face and kissed me. It felt like we were kissing for the first time, I assumed it was because I don’t know him anymore, but it was different. I didn’t recognize how his lips felt against mine.

You shouldn’t have done that. I breathed.

But I wanted to, I couldn’t even remember the last time we kissed. Or the last time we, he trailed off.

I can’t remember either. I confessed.

"I don’t want you to hate me, I mean you should, for what I did but- I don’t want you to hate me. You’re still the girl in the library from college that I fell

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