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Spoken Words
Spoken Words
Spoken Words
Ebook71 pages49 minutes

Spoken Words

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About this ebook

Ancient wise woman, Velda saves an abandoned Changeling in the middle of a fierce storm. 

Velda discovers the young Changeling must learn the magic healing arts because without the magic the Fey are doomed.

Will this child be the answer to Velda’s desire to pass on her magic, especially the power of the Spoken Word, or will the Changeling kill her before she succeeds?

Release dateSep 9, 2017
Spoken Words

Russ Crossley

International selling author, Russ Crossley writes science fiction and fantasy, and mystery/suspense under the name R.G. Crossley. His latest science fiction satire set in the far future, Revenge of the Lushites, is a sequel to Attack of the Lushites released in 2011. The latest title in the series was released in the fall of 2013. Both titles are available in e-book and trade paperback. He has sold several short stories that have appeared in anthologies from various publishers including; WMG Publishing, Pocket Books, and St. Martins Press. He is a member of SF Canada and is past president of the Greater Vancouver Chapter of Romance Writers of America. He is also an alumni of the Oregon Coast Professional Fiction Writers Master Class taught by award winning author/editors, Kristine Katherine Rusch and Dean Wesley Smith. Feel free to contact him on Facebook, Twitter, or his website  He loves to hear from readers  

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    Book preview

    Spoken Words - Russ Crossley

    Spoken Words

    Spoken Words

    Rita Schulz

    53rd Street Publishing

    Spoken Words

    Rita Schulz

    Published by 53rd Street Publishing

    Copyright 2012 Rita Schulz

    All rights reserved

    Cover art © FairytaleDesign/depositphotos

    Cover designed by R. Edgewood

    Cover design and layout copyright 2017 by 53rd Street Publishing

    53rd Street Publishing

    Head office: Gibsons B.C. Canada

    This is a work of fiction. Any similarities to persons living or dead are purely coincidental.


    Spoken Words

    About the Author

    Also by Rita Schulz


    Spoken Words

    As Velda passed the last house that was considered part of the village of Braun she thought she heard a faint crying, more of a mewing. It was very soft, and she could barely hear it over the sound of the storm that howled around her. At first she thought that it was a kitten. She started to slow, and listened closely, the sound




    It must have been a trick of




    Velda reminded herself she already had two cats and didn’t need another mouth to feed, at least not right now. She picked up




    She heard it again. She stopped. She looked up at the black billowing clouds, that whipped the wind and rain around her and in a soft, calm voice said, Be Still.

    It seemed as if the storm paused, just for an instant. She heard the sound again and the fury of the storm picked up harder




    Only now she knew that it wasn’t a kitten, it was something much worse and scarier, a child.

    She felt her mind summersault with all the pros and cons about not going to check on the noise and remove all doubt. Sometimes doubt was a good thing, then you didn’t have to make a decision, then you weren’t responsible.

    Velda shivered as she pulled her coarse, nubby gray shawl around her shoulders with her swollen, gnarled hands. The wind whipped around her frail, bent body as she shuffled along. Her long gray hair, pulled free from the bun at the nape of her neck to whip about her face She carried her wooden walking stick in one hand to keep her steady on the narrow road full of rocks and potholes.

    There was absolutely no way that she could afford to take care of a baby. She barely had enough food for herself and the animals. Where would she get the milk and the swaddling, never mind clothing? And they were so much work at least that’s what she had been told. She and her husband never had a child so she didn’t know anything about having one. The Spoken Word, Healing arts, yes, but not how to raise a child.

    What if she made mistakes and the child turned up all wrong. She was to old to start something like




    With each thought Velda moved a little closer and the sound got a little stronger. She realized that the it wasn’t coming from a house on the road it was coming from a house or building a little distance in, on an overgrown side street. There were three wooden houses on large pieces of property, then an overgrown path leading to another rune of a house past the other homes. The noise seemed to come from the




    The wind got colder and stronger, it seemed to push her toward the noise.

    It looked like there had been a fire in the small wooden barn with its wide door and two windows and had burned most of




    She heard a harsh cawing overhead and looked up at Korbin, her crow. He was circling above her and diving down as if he was trying to drive




    She ducked and deflected the crow and tried to turn herself away from the noise to follow him but she couldn’t. It was getting even colder and now she could see her breath in front of her face and she told herself that she couldn’t keep the

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