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The Woman Who Smashed Codes: A True Story of Love, Spies, and the Unlikely Heroine Who Outwitted America's Enemies
The Woman Who Smashed Codes: A True Story of Love, Spies, and the Unlikely Heroine Who Outwitted America's Enemies
The Woman Who Smashed Codes: A True Story of Love, Spies, and the Unlikely Heroine Who Outwitted America's Enemies
Ebook612 pages10 hours

The Woman Who Smashed Codes: A True Story of Love, Spies, and the Unlikely Heroine Who Outwitted America's Enemies

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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National Bestseller 

NPR Best Book of the Year

“Not all superheroes wear capes, and Elizebeth Smith Friedman should be the subject of a future Wonder Woman movie.” —The New York Times

Joining the ranks of Hidden Figures and In the Garden of Beasts, the incredible true story of the greatest codebreaking duo that ever lived, an American woman and her husband who invented the modern science of cryptology together and used it to confront the evils of their time, solving puzzles that unmasked Nazi spies and helped win World War II.

In 1916, at the height of World War I, brilliant Shakespeare expert Elizebeth Smith went to work for an eccentric tycoon on his estate outside Chicago. The tycoon had close ties to the U.S. government, and he soon asked Elizebeth to apply her language skills to an exciting new venture: code-breaking. There she met the man who would become her husband, groundbreaking cryptologist William Friedman. Though she and Friedman are in many ways the "Adam and Eve" of the NSA, Elizebeth’s story, incredibly, has never been told.

In The Woman Who Smashed Codes, Jason Fagone chronicles the life of this extraordinary woman, who played an integral role in our nation’s history for forty years. After World War I, Smith used her talents to catch gangsters and smugglers during Prohibition, then accepted a covert mission to discover and expose Nazi spy rings that were spreading like wildfire across South America, advancing ever closer to the United States. As World War II raged, Elizebeth fought a highly classified battle of wits against Hitler’s Reich, cracking multiple versions of the Enigma machine used by German spies. Meanwhile, inside an Army vault in Washington, William worked furiously to break Purple, the Japanese version of Enigma—and eventually succeeded, at a terrible cost to his personal life.

Fagone unveils America’s code-breaking history through the prism of Smith’s life, bringing into focus the unforgettable events and colorful personalities that would help shape modern intelligence. Blending the lively pace and compelling detail that are the hallmarks of Erik Larson’s bestsellers with the atmosphere and intensity of The Imitation Game, The Woman Who Smashed Codes is page-turning popular history at its finest.

Editor's Note

The birth of modern cryptology…

This history touches on two irresistible subjects — an unsung heroine who played a critical role in two World Wars and beyond, and the origins of modern cryptology. You’ve probably heard of William Friedman, but now it’s time to learn about his match — his groundbreaking, smuggler-stopping wife Elizabeth Smith.

Release dateSep 26, 2017

Jason Fagone

Jason Fagone is a journalist who covers science, technology, and culture. Named one of the “Ten Young Writers on the Rise” by the Columbia Journalism Review, he works at the San Francisco Chronicle and has written for GQ, Esquire, The Atlantic, the New York Times, Mother Jones, and Philadelphia magazine. Fagone is also the author of Ingenious: A True Story of Invention, the X Prize, and the Race to Revive America and Horsemen of the Esophagus: Competitive Eating and the Big Fat American Dream. He lives in San Francisco, California.

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Readers find this title to be a truly interesting and insightful read. It provides great revelations about history and code breaking politics. The book is well written and includes lots of historical tidbits. Although some parts of the narrative may not be as interesting or related to the subject matter, overall it tells the fascinating life of an extraordinary woman. The voluminous nature of the book could have been reduced, but it still remains a good read.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Elizebeth Smith, a Shakespeare scholar, went to work for eccentric tycoon George Fabian, at his estate outside Chicago, in 1916. Her assignment was to assist another Shakespeare scholar, an older woman, in her project to prove that Shakespeare's plays were really written by Francis Bacon, and that Bacon had hidden secret messages in the plays.At first Elizebeth assumed that these older, more experienced people must know what they were doing, and her failure to find the messages were hers.William Friedman also worked on the estate, as a plant geneticist, but he also photographed and enlarged First Folio texts of the plays for the use of the Bacon project, and that's how he and Elizebeth met. And has World War I continued, and both Elizebeth and William became more involved in the code breaking, while the demand for people able to break codes became ever more urgent for the military, the two young scholars began to morph into the founding figures of American cryptanalysis, and more involved with each other. They married, they left Riverbank, they went to work for the government, Elizebeth for the the Coast Guard and William for the Army.This is a love story, a story of spies and counterespionage, and a story of the founding of a whole new discipline. Elizebeth and William both played critical, leading roles in this story. William's story has been told before; Elizebeth's largely has not.It's a fascinating and important story, and Fagone tells it very well, making it as enlightening and compelling as it deserves to be. Cassandra Campbell also reads it very well, doing full credit to the story and the writing. I'm starting to recognize her name as a narrator who never disappoints.Highly recommended.I bought this audiobook.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    3.5 starsElizabeth and William Friedman met while learning to decode messages. They both went on to various jobs where they were decrypting messages, but Elizabeth’s work seems to have been forgotten. They were part of the beginning of cryptography. Elizabeth did some decoding during WWI, during prohibition in the 1920s, and during WWII. This was good. It was interesting to learn about the history of cryptology and even more interesting that a woman was at the forefront of it! I listened to the audio, and while the narrator was fine, and mostly I was kept interested, my mind did wander occasionally. I think that’s why I sometimes forgot who was who and why I kept my rating down just a bit from the 4 stars I’d like to give! I would recommend this be read in print, though, as there is plenty I think I would have liked to have seen on a page rather than heard read out to me. Apparently, there was an “enhancement” to the audio that should come with the audio, but not via my library (though I have had one other book in the past from the library that came with a pdf I could (and did) download to look at graphs and charts).
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is a fantastic book to absorb----how one woman played such an incredible part of the history of this country and yet, because of the status of women, remained virtually unknown beside her husband, another but more recognized part of code history. It is truly incredible to try and understand how her brain worked---and yet, she was found almost on a whim and went from a totally odd job to become so profoundly important---but without being given the credit she so deserved. It reads like a novel which makes it all the more impressive for the author.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Excellent book, tracing the contributions of the first woman code breaker. Elizebeth and her husband William Friedman developed initial methods of deciphering codes. The book traces her initial work with the Coast Guard in stopping bootleggers and her later work with the U S govt in breaking the codes used by Germany and various South American countries during WW2. Doing the same work as Bletchley, but in the US.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Wonderful well written history of the woman who is the motherof modern cryptography.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    There definitely needs to be a movie made about her.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Tells the fascinating life of an extraordinary woman. Lots of historical tidbits that tend to go unnoticed.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Listened to the audiobook. Fascinating book about Elizabeth Smith Friedman, an accomplished cryptanalyst prior to WWI to after WWII. She eventually married William Friedman, also a cryptanalyst. Initially they worked together but eventually their work life separated. In the end William was honored for much of the excellent work he did, though not all. The book does detail much of his government employment, also amazing.Elizabeth achieved as much as William, if not more, but because she lived in an age where a woman's performance and intelligence are not valued, Elizabeth was not under the limelight. I'm afraid this practice still goes on today, though it certainly is better. Also, it didn't help that Hoover was the head of the FBI. A great book that educates all re analyzing codes and how important this practice is for protecting our country and winning wars. The book also illuminates how important it is to eliminate gender bias. A worthy and captivating read.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Very interesting book about the origins of code breaking into the US circa WWI and beyond. Not too deep into the crypto info, but focuses on the personalities and their contributions. I've read lots of books on Bletchley Park and the British efforts in WWII, nothing much at all regarding the US. Revealing stories about the FBI bumbling of tracking Nazi spies in South America. The Friedman were well worth a book and Elizebeth finally gets her due in this one. In general, women were the yeomans of code breaking efforts and they never quite seem to get their due. Why does not that not surprise me?
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I enjoyed this, but I really feel like it wasn't as engrossing as some of the other non-fic I read this year about similar subjects.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    An incredibly interesting and very readable biography of Elizebeth Smith Friedman, an undersung hero of American cryptography. Highly recommended. 
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A truly interesting read that explains history in the view of two incredible individuals. A lot of technical jargon but i still enjoyed the book. Learning about history this way was not so boring ;)
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I found this book very interesting and insightful. I feel it could easily have been less voluminous, as much of the narrative isn't terribly interesting or related to the subject matter.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is truly a remarkable story. I was quite familiar with the work of William F Friedman, Elizebeth's husband, but her life story was much more interesting.

    The book is extremely well written, and all the facts are there--more footnotes than you can shake a stick at.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Elizebeth Friedman was someone I had never heard of until I read this book. I have learned so much about the codebreaking that went on not only during 2 world wars but also during the 20s and 30s with smuggling. I also learned some things about WW II that I did not know. This is a well-written book about a fascinating lady who made her mark on history, largely unnoticed.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Very interesting information about a subject I know a bit about and a couple people I never heard of. The author was rather more interested in the sexism Elizebeth encountered than in her (their) codebreaking, which was what I wanted to know about - not helped by the fact that the ebook I read had real formatting problems with codes formed by positioning letters (fence-post, or the demonstration substitution alphabet - they appeared in long lines going down the page, one letter per line, so it was impossible to see the connections between letters because the lines were unbroken). I learned a lot about codebreaking during both world wars and the period between - Prohibition, for one thing. The partnership between the Friedmans was excellent to see - and as usual, the government totally screwed up (leaving aside J. Edgar Hoover's cheating for power). If they'd had the two of them working together, rather than not even allowed to talk about their work to one another (because security), WWII might even have been shorter and less deadly. The author was a lot more worried about the sexism (which definitely affected their lives) than Elizebeth was - it was just the way things were, to her. To my mind, she had the choice between pushing for personal recognition (with all the drawbacks thereof - from men objecting to her pushing in, to publicity which bothered her when she did get it) and pushing for recognition of what _they_ had done, with her husband's name alone on most of it. And I doubt she even saw that as a choice. If William had tried to suppress her, it would have been different, but he loudly and publicly considered her his equal or better - so promoting _their_ work was not suppressing herself, but fitting the message (of these things which were important to make known) to the times. Now I want to read half a dozen other books about codebreaking - The Puzzle Palace, and about Bletchley Park, and and... I don't know if I'll ever reread this book, but what it taught me was valuable as well as fascinating. And the peripheral discussion of how the author found this information after all these years - Elizebeth's archived papers, and more - was almost as interesting as the story he discovered there.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This biography is a fascinating story of Elizebeth Smith Friedman. She and her husband, William, founded modern codebreaking in the U.S. Her success in helping the American government capture smugglers and Nazis has been untold after the FBI confiscated both her and William's reports and writings. The couple broke codes in order to protect their country and in the process helped to establish the surveillance giant NSA. There are so many details that at times the story drags, but I enjoyed learning so much about the behind-the-scenes conduct of wartime policy.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is the fascinating story of Elizebeth Friedman. Her husband, William, is famous for his pioneering contributions to cryptanalysis, but she contributed just as much, if not more, to the field. She was also instrumental in monitoring and breaking spy networks in South America. Her husband and J. Edgar Hoover got the credit for a lot of her work, partly because men often get credit for women's work, and partly because she was a modest person who felt she was just doing her job. Her life story is fascinating, and I'm glad someone has written her biography to rescue her from obscurity.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Great revelations about history and code breaking politics. Good read!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Biography of Elizebeth Smith Friedman. She and her husband, William Friedman, were both brilliant cryptanalysts. They were instrumental in codebreaking during the two world wars. Her husband was publicly recognized for his endeavors while Elizebeth remained in the background. Even worse, J. Edgar Hoover took credit for her work.

    This book shines a light on Elizebeth’s contributions to the science of cryptology, and they were significant. She was instrumental in breaking various version of the Nazi’s Enigma code. She also played a key role in cracking international and domestic smuggling operations and deciphering encrypted radio codes. One episode of particular interested to me is the role of the Friedmans in disproving the theory that Francis Bacon authored Shakespeare’s plays.

    Fagone found Elizebeth’s personal papers in Virginia and declassified material in the National Archives: “[T]he files are exactly where she left them, the fragments of an extraordinary life. The files have a weight to them, a texture. They can’t be erased any more than Elizebeth’s legacy can be erased, because her legacy is embedded in our lives today, in our smartphones and Web browsers, in the science that powers secure-messaging apps used by billions, in the clandestine procedures of corporations and intelligence agencies and in the mundane software loaded onto the iPhones in our pockets.”

    Amazingly, she never studied mathematics, but she was a genius in analyzing patterns in documents, even when written in languages she did not speak. I am very glad to see Elizebeth Smith Friedman get the credit she so obviously deserves. Her accomplishments are even more impressive considering they were done before the computing age with “pencil, paper, and perseverance.”
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A number of customers at the bookstore came in looking for The Woman Who Smashed Codes because their book club had decided to read it. Each time I showed it to them, I’d flip it over, read the back cover myself, and think it was interesting before ultimately putting it back down. Then came holiday (over)ordering at the bookstore and when The Woman Who Smashed Codes came off the bestsellers and we still had a few too many copies on hand, I decided to make it my pet project to sell it myself, without the “bestseller” status, but with the “staff recommends” qualifier.

    The holidays are the ultimate time for recommending books to customers. While we are always helping people find a book for themselves, now is the time when people come in with their holiday list and ask us to pick out books for their loved ones. Most of the time they give us some basic information: they like history books, fantasy, science, they’re accountants, etc. and then we take that information to pick out books for them in the store. With that in mind, I’ve decided to change up my review for this book today to my bookstore pitch, but in the opposite way, for customers who come up and ask us if a book is any good. (This is an idealized conversation, but I do have many that go somewhat like this)

    Customer (holds up The Woman Who Smashed Codes): Is this book any good?
    My Coworker: My manager, Sarah, loved it! Let me ask her to help you!
    Me: I really enjoyed The Woman Who Smashed Codes! Is there anything in particular you would like to know about it?
    Customer: Who would enjoy it?
    Me: It would be a great gift for anyone who is fascinated by World War II history, or someone who enjoys lesser known stories from history, or anyone who loves a great biography of a unique person.
    Customer: What was your favorite part of the book?
    Me: I love stories about how people we’ve never heard of today played major roles throughout history. Elizebeth, the subject of the book, worked tirelessly to break the codes of Nazis during WWII and her work played a key role in the Americans’ decryption of the German Enigma machine. Additionally, it was her husband who broke the Japanese decryption machines – they were a fascinating couple and I loved how the author, Jason Fagone, really delves into their relationship instead of just focusing on Elizebeth’s work for the government.
    Customer: That sounds really neat! I think I’ll give it a shot!

    As booksellers, we know, especially during the holiday season, that we may only have a minute or two to share with a customer why we really love a book. Every customer can read the back of the book for a description of the plot/subject, but that information (and what I always include as the “synopsis”) comes from the publisher. I figure my role, as bookseller and blogger, is to put the personal emphasis on the books I love, the books that may also get overlooked on a store’s shelves if they don’t have colorful spines or staff picks tied to them.

    When I can’t find the time to personally tell every customer about the books I think they’ll love, I write short little “blurbs” to put under the books on the shelf or print the blurbs up on bookmarks as we do at the store annually for our top holiday gift picks. That being said, my question to you, dear readers, is: When you go into a bookstore during the holidays, or any time of year, to you seek out staff picks? Do the staff’s recommendations hold any sway with what you end up deciding to read or take home?
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is a captivating bio of a brilliant woman. Narration is excellent. The interweaving of Elizebeth Smith Friedman's codebreaking career with the advancement of cryptology alongside history was compelling. Highly recommended.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Both a bio and history book, very interesting. How many code books on the war skip this woman and, yet, she was THAT important. Disgusting. Recommend highly, though I suspect many people won't like it for the "soft" life story, but it isall worthwhile

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    In my naivete, I only knew that codes exist. Except for needing complicated passwords for Internet use today, I had never thought about how codes are created or how to break them or that the people who work with codes are called cryptanalysts or that the science is called cryptology, etc. This book "blew my mind!" I became very impressed with Elizebeth Smith and husband, William Friedman, as they learned to decipher codes even as the codes become more complicated, and supposedly unbreakable, through both World Wars, Elizebeth for the Coast Guard and William for the Army. While William received much recognition for his work, Elizebeth did not. This book attempts to resolve that void, though, unfortunately, posthumously. Without a doubt, these two individuals and the people they taught, significantly aided the Allied victories.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    If you've ever enjoyed working puzzles, this book will get you hooked. It is a fascinating biography of Elizebeth Smith whose work breaking codes in WWI started her on a life-changing path. Born in Indiana, she went looking for adventure in New York City after earning a degree in literature and found herself dragged back to Illinois by an eccentric millionaire to decipher the secret messages hidden in Shakespeare's works. Fortunately for her, WWI broke out just as she was realizing there were no such messages and the millionaire promoted her skills to his contacts in the War Department. Without training but with a strong ability to detect patterns, she and her co-worker basically wrote the book on cryptography while deciphering messages between Germany and Mexico, and related to the uprising in India, despite not knowing which language any particular message might be written in. The thorough research done by the author provides extensive historical details that make the story come alive through the decades. He had access to interviews of her by the National Security Agency and to her diaries, letters, and other writing archived at the Virginia Military Institute. Using her words, we see her as a saucy young woman with a love of language. As an example: this description of the budding romance between her and William Friedman--"a small, persistent tilt in his direction, like a plant bending toward a patch of sun."
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This was the most incredible story I have read in a long time. Elizebeth was a co-equal partner with her husband in the code breaking business. Although they worked in separate venues and could not share information, they were leaders in that field, teaching others to recognize and break codes during both world wars. The book is completely readable, even with the explanations of the code analysis, and detailed more than you would expect given the need for secrecy. The author benefits from the declassification of documents and the work of women historians who sought out Elizebeth. [A note on the spelling: her mother did it on purpose because she did not want her daughter called Eliza.] Highly, highly recommended.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    this book would have gotten five stars but te author forgot to do some basic work. He dud bot locate his heroine, Elizebeth Smith Friedman in Latin America during WW!!. What is worse, he ascribes to her the capture of Becker, the ace Nazi spy in Lstin AmerIca; he is captured by the Argentine cops in 1945 when the war was over, and she has nothing to do with his arrest. Other than that, this is a great read.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Sadly disappointed in this book. It was so boring, it made my DNF category. The author took a fascinating topic and beat it to death with irrelevant detail and tedious recitation of facts that didn't captivate the personalities.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This was okay. I was so excited to sink my teeth into this. Sadly, it was not what I expected. It was long and it was dry. I learned a few things but instead of it being a book where you really get the feel for the person it is being written about it was more of a historical timeline that never seemed to get to the end.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Along with Flowers, there is option to Send Cakes to Amritsar to cheer up any occasion in a special manner.

Book preview

The Woman Who Smashed Codes - Jason Fagone

Table of Contents


Title Page



Author’s Note: Prying Eyes

Part I: Riverbank

Chapter 1: Fabyan

Chapter 2: Unbelievable, Yet It Was There

Chapter 3: Bacon’s Ghost

Chapter 4: He Who Fears Is Half Dead

Chapter 5: The Escape Plot

Part II: Target Practice

Part III: The Invisible War

Chapter 1: Grandmother Died

Chapter 2: Magic

Chapter 3: The Hauptsturmführer and the Funkmeister

Chapter 4: Circuit 3-N

Chapter 5: The Doll Lady

Chapter 6: Hitler’s Lair

Epilogue: Girl Cryptanalyst and All That




About the Author


About the Publisher

(George C. Marshall Research Foundation)


The king hath note of all that they intend,

By interception which they dream not of.


Knowledge itself is power.




Title Page


Author’s Note: Prying Eyes

Part I: Riverbank

Chapter 1:   Fabyan

Chapter 2:   Unbelievable, Yet It Was There

Chapter 3:   Bacon’s Ghost

Chapter 4:   He Who Fears Is Half Dead

Chapter 5:   The Escape Plot

Part II: Target Practice

Part III: The Invisible War

Chapter 1:   Grandmother Died

Chapter 2:   Magic

Chapter 3:   The Hauptsturmführer and the Funkmeister

Chapter 4:   Circuit 3-N

Chapter 5:   The Doll Lady

Chapter 6:   Hitler’s Lair

Epilogue: Girl Cryptanalyst and All That




About the Author


About the Publisher


Prying Eyes

This is a love story.

In 1916, during the First World War, two young Americans met by chance on a mysterious and now-forgotten estate near Chicago. At first they seemed to have little in common. She was Elizebeth Smith, a Quaker schoolteacher who found joy in poetry. He was William Friedman, a Jewish plant biologist from a poor family. But they fell for each other. Within a year they were married. They went on to change history together, in ways that still mark our lives today. They taught themselves to be spies—of a new and vital kind.

What they learned to do, better than anyone in the world, was reveal the written secrets of others. They were codebreakers, people who solve secret messages without knowing the key. Puzzle solvers. In a time when there were only a handful of experienced codebreakers in the entire country, the two lovers became a sort of family codebreaking bureau, a husband-and-wife duo unlike any that existed before or has since. Computers didn’t exist, so they used pencil, paper, and their brains.

Over the course of thirty years, while raising two children, Elizebeth and William Friedman unscrambled thousands of messages spanning two world wars, prying loose secrets about smuggling networks, gangsters, organized crime, foreign armies, and fascism. They also invented new techniques that transformed the science of secret writing, known as cryptology. Today the insights of this one couple lurk at the base of everything from huge government agencies to the smallest fluctuations of our online lives. And the Friedmans did it all despite having little to no training in mathematics. The basic unit of their life was not the equation but the word. At heart they were people who loved words—words kneaded and pulled and torn, words flipped and arranged in grids and squares and strips and in lines marching down the pale sheet of scratch paper.

In the decades since the Second World War, the husband, William Friedman, has become a revered figure to intelligence historians. He is called the world’s greatest cryptologist by the eminent chronicler of secret writing David Kahn: Singlehandedly, Kahn writes, he made his country preeminent in his field. William Friedman is also widely considered to be the father of the National Security Agency, the part of the U.S. government that intercepts foreign communications and sifts them for information—signals intelligence. He wrote the definitive textbooks that trained generations of NSA analysts who are still working today. In 1975 the agency named its main auditorium after William Friedman, at its headquarters in Fort Meade, Maryland, and a bronze bust of William’s head still stands guard there, above a plaque that reads CRYPTOLOGIC PIONEER AND INVENTOR, FOUNDER OF THE SCIENCE OF MODERN AMERICAN CRYPTOLOGY.

Today Elizebeth isn’t nearly as famous, despite her talent and contributions. Early on she worked side by side with William and collaborated on several of their groundbreaking scientific papers; she was considered by some of their friends to be the more brilliant of the pair; she ultimately carved out a spectacular career of her own; and by 1945 the government considered both Friedmans to be pioneers of their field. A then-secret document said of Elizebeth, She and her husband are among the founders of American military cryptanalysis—cryptanalysis is another word for codebreaking—and a federal prosecutor told the FBI that Mrs. Friedman and her husband . . . are recognized as the leading authorities in the country. Yet in the canonical books about twentieth-century codebreaking, Elizebeth is treated as the dutiful, slightly colorful wife of a great man, a digression from the main narrative, if not a footnote. Her victories are all but forgotten.

I started reading about the Friedmans in 2014, after Edward Snowden shocked the world by revealing that the NSA was gathering the phone records of millions of ordinary Americans. Curious to know more about Elizebeth, I found a brief bio on the website of a Virginia library, along with a set of pictures. There she was, a petite woman in a white dress, standing on a patch of grass almost one hundred years ago, skin porcelain, head cocked at the photographer, smiling and squinting slightly in what must have been a blinding sun.

The library held the Friedmans’ personal papers. One morning I drove down to Virginia and asked the chief archivist to show me what Elizebeth had left. In the back of an office, he unlocked a solid gray metal door and an inner door of silver metal bars, led me into a darkened, humidity-controlled vault, and pointed to multiple shelves of gray archival boxes, twenty-two boxes in all. We try to tell people that Elizebeth’s stuff is amazing, the archivist said, but usually researchers want to see William’s papers.

You get these moments sometimes as a journalist, if you’re lucky. You hear a voice that bursts from a body or a page with beauty or urgency or insight. Elizebeth’s boxes contained hundreds of her letters. Love letters. Letters to her kids written in code. Handwritten diaries. A partial, unpublished autobiography. I’m not a mathematician, and I’ll never be an expert on codes and ciphers, but Elizebeth’s descriptions of her work gave me a sense of what it must have felt like to be her—the excitement of solving the kind of puzzle that could save a life or nudge a war. She liked to say that codes are all around us: in children’s report cards, in slang, in headlines and movies and songs. Codebreaking is about noticing and manipulating patterns. Humans do this without thinking. We’re wired to see patterns. Codebreakers train themselves to see more deeply.

As rich as Elizebeth’s papers were, they struck me as incomplete. The records trailed off around 1940. What was she doing in the Second World War? No one seemed to know.

It took me almost two years to find the answer. She spent the war catching Nazi spies, among other little-known feats. Working with an elite codebreaking unit that she founded in 1931 and collaborating closely with both British and U.S. intelligence, Elizebeth became a secret detective, a Sherlock Holmes on the trail of fascist agents infiltrating the Western Hemisphere. She tracked and exposed them, smashing the spy rings, ruining Nazi dreams.

In a broader sense, she filled gaps in agencies that weren’t prepared for the battle of wits that now faced them, a pattern that repeated throughout her entire career. The FBI, the CIA, the NSA—to different degrees Elizebeth pressed her thumb into the clay of all these agencies when the clay was still wet. She helped to shape them and she battled them, too, a woman hammering herself into the history of what we now call the intelligence community. But when powerful men started telling the story, they left her out of it. In 1945, Elizebeth’s spy files were stamped with classification tags and entombed in government archives, and officials made her swear an oath of secrecy about her work in the war. So she had to sit silent and watch others seize credit for her accomplishments, particularly J. Edgar Hoover. A gifted salesman, Hoover successfully portrayed the FBI as the major hero in the Nazi spy hunt. Public gratitude flowed to Hoover, increasing his already considerable power, making him an American icon, virtually untouchable until his death in 1972.

It’s not quite true that history is written by the winners. It’s written by the best publicists on the winning team.

What follows is my attempt to put back together a puzzle that was fragmented by secrecy, sexism, and time. I relied on the Friedmans’ letters and papers, declassified U.S. and British government files, Freedom of Information Act requests, and my own interviews. Anything between quotation marks in this book is from a letter or other primary source document.

In these files I found a story of a true American adventure. A young woman with no money or connections is hired during the First World War by a millionaire to probe an odd theory about the works of Shakespeare. Through the millionaire’s sleight of hand and the urgencies of war, this eccentric literary project turns into a life-or-death hunt for actual enemy secrets, one that spawns a completely new science of codebreaking. The woman goes on in the 1930s to become one of the world’s most famous codebreakers, a front-page celebrity, before the government recruits her for one of the most closely guarded missions of the Second World War. And through it all she serves as muse and colleague to her husband, a troubled genius who lays the foundation of modern surveillance.

All democracies ride the line between security and transparency, secrecy and disclosure. What do people have a right to know? What must stay secret and why? The Friedmans lived these tensions more deeply than most. Their journey took them to great heights in the service of their country—and also to the depths of paranoia, poverty, and madness.

Jason Fagone


Terminology: A Cheat Sheet

You don’t need to know math to enjoy this book, just a bit of lingo.

A code is a fixed relationship between one set of symbols or ideas and another. It can be a very ordinary and everyday thing. Slang is code, emoji are code. Think of Paul Revere hanging lamps in the Boston steeple to signal the route of the British invasion: one if by land, two if by sea. That’s a code.

A cipher is a rule for altering the letters in a message. Usually it involves a one-to-one exchange: one letter gets replaced with one other letter, or a digit. For instance, if A=B, B=C, and so on, SMASH becomes TNBTI.

A cryptogram is a catchall term for a string of garbled text, solution unknown. It can be generated by a code or a cipher.

You can think of codes and ciphers as different sorts of locks that protect words, like a padlock protects money in a safe. In this analogy, the security professionals who make the locks and the keys are called cryptographers, and the thieves who try to pick the locks without having the keys are called either codebreakers or cryptanalysts, two terms that mean exactly the same thing.

The broad science of codes and ciphers—making them, breaking them, studying them, writing about them—is cryptology.

At different points in their careers, Elizebeth and William were asked to make codes, and they were good at this task, but their most significant feats involved codebreaking. They snuck into vaults of text, sometimes alone, sometimes together, feeling for the click of the bolt. Their lives became a series of increasingly spectacular and improbable heists. They used science to steal truth.






Sixty years after she got her first job in codebreaking, when Elizebeth was an old woman, the National Security Agency sent a female representative to her apartment in Washington, D.C. The NSA woman had a tape recorder and a list of questions. Elizebeth suddenly craved a cigarette.

It had been several days since she smoked.

Do you want a cigarette, by the way? Elizebeth asked her guest, then realized she was all out.

No, do you smoke?

Elizebeth was embarrassed. No, no! Then she admitted that she did smoke and just didn’t want a cigarette badly enough to leave the apartment.

The woman offered to go get some.

Oh, don’t worry, Elizebeth said, the liquor store was two blocks away, it wasn’t worth the trouble.

They started. The date was November 11, 1976, nine days after the election of Jimmy Carter. The wheels of the tape recorder spun. The agency was documenting Elizebeth’s responses for its classified history files. The interviewer, an NSA linguist named Virginia Valaki, wanted to know about certain events in the development of American codebreaking and intelligence, particularly in the early days, before the NSA and the CIA existed, and the FBI was a mere embryo—these mighty empires that grew to shocking size from nothing at all, like planets from grains of dust, and not so long ago.

Elizebeth had never given an interview to the NSA. She had always been wary of the agency, for reasons the agency knew well—reasons woven into her story and into theirs. But the interviewer was kind and respectful, and Elizebeth was eighty-four years old, and what did anything matter anymore? So she got to talking.

Her recall was impressive. Only one or two questions gave her trouble. Other things she remembered perfectly but couldn’t explain because the events remained mysterious in her own mind. Nobody would believe it unless you had been there, she said, and laughed.

The interviewer returned again and again to the topic of Riverbank Laboratories, a bizarre institution now abandoned, a place that helped create the modern NSA but which the NSA knew little about. Elizebeth and her future husband, William Friedman, had lived there when they were young, between 1916 and 1920, when they discovered a series of techniques and patterns that changed cryptology forever. Valaki wanted to know: What in the world happened at Riverbank? And how did two know-nothings in their early twenties turn into the best codebreakers the United States had ever seen—seemingly overnight? I’d be grateful for any information you can give on Riverbank, Valaki said. You see, I don’t know enough to . . . even to ask the first questions.

Over the course of several hours, Valaki kept pushing Elizebeth to peel back the layers of various Riverbank discoveries, to describe how the solution to puzzle A became new method B that pointed to the dawn of C, but Elizebeth lingered instead on descriptions of people and places. History had smoothed out all the weird edges. She figured she was the last person alive who might remember the crags of things, the moments of uncertainty and luck, the wild accelerations. The analyst asked about one particular scientific leap six different times; the old woman gave six slightly different answers, some meandering, some brief, including one that is written in the NSA transcript as Hah! ((Laughs.))

Toward the end of the conversation, Elizebeth asked if she had thought to tell the story of how she ended up at Riverbank in the first place, working for the man who built it, a man named George Fabyan. It was a story she had told a few times over the years, a memory outlined in black. Valaki said no, Elizebeth hadn’t already told this part. Well, I better give you that, Elizebeth said. It’s not only very, very amusing, but it’s actually true syllable by syllable.


You want me to do that now? Elizebeth said.


The first time she saw George Fabyan, in June 1916, he was climbing out of a chauffeured limousine in front of the Newberry Library in Chicago, a tall stout man being expelled from the vehicle like a clog from a pipe.

She had gone to the library alone to look at a rare volume of Shakespeare and to ask if the librarians knew of any jobs in the literature or research fields. Within minutes, to her confusion and mystification, a limousine was pulling up to the curb.

Elizebeth Smith was twenty-three years old, five foot three, and between 110 and 120 pounds, with short dark-brown curls and hazel eyes. Her clothes gave her away as a country girl on an adventure. She wore a crisp gray dress of ribbed fabric, its white cuffs and high pilgrim collar imparting a severe appearance to her small body as she stood in the lobby and watched Fabyan through the library’s glass front doors.

He entered and stormed toward her, a huge man with blazing blue eyes. His clothes were more haggard than Elizebeth would have expected for a person of his apparent wealth. He wore an enormous and slightly tattered cutaway coat and striped trousers. His mustache and beard were iron gray, and his uncombed hair was the same shade. His breath shook the hairs of his beard.

Fabyan approached. The height differential between them was more than a foot; he dwarfed her across every dimension. With an abrupt motion he stepped closer, frowning. She had the impression of a windmill or a pyramid being tipped down over her.

Will you come to Riverbank and spend the night with me? Fabyan said.

Elizebeth didn’t understand any part of this sentence. She didn’t know what he meant by spending the night or what Riverbank was. She struggled for a response, finally stammering a few words. Oh, sir, I don’t have anything with me to spend the night away from my room.

That’s all right, Fabyan said. We’ll furnish you anything you want. Anything you need, we have it. Come on!

Then, to her surprise, Fabyan grabbed Elizebeth under one elbow, practically lifting her by the arm. Her body stiffened in response. He marched her out of the library and swept her into the waiting limousine.

People often guessed that she was meek because she was small. She hated this, the assumption that she was harmless, ordinary. She despised her own last name for the same reason; it seemed to give people an excuse to forget her.

The odious name of Smith, she called it once, in a diary she began keeping at age twenty. It seems that when I am introduced to a stranger by this most meaningless of phrases, plain ‘Miss Smith,’ that I shall be forever in that stranger’s estimation, eliminated from any category even approaching anything interesting or at all uncommon. There was nothing to be done: changing her name would cause horrendous insult to blood relations, and complaining provided no satisfaction, because whenever she did, people asked why she didn’t just change her name, a response so inanely disgusting that it made her feel violent. I feel like snipping out the tongues of any and all who indulge in such common, senseless, and inane pleasantries.

Her family members had never shared this fear of being ordinary. They were midwestern people of modest means, Quakers from Huntington, Indiana, a rural town known for its rock quarries. Her father, John Marion Smith, traced his lineage to an English Quaker who sailed to America in 1682 on the same boat as William Penn. In Huntington he worked as a farmer and served in local government as a Republican. (My Indiana family, Elizebeth later wrote, were hide-bound Republicans who had never under any instances voted for any other ticket.) Her mother, Sopha Strock, a housewife, delivered ten children to John, the first when she was only seventeen. One died in infancy; nine survived. Elizebeth was the last of the nine, and by the time she was born, on August 26, 1892, most of her brothers and sisters had already grown up and scattered. She got along with only two or three, particularly a sister named Edna, two years her elder, a practical girl who later married a dentist and moved to Detroit.

Sopha had decided to spell Elizebeth in a nonstandard way, with ze instead of the usual za, perhaps sensing that her ninth child named Smith would want something to set her apart in the world. But Elizebeth didn’t need the hitch in her first name to know she was different. Prone to recurring fits of nausea that began in adolescence and plagued her for years, she had trouble sitting still and keeping her tongue. She clashed with her father, a pragmatic, stubborn man who ordered his children around and believed women should marry young. She questioned her parents’ faith. John and Sopha, though not devout, were part of a Quaker community and believed what Quakers do: that war is wrong, silence concentrates goodness, and direct contact with God is possible. Elizebeth’s God was more diffuse: We call a lot of things luck that are but the outcome of our own bad endeavor, she wrote in the diary, but there is undoubtedly something outside ourselves that sometimes wins for us, or loses, irrespective of ourselves. What is it? Is it God?

Her father didn’t want Elizebeth to go to college. She defied him and sent applications to multiple schools, vowing to pay her own tuition; a friend later recalled that she was full of determination and energy to get a college education with no help or encouragement from her father. (John Smith did end up loaning her some money—at 4 percent interest.) After being rejected from Swarthmore College in Pennsylvania, a top Quaker school, she settled on Wooster College in Ohio, studying Greek and English literature there between 1911 and 1913. Then her mother fell ill with cancer and Elizebeth transferred to another small liberal arts school, Hillsdale College in Michigan, to be closer to home. At both schools she earned tuition money as a seamstress for hire. Her dorm rooms were always cluttered with dresses in progress and stray ribbons of chiffon.

College took Elizebeth’s innate tendency to doubt and gave it a structure, a justification. At Wooster and Hillsdale she discovered poetry and philosophy, two methods of exploring the unknown, two scalpels for carving up fact and thought. She studied the works of Shakespeare and Alfred, Lord Tennyson, carrying books of their poems and plays around campus, annotating and underlining the pages until the leaves separated from the bindings. A course on philosophy introduced her to a new hero, the Renaissance scholar Erasmus, who believed in one aristocracy—the aristocracy of intellect, she wrote in a paper. He had one faith—faith in the power of thought, in the supremacy of ideas. Elizebeth, a smart person from a working-class family, found this concept liberating: the measure of a person was her ideas, not her wealth or her command of religious texts. She wrote a poem about this epiphany:

I sit stunned, nerveless, amid the ruins

Of my fallen idols. The iconoclast Philosophy

Has shattered for me

My God . . .

But through the confusing ruins, Faith, still hoping,

Somehow raises her hands and bids me—

Yearn on! Finally

Through the mazes of error and doubt and mistrust

You will come, weary heart

To the final conclusion upon which you will build anew.

You will find triumphant

The Working Hypothesis,

The Solid Rock.

In addition to the well-worn volumes of Shakespeare and Tennyson, she lugged her own diary from place to place, a book with a soft black binding that said Record on the cover in silver script. The round-cornered pages were lined. She wrote in wet black ink with a quill pen, in a slanted cursive hand that was not too beautiful, about the importance of choosing the right words for things, even if those words offended people. She didn’t like it when she heard a friend say that a person who had died had passed away or that a staggering drunk at a party was a bit indisposed. It was more important to be honest. We glide over the offensiveness of names and calm down our consciences by eulogistic mellifluous terms, until our very moral senses are dulled, she wrote. Let things be shown, let them come forth in their real colors, and humanity will not be so prone to a sin which is glossed over by a dainty public!

Sometimes Elizebeth had trouble channeling these energies and frustrations into cogent work. Her professors found her intensely bright, yet unfocused and argumentative. More than one told her, she said, that I have marvelous abilities, yet do not use them. A philosophy professor wrote on the back of her Erasmus paper, Very suggestive, with lots of good ideas and phrases. Also novel. But the style is choppy and the ideas are not in proper sequence. Next to these words Elizebeth scribbled a defiant note, dismissing the criticism on the grounds that she had recently won second place in a state oratorical contest.

She found herself attracted to male artists. Attending a choral concert one night, my musical heart was carried completely away by a baritone, she wrote. He loved the very act of singing—it could be seen in his eyes, in his mouth, in his very hands, as they irrepressibly moved in half-gestures. It made me want to be able to sing well myself, so badly that—well, I just couldn’t sit still with the desire of it. At Hillsdale she dated a poet named Harold Van Kirk, called Van by his friends, handsome and athletic. He typed French sonnets for her and later joined the army and moved to New York. Van’s roommate, Carleton Brooks Miller, wooed her when the relationship with Van fell apart, urging Elizebeth to read James Branch Cabell’s erotic science fiction novel Jurgen because it reveals the naked man-soul as it is. Carleton joined the army, too, then became the minister of a Congregational church near the college, writing to Elizebeth a few years later that he was still looking for a mate.

When graduation came around in the spring of 1915, Elizebeth still felt like a quivering, keenly alive, restless, mental question mark. She had no sense of where to go or what she wanted to do with her life. That fall she accepted a position as the substitute principal of a county high school twenty miles west of her childhood home. The landscape of small-town Indiana was depressingly familiar to Elizebeth, and while she enjoyed parts of her job—she taught classes in addition to running the school—she also felt trapped. For an educated American woman in 1915, teaching at the high school level or below was what you did. Almost 90 percent of professors at public universities were male; only 939 women in the country received master’s degrees in 1915, and 62 women earned Ph.D.s. Elizebeth had arrived at the last stop on a dreary train. There was no path from teaching that led anywhere else she might want to go. A woman taught, had kids, retired, died.

All her life, Elizebeth assumed that her restlessness was a defect that adulthood would somehow remove. She had called it this little, elusive, buried splinter and hoped for it to be pricked from my mind. But she was learning to see the splinter as a permanent piece of her, impossible to remove. I am never quite so gleeful as when I am doing something labeled as an ‘ought not.’ Why is it? Am I abnormal? Why should something with a risk in it give me an exuberant feeling inside me? I don’t know what it is unless it is that characteristic which makes so many people remark that I should have been born a man.

Wanting something more, and ready to take a risk, Elizebeth quit her job at the Indiana high school in the spring of 1916 and moved back in with her parents to think about what was next. She soon remembered how unpleasant it was to live with her father. She reached her limit and packed a suitcase in early June. Nervous, but forcing herself to be brave, she boarded a train for Chicago, hoping to find a new job there, or at least a new direction.

That month, the war in Europe—the First World War, then called the Great War—was two years old. America had not yet joined the battle. Woodrow Wilson was finishing his first term as president and campaigning for reelection in November on a platform of peace. More than a thousand Republican delegates had just kicked off their national convention to nominate a challenger to Wilson. They were gathered in the same city that now lured Elizebeth: Chicago, the young capital of the Midwest, an upstart empire of stockyards and skyscrapers.

The scale of the city jangled her. Pedestrians brushed past each other on sidewalks that cut mazes through the downtown office buildings, banks, apartments, hotels. It rained most every day, a cold, miserable rain, sheets of fat, icy drops that saturated the wool coats of the political delegates and swamped the grass at the baseball parks, canceling Cubs and White Sox games. Elizebeth stayed in the apartment of a friend on the South Side and ventured out each morning in search of work, visiting job agencies and presenting her qualifications. She told the receptionists she would like to work in literature or research. She pictured herself at a desk in a room of desks, taking notes with a sharp pencil. Not clerical work but something that required the brain. The people at the job agencies said they were sorry, but they didn’t have anything like that.

She had no other cards to play. No money or connections, no means of bending Chicago to her will. She felt small and anonymous. After a week she decided to return home.

Before boarding the train, though, she wanted to make one more stop in the city, at a place she had heard about, the Newberry Library, which owned a rare copy of the First Folio of William Shakespeare, a book whose backstory had intrigued her when she learned it in college. The Bard’s plays were never collected and printed in one place during his lifetime, because the culture in which he worked, Queen Elizabeth I’s England, revered the spoken word above the written. It wasn’t until 1623, seven years after his death, when a group of admirers gathered thirty-six of Shakespeare’s comedies and tragedies in a single hefty volume that came to be known as the First Folio. Simply publishing the book was a radical act, a statement that the phrases of a playwright deserved to be documented with the same care as the Gospels. A team of London artisans produced about a thousand copies, each typeset and bound by hand. Five men memorized portions of the plays to help them set type faster, stacking metal letters one by one into words and sentences.

Over the centuries, most of the copies were lost or destroyed. The Newberry had one of the few on display in America. So, on what she thought would be her final day in Chicago, Elizebeth made her way to the library.

The library was an odd institution, created by a dead man’s will and a quirk of fate. A rich merchant named Walter Newberry died on a steamship in 1868. The crew preserved his body for the remainder of the voyage in an empty rum cask before returning it to his beloved city, where lawyers discovered that Newberry had left behind almost $2,150,000 for the construction of a public library.

According to his will, the library had to be free to use, and it had to be located in North Chicago. These were the only conditions. The library didn’t even have books to start with, because three years after Newberry’s death, his own hoard of rare volumes was destroyed in the Great Chicago Fire of 1871.

The slate of the library was blank. Now the library’s trustees wrote their status anxieties upon it. These were wealthy Chicago businessmen who felt they lived in one of the finest cities in the world and were painfully aware that the world did not agree. For all of Chicago’s sudden material success, its skyscrapers and factories and department store empires and slaughterhouses, it lacked the institutions of art and music and science that elevated New York and Boston and Paris in traditional measures of civic greatness but omitted Chicago and made its large men feel small.

They wished to prove that they were men of culture and refinement, and they were willing to spend whatever it took.

This was the same insecurity that drove the fathers of Chicago to raise the dreamlike White City, the temporary pavilions of the Chicago World’s Fair that soared along the southern edge of the lake in the summer of 1893. The White City exhibited the future in prototype, pieces of an unfinished puzzle. On August 26, 1893, a day of demonstrations at the Palace of Mechanical Arts, a building twice as large as the U.S. Capitol, the palace rumbled and whirred with machines that turned raw sugar into candy, made sausages and horseshoe nails and bricks, and sewed ten thousand button holes per hour. All day long one hundred thousand people wandered the sprawling aisles, eardrums split by machine roar, drinking lemonade that spurted from a fountain. An entire newspaper was printed in exactly sixty-three minutes starting with raw planks of wood that were pulped as people watched. Everywhere was a demonstration of the almost irresistible power of mind when matter is set to do its bidding, the Tribune reported. The world’s tallest man, Colonel H. C. Thurston of Texas, eight foot one and a half in boots, mingled with the throngs, and in the afternoon fifty thousand gathered outdoors to watch a fat man dive for a bologna sausage that dangled from a pole above the lake’s lagoon.

This was the day Elizebeth turned one year old in Indiana. And as crowds of Americans roamed the White City in awe, builders completed construction of the Newberry Library, ten miles north of the noisy fairgrounds, and the first patrons entered the library in reverent silence.

Unlike the White City, a spectacle for the masses, the library was designed as a select affair for the better and cleaner classes, the Chicago Times wrote with approval when the Newberry first opened. It was an imposing five-story building of tan granite blocks. All visitors had to fill out a slip stating the purpose of their research and they were turned away if they could not specify a topic. The books, available for reference only, were shelved in reading rooms modeled after the home libraries of wealthy gentlemen, cozy and intimate spaces containing the rarest and most sophisticated books that vulgar Chicago money could buy. During the library’s first decades, the masters of the Newberry acquired books with the single-mindedness of hog merchants. They bought hundreds of incunabula, printed volumes from before 1501, written by monks. They bought fragile, faded books written by hand on unusual materials, on leather and wood and parchment and vellum. They bought mysterious books of disputed patrimony, books whose past lives they did not know and could not explain. One book on the Newberry’s shelves featured Arabic script and a supple, leathery binding. Inside were two inscriptions. The first said that the book had been found in the palace of the king of Delhi, September 21st, 1857, seven days after a mutiny. The second inscription said, Bound in human skin.

In one especially significant transaction, the library acquired six thousand books from a Cincinnati hardware merchandiser, a haul that included a Fourth Folio of Shakespeare from 1685, a Second Folio from 1632, and most exceptional of all, the First Folio of 1623, the original printing of Shakespeare’s plays.

This is the book that Elizebeth Smith was determined to see in June 1916, when she was twenty-three.

Opening the glass front door of the Newberry, she walked through a small vestibule into a magnificent Romanesque lobby. A librarian at a desk stopped her and sized her up. Normally Elizebeth would have been required to fill out the form with her research topic, but she had gotten lucky. The year 1916 happened to be the three hundredth anniversary of Shakespeare’s death, and libraries around the country, including the Newberry, were mounting exhibitions in celebration.

Elizebeth said she was here to see the First Folio. The librarian said it was part of the exhibition and pointed to a room on the first floor, to the left. Elizebeth approached. The Folio was on display under glass.

The book was large and dense, about 13 inches tall and 8 inches wide, and almost dictionary-thick, running to nine hundred pages. The binding was red and made of highly polished goatskin, with a large grain. The pages had gilded edges. It was opened to a pair of pages in the front, the light gray paper tinged with yellow due to age. She saw an engraving of a man in an Elizabethan-era collar and jacket, his head mostly bald except for two neatly combed hanks of hair that ended at his ears. The text said:





Publifhed according to the True Originall Copies.


Printed by Ifaac Iaggard, and Ed. Blount. 1623.

Elizebeth later wrote that seeing the Folio gave her the same feeling that an archaeologist has, when he suddenly realizes that he has discovered a tomb of a great pharaoh.

One of the librarians, a young woman, must have noticed the expression of entrancement on her face, because now she walked over to Elizebeth and asked if she was interested in Shakespeare. They got to talking and realized they had a lot in common. The librarian had grown up in Richmond, Indiana, not far from Elizebeth’s hometown, and they were both from Quaker families.

Elizebeth felt comfortable enough to mention that she was looking for a job in literature or research. I would like something unusual, she said.

The librarian thought for a second. Yes, that reminded her of Mr. Fabyan. She pronounced the name with a long a, like Faybe-yin.

Elizebeth had never heard the name, so the librarian explained. George Fabyan was a wealthy Chicago businessman who often visited the library to examine the First Folio. He said he believed the book contained secret messages written in cipher, and he had made it known that he wished to hire an assistant, preferably a young, personable, attractive college graduate who knew English literature, to further this research. Would Elizebeth be interested in a position like that?

Elizebeth was too startled to know what to say.

Shall I call him up? the librarian asked.

Well, yes, I wish you would, please, Elizebeth said.

The librarian went off for a few moments, then signaled to Elizebeth. Mr. Fabyan would be right over, she said.

Elizebeth thought: What?

Yes, Mr. Fabyan happened to be in Chicago today. He would be here any minute.

Sure enough, Fabyan soon arrived in his limousine. He burst into the library, asked Elizebeth the question that so bewildered and stunned her—Will you come to Riverbank and spend the night with me?—and led her by the arm to the waiting vehicle.

This is Bert, he growled, nodding at his chauffeur, Bert Williams. Fabyan climbed in with Elizebeth in the back.

From the Newberry, the chauffeur drove them south and west for twenty blocks until they arrived at the soaring Roman columns of the Chicago & North Western Terminal, one of the busiest of the city’s five railway stations. Fabyan hurried her out of the limo, up the steps, between the columns, and into the nine-hundred-foot-long train shed, a vast, darkened shaft of platforms and train cars and people rushing every which way. She asked Fabyan if she could send a message to her family at the telegraph office in the station, letting them know her whereabouts. Fabyan said no, that wasn’t necessary, and there wasn’t any time.

She followed him toward a Union Pacific car. Fabyan and Elizebeth climbed aboard at the back end. Fabyan walked her all the way to the front of the car and told her to sit in the frontmost seat, by the window. Then he went galumphing back through the car saying hello to the other passengers, seeming to recognize several, gossiping with them about this and that, and joking with the conductor in a matey voice while Elizebeth waited in her window seat and the train did not move. It sat there, and sat there, and sat there, and a bubble of panic suddenly popped in her stomach, the hot acid rising to her throat.

Where am I? she thought to herself. "Who am I? Where am I going? I may be on the other side of the world tonight." She wondered if she should get up, right that second, while Fabyan had his back turned, and run.

But she remained still until Fabyan had finished talking to the other passengers and came tramping back to the front of the car. He packed his big body into the seat opposite hers. She smiled at him, trying to be proper and polite, like she had been taught, and not wanting to offend a millionaire; she had grown up in modest enough circumstances to be wary of the rich and their power.

Then Fabyan did something she would remember all her life. He rocked forward, jabbed his reddened face to within inches of hers, fixed his blue eyes on her hazel ones, and thundered, loud enough for everyone in the car to hear, Well, WHAT IN HELL DO YOU KNOW?

Elizebeth leaned away from Fabyan and his question. It inflamed something stubborn in her. She turned her head away in a gesture of disrespect, resting her cheek against the window to create some distance. The pilgrim collar of her dress touched the cold glass. From that position she shot Fabyan a sphinxy, sidelong gaze.

That remains, sir, for you to find out, she said.

It occurred to her afterward that this was the most immoral remark she had ever made in her life. Fabyan loved it. He leaned way back, making the seat squeak with his weight, and unloosed a great roaring laugh that slammed through the train car and caromed off the thin steel walls.

Then his facial muscles slackened into an expression clearly meant to convey deep thought, and as the train lurched forward, finally leaving the station, he began to talk of Shakespeare, the reason he had sought her out.

Hamlet, he said. Julius Caesar, Romeo and Juliet, The Tempest, the sonnets—the most famous written works in the world. Countless millions had read them, quoted them, memorized them, performed them, used pieces of them in everyday speech without even knowing. Yet all those readers had missed something. A hidden order, a secret of indescribable magnitude.

Out the train window, the grid of Chicago gave way to the silos and pale yellow vistas of the prairie. Each second she was getting pulled more deeply into the scheme of this stranger, destination unknown.

The First Folio, he continued. The Shakespeare book at the Newberry Library. It wasn’t what it seemed. The words on the page, which appeared to be describing the wounds and treacheries of lovers and kings, in fact told a completely different story, a secret story, using an ingenious system of secret writing. The messages revealed that the author of the plays was not William Shakespeare. The true author, and the man who had concealed the messages, was in fact Francis Bacon, the pioneering scientist and philosopher-king of Elizabethan England.

Elizebeth looked at the rich man. She could tell he believed what he was saying.

Fabyan went on. He said that a brilliant female scholar who worked for him, Mrs. Elizabeth Wells Gallup, had already succeeded in unweaving the plays and isolating Bacon’s hidden threads. But for reasons that would become clear, Mrs. Gallup needed an assistant with youthful energy and sharp eyes. This is why Fabyan wanted Elizebeth to join him and Mrs. Gallup at Riverbank—his private home, his 350-acre estate, but also so much more.

Genius scientists lived there, on his payroll, working in laboratories unlike any on earth. Celebrities made pilgrimages to get a glimpse of projects under way. Teddy Roosevelt, his personal friend. P. T. Barnum. Famous actresses. Riverbank was a place of wonders. She would see.

After they’d been riding west for ninety

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