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Learning to Love
Learning to Love
Learning to Love
Ebook275 pages3 hours

Learning to Love

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When it was confirmed that my wife and son were taken, I knew I had to find them as quickly as possible. I would hire an army of men to help me if I had to. I would stop at nothing until they were found. My only problem is, how do you find a man who's legally dead?
The tears dry as quickly as they escape from my eyes. I need water. God, I'm so thirsty. I have no idea how many days have passed since I was taken. Has it been days? Weeks? Months? Or just mere hours? I don’t know, but I'm ready for it to end. I'm strong, but I'm tired.
My time on this earth is limited, so I wonder why he just didn’t already kill me. He said earlier that I have a debt to repay. What debt? I've done nothing. I have nothing to fight him with. I have no energy, and my eyes are burning from the horrid stench. What is that smell and where in hell am I?
My heart hurts at the thought of little Connor and what my abductor will do to him.
And that's when I hear it. That's when I know my nightmare is just beginning.

Release dateSep 26, 2017
Learning to Love

Brenda Kennedy

Brenda Kennedy, an award winning and Amazon bestselling author, is a true believer of romance. Her stories are based on the relationships that define our lives - compassionate, emotionally gripping, and uplifting novels with true to life characters, that stay with her readers long after the last page is turned.Her varied, not always pleasant background has given her the personal experience to take her readers on an emotional, sometimes heart wrenching, journey through her stories.Brenda has been a struggling single mom, a survivor of domestic abuse, waitress, corrections officer, hostage negotiator and a corrections nurse. She is also a wife, mom, and grandmother. Even though her life was not always rainbows and butterflies, she is a survivor and believes her struggles have made her the person she is today.Brenda is the author of the award winning book, Forever Country (The Rose Farm Trilogy Book 1). She has been dubbed "The Queen of Cliffhangers" by her adoring readers because books one and two always have a cliffhanger ending. In Brenda's own words, "I write series that end in cliffhangers, because I love them. I always give away the first book in each series so you have nothing to lose by reading it."She was born and raised in Zanesville, Ohio and moved to SW Florida in 2006 with her husband Rex. They have a combined family, and she often jokes about not remembering what child belongs to who.

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    Book preview

    Learning to Love - Brenda Kennedy

    Learning to Love


    Brenda Kennedy

    Book Three of the Learning Trilogy

    In Memory of Linda Murray

    Our friendship began as readers, but ended as friends

    Copyright 2017 by Brenda Kennedy


    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

    All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain noncommercial uses permitted by the author. For permission requests, email the author at [email protected].

    Chapter One: Taken


    Little Connor was discharged home a few days later, and thankfully he didn’t suffer any permanent injuries, but he did have a headache for a few days. He doesn’t recall the accident, and I’m thankful for that. Dale suffered two broken bones, causing both his hind legs to be in a cast. We have strict orders to keep him off them. Luke, his dad Mike, and my dad have been in the barn all day trying to come up with a contraption for Dale to use so he can get around.

    Connor rolls a ball to Dale to ‘catch,’ but he doesn’t really understand about Dale’s injuries. It’s hard to believe that just a couple weeks ago we thought we could lose Dale and possibly Connor. Dale’s still pretty sore and Luke is very careful about picking him up to carry him room to room. He still sleeps in Connor’s bedroom, then he hangs out in the living room throughout the day. The first night we tried to leave Dale in the living room, but Connor cried and Dale barked a mournful bark. We both just gave up and moved Dale into Connor’s bedroom. After all, they are brothers.

    I hear the bell over the door chime in the bakery, and I realize I forgot to lock the door after closing time. I hurry downstairs to tell the customer we’re closed when I look into familiar green eyes. His smile is so sinister that it sends chills down my spine.

    Hello, Mother.

    Fear runs through my body. How can this be? My son Connor’s dead. There was an accident when his car overturned. He was thrown from the vehicle where he was pronounced dead at the scene. The coroner pronounced him dead. I remember it like it was yesterday. Oh, God, no. The doctor. The coroner. It was the same person. It was the doctor who also pronounced Lorraine dead, and who also refused to treat me after I was burned. The same doctor who was on Brett and Connor’s payroll. How did I not put all this together?

    With tear-filled eyes, I look up the stairs leading into the apartment and see Dale lying there. He knows something’s wrong. Little Connor! My little boy is upstairs alone. Dale knew something was wrong and managed to crawl to the top of the stairs to check on me. His hind legs are broken. He can’t protect us. He can’t protect little Connor. Quickly I look away and take a step from behind the counter toward my son, who is still standing near the front door. I don’t want to give big Connor a reason to be suspicious or to go upstairs where my grandson is. He is my grandson, but little Connor is his son: his biological son he had with Lorraine.

    Don’t just stand there, Mother. Say something.

    The room spins and I’m dizzy. I need to walk further away from the stairs leading to the apartment. I need to keep big Connor away from little Connor. On shaky legs, I attempt to walk towards my only biological child. I’ve seen that look on his face many times before. I try hard to search for the little boy I once loved and cared for, but he’s gone. There’s no sign of the sweet little innocent child I gave birth to. Standing in front of me is the monster that Brett created. His face is mildly scarred, but he’s clean shaven, his hair is neatly trimmed, and he’s well groomed. Where has he been? Where has he been hiding all this time?

    He died in the car accident. We had a memorial service for him, followed by a funeral. Our friends gathered at our house afterwards for lunch. A body was in the casket. I didn’t just imagine that. I saw it with my own two eyes. Even though he was abusive, I still mourned for my only child. Brett and I both did. I remember our sadness. My mind relives the morning we went to the funeral home for Connor’s funeral. I leaned into the casket and kissed his cold, dead body. It was an open casket. Brett and I fought over that decision. I felt the casket should be closed, but Brett insisted it be open. Now I understand why. Brett didn’t want people to ever question if Connor really died in that horrific car accident. But there was a body. I saw it. I touched it, and kissed it. I slowly move my trembling hands up to my mouth. How? How did they manage that? The flesh felt real and it was so cold. Just like a corpse should feel. It looked so real. I felt deep in my heart that my only child was dead. Was it a wax figure? It felt so real. It looked real.

    Even after everything he did to me, I was sad. Death is death, and death is permanent.

    How? That’s the only word I can manage to say.

    My mind replays the verbal and physical abuse I suffered at the hands of my only child. It replays the abuse I witnessed from things he did to Ava. Ava! Little Connor! Ava’s twins! Oh, God, no. It can’t be happening. My mind thinks of what he’ll do to little Connor, Ava, and her daughters. They won’t survive whatever he’ll do to them.

    I feel dizzy. Reaching out, I hold on to the edge of the serving counter to help steady me. A dark, hazy cloud takes over my mind. My legs can’t hold the dead weight of my body before I black out and fall to the ground.


    Well, I think this is a damn good contraption, if I say so myself. I hold up the lightweight padded wooden cart with two wheels attached to the back. If all goes well, Dale will let us strap his torso on this flat part, allowing him to lie down and rest his hind legs while maneuvering around with his front legs.

    Bill says with excitement, Well, there’s only one way to find out.

    Dad locks up the barn as we make our way across the property to the bakery.

    If this works, and Dale can get around the house and the yard, it’ll make our life so much simpler.

    Bill looks at me and smiles. I know Connor will be glad to have someone to play ‘catch’ with again.

    "And Nichole will be glad to have Dale go outside to do his business."

    When we get closer to the bakery, I notice something unusual. The bakery door is standing wide open and Nichole isn’t around. Panic begins to set in. Nichole would never leave the door open, and even if she did, she would be close by.

    Frantically, I search the yard for her, Dale, and Connor. Nothing. Then I hear Dale barking from the upstairs apartment. Dropping the cart we made for Dale, I take off running toward the bakery. I hear heavy footsteps behind me so I know Dad and Bill are close behind.

    I run into the bakery and nothing looks out of place. Nothing’s been disturbed. Nevertheless, I have an uneasy feeling.

    Nichole! I yell.

    Running up the stairs, I search for Dale and Connor. Dale’s barking and Connor’s nowhere around. My heart falls to the pit of my stomach.

    Nichole! I yell louder.

    Bill and Dad search the small apartment as I run to Connor’s room.

    Where’s Momma and Connor, Dale? I ask although I know he can’t reply. He lets out a mournful bark that tells me it’s not good.

    I look up and see Dad and Bill both shaking their heads. They just verified what I already suspected: Nichole and Connor aren’t in the apartment.

    Maybe I’m worrying for nothing. She could have gone to the store for milk and someone broke in after they were gone. That would be better than what I’m thinking. No, her car’s still outside. Maybe she and Connor left with someone she knew. No, she wouldn’t leave Dale in the house by himself. Not in his condition. She also wouldn’t leave without telling me where she’s going.

    Dad and Bill quickly rush downstairs to the bakery. I know Dad’s looking for clues about what might have happened to Nichole and Connor. I begin to pick up Dale from the floor, when he cries out in pain. Dale’s healing well from his injuries so this is unusual for him. Then I feel the warm wetness on my hands before seeing the bright color of fresh blood on the hardwood floors and on my hands. He’s hurt. Carefully, I lay him back down.

    I’m sorry, boy.

    As carefully as I can, I search Dale for new injuries.

    Rage fills me. I have no idea what happened, but I feel Connor and Brett are somehow responsible for Connor and Nichole’s disappearance. Could Lorraine have had something to do with this?

    Suddenly, Bill and Dad run up the stairs holding a piece of folded paper. A ransom note? Could they have been kidnapped for ransom money? I focus on Dad’s face first. I can read his face better than I can Bill’s. The look on his face tells me what I already know. They’ve been taken.

    I say to Dale, Stay here, buddy. I’ll get you help.

    Dad and Bill are standing in the kitchen when I reach them. Opening the folded paper, I expect to see a ransom with several zeros at the end of a high number. Instead, I see this.

    To my mother’s husband,

    I have Mother and the boy. I’m not finished with her yet, and as for the boy, I have big plans for him.

    Her not so loving son, Connor

    My stomach turns into a cement block reading his words. Her son, Connor? Is this a joke? I reread the note and look at it front to back for some additional clues. Nothing. This can’t be right. My mind races with everything I know about him. He was Ava’s husband. He died in the car accident that left her in a coma and then with amnesia.

    Call Chase, I say to no one directly.

    If Connor’s alive, Ava’s also in danger. And, if he’s alive, she may indirectly know something about him that she doesn’t realize she knows.

    Dad hands me his ringing phone.

    Can you also call the vet for Dale? He’s badly injured. Handing him my phone, I add, The number’s listed under ‘Torey’ in my contacts.

    I look over at Dale and he’s in pain. I can’t be sure if it’s because of his own injuries, or pain from Connor and Nichole being taken. I saw the blood on the floor, but I couldn’t pinpoint any new injury.

    Chase here, he answers.

    Nichole and Connor are missing, I say into the phone.

    What! What do you mean they’re missing?

    They’re both gone, and there’s a note here from her son, Connor, saying he took them.

    But he’s dead.

    Running my hands through my hair, I let out an exhausted sigh. Yeah, well, I hate to tell you that he’s alive and well.

    When did this happen?

    That’s a good question. Half an hour ago. Maybe less. He could be on his way to the inn.

    Looking up, I see Bill is on his cell phone. Without a doubt, I know he’s calling Barb. Just when they get back to their daughter, she’s taken. How will they handle this?

    I tell Chase, Can you get your girls someplace safe and then get over here? Bring Ava with you, I’m hoping she’ll know something.

    I hear him let out a long breath. That’s a good question. Can I get my daughters someplace safe?

    On second thought bring them with you. I need to talk to Ava and we need to protect your girls. I think for a moment and wonder where a safe place could be. We’ll figure something out when you get here.

    He disconnects the call without saying another word.

    I look at Bill when he disconnects his call and ask him, Would you call the police while I check out Dale?

    Of course.

    As I care for Dale, I think about just how young and innocent little Connor is. This young child has seen so much loss in his short life. How this can even be real is beyond my comprehension. Today, Dad, Bill, and I planned to build something to help Dale get around while Barb and Rachael went shopping. Nichole, Dale, and little Connor planned to stay home and enjoy some quiet time. Then this happened. My mind races with what Nichole’s son, big Connor, is capable of. I know some of what Brett’s done to her. I saw the physical scars, and I’ve witnessed her nightmares. I try hard not to think about what he’ll do to little Connor and my wife. We need to act quickly.

    Dale yelps out in pain. What did he do to you, boy? I wipe copious amount of blood from Dale’s fur, searching for an open wound. I try hard to focus on the task at hand, but my mind is on Nichole and little Connor. I have no idea where to begin looking. Savannah? Lake City? We don’t have much time. How do you search for someone who’s supposed to be dead? It took months to find Lorraine and even then, we didn’t find her, she found us. The chance of us finding Nichole and Connor seems grim.

    I’m grateful when I see Torey walking through the apartment door. I stay by Dale’s side as she assesses him. I know she’ll give Dale the care he needs while I focus on finding my family.

    Luke, these are new injuries. I need to get him to the clinic to see how serious they are. Can you carry him to the truck for me?

    Carefully, I pick Dale up and carry him down the stairs. Get well, and I’ll be there to see you soon. He rests his head on my shoulder and I know he understands.

    Torey looks over at me. Your dad filled me in on some things that are going on.

    Yeah, it’s a bit of a mess.

    Focus on Nichole and Connor, and I’ll call you when I know more about Dale. I hope everything else works out for the best.

    For the best? The best is for little Connor and Nichole to be found alive, then for big Connor to die a painful, slow death. Thank you. Me, too.

    I stand by and watch as Torey carefully pulls out of the parking lot with Dale safely in a kennel in the back of her SUV.

    Since I know Dale will be taken care of, I focus my attention on finding Nichole and Connor. Who would know where big Connor could be? Brett? Lorraine? The doctor who signed off on his death certificate? They’re all dead. Well, two of the three are for sure. It’s hard for me to believe that the doctor’s dead since I never witnessed it.

    I walk over to Dad and Bill. Do you think it’s remotely possible that the doctor could still be alive?

    Bill has no idea what I’m talking about; however, Dad does.

    No, honestly, I don’t. I know he was clinically depressed, but if he is alive, that would mean there are other doctors who are like him. There would be another doctor who has no morals. Another doctor who would sign off on a living person’s death certificate. I don’t want to believe there are other doctors with so little regard to the law and lacking such morals.

    Maybe he’s right. I never heard of such a thing until I met Nichole. Now I find myself questioning everybody and everything. Bill stands by and remains quiet. I know he’s taking it all in, and now isn’t the time for him to ask questions.

    I say, He was married, so maybe his wife knows something.

    It’ll be a place to start looking for them.

    He pulls out his phone and walks into the other room. I assume he’s calling the Lake City Police Department. We need more information on the doctor and his estranged wife. Within a few minutes Barb, Rachael, and Daniel arrive. Barb’s crying as they listen to the few details we have about her only daughter and great-grandson’s disappearance. Daniel and Rachael stand near the door while Barb reads the note that was left from Connor. I can see the horror in her eyes as she reads his words.

    Is this really happening? she asks. Nikki said Connor was dead.

    How do I explain this? Barb, we all did.

    Then how? she asks with quivering lips.

    Bill wraps his arms around his frail wife.

    I don’t know, but we’ll find them. And we will.

    I decide now I should fill them in on Brett and Connor and their horrific behavior. There’s no other way around it. They’re going to hear about it anyway when I talk to the police. They need to know and as time goes on, I won’t be able to hide it. I tell them about Lorraine and the doctor, and how the doctor forged Connor’s death certificate. I also tell them that Brett raised Connor to be an abuser and a womanizer. I don’t tell them about the extent of the abuse. No one needs to hear about that.

    They cry and Rachael and Daniel look shocked. I know some of this is new to

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