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Dark Preacher
Dark Preacher
Dark Preacher
Ebook46 pages27 minutes

Dark Preacher

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Dark Preacher

by Alfred Bekker

Unce upon a time in the wild west..

Carson City is a city like any other, a city full of vices, secrets, fraud, and even murder is not an unusual phenomenon. But when the Dark Preacher enters the city, it is not certain whether good or evil will win ...

PublisherAlfred Bekker
Release dateMar 28, 2019
Dark Preacher

Alfred Bekker

Alfred Bekker wurde am 27.9.1964 in Borghorst (heute Steinfurt) geboren und wuchs in den münsterländischen Gemeinden Ladbergen und Lengerich auf. 1984 machte er Abitur, leistete danach Zivildienst auf der Pflegestation eines Altenheims und studierte an der Universität Osnabrück für das Lehramt an Grund- und Hauptschulen. Insgesamt 13 Jahre war er danach im Schuldienst tätig, bevor er sich ausschließlich der Schriftstellerei widmete. Schon als Student veröffentlichte Bekker zahlreiche Romane und Kurzgeschichten. Er war Mitautor zugkräftiger Romanserien wie Kommissar X, Jerry Cotton, Rhen Dhark, Bad Earth und Sternenfaust und schrieb eine Reihe von Kriminalromanen. Angeregt durch seine Tätigkeit als Lehrer wandte er sich schließlich auch dem Kinder- und Jugendbuch zu, wo er Buchserien wie 'Tatort Mittelalter', 'Da Vincis Fälle', 'Elbenkinder' und 'Die wilden Orks' entwickelte. Seine Fantasy-Romane um 'Das Reich der Elben', die 'DrachenErde-Saga' und die 'Gorian'-Trilogie machten ihn einem großen Publikum bekannt. Darüber hinaus schreibt er weiterhin Krimis und gemeinsam mit seiner Frau unter dem Pseudonym Conny Walden historische Romane. Einige Gruselromane für Teenager verfasste er unter dem Namen John Devlin. Für Krimis verwendete er auch das Pseudonym Neal Chadwick. Seine Romane erschienen u.a. bei Blanvalet, BVK, Goldmann, Lyx, Schneiderbuch, Arena, dtv, Ueberreuter und Bastei Lübbe und wurden in zahlreiche Sprachen übersetzt.

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    Book preview

    Dark Preacher - Alfred Bekker

    Dark Preacher

    by Alfred Bekker

    The volume of this book corresponds to 31 pocket pages.

    Carson City is a city like any other, a city full of vices, secrets, fraud, and even murder is not an unusual phenomenon. But when the Dark Preacher enters the city, it is not certain whether good or evil will win ...


    ACassiopeiaPress book : CASSIOPEIAPRESS, UKSAK E-Books and BEKKERpublishing are Imprints by Alfred Bekker

    © by Author / Cover: Edward Martin with Steve Mayer in Arrangement with Edition Bärenklau , Jörg Munsonius

    © this edition 2017 by AlfredBekker / CassiopeiaPress, Lengerich / Westphalia

    [email protected]


    He is a messenger of death.

    And of revenge.

    He looks like a preacher.

    The narrow-cut frock coat reaching to his knees is black.

    The hat, too.

    Like the shirt and the pants. Even his eyes are black and the pupils seem to leave little space for the whiteness.

    Only the collar is white, as one knows it from a Reverend. So white that you may wonder how he manages to keep it so clean for only one day with all the dust that is in the air. But when he opens the frock coat, you can see the belt with the special holster. Two Mauser C96 pistols are put in – with the magazine key in front of the trigger in which up to twenty bullets can be loaded. Unusual weapons here in the West. Unusual weapons with an unusually large fire power.

    Even a Winchester does not have such a big magazine. Whoever has seen the two Mauser, suspects that for this preacher mercy is not necessarily the highest commandment.

    The left sleeve is bruised slightly when he bends his arm. Sometimes, when the sleeve slips back, you can identify the handle of a throwing dagger.

    The preacher directs his horse on this gray evening in 1901 in front of the HAPPY SINNER SALOON, the only whorehouse of Carson City, Nevada.

    The preacher gets off his horse and fastens it to the crossbar.

    Then he goes through the swinging doors.

    Immediately, all eyes are directed towards him.

    The preacher lets his eye travel through the room.

    His gaze lingers at one of the saloon girls. She’s wearing a dress with a deep neckline. Her hair is red.

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