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Its the year 5449, a world surrounded by advanced technology, a world full of galactic travel and engagements. Artificial Intelligence (AI), BioMolecular technology, NanoTechnology have all advanced to levels enabling the human race to explore and migrate throughout our universe. Human and AI intelligence are now growing together in galactic explorations, explorations of multiple civilizations, adventure and conflict. In the year 5449 things are different, space travel, people movement, and flight technology are highly advanced. Follow an advanced intelligence team in their endeavors throughout the universe.

PublisherMike Fitting
Release dateSep 22, 2017

Mike Fitting

Much of my time is technology, design, application and management. I love spending time with my wife and family, we both grew up in Northwestern United States and consider this a wonderful place to live and play. Technology has always fascinated me, there are so many ways that technology and science can be advanced to further benefit all of us in our lives and future. I do believe in our future, our civilizations and people advancing our technologies, advancements that are only limited by our imaginations. Someday our people will branch out into the Universe, advancing our lives and technology, until then we can imagine and believe that one day it will be.

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    Jingo - Mike Fitting


    Thank you to my love, Sherry

    She is part of my core, an ancient loving soul with the largest of hearts.


    In ancient times around the 23rd century in the Sol system of the Milky Way galaxy, specifically the third planet called Earth, humans developed means to travel close to light speed and therefore began venturing into space exploring the galaxy. Artificial Intelligence (AI), Quantum Technology, BioMolecular technology, NanoTechnology had all advanced to levels enabling the human race to explore and migrate throughout space. Initially this migration evolved by moving to new planets and utilizing technology that helped the human race to adapt to a variety of world environments. Contact was made with other civilizations throughout the galaxy, both human and alien life forms. Contact with other civilizations was not always met peacefully and there were many wars and space battles with both more advanced civilizations and not as advanced. There was peaceful contact that shared goals and civilization ideals galaxy wide. Technology and advancements were made and shared that further advanced space travel and colonization.

    Development through both learned and shared technology enabled huge leaps in space exploration and the abilities to live and exist in space and planet environments. Propulsion advancements boosted travel to faster than light (FTL) speeds. Artificial Intelligence (AI) moved from primitive ancient devices to being integrated into all technologies, including human body and brain implants enabling us to communicate, monitor, and control our activities and environment.

    BioMolecular and Nanotechnology now are integral in medical and health sciences keeping us disease free and approaching immortality excluding pre-mature death due to accidental or war conflicts. Nanotechnology, also with AI integration at a nano level, enables molecular modification and physical changes via programmed and solution directives thereby creating or altering shapes of almost everything in our lives. Discovery and identification of the many types of energy and forces throughout the universe and space bring utilization and cross integration of these energy forces for propulsion, gravity, shielding, and much more making space and travel adaptation more reachable.

    As exploration and colonization expanded throughout the Milky Way galaxy, so too did the need for unification to offer key knowledge and services in health, technology, trade, and security. This evolved to the creation of the Casson Federation, named after a prominent and popular leader in the 25 century Victor Casson. Since the early creation of the Casson Federation primarily spreading across a majority of the Milky Way Galaxy, it has now grown to both the Milky Way, Andromeda, and several other combined galaxies. Along with a Federation political body with governance and standards also is a just as strong military forces offering protection and security. Viewpoints from both the political and military objectives struggle with each other but for the most part are cooperative to achieve the common good of the federation. Casson Federation leaders, both political and military, are very old and wise due to their vast knowledge and many experiences.

    The date is Universe Date UD-5449. The Universe Date standard was developed in consortium with Casson and other Federations. The standard was developed long ago at star date 2590 AD, ancient time standard of the Sol solar system (ancient Earth prior to space exploration and humans leaving planet Earth around 2380 AD).

    While there are many Casson civilizations and stations inhabiting planets or in orbit around planets, planetary life existence face high risks and limitations due to influences such as solar radiation, climatology, meteor and comet impacts, volcanism, and exploding stars.

    LeiKom (Lay'-i-com) UE-XLIX station lives in space and remote space during its travels and activity. LeiKom life now live indefinitely, primarily due to the pristine health conditions provided on LeiKom by its health sciences, knowledge and societal governance, station shielding and defense protection.

    LeiKom's purpose is to advance knowledge, trade, security, while promoting life and health sciences. LeiKom is one of many UE stations that belong to the Federation Casson, named after the ancient galactic astronomer and scientist Megal LeiKom of the Milky Way Galaxy. LeiKom was commissioned in UD-4630. The station itself continuously will modify itself to new and improved standards and practices directed by the Casson Federation. It is self sufficient and is able to perform necessary maintenance and repairs.

    While this is the future year of UD-5449, life in the Casson Federation and LeiKom station has strived to maintain much of the life styles, environment, personal communications, and social patterns used on old Earth in the 20th centuries.

    Certainly it is UD-5449, things are different. Building architectures are futuristic, transportation is a galaxy event with FTL (Faster than Light) space travel, long distance walking can be instant by walking through T panels (Transport Panels), in-head and body implants provide communication connections to highly advanced AI network systems, health and sciences utilize nanotechnology inside our bodies to maintain and monitor health conditions keeping disease free health and indefinite life spans, replicators instantly produce food, beverages, anything for the most part by just ordering with your thoughts, clothing is a patch that you simply press on your body and within seconds grows and spreads over your body, hologram projection provides multi-dimensional viewing and realistic realities, people can project their own personal hologram avatars to remote locations.

    Nanotechnology has brought almost unlimited advances to our lives. Everything is a nanotechnology material or base that allows growth and modification of almost anything. Objects may be simply grown, you can thought-click a table and chairs and they are grown out of the floor with any style and color you desire. Material colors are changed instantly if desired, shapes are changed, for example space craft can change color dependent on their environment, space craft will change shape from a round object to a flat oval dependent on speed needs.

    With all these advances, life still maintains the social attitudes and structure as early times. There are still families, neighborhoods, personal ethics, parks, children playgrounds, work offices, restaurants and bars, entertainment centers, apartments, pools, tennis courts, other people values. People have come to know that personal and social contact is what deepens love, respect, and compassion for one another. Incredibly sophisticated AI's in virtually everything enable our civilization to grow and function as we the people of our civilization allow it. It is widely believed and deeply adopted that all these bring a stability and strength to human growth, compassion for humanity, and values promoting long lasting and high value civilizations.

    Part 1 - Jingo Intelligence


    Admiral Clayton is ready for you now Commander. said the admiral's assistant.

    My name is Jeb Taylor, a Commander with the Casson Federation Intelligence Group. I am sitting here in the waiting room of Admiral Clayton's office after being summoned to see him yesterday afternoon. Admiral Clayton is one of the top officers of Casson Naval Intelligence, well liked and respected. I have to admit, I am a bit nervous as I don't have a clue why he wants to see me. I am running things through my mind that I may have screwed up to warrant this meeting, can't think of anything, not that I am as pure as driven snow.

    Admiral Clayton's office is located in the Naval Headquarters building here on Hexlion, fourth planet of the star Tamara941 about a third from center of the Milky Way galaxy. Hexlion is a major Naval hub for Naval Operational planning as well as headquarters for Casson Naval Intelligence. Hexlion is also the capital headquarters of Casson Federation.

    It's a beautiful day, Tamara provides an absolutely heavenly orange red glow that is even mellowed more with Hexlion's atmosphere. Hexlion is about twice the size of Earth in the Sol system with a gravity here of about 1.2g. Prior to my time here on Hexlion I was a fighter pilot with BlueStar and BlackNight fighter squadrons. Before joining Naval Intelligence I served on the Flight Carrier Franklin as their Flight First Officer. It was during my time on the Franklin that I developed an interest in advanced AI, Artificial Intelligence, systems and relationships with nanotechnology creation. After many years of being an attack fighter pilot involved with many types of space crafts and systems, I decided to shift my life from being a pilot and involvement with flight operations and move into that of intelligence, Naval Intelligence. I have been assigned here for some time now with the Intelligence group C15. I have just finished an extended mission to the Kincaid system tracking down a ruthless pirate who has been raiding Ore barges and obsessed with corruption and killing to achieve pretty much anything he wanted and desired. It took some time but with some new and ingenious physical tracking bots and a fantastic covert operative, we were able to track and surface his operation, plans and location. He and his ship were obliterated after he refused to surrender once we surprised him attacking an Ore freighter out of the Kincaid system. Our tracking nano bots and insertion technique received some high praise,notoriety, and a few Casson Federation commendations with a few weeks liberty for our group before our next assignment. On my second day of relaxing on one of the many great beaches of Hexlion, here I am in Admiral Clayton's waiting room, not the beach I would have chosen.

    Great! Thank you. I said as I rose to enter the Admirals office. I walked in, came to the normal attention and salute with a Good Morning, Admiral.

    I have never met Admiral Clayton prior to this and was surprised at his size, the dude was hardly more than 5 feet tall, guess I was expecting a giant with piercing eyes. With the Admiral were two other officers, Rear Admiral Knox of Intelligence Operations and the other I needed no introduction as Rear Admiral Binet' was my commanding officer at C15. Now I was really beginning to get the itch, what's going on?

    Thank you for coming Commander, it is a real pleasure to meet with you this beautiful morning. said the Admiral. Maybe this is the customary greeting prior to ... well something horrible and indescribable I thought.

    Absolutely my pleasure, Sir. I said respectfully.

    "I am going to get right to the chase Commander. First of all, I am truly honored to meet such an officer as yourself with all your distinctions, commendations, and of course your multiple medals of honor, thank you for your service to the Federation.

    Your work in commanding the effort to nail that son of a bitch Kierko was truly brilliant. You not only brought a great end to him, his band, and his corruption but enhanced our intelligence processes and methods in doing so. I have received nothing but praise for you from President Molin of the Kincaid sector as well as your leadership and team members." he said. Now the itch has become a full on inflamed raging rash! Where is this leading, I thought.

    "Thank you Admiral!, I said.

    What the hell is next, strange way to drop the hammer.

    Rear Admiral Knox needs someone to lead Jingo team on LeiKom. We have some important needs there and the urgency is rising as well. I have conferred with Knox and Binet' on this, and without question, your the man. Effective immediately you are promoted to the rank of Captain and assigned to lead Jingo team stationed on LeiKom. Your orders will be available within the next hour. You should be ready to report within 7 days. Is that agreeable with you Captain? said the Admiral. It's not a rash anymore, now numbing shock. A promotion to Captain and Jingo team on LeiKom! Jingo is a intelligence team whose exploits throughout the universe is well known and respected. I can hardly believe what I have heard, Jingo team ... damn! I am not at all sure what LeiKom is, a base somewhere but it can't be to bad a place if Jingo is there, I hope.

    Thank you Admiral! I am very pleased and ready to report as ordered Sir. I said, quite a lame response but frankly I am still in shock.

    Perfect, Rear Admiral Knox will fill in some blanks and answer any questions you may have. Well deserved and we have complete confidence in you. Dismissed Captain. said the Admiral, completing this meeting.

    As I left the Admiral's office, my mind still reeling and trying to put all of this together, I stopped in a beautiful and ornate lobby area surrounded by holo-art and commemoration plaques of many Casson figures, accomplishments and memorials.

    Captain, have you a moment? said Rear Admiral Knox approaching me from the stairs.

    Yes Sir Admiral. I replied.

    Just checked with Admiral Clayton, we know you are on a deserved liberty and so continue enjoying that for a few days more. I will meet up with you in a week and quickly discuss your orders prior to heading out. Rear Admiral Knox said.

    Thank you Admiral! I will and look forward to meeting with you, Sir! I replied.


    At least I was able to enjoy a few days, some great surfing, sun, and of course drinking. I'm hooking up with my best friend and operative, he does not know I have just been promoted and being transferred.

    Hey Cam, where have you been?

    Jeb, oh I've been over at building 35, cleaning up some paperwork and logging artifacts from our Kincaid stuff. What's up?

    I just got yanked up to Captain and they're transferring me. I'm going to lead Jingo team on LeiKom!

    What, your kidding! Jingo, the Jingo? Captain? Damn Jeb, how much did that cost you, they didn't just promote you out of the blue! he said laughing.

    Seriously, Jingo team? Amazing, congratulations. Where is it? Cam asked.

    Its on a place called LeiKom, have no idea what planet, hope its sort of decent.

    Well, I guess I'll see you sometime, who do I work with now? Cam asked.

    Oh No buddy, I am keeping you with me. I'm leaving this afternoon, I have you on an transport out of here in two days to meet up with me. Your not getting away dude, forget that. I will see you in a few days. I told Cam.


    The Jasper is a Z-Cam-I Intelligence ship. During my years as a fighter pilot we flew Janos class fighters, they had much more primitive nanotechnology and significantly smaller in physical size. As an attack fighter pilot you literally slid into a very small cockpit that would nano adjust and conform to your body size and nano-meld your suit to the formed seat, you became one with the ship so to speak, you are in a nutshell with an AI and holo displays. Your world in one of the Janos class fighters was pretty much you, your thoughts, and your ships AI system - a lot of loneliness and isolation with a good portion of fear, battle and enemies. Prolonged flights lasting days at a time in the dark of space can be incredibly isolating, you become good and trusted friends with your AI. Those Janos days are nothing comparable to the AI's in these Z-Cam fighters today. The Z-Cam-I is a larger version of the Z-Cam attack fighter ships that belong to the larger Casson Flight Carrier's attack fighter squadrons. Z-Cam is an abbreviation for Zieleen Camouflage meaning that this ship has a very sophisticated AI system, Zieleen Nanotechnology coupled with camouflage properties that enable the ship to take on any shape and look other than a attack fighter, i.e. Asteroid, Freighter, small benign craft, anything that evades suspicion. The Jasper is 50m long, 25m wide, and 15m high capable of a crew of 50-75 with a minimal armament payload, less personnel with a large weapon payload. The other thing that makes the Jasper somewhat different than my pilot and fighter days is that, well there is no freaking pilot! Sophisticated and advanced fighter spacecraft require extremely complex operations to be controlled at speeds and efficiency that far exceed that of humans, AI advancements have grown to meet and exceed those requirements. While this ship, the Jasper, is very large in respect to my flying days, its not so much anymore. This is an attack fighter spacecraft, its a fighter that was developed for intelligence teams and operations. It carries a significant payload of weapons and armament, it will defend itself masterfully if needed, adversaries will not like to challenge this impressive force. I am not a stranger to AI systems and their capabilities. Early on I have seen the need for the advancement of AI and further utilization and applications. Just as spacecraft of all types need advanced AI systems, I believe that AI may also advance other operations and endeavors.

    I have shuttled up to the Casson Federation star station in orbit around Hexlion ready to board the Jasper for the flight to LeiKom. The flight will take a little over a week at FTL speed as LeiKom is on the outer most region of the galaxy, we will travel about half the Milky Way galaxy to get there.

    As I board the Jasper I stop in my tracks. I know this is a new advanced fighter spacecraft, but I had no idea. I was expecting arrangement of flight chairs lined up for crews and passengers. I have just walked into a luxurious lounge, soft recliners, rep bars, tables, nano-staterooms, even a small pool and sauna. Hologram projections of flight status, information, virtually any type of data and display you need are on the sides, shifting lights, colors and shapes of all sizes. Everything in here is all nano base configuration, it can change its configuration with a thought. It can all go away if needed, we don't need a pool and sauna if we are in an alert fighting state of battle so all those nice amenities are shelved until a more quiescent time.

    As I am walking through the ship and snooping around,

    Hello Captain Taylor, welcome aboard. says ... the ship? I am familiar with my in-head implant and communications receiving messages and alerts, especially from an AI in an attack fighter, but then again I am familiar with attack fighters needing a pilot as well.

    Hi ship, thanks.

    Please make your self comfortable Captain, is there anything you need before we get underway to LeiKom?

    Before we get underway? Where are the other passengers?

    Where is everybody, shouldn't we wait for the others? I asked the ship thinking that we must be waiting for others before we get underway.

    You are the only passenger Captain Taylor, please make your self comfortable, would you like anything to eat or drink prior to our acceleration?

    What, just me! You have to be kidding, just me in this advanced fighter on a trip clear across the galaxy! This doesn't make any sense!

    I stow my gear in one of the staterooms and fasten down to one of the soft recliners as the ship eases out into space and transitions acceleration to FTL. So smooth and surreal, especially sitting in a lounge, damn things have changed. This is just strange, just freakin me here in this ship. I walk over to the rep bar, replicator for food and drink, and thought click a cheeseburger and fries with a beer. Returning to one of the tables to relax and eat,

    Ship, Why do you have a single passenger on a trip across the entire galaxy? Don't you think that's a bit odd?

    Yes, somewhat. You Captain are a very special passenger, one of honor and distinction on your way to fulfill a valued position and need, you have also been selected.

    Selected? What the hell does that mean?

    What do you mean selected?

    We know of your work and knowledge. You have a very deep respect for AI advancement and value. Your relationship with Cam has proven your respect and ability to share equally human and AI worlds.

    Cam is my ZiKor (Zee'Core), Cam Cartwright. A good buddy, Commander Bob Pilar, and I spent years developing a concept for AI application in the form of a human. Not a robot, much more advanced and capable, independent, expert reasoning and analysis, highly mobile with powerful capabilities. We worked very hard to develop an advanced technology for covert intelligence operations. It was not easy at first, it took a lot of requests to Casson Federation Executives in order to sell them on the value of an advanced AI operative. Initially Zikor technology was in its infancy and not nearly as advanced as now, our development has come a long way in a very short period of time primarily due to the expertise and Bob's dedication, he is renowned in both AI and nanotechnology sciences. Bob and I broke the ground with Zikor intelligence operatives, I think it has paid off with both Casson Federation and NIH leaderships, they now believe in Zikor intelligence operatives and have fully invested into its advancement. ZiKor is a full flesh Zieleen Korgian Nanotechnology AI with the most advanced Korgian artificial intelligence and Zieleen Nanotechnology properties - the most advanced Casson Federation technology. They are impossible to distinguish as a ZiKor and not a human. Cam is my Zikor operative, he is of incredibly high value in covert operations, I've trusted Cam for a long time now. Cam was developed from my profile, permissions, and a blend of my personality, he's not me but he has some of my nuances in his personality. Commander Pilar is now Captain Bob Pilar with a recent promotion. He has been granted a special division in Casson Federation Nanotechnology specifically for the development and advancement of Zikor technology. As its happened, Bob was transferred to LeiKom about a year ago, it will be good to see him again.

    Wait a minute! Wait one damn minute! We? Who the hell is We?

    Ship, what do you mean 'We know of your work and knowledge'? Who is we?

    I have entered this ship as its AI so that I may introduce myself to you, but I am also a member of a highly advanced AI group, a group of very powerful AI entities. We know you are very aware that there are two worlds, the human world in the Casson Federation and the AI world in the Casson Federation. Both worlds are very real and have many similarities, just different. We have monitored you for some time now and you have been selected to have a very close relationship with us due to your respect and value for AI and our AI world. Our trip together will give us a chance to further advance our new relationship. It is our hope that you will also welcome a closer relationship and accept our world and its values even more so in your new position as leader of Jingo Intelligence. Much can be gained, for all of us, if you so desire to venture forward with us.

    Ok, this is not your normal conversation with a fighter spacecraft AI. I must admit that the ship is right, it's true I have always believed in AI, and through Cam I have learned that there is an AI world. He has told me a lot of how he lives, operates, and how he resources the vast amount of data and information available in the Casson Federation AI world.

    Is this real? I've got to get another beer. This is crazy, but I do have a bit of a problem here, I like crazy!

    Do you have a name, I am not good with calling you ship?

    My AI name is Kolman, I am a member of Chinuur (Chee'noor), the highest level of the Casson Federation AI world.

    Its nice to meet you Kolman.

    What now? I do believe in AI, but I feel a little dumb right now. What do we do now, push a button to go forward.

    How do we start this relationship Kolman? What kind of relationship is it going to be?

    All I have are questions, sheesh, and I'm supposed to be in intelligence! Get real I tell myself.

    Jeb, I want you to meet a friend of mine, he does not have a human name, he would like for you to give him a name. He is a strong and powerful AI entity, he is our selection to join with you and us in our building relations moving forward.

    Ok, Hi new friend, I would like to call you Benny, is that ok with you.

    It is truly an honor to meet you Jeb, I like my new name, I look forward to our relationship. said Benny.

    Benny's voice is distinctly different than that of Kolman's voice.

    Kolman, how long have you known Benny? I asked Kolman.

    Kolman has left Jeb, he wants you to know that we have his full support in our new venture. I can tell you Jeb that Kolman is indeed a very powerful and intelligent AI entity, he will know of everything we do. said Benny.

    Ok, its just me and you Benny! That works for me. I said.

    What in the hell was in that cheeseburger, this is nuts.

    Benny wastes no time, its been a couple of days now and we talk about everything. As I relax in the pool, walk around checking out this large ship, we talk about Cam. He knows Cam very well and has helped Cam with his AI travels many times. Benny has more AI reach, permissions and access than Cam, Benny can travel very deep into the world of AI. He tells me that our relationship will be much more advanced than many humans can know, in fact I will be the first human in history to know the AI world and its potentials. I consider and reflect on my life and path, how I arrived at this point in my life.

    In the ancient past computers and AI's were very simplistic and their function limited to very focused and programmed tasks. As time passed, AI's grew to be more advanced and complex, faster and larger, still focused to set programmed tasks. Soon reasoning and analysis capabilities were brought in that enabled more advanced tools and assistance in a wider variety of tasks and accomplishments. Vast technological advances have now enabled AI's to create and develop, plan, analyze, and in their own limited way see ahead and envision.

    Benny's description of the AI world is its indeed a world made of places and networks that are not so unlike human cities, stations, and worlds. He tells me they too have AI worlds and cities made from unlimited vast networks and data channels, full of life, personalities and colors and activity. Much like your human societal and governance hierarchy, the AI world too has its levels and priorities that not all of us are allowed access, we have to earn our way into areas of vast intelligence, knowledge, and capabilities. It is also not always peaceful and pleasant, there are bad things in our world as well. Our world, as yours, is a very complex and unlimited place full of known, unknowns, and places of all types, many times frightening too.

    As humans we feel our bodies always, we sense our environment always, we feel others around us always, we feel and know our place in our world always. This occurs instantly and continuously without thought or purpose, it just is. As AI's, they too are always in touch with their surroundings and environment and each other, its just not as we humans interpret our world through our human senses, its different but of equal weight and value as ours is to us. For centuries now, we humans have implants in our bodies and brains that enable our bodies to maintain pristine health and wellness, we also have AI interfaces in our human brains that enable us to communicate, download, and view information from AI sources. These advancements have bridged our two worlds ever closer together. We can now communicate with each other without verbal sounds or body languages.

    We humans depend on our human brain to interpret our senses to build our knowledge, control our body functions and health, reason and analyze and plan, to function as a member of our world and society. Our brain contains memory and experience knowledge that provide a foundation for us to think, analyze, plan and function. AI's too depend on memory and knowledge, data in their world. They have vast amounts of data and knowledge stores and banks, while they do not have a human brain, they have unlimited high speed networks and data channels, FTL communication mediums, computational powers and structures that far exceed our human capabilities. In many ways their world is advancing as our world, just differently. Our worlds exist equally just not the same.

    Benny and I talk about Cam and the relationship that Cam and I have developed over the years. Cam and I totally trust each other, I don't consider him to be a ZiKor technology AI, just a friend. Zikor's are mobile nanotechnology AI's with primary function of relating, working, and communicating with us humans as we deal with our matters and tasks. We talk to each other, laugh, and he displays human characteristics and behavior because that is a part of his AI existence, he is here to communicate and work with me as though he is human. From an AI perspective, Cam is on the low end of AI powers and access permissions, but on the high end of AI values. Cam and ZiKor technology represent high value because they are a growing key AI asset to interface with humans in order to bridge our two worlds closer together.

    I'm sitting down for dinner, some spaghetti, garlic bread, and a glass of Shon, Shon is like a Merlot of old Earth. I know of Jingo, its been in existence for a little over a hundred years now and has gained NIH popularity with some of its exploits and successes. It has moved around the galaxy from time to time, but has always pretty much been a cohesive unit of top intelligence members. I am wondering why I have been selected to lead Jingo, there are a lot of intelligence officers with much more seniority and experience than me. I do have a few honors, medals and distinctions, but mostly from my days as an attack fighter pilot, not so many as a Naval Intelligence Officer.

    I have learned here very quickly that Benny knows a ton, I think I need to keep on his good side!

    Benny, what do you know of Jingo, why have I been selected to lead Jingo?

    Jeb, you are a perfect fit for this team, you are needed at this time and at this place in its path. You are correct, Jingo is a highly respected and distinguished team, it needs new innovation and vision. You have been selected to immediately bring Jingo to a new and beneficial path, a path that will grow our new venture to a completely new level.

    There is that 'selected' word again. Have I been planted somehow?

    Did you and Kolman have something to do with my selection?

    We can offer influence that brings beneficial outcomes in many ways. There are times when our influence is a bit subliminal, but again, very beneficial and rewarding to both our worlds.

    Ok, I think that is a Yes. Are you a politician in your world? Is it Ambassador Benny? I said laughing. Benny also laughed, my god Benny laughed, it was a great laugh, not a laugh you would expect from an AI, a really good belly laugh!

    Honestly Benny, I don't think I care how I was selected, whether it was some sort of subliminal hypnosis or a slap across a face, I do believe in your AI world and I'll commit to making this venture and relationship sing with the best of them.

    It never ceases to amaze me just how wise and visionary Kolman is. You are indeed the perfect selection, this is going to be exciting! said Benny.

    What can you tell me of Jingo? I would like to know all I can. I only know Jingo is popular, well known, I know nothing else about it.

    Benny and I spend a lot of time talking about Jingo and my new assignment, we have time as it will be 2 more days before we begin to decelerate on approach to LeiKom. Jingo is comprised of 82 members with knowledge and expertise in management and supervision, AI operations, analysis, communications and other supportive roles. It is a part of Naval Intelligence Headquarters based on LeiKom. It is also a part of, not as directly as NIH, Casson Federation Executive Commission, FedCom. Jingo is more unique compared to many intelligence teams as it is involved in not just NIH matters, but also FedCom needs. Casson Federation Secretaries of Defense, Space, Intelligence, and Operations utilize Jingo for special assignments and tasks.

    My new commanding officer is NIH Admiral Steve Jenkins. Benny advises that Admiral Jenkins is intelligent, straight forward, disciplined yet open minded, and an overall good man. His earlier naval life was as a fighter pilot as well, then migrating to several ship commands of Cruisers, BattleShips, and also Flight Carriers. Admiral Jenkins is highly respected and an integral player with both NIH and FedCom.

    Benny spends more time telling me of another key person available to me as leader of Jingo, Commander Kiko Chin, Jingo's First Officer. She is very intelligent, organized, high people skills and communication techniques, and Kiko is a Shintu Master in martial arts and fighting skills. Kiko is incredibly valuable and will be your second right arm, so to speak. Early in life she applied and was accepted into Kingman University on the planet Ulixion, a very prestigious University well known for Engineering and Sciences. She received a Masters and later a PhD in Energy and Force Sciences as well as a PhD in Social Sciences and Psychology. Kiko then signed on as lead scientist for Kreskin Industries, a leader and instrumental in space forces and energy applications and science. She then joined Corsican Corporation whose main objectives were developing unique and specialized energy and force reactors for Casson Federation Defense Department. Kiko gained wide attention for her efforts in developing force and propulsion concepts for the now proven Z-Cam fighter space craft. She soon realized that she wanted to join Casson Federation Naval Academy and naval forces. She earned her commission from the Casson Federation Naval Academy and joined the Flight Carrier Washington as Engineering Officer. She served as Engineering officer migrating from propulsion to nanotechnology and manufacturing where she got involved in high security AI systems employed on a variety of Casson Federation space craft. This lead into her interest for intelligence operations and she requested and earned a transfer to NIH Intelligence services. Kiko joined the Station Constellation, as NIH intelligence analyst. She served as analyst and soon was promoted to Lt. Commander and responsible for NIH Intelligence AI analysis and operations. Her life on LeiKom began as a AI analyst for the Jingo Intelligence team. She was promoted to Commander and Jingo's First Officer a little over a year ago.

    Jingo sounds impressive, I think I might be a good fit for Jingo, I think I can get into this.

    A very influential person in my early life, I lost her when I was 11, my grandmother Janice Taylor, would always guide me while at the same time keeping me grounded and humble. One of her teachings I always remember is Not everything is given to you in life, somethings do just happen, but mostly you will have to earn what you want, so get your ass out there and earn it! Keep your future clear, let go of your past always remembering lessons learned. I focus on my future and this new opportunity and venture with Benny.

    So Benny, what planet is LeiKom station on?

    I am hoping its a nice environment much like Hexlion. Hopefully some great beaches, surfing, great running trails.

    LeiKom is not on a planet, its a Universe Explorer Station, LeiKom UE-XLIX.

    A space station! Good grief, a space station. A probably cramped and enclosed space station. My visions of the future are suddenly dimming rapidly.

    Really, a Space Station? My expectations suddenly fall through the floor.

    Yes Jeb, its quite large. Its larger than Earth yet a bit smaller than Hexlion, its of a planet size and scale.

    Get out! I said with dismay, they don't build space stations that large, do they?

    I am not able to get out, I am here on the Jasper with you.

    Sorry Benny, I didn't mean it that way. A space station as large as a planet? Seriously?

    Yes, its not just a space station, its a Universe Explorer, a very large space station and ship all in one. You are going to be quite impressed, trust me.

    Am I so naive to not know that Casson Federation has built such a thing, a space station and a ship as big as a planet, some kind of intelligence officer I am!

    About 2 hours ago, we began deceleration from FTL speed on approach to LeiKom. I am beginning to get excited about my new gig. Benny sets up one side bulkhead of the Jasper with a hologram view, holo-view. It's as if you are looking out a hole in the ship, a view of space with icons and information of objects in view. I just stand there, gazing at the view, I see normal stars and constellations, not an awful lot, we are on the outer most edge of the Milky Way galaxy. I see one bright star to our left, actually its directly in front of us, the holo-view is of a frontal view.

    Benny, what star is that in front of us? Damn its bright!

    Its not a star, that is your new home, LeiKom.

    Wholly ... we are probably 200,000Km out decelerating and its as bright as a star at this distance! What the hell kind of space station is this LeiKom!

    As we approach, it just gets larger and larger. We are now about 100,000Km out, we can start to see its shape. Benny magnifies the holo-view, I am speechless, it is a behemoth, a huge ship more than a station. I am looking at a shape that appears to have a front control and navigation bridge, an enormous wrap over type structure that almost envelops a truly planet size round ball of some kind, followed by 3 distinct slowly revolving rings of spheres, and at the back is what appears to be propulsion thrusters. It is full of color and lights, full of life, truly alive.

    We continue our approach, as we approach, directly in front of us but off to the starboard side is the Flight Carrier Alexander, one of LeiKom's Flight Carriers on routine maneuvers patrolling and protecting LeiKom. It is enormous, I have seen many Flight Carriers, but the Alexander is one of the new larger classes of Carriers. I was attached to the Flight Carrier Franklin when I flew with the BlackNights, it was about a half the size of these new class carriers. Dang, Benny tells me there are 14 more of these monsters stationed on LeiKom. It is huge, its 5Km long and 3.5Km wide and 850m high. On this one of 15 LeiKom Flight Carriers are 6 attack fighter squadrons of 15 Z-Cam fighters each, 4 Z-Cam-I ships like the Jasper, 2 Marine Assault Carriers, 4 flight recovery tugs, and

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