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Spoken Silence
Spoken Silence
Spoken Silence
Ebook70 pages24 minutes

Spoken Silence

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About this ebook

Spoken Silence is a collection of poems that describes an immigrant, millenial woman experience living in America with underlying theme of spirituality and faith.

Release dateOct 31, 2017
Spoken Silence

L. Isijola

Lola Isijola is a Nigerian-born American poet and novelist based in the Mid-west. She uses poetry to describe the immigrant narrative in America through the female lense. Lola is currently working on her debut novel, Brothers. 

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    Book preview

    Spoken Silence - L. Isijola


    Bliss it be

    Immune to such trivialities of humanity's fallen state

    Wonder if they too wonder about our present mortal body

    Just as sure as when the woman took the bait

    A bite,

    Like gravity down came humanity

    Angels knew then as they know now

    The collapse from celestial to mortal

    Brought by the wrinkles in time

    Once wrapped in celestial bodies

    Now given to decay

    Or they may be wholly oblivious

    Wrinkle free and floating high unaware of gravity

    No menace of crows feet around their eyes

    No indelible lines of joy around the lips

    No harrowing furrors between their brows from existence

    Ancient Minds

    My grandmother knows how to do math better than me

    While i'm fidling around with digits on the calculator

    She pulls out her pen and paper and begins

    To construct tidy columns of numbers

    Neatly arranged one underneath the other

    Carrying one's to add to two's in her head

    Drawing a line directly underneath the number tower

    A brick wall set on smooth foundation

    My clumsy little hands fumble and push the wrong button

    Now, to start over


    The Wrongness of Black

    Because your ebony scares me

    I flee

    Onyx skin glaring against the noon-day sun

    I run

    Because I don't understand the extent of layers kin to tar with no relief

    Or reprieve of a softer shade

    I turn away

    Is it wrong to not understand?

    Is it wrong to turn?

    And run at something that is the opposite of me?

    Is it wrong that I become ashamed at something I am not?

    Acting on the basis of superiority in this complex color-woven world

    Light-bright, I understand, I see from a distance

    Dark-night, much harder, must come closer

    Breaching the barrier I have been trained to create

    Will I ever know what exactly is wrong with your blackness – and why?

    I’ve been taught to breed this belief

    To procreate progenies and perpetuate perceptions based on outlines of a Shade I can never see

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