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The Sonja Blue Novels Books 1–4: Sunglasses After Dark, In the Blood, Paint It Black, and A Dozen Black Roses
The Sonja Blue Novels Books 1–4: Sunglasses After Dark, In the Blood, Paint It Black, and A Dozen Black Roses
The Sonja Blue Novels Books 1–4: Sunglasses After Dark, In the Blood, Paint It Black, and A Dozen Black Roses
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The Sonja Blue Novels Books 1–4: Sunglasses After Dark, In the Blood, Paint It Black, and A Dozen Black Roses

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Four novels of the punk vampire hunter from the Bram Stoker Award–winning author and “most original voice in the world of vampire fiction since Anne Rice” (Film Threat).
Saved by modern medicine before she could die, Sonja Blue is a living vampire who still possesses a soul and is determined to hunt down creatures that prey on the innocent, while searching for the vampire lord who created her.
Sunglasses After Dark: As Sonja investigates a sleazy televangelist named Catherine Wheele, she finds herself up against a powerful inhuman adversary. Her greatest foe remains the Other, the demonic personality with whom she is locked in a constant battle for control of their shared body. Can Sonja overcome her inner demon in time to rescue an innocent man from Catherine Wheele’s unholy clutches?
In the Blood: As Sonja continues to take out her rage on demonic blood-drinkers, her hunt is attracting attention: Morgan, the vampire lord who remade her twenty years ago, wants to bring his beloved daughter to heel. At the same time, Sonja has found her existence entwined with that of a mortal—a psychic detective. Is love possible for someone like her?
Paint It Black: Following a self-destructive affair in New Orleans, the Other, Sonja’s demonic alter ego, is stronger than ever. And when Sonja learns that Morgan may be behind a string of murders in New York City, she heads straight for a face-to-face showdown.
A Dozen Black Roses: A city within a city where the undead roam free, Deadtown is dangerous for humans and vampires alike. As a gang war rages between the old guard and the new, Deadtown’s innocents are caught in the crossfire. Only Sonja Blue can save them. To see justice done, she will play both ends against the middle to save Deadtown—or else burn it to the ground.
Award-winning author Nancy A. Collins’s punk vampire series helped give rise to the urban fantasy genre and her “bone-colored, blood-smeared star—for she is certainly a star—stands bright and hot at the pinnacle of the horror heap” (Joe R. Lansdale).
Release dateNov 28, 2017
The Sonja Blue Novels Books 1–4: Sunglasses After Dark, In the Blood, Paint It Black, and A Dozen Black Roses

Nancy A. Collins

Nancy A. Collins has authored more than 20 novels and novellas and numerous short stories. She has also worked on several comic books, including a 2-year run on the Swamp Thing series. She is a recipient of the Bram Stoker Award and the British Fantasy Award, and has been nominated for the Eisner, John W. Campbell Memorial, and International Horror Guild Awards. Best known for her groundbreaking vampire series Sonja Blue, which heralded the rise of the popular urban fantasy genre, Collins is the author of the bestselling Sunglasses After Dark, the Southern Gothic collection Knuckles and Tales, and the Vamps series for young adults. Her most recent novel is Left Hand Magic, the second installment in the critically acclaimed Golgotham urban fantasy series. She currently resides in Norfolk, Virginia, with a Boston terrier.

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    Book preview

    The Sonja Blue Novels Books 1–4 - Nancy A. Collins

    The Sonja Blue Novels Books 1–4

    Sunglasses After Dark, In the Blood, Paint It Black, and A Dozen Black Roses

    Nancy A. Collins


    Sunglasses After Dark


    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen

    Chapter Eighteen

    Chapter Nineteen

    Chapter Twenty

    Chapter Twenty-One

    Chapter Twenty-Two

    Chapter Twenty-Three

    Chapter Twenty-Four

    Chapter Twenty-Five

    Chapter Twenty-Six

    Chapter Twenty-Seven

    Chapter Twenty-Eight

    Chapter Twenty-Nine

    Chapter Thirty

    In the Blood


    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Ghost Trap

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen


    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen

    Chapter Eighteen

    The Tiger’s Cage

    Chapter Nineteen

    Chapter Twenty

    Chapter Twenty-One


    Paint It Black


    Part One: When the Dead Love

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen

    Chapter Eighteen

    Chapter Nineteen

    Chapter Twenty

    Chapter Twenty-One

    Chapter Twenty-Two

    Chapter Twenty-Three

    Chapter Twenty-Four

    Chapter Twenty-Five

    Chapter Twenty-Six

    Chapter Twenty-Seven

    Chapter Twenty-Eight

    Chapter Twenty-Nine


    A Dozen Black Roses

    Author’s Note


    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight


    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen


    Chapter Seventeen

    Chapter Eighteen

    Chapter Nineteen

    Chapter Twenty

    Chapter Twenty-One

    Chapter Twenty-Two

    Chapter Twenty-Three

    Chapter Twenty-Four

    About the Author


    Sunglasses After Dark

    For My Grandfather

    James Wesley Willoughby, Jr.


    Its horror and beauty are divine upon its lips and eyelids seem to lie loveliness like a shadow, from which shine fiery and lurid, struggling underneath, the agonies of anguish and of death.

    —Shelley, The Beauty of the Medusa



    Big white moon.

    White as milk moon.

    You’re all I can see from my window, here in the dark. Your light falls silver and white across the walls of my cell. The night-tide surges strong in me. So strong I can feel the grip of their drugs loosen. They fancy themselves high priests. Their gods have names like Thorazine and Lithium and Shock Therapy. But their gods are new and weak and cannot hope to contain me much longer. For I am the handiwork of far more powerful, far more ancient deities. Very soon my blood will learn the secret of the inhibiting factors the white-coated shamans pump into my veins. And then things will be very different, my beautiful moon.

    My white big moon.

    White as milk moon.

    Red as blood moon.

    The Danger Ward

    We all go a little mad sometimes.

    —Norman Bates

    Chapter One

    The alarm on Claude Hagerty’s cell phone played The Yellow Rose of Texas. Grumbling to himself, he stuck his dog-eared Louis L’Amour paperback in the top drawer of the desk and produced the keys to the Danger Ward from the depths of his orderly’s whites. Three o’clock in the morning: time for his rounds.

    Claude had been an orderly most of his adult life. He’d originally intended to go into pro football, but a bad knee injury in high school put an end to that career before it had the chance to begin. He later discovered that standing six-foot-three and tipping the scales at two-hundred and eighty pounds had its distinct advantages in the healthcare field. However, even at the age of thirty-eight, with high school twenty years gone and his midsection devolved into flab, he still wasn’t anyone you’d want to fuck with.

    He started work at Elysian Fields seven years ago, and as funny farms go, it was an okay job. It sure beat the hell out of the state hospital he had worked at. Elysian Fields didn’t waste time on charity cases. The sanitarium specialized in dependency problems, and its clients were the sons and daughters, mothers and fathers of prestigious families. But for those with relatives whose difficulties tended to be far more serious than a fondness for tranquilizers and vodka, there was the Danger Ward.

    The reinforced steel door, painted a soothing pastel color for the benefit of the visitors, separated the nursing station from the rest of the ward. Claude rolled the barrier back enough to squeeze through. He remembered an old cartoon from his childhood, where a mouse ran in and out of the jaws of a sleeping cat. Funny how he always thought of that when he did his rounds.

    He walked past the dayroom, where the better-behaved inmates were allowed to watch television and play Ping-Pong during the afternoon. Most were so heavily medicated all they could do was sit and stare at the tube or out the windows. There was no attempt at rehabilitation in the Danger Ward, although no one came right out and said it. Much like how no one mentioned the exact reasons why these people were locked up. But such discretion was what their clients paid them for. All in all, Elysian Fields wasn’t any different from any other private asylum. Except for her.

    Claude grimaced involuntarily. Hell, this used to be an easy shift. Except for a patient having the odd nightmare now and then, there wasn’t much for him to worry about He could catch up on his reading, watch TV, and maybe even nap if he felt like it, without worrying about being disturbed.

    That was before they dragged her in, six months ago. It had been during his shift; she was bound in a straitjacket and, God as his witness, a length of chain, with four strong men handling her. And still she lashed about, yowling like a wild thing. For a minute it looked as if she would get loose. Claude could still hear the sharp snap of the chain breaking. Then Dr. Wexler was there, syringe in hand, jabbing the needle through the canvas. The woman collapsed immediately. Judging from the size of the dosage, she should have died, but she didn’t. Claude was ordered to carry her into Room Seven. That was the first time he touched her. It was enough-

    That’s when his job got tough. Since that night, he hadn’t had a single shift go by without one of the inmates waking up with the night horrors. They all claimed the woman in Room Seven walked into their dreams. They couldn’t—or wouldn’t—elaborate on the details. Claude described some of the dreams to Dr. Morial, the ward’s on-call psychiatrist. Dr. Morial asked him if he liked his job, so Claude let it drop.

    Life was complicated enough without trying to figure out why a bunch of loonies should fixate on a fellow inmate they had never seen. Or how they could possibly describe what she looked like. He wondered if the patients were equally restless during the day. Somehow he doubted it. She wasn’t awake during the day.

    I hear the orderly’s heavy tread as he checks his charges one by one. It is night and the doctors have fled, leaving their patients alone with their dreams. It’s been too long since I could think this clearly. It took me two months to crawl out of madness. Another three passed before my system began to break down the narcotic cocktails they pump into me every day. Their drugs won’t do them any good; with every night that passes my immunity grows stronger. My mind is my own again. It’s been so long. Perhaps too long.

    I fear irreparable harm was done while I was away. The Other has been doing... things. I’m not sure what, but I can feel the changes deep inside me. The Other has been free to move unchecked. I have to get out of here before something horrible occurs. I may have already done something. Possibly hurt someone. I can’t remember, and I do not want to scan the Other’s memory for clues. I’m still weak and could easily become lost in its personality. I cannot risk that. Not now.

    The Other’s been dream-walking, of that I’m certain. It hasn’t gone unnoticed, at least I should feel lucky they’re only lunatics. No one believes them. No one wants to believe them. I’ve got to get out of here before I lose control. I haven’t fought The Other this long in order to surrender in a madhouse. But I’m so tired. Too receptive. I can feel their dreams pressing in on me, like some great unseen weight. I’ve become a magnet for their nightmares. That worries me. I’ve never been able to do this before. What other changes have occurred during my eclipse?

    The orderly is nearing the end of his rounds. I can hear his footsteps echoing in the hall and his ragged breathing. He’s a big man. I can smell his sweat. He’s checking on the inmate next door. It’ll be my turn next. He always saves me for last. I guess it’s because he’s scared of me. I don’t blame him. I’m scared of me, too.

    Claude’s frown deepened as he watched Malcolm whimper in his sleep. Even without medication, Malcolm usually slumbered like a child. Now he writhed under the bedclothes, his face blanched and perspiring. His lips moved in feeble protest to some unknown command. He’d be waking up in a few minutes, screaming his lungs out, but Claude knew better than to try to shake the boy awake; the last time he’d tried it he’d damned near lost a finger. Malcolm liked to bite. Locked in his dream, Malcolm moaned and knotted the sheets with blind fingers. The muscles in his clenched jaw jumped as his teeth ground together. Claude shook his head and shut the observation plate set into the face of the metal door.

    There was only one patient left to check. The woman in Room Seven. Claude wasn’t even sure of her name. The charts and medication logs simply read Blue. She was the last one on his rounds every night, simply because it took him that long to work up the nerve to look at her. Maybe it was different during the day. Perhaps in the sanity of daylight she was just another loony, but he doubted it.

    The door to Room Seven was the same as the others, a cheerily painted piece of metal strong enough to withstand a two-ton battering ram. An observation silt, covered with heavy-gauge wire mesh and protected by a sliding metal plate, was set into the door at eye level, although Claude had to stoop a bit to look through it. The interior of Room Seven was radically different from the others on the ward. The other inmates had rooms that— except for the heavy padding on the walls, the narrow high-set windows, and the naked light bulbs locked in impenetrable cages of wire—could be mistaken for rooms at the Holiday Inn. Elysian Fields furnished them unbreakable fixtures bolted to the floor and wall, and the beds were fitted with matching designer sheets and restraining gear. However, Room Seven was bare of everything but its occupant. There wasn’t even a bed. She slept curled up on the padded floor like a hibernating animal, tucked into the farthest corner, where the shadows were deepest. At least that’s what he’d been told by the day shift. Claude had never really seen her asleep. Taking a deep breath, he flicked back the latch on the observation plate and slid it open.

    The woman called Blue crouched in the middle of her cell, her face angled toward the high, narrow window set ten feet from the floor. She was naked except for the straitjacket, her bare legs folded under her as if she were at prayer.

    It was hard to tell how old she was, but Claude guessed she couldn’t be more than twenty-four. Her filthy hair hung about her face in rattails. None of the nurses were willing to touch her, not that Claude blamed them.

    She knew he was watching, just as he’d known she’d be there, crouching like a spider in its web. He waited silently for her to acknowledge him, yet dreading it at the same time. It had become a ritual between them.

    She turned her head in his direction. Claude’s stomach tightened and there was a thundering in his ears. He felt as if he was barreling down a steep hill in a car without brakes. Her eyes locked on his and she inclined her chin a fraction of an inch, signaling her awareness of his presence. Claude felt himself respond in kind, like a puppet on a string, and then he was hurrying back down the corridor.

    In the darkness, Malcolm woke up screaming.

    Chapter Two

    The scene opens on a vast auditorium, its floor jammed with row upon row of metal folding chairs. Wheelchairs clutter the aisles. Behind the raised stage hangs a mammoth banner bearing the likeness of a smiling man. His nose is strong and straight, the cheekbones high, and his wide, toothy grin does not extend to the hawk-like eyes nestled beneath the bushy white eyebrows. His silvery mane would be the envy of an Old Testament patriarch.

    The eternally smiling man is Zebulon Zeb Wheele: Man of God, Healer of the Sick, Speaker of Prophecy, and founder of the Wheeles of God Ministry. The superimposed electronic graphics explain, for those viewing at home, that this healing event has taken place in Dallas, Texas, three months previous.

    The audience, most of which are encumbered by canes and walkers, clap and sing hymns while awaiting their chance to be touched by the divine. Many study the huge portrait of the healer, comparing it to the reduced likenesses printed on the back of their programs. The air is heavy with sweat, hope, and anxiety.

    Suddenly, the lights go down and a spotlight hits the stage. The organ music swells and a figure strides from the wings. It is a woman in a gold lame pantsuit, her hair shellacked into a Gordian knot. The applause is thunderous. The woman is Sister Catherine, widow of the late Zebulon Wheele. It is she they have come to see.

    Catherine Wheele accepts the welcome, smiling broadly and throwing kisses to the crowd. She takes the microphone from the podium and addresses the faithful. Hallelujah, brothers and sisters! Hallelujah! It gladdens my heart to know that the words and deeds of my dear, departed husband are still manifest in the joyful spirits of those who have felt the power of Our Lord Jesus Christ through his loving hands! Every day I receive hundreds of letters from y’all out there, telling me how my darling Zeb changed your lives! The sick made well! The deaf to hear! The blind to see! Hallelujah!

    But now her manner darkens, as she struggles to suppress the hitch in her voice. But I also hear from those who say they are forlorn. They are afraid they’ll never know the miracle of divine mercy, that they’ll never see salvation, because my blessed Zebulon was called to God. Are these poor souls doomed to live their lives in pain and torment, never to know the grace and forgiveness of Our Lord? Say no!

    No! Only a few voices respond, uncertain of themselves.

    "Is it?" Her voice suddenly becomes harsher and more demanding.

    No, the coliseum answers with a little more confidence than before.

    Is it? she shrieks, spittle flying from her lips.

    No! Two thousand voices—shrill and pure, baritone and falsetto, weak and strong—join together.

    Catherine Wheele smiles. She is pleased. Once more she is a pleasant Sunday- school teacher. "Do not fear, brothers and sisters! While Brother Zebulon may no longer be amongst you, I am still here! As Elijah’s mantle fell upon Elisha, so has Zebulon’s gift been passed to me. After my darling husband’s tragic death, I received a vision, where I saw Zebulon standing between two angels so beautiful it hurt to look at them. Zeb then sayeth unto me: ‘Honey, promise me you’ll carry on my work.’ And I said, ‘Zeb, I can’t do the things you do. No one can!’ But he just smiled and said: ‘As I leave all my earthly things to you, so do I bequeath my heavenly gifts!’’ Can I get an ‘amen’ on that?"


    As it was written in First Corinthians, Chapter Twelve: ‘To one is given utterance of knowledge according to the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing!’ I was overcome by the glory of Christ and I fell to the floor and stayed there all night, crying and praying and blessing my sweet savior. When I awoke I found myself blessed with the gifts of knowledge and healing! Now I am able to continue my husband’s good works, and that’s what y’all are here for, isn’t it, brothers and sisters?


    I have mighty big shoes to fill, she admits, gesturing to the banner draped behind her. But for me to let you down would be the greatest sin ever committed. I shall try not disappoint you, friends. Let the healing begin!

    The choir sings hosannas as Sister Catherine exhorts the crowd to give generously to her crusade to build a Zebulon Wheele Memorial Chapel. Strapping young men work the crowd, carrying large plastic trashcans in place of offering plates. A thirty-nine-year-old woman with ‘sugar diabetes’ is brought from the audience and told to throw down her insulin. She obeys as Sister Catherine grinds the ampoules into the floorboards with one deft twist of her high heel. The crowd roars amen. Sister Catherine then reminds the congregation to give generously to the Zebulon Wheele Memorial Home for Unwed Mothers as the ushers make a second round.

    An elderly man suffering from a heart condition is wheeled on stage. Sister Catherine places her hand inches from the man’s forehead, then strikes him with the flat of her palm. The man begins to shriek and howl in ecstasy, his arms spinning like pinwheels. Sister Catherine grabs hold of the supplicant and pulls him to his feet. To the amazement of the crowd, the euphoric old man pushes her across the stage in the wheelchair. By the time they reach the speaker’s podium, the old man’s face is beet-red and covered in sweat. Two young men in dark suits with narrow ties and narrower lapels emerge from the wings and hastily escort him into the darkness beyond the lights.

    The congregation is well-pleased. They clap and shout and stamp their feet. Hallelujah! Amen! Praise the Lord! rebounds from the walls. Sister Catherine accepts their veneration, not a hair out of place, her hands held high. Her gold lame pantsuit shimmers in the lights from the cameras. Tears of humility smear her makeup, leaving dark trails on her cheeks.

    His will be done! His will be done, brothers and sisters! As it was said in Matthew, Chapter Fifteen: ‘Great crowds came to him, bringing with them the lame, the maimed, the blind, and the dumb, and he healed them so that they marveled when the dumb spoke, the maimed became whole, the lame walked, and the blind saw!’ Praise God! Praise ...

    Sister Catherine falls abruptly silent, her eyes sweeping the auditorium like a hawk sighting prey.

    Someone here is in dire need of healing. I can feel that need, calling out to God to ease the pain. I have healed others tonight, but this need is greater than all of those combined! Tell me, Lord. Tell me the name of this afflicted soul, so I may minister to his needs. She lowers her head, seeking divine counsel as she prays into the microphone.

    The camera slowly pans the audience as they wait for God to speak to Sister Catherine. Who will it be? Who will be called out to be healed? There are many worthy of attention, and the ushers have made sure they are seated in the front rows, where the camera can see them. The camera lens pans the line-up with the eye of a connoisseur, lingering on the most pathetic cases: an elderly woman so twisted by osteoporosis she sees nothing but her feet; a drooling microcephalic supported on either side by his aged parents; a once-pretty girl who fell from her boyfriend’s motorcycle and slid face-first along an asphalt road.

    Catherine Wheele’s head snaps up, her voice tight with excitement. Is there a George Bellwether here tonight? A George Bellwether who lives on Hawthorne Street?

    The crowd murmurs among itself as everyone turns in their seats to see who will rise and go to be healed. No one doubts there is a body to go along with the name and address. Sister Catherine always knows.

    A fragile man seated near the front stands up. The same ushers who helped the old man with the heart condition off stage move into the congregation. Flashes of gold at their wrists leave smears of light on the camera’s retina. Their eyes are shielded from the klieg lights’ glare by sunglasses.

    George Bellwether is dying of cancer. He stands between the healthy young men, his flesh the color of bad meat. Chemotherapy has robbed him of his hair and most of his teeth; it is impossible to say if he is young or old. By the time they reach the podium, the man is visibly exhausted.

    Sister Catherine rests a hand on his shoulder. Her manicured fingernails shine like they have been dipped in fresh blood. "Brother, how long have you been afflicted?’ She asks as she thrusts the microphone into his face.

    Bellwether forces his eyes from the mammoth visage of Zebulon Wheele hanging from the ceiling and speaks into the mike Five years, Sister Catherine.

    "And what did your doctors say?’

    It’s inoperable. I only have a few months left, maybe weeks...

    The crowd moans in sympathy, like the prompted gasps of surprise and envy heard on game shows.

    "Have you tried everything, Brother George?’

    Bellwether’s balding head bobs up and down. Chemotherapy, laetrile, crystals, fire-walking, channeling...You name it, I’ve tried it.

    "But have you tried God, brother?’ She asks admonishingly.

    No... Not until tonight, he admits, tears streaming down his dying face. The camera moves in closer; his pallid features fill the screen. Help me, Sister Catherine! I don’t want to die... Please... His hands, as thin and flaccid as an old woman’s, reach out to clasp her own. His sobs threaten to knock him to the floor.

    "Do you believe in the Lord God Jesus Christ’s power to bring the dead to life, to make the blind see, the deaf hear, and the lame well again?’

    Bellwether nods as he presses his cheek against her fingers, his eyes welded shut by tears. Ibelievelbelievelbelieve.

    "And are you prepared, Brother George, to accept this, The Ultimate Healing?’

    He nods again, too overcome by emotion to speak. The congregation mutters knowingly. Sister Catherine motions for one of the ushers to take charge of the microphone and her gold lame jacket. The camera pulls back to get a better view of the miracle.

    She grasps the dying man’s shoulders, forcing him to kneel before her, his back to the audience. The congregation holds its collective breath; The Ultimate Healing is the reason they attend services. Even in his heyday, Zebulon Wheele never attempted anything so grandiose and controversial.

    She rolls back her sleeves, raises her right hand above her head, and splays the fingers and rotates the palm so everyone can see that it is empty. Her hand remains suspended, the muscles in the forearm twitching and jumping like live wires. Then her hand plunges downward, like an eagle diving to snatch up a rabbit, and disappears into George Bellwether.

    The supplicant’s mouth opens so wide the skin threatens to split and reveal the skull beneath. There is no sound. His head snaps backward until the crown nearly touches his spine. His eyes roll in their sockets and his tongue jerks uncontrollably. It is impossible to tell if George Bellwether is being eviscerated or having a powerful orgasm, as his torso is hidden from the lens of the camera.

    With a yell of triumph, Catherine Wheele removes her arm from the dying man’s stomach. Her bare arm is slick with blood and bowel juices. The congregation comes to its feet, roaring their approval and shouting her name over and over. The thing she holds aloft is a grayish-black lump the size of a child’s softball. It pulses and twitches in her grip.

    George Bellwether slumps forward, showing no sign of movement. The young ushers reappear and drag him off stage. The rubber tips of his shoes leave skid marks on the stage’s waxed surface. A stagehand hurries on camera with a silver washbasin and a white towel, while a second pins a lapel mike onto Sister Catherine’s vest so she can speak as she cleanses herself.

    See, brothers and sisters? See what belief in the Word of God can do for you? See what the power of Jesus Christ Our Lord is capable of if only you open up your hearts and accept His divine glory? Thus sayeth the Lord: ‘He who believeth in me shall not perish, but shall have Everlasting life!’ And if y’all don’t want to perish, brothers and sisters at home, send me your love offering and I shall protect you from the diseases of sin and Satan, just as my husband did before me! Send us your seed gifts, and remember, that which you give to the Lord shall be returned to you tenfold! So send us twenty dollars, or ten dollars, or whatever you can, brothers and sisters! Don’t let doubt enter your mind. Act today! If you doubt, then you are lost to Jesus! Pick up your phone and give Sister Catherine a call!

    An electronic superimposure comes on the screen, explaining how the check and money orders should be made out and what major credit cards are accepted, should the audience at home wish to call the toll-free Love Offering Hotline. Operators standing by.

    Jesus Christ, Hagerty muttered, turning off the flat screen TV in the break room. He wondered, not for the first time, what the hell was wrong with him. Here he was, spending his waking hours among psychotics, paranoid-schizophrenics, neurotics, and compulsive personalities of every possible persuasion, so why waste his time watching a bunch of religious kooks who’d escaped diagnosis and bought themselves a TV studio? Granted, at this time of night it was either that or infomercials for penis pumps.

    Claude massaged his eyes. Deep down part of him was fascinated by the sleazy geek-show theatrics and cheap tricks. In a lot of ways it was not unlike watching wrestling. But the real truth behind why he was watching was that he was trying to keep from falling asleep.

    He hated watching television in the break room—especially alone at night. The damned vending machines hummed and clicked constantly. He always had the feeling they were conspiring among themselves.

    The long, well-padded sofa located just inside the break room door seemed almost to invite him to stretch out. He shook his head to clear it of the temptation to nap. He stuck a couple quarters in the coffee dispenser and selected black, straight up. As if to give credence to his suspicions concerning vending-machine malice, the paper cup dropped through the chute at an angle, and before he could act to correct it, the hot coffee sluiced out, splashing his crotch, the legs of his trousers, and the floor. After mopping up the spilled coffee and dabbing halfheartedly at his pants with a wad of wet toilet paper, he returned to his post at the nursing station. He was still sleepy, damn it.

    Claude wasn’t fighting sleep because he was afraid of being discovered napping on the job. He’d spent many shifts sacked out, his feet propped in an open drawer. No, what he was afraid of was the nightmares.

    Each time it happened, he would be on the verge of drifting off, where the senses ignore the outside world and start to react to signals generated by the mind. It always started there, for some reason. Suddenly, he would realize that he wasn’t alone anymore. Whatever it was sharing his dreams, it moved too fast for him to draw a bead on it. All he saw was a hint of movement at the corner of his mind’s eye, made of flickering shadow, with red eyes, like those of an animal caught in the headlights of a car. The shadow thing would scurry through his brain, digging with the frantic energy of a burrowing rodent, and then it would become very still, as if sensing Hagerty’s awareness for the first time. And then it would smile. He always woke up at that point, with his limbs tingling as if from a mild electric shock, and the firm conviction that his unwanted dream visitor was none other than the patient in Room Seven.

    Maybe he was going insane. All those years being exposed to crazy people were bound to have an effect, like water dripping on a stone, gradually eroding it away. His brain probably looked like the Grand Canyon. He didn’t feel insane, but that’s how it starts; you’re perfectly normal except for one little obsession, then—whammo!—you’re wearing hats made out of aluminum foil so the men from Planet X can’t see into your head and read your thoughts.

    But he knew he wasn’t crazy. There was something wrong with the woman called Blue. Something no one wanted to acknowledge. Kalish was proof of that. Hagerty didn’t like thinking about the last time he saw Archie Kalish. And without meaning to, he began to doze.

    He was at work, but he wasn’t supposed to be there. It was his night off. He’d gone out bowling with some friends. He’d left the book he was reading in his locker at work. It was after midnight when he got to Elysian Fields. He was surprised to see Red Franklin in the locker room, about to go off-shift. Red normally worked the Danger Ward on Claude’s nights off. Red said there’d been a change in the schedule, and now Archie Kalish was working the fill-in shift.

    The dream/memory begins to speed up and slow down at the same time. Kalish. The damned fools put Kalish in charge! Claude’s heart began pumping faster. He didn’t want to go to the Danger Ward. He knew what he’d find there. But his dream pulled him down the corridor of memory. Maybe, he told himself, if he was faster this time, things would be different. His movements were slow and clumsy, as if he were moving underwater. The elevator took an eternity to arrive, the doors opening in slow motion. Claude wanted to scream at it to hurry up.

    He shoved his hand into his pocket, searching for the key ring that would give him access to the Danger Ward. His arm went in up to the elbow, as if eaten by a black hole. He reached farther down, until his shoulder was level with his hip. His fingertips brushed cold metal and he withdrew the keys. His fingers were numb, and he had to struggle to keep from dropping them. Fumbling, he finally located the circular key that fit into the recessed override lock that would grant him access to the Danger Ward. The elevator groaned and began its sluggish movement upward. Hagerty cursed and pounded his fists against the walls, trying to hurry the damn thing along.

    Kalish! The idiots left Kalish up there! Alone! Unsupervised! Hagerty had no love for the bastard. It was rumored he abused patients, like poor Mrs. Goldman, and the brain-dead teenager in Ward C, who later turned up pregnant.

    The doors of the elevator opened like a wound. The Danger Ward was dark, the only light coming from the empty nursing station. Claude moved forward, his feet adhering to the floor with every step. His muscles strained until he thought they’d tear from their moorings. His clothes were plastered to his skin.

    The gate was unlocked, but had somehow trebled its weight Dozens of voices were raised in mindless, wailing sound. As he continued down the hall, he separated individual words and occasional sentences from the verbal chaos.


    Blood.... on the walls... flood of the halls….

    Go away, go away, I don’t want you here, go away...

    Get her out of me! Get her out!

    Time expanded. Every heartbeat was an hour, every breath a week. He could see his arm stretching out, his hand reaching for the door handle of Room Seven. It took a year for his fingers to lock around the knob. Two years for it to turn in his grip. It was unlocked. Of course. The door swung open and Claude saw he was too late. He would always be too late.

    Although it was dark in Room Seven, there was still enough light for Claude to see what was going on. Kalish was sprawled on his back, his pants and underwear snarled around his ankles. He still had his shoes on. His legs were pale and skinny and his penis lay cold and shriveled against his thigh like an albino slug. Claude couldn’t see Kalish’s face because the woman called Blue was kneeling over him, her head tucked between his shoulder blade and his neck.

    Time snapped and Claude found himself speeding toward the woman in the straitjacket. He pulled her off the corpse and held her at arm’s length. He looked down and caught a glimpse of Kalish’s face and the shredded mess where his throat should have been. Claude pinned the struggling madwoman against a wall, making sure her feet cleared the floor. All he could see of her face, hidden by a filthy tangle of hair, were eyes like twin bullet holes. His throat burned with bile, but he managed to keep his grip on her. Her screams, twisted by memory and dreamtime, began to echo inside his head.

    When he was a kid he used to spend his summers on his grandparents’ farm in Mississippi. During one of his vacations, a swamp cat went rogue and terrorized the community, killing chickens and neighborhood pets. When an itinerant field-worker was found badly mauled in a ditch outside of town, the farmers formed a hunting party and chased the panther into a canebrake. Rather than risk their prize coon dogs by sending them after the big cat, they set the field ablaze. The panther was roasted alive, screaming its rage and pain like a demon in hell. It was the same noise that the woman called Blue made.

    What now? He couldn’t hold her until the day shift showed up. And if he let go, she’d be on him before he could make it to the door. His biceps ached as if they had been skewered. Suddenly a white-sleeved arm snaked around his shoulder. Light glittered off glass and sterile steel as the syringe in its hand punctured the straitjacket and the flesh underneath. The woman called Blue shrieked, and then went limp. Claude stepped away and allowed her to drop to the padded floor. She looked like a mistreated rag doll.

    Dr. Wexler pushed Hagerty aside, kneeling beside the straitjacketed patient. Her head lolled back and for one brief moment Claude found himself looking into the eyes of an animal with its leg in a trap. Then he saw the blood on her mouth. As he watched, her tongue wriggled between her lips and licked them clean, like a cat grooming itself after the hunt.

    Wexler glanced up at him. Good job ... Hagerty, isn’t it? As he stood, the doctor wiped the palms of his hands against his pant legs. Of course, none of this happened.

    Claude turned to see two young men in dark suits and sunglasses dragging Kalish’s body from the room by its ankles.

    Wexler cursed out loud, staring at the drugged madwoman in undisguised disbelief. She’s coming to.

    A high-pitched whine came from the woman in the straitjacket. Rocking from side to side, she rolled onto her stomach. Using her head for a prop, she inched her knees forward, looking like a Muslim at prayer. She turned her face toward Wexler and growled. Her upside-down grin was enough to make Claude back away. The heavy door to Room Seven slammed behind him. He felt very cold, despite the sweat running down his back. Something thudded against the other side.

    Time melted and he found himself sitting in his usual booth at the Cup ‘n’ Saucer, a greasy spoon specializing in the early breakfast trade. He’d been taking his after-shift breakfast there for twelve years, and the waitresses knew him on sight. A plate with two eggs sunny-side-up, biscuits, and hash browns with country gravy appeared without his having to order. As he read the morning edition of the local newspaper he saw a headline that read: Local Man Found Burned To Death In Car.

    The local man was Archie Kalish.

    I am drowning in the dreams of madmen.

    I can feel them pressing against my brain, a dozen insistent ghosts with empty eyes and prying fingers. For the first time since I’ve reclaimed my flesh, I realize the extent of The Other’s evolution. If I had remained doped any longer, it would have been too late. I would never have regained control, and everything would be lost. I do not have the strength or the knowledge to block their dreams. The Other knows I can’t— won’t—let it surface long enough to control the problem. Now I’m being pulled down by the undertow.

    A smiling young man with the face of a bible student and the eyes of a reptile puts out a cigarette on the naked crotch of a four-year-old boy. The child’s screams are warped and swallowed by the vacuum of dreamtime.

    I am surrounded by twisted mountains and weirdly sculpted buttes; the earth is a cracked spider web of baked red clay, where animals and people are staked out on the desert’s floor. Horses, pregnant women, men in business suits, dogs, old ladies—they’re all doused in kerosene. A man stands in the middle and laughs as he clicks his Zippo over and over and over.

    Walking through an empty house, I can see things crouching in the dimness, crouching behind half-opened doors, waiting for me to make the mistake of entering.

    I’m tied to an iron bedstead, hands manacled above my head. There is a demon made of leather standing at the foot of the bed, covered in zippers and spikes. As it lifts a hand to caress my face, I see the scalpels growing from its knuckles. And I start to laugh because I know I’m in a dream, but it’s not me who is laughing; it’s The Other.

    I try to run away because The Other is coming and I need to escape the dreamtime before it gains full control, but I get lost... Explosions of lava... animals that speak ... letters in wax melt into walls of blood ... the sound of the Second Angel crying like a hungry child... cadavers smeared with quicklime and cinders... burning dogs hanging from lamp posts...

    Suddenly I’m standing in a barren room, staring at a tall, thin man dressed in institutional pajamas. He looks pissed.

    Get out of my head, bitch, the dreamer growls.

    I’ve got to get out of here and back into my body. The Other is free.

    How pathetic. Minor-league monsters strutting and performing in their private Grand Guignols. How fucking lame. You want fear? You want terror? You want to see what it’s really like to be a monster?

    You used to know, before they caught you and threw you in this playpen. Now you have to dream about blood and pain instead of living it out. You’re no longer free to actualize the perfection of your private hells on the flesh of your victims. But that’s the way life is. Once you’re caught, assholes, you’re at the mercy of others. Welcome to your nightmares.

    The leather demon moved to strike the woman manacled to the bed frame. Laughing was not allowed. Screaming and begging for mercy, yes, but laughing was strictly forbidden.

    It raised its bristling fist in anticipation of slicing through unresisting flesh. The woman shrugged, indifferent to the threat, and the manacles abruptly fell away like cheap plastic toys. The leather demon faltered, realizing for the first time that the course of the dream had been altered.

    The woman was suddenly on her feet, clawing at the demon’s shiny black leather shell. The face mask was a mass of fetish zippers. She ignored them, digging her fingers instead into the top of the leather demon’s skull, peeling it as she would a fresh orange. The leather demon started to struggle as its head was ripped open, the husk parting to reveal empty air. There was no blood, no flesh, only dream. The leather demon raised a groping hand to where its face should have been. The scalpels and bits of jagged metal grafted to its knuckles began to rust away, turning into oxidized flakes of corrosion. Its body jerked crazily as the dreamstuff was drained from it in invisible spurts.

    Chuckling, The Other strolled into the next dreamscape.

    At first there was only fire, then the inferno lessened and The Other could see the things that were burning. A wino dressed in rags and doused in kerosene rolled on the ground, clawing at the flames that ate his hair and skin, his face a riot of heat blisters and broken capillaries. A dog, its tail alight, raced madly from place to place, howling in dumb, uncomprehending pain. A curtain of flame parted to reveal a Puerto Rican family crouching against the red earth. The parents had the children clustered around them, and although their mouths never opened, The Other could hear the wailing of frightened infants and the futile prayers of the adults.

    The Other found the dreamer squatting in the heart of the fire. He was dressed in white and there wasn’t a drop of sweat marring his linen suit. The Other smiled at him and laughed even louder when he recoiled. He tried to squirm away by shifting dreams, but the Other was too fast for him to escape so easily. She clamped her hands around his wrists, pulling him to his feet. She felt him shiver in revulsion as she pressed her mouth to his.

    The dreamer began to sweat, the beads breaking out on his forehead and upper lip. Within seconds he was soaked in perspiration, his lips cracking from dehydration. A wisp of smoke rose from his collar. His pant leg ignited with a polite cough. He struggled desperately to free himself, but The Other shook her head as if admonishing an unruly child and continued to hold fast. The dreamer’s hair ignited with a dry crackle as blisters rose on his face with the speed of time-lapse photography. By the time his eyes boiled in their sockets, the Other had grown bored and went looking for fresher game.

    The Other walked into Malcolm’s dream, trailing shreds of black leather and the acrid odor of smoke in her wake. She knew what she’d find Malcolm doing, as he’d become The Other’s favorite over the past few weeks.

    Malcolm was putting alligator clips on a nine-year-old girl’s nipples. She was sitting upright, her Girl Scout uniform hanging in tatters about her waist. He’d bound her hands behind her back with the badge sash and stuffed the beret in her mouth. Her face was made up like a model’s. Malcolm towered over his victim, his dimensions stretched to those of a fairytale giant.

    The Other placed a hand on Malcolm’s shoulder, easing herself into the rhythm of his dream. Suddenly he began to dwindle, like a sugar cube in the rain. He whimpered, trying to shield himself, and prayed he would wake up soon. The Other’s laughter grew deeper as her features flowed into coarser, far more masculine contours, looming over the dreamer like a mountain.

    Come, Malcolm, The Other said in a voice like thunder. Time to play with Daddy.

    Claude was still sitting at the dreamtime diner, staring at the report of Kalish’s death in the newspaper, when a teen-aged girl popped into existence in the chair opposite him. She had long blonde hair and was dressed in clothing decades out of style. Hagerty thought she was beautiful, in that well-scrubbed girl-next-door kind of way.

    Are you awake? the girl asked.

    No, I don’t think so, Claude replied honestly.

    Then I’m still dream-walking, damn it! I need to get back before The Other gains control. The girl got to her feet and began to pace the confines of Hagerty’s dreamscape. She turned and glared at him. You’re not one of the patients, are you?.

    "No, I work here... I mean, at Elysian Fields. Hell! Why should I bother explaining myself to a dream?

    Am I a dream?.

    What else could you be? At least you’re not that god-awful nightmare, though...

    The girl stopped smiling. She’s been here? In your dreams?

    Claude felt his conscious mind starting to rebel. He didn’t want to dream anymore, but his subconscious was forcing the issue. The walls of the club began to melt. The girl drew her legs under herself and floated in midair, hands locked across her knees. There was something familiar about her, but he couldn’t quite place it.

    Pretend you never saw us. Pretend we never existed. Leave this place and go somewhere nice and peaceful, Claude Hagerty...

    How do you know my name?

    You created me, didn’t you? she replied. I’m your dream, aren’t I? She fell silent, as if listening to something far away. I’m afraid I can’t stay. She’s in control now. And she’s decided it’s time to go. The girl unwrapped herself and kicked upward, soaring through layers of dream with the ease of a championship swimmer.

    Claude moved to follow her, but his feet were mired in syrup. Wait! Tell me who you are! Are you the woman in Room Seven?

    She did not pause in her ascent, but her voice sounded as if she was standing beside him. Or in him. My name is Denise Thorne. Her name is Sonja Blue.

    Time to go.

    She’d had enough of this place, with its endless drugs and intravenous feedings. Her defenses against the narcotics were complete. The madhouse was not without diversions, but they did not justify delaying her departure.

    She stood up, tossing matted hair out of her eye, as the drugs in her system were purged from her bloodstream. Her mind was clear and her body her own. She smiled and shrugged her shoulders once. Twice. The canvas fabric fell away, revealing naked white flesh. She lifted her arms, studying the scars studding the inner forearms. She noticed that they had not bothered to trim her fingernails during her imprisonment. Good. She’d need them.

    Moonlight limned her in silver and shadow, beckoning her to leave. Lizard-like, she scaled the wall of her prison until she was level with the window. It was three inches thick, interwoven with wire mesh, designed to withstand repeated blows from a sledgehammer. It took four blows from her right fist for it to break, although every finger in her hand had shattered by the third try. She pulled herself through the narrow window into the darkness, midwife to her own rebirth. Her ribs groaned then snapped as she forced herself through the opening, spearing her left lung. She spat a streamer of blood into the night air.

    She clung to the brick face of the building, luxuriating in the feel of cold air rushing past her naked flesh. For the first time in months, she was alive. The wind caught her laughter, sending it across Elysian Fields’ grounds. Behind her she could hear the Danger Ward’s inmates shrieking and wailing as their nightmares dumped them back into the reality of their madness. Her right hand was beginning to burn, but she was used to pain. It would pass.

    Sonja Blue began to crawl, headfirst, down the wall of the madhouse.

    Claude Hagerty woke to find himself standing outside Room Seven, the keys clutched in his hands. A wave of disorientation struck him and he reached for the doorframe to steady himself. Looking down the corridor, he could see the security gate standing open. Then he heard the cacophony from the patients. How could he have slept through that, much less sleepwalk?

    The dream was still with him. He could see the young girl with the honey- blonde hair, dressed in clothes that were just coming back into style. He saw the sadness in her eyes and heard the weariness in her voice. What was it she had said?

    ‘She’s decided it’s time to go now.’

    Hagerty unlocked Room Seven. He wasn’t concerned about the patient escaping or worried about getting hurt. He already knew what he’d find.

    The straitjacket lay on the floor like an empty snakeskin. He tracked the vertical rips in the canvas wall padding, the cotton ticking oozing from the rents. Cool air gusted into the room, dispelling the closeness. Even in the half-dark he could make out the jagged teeth of the broken safety glass lining the window. The blood drying on the wall was the color of shadow.

    Chapter Three

    Transcript of Police Interview of William Burdette, Night Manager of Hit-n-Git #321:

    Burdette: Look, I told you guys this shit five times already. If you don’t believe me, why don’t you give me one of them lie-detector tests?

    Officer Golden: It’s standard procedure, Mr. Burdette. We have no reason to doubt your account of what happened. We just simply need to have it transcribed by a departmental steno, that’s all. It’ll save you from coming back downtown should we have any further questions...

    Burdette: Okay. So where do you want me to start?

    Officer Golden: Just start from the beginning, Mr. Burdette.

    Burdette: Uh, my name is William Burdette; I work at the Hit-n-Git over on Claypool. I’m the night manager there. I work the graveyard shift—that’s from eleven at night to seven in the morning. I’m there by myself. It’s a rough part of town. I get a lot of street people and junkies, you know? I’ve been held up a couple of times before. Never like this, though. This morning, I guess it was around 4 a.m., I was in the back of the store, near the canned-food section, when she comes in. We’ve got one of them chimes that goes off when someone opens the front door. So I look up and see this bag lady come in. I think, oh, great! That’s all I need is some old skank coming in and tracking up my store! So I put up my mop and go behind the counter so I can keep an eye on her, right? But when I get up front, I sees she’s no bag lady. She’s real young—early twenties, maybe—and she’s wearing these grungy clothes that look like she took them off a wino or something.

    Officer Golden: Could you describe what she was wearing in more detail, Mr. Burdette?

    Burdette: Oh, sure. The shirt was a long-sleeved flannel jobbie, like they give out at the mission. It was three sizes too big for her and she had the sleeves rolled up over her elbows. That’s how I seen them marks up and down her arms.

    Officer Golden: You mean tattoos?

    Burdette: Nah—more like needle tracks, like you see on junkies. I didn’t get too good a look. And she was wearing a pair of tan workpants a size too big for her. They were seriously gross ... smeared with mud and God knows what else. I noticed she weren’t wearing no shoes, neither. Her hair was hanging down in her face and it was real long and dirty, like she hadn’t washed it in a month of Sundays. I’m used to the junkies wandering in at all hours, and I figured that’s what she was. But what was weird about this chick was what she didn’t do. Most junkies head straight for the snacks and load up on junk food. But this one went to the back of the store, where we got this carousel rack full of sunglasses, and started trying on shades. She had her back to me, so I never got a real good look at her head-on, but she moved kind of jerky. Real weird. I knew she was going to try to steal a pair of shades. Didn’t have to be Sherlock to figure that one out. But I was so busy watching her; I didn’t pay that much attention to the white dude who walked in a couple minutes later. The next thing I know there’s this sawed-off staring me right in the face. The white guy says: ‘Give it up.’ So I fucking forgot all about the girl. All I could see was that damned shotgun. So’s I open the till. I got forty bucks in there, and that’s about it. I give it to the holdup man and he says: ‘That’s all you got?’ I know right then he’s going to snuff me. I can hear it in his voice and see it in his eyes. He was going to blow me away because I didn’t have enough money. I could already see my brains getting splattered all over the cigarette display and dripping off the funny-book rack.

    Then I hear this . . . noise. It sounded like cats being boiled alive. Then I realize it’s coming from inside the store, where the junkie was standing. I don’t think the holdup guy even knew she was in the store. He turns around and shoots blind, blowing hell out of my Dr. Pepper display. He must have missed, because the junkie chick runs at the dude like she’s going to tackle him, and all I can think is that she’s going to get us both killed. She’s screaming her head off when she plows into him. This guy was big, mind you. He had to be some kind of biker or something. And she takes him out! She drove her shoulder blade into his gut while grabbing his gun hand at the same time! That’s when the second barrel went off, knocking that hole in the ceiling. Damn thing went off inches from my head. Felt like someone up and hit me with a two-by-four! That’s when I dived for cover behind the counter and stayed there. Next thing I know there’s a cop looking down at me, asking me if I’m hurt. My ears were still ringing pretty good, and it took me a while before I could hear enough to understand what people were asking me. I guess I was in shock or something, because I kept asking about the girl. The cops who answered the silent alarm didn’t know what the fuck I was talking about.

    When I got up off the floor, all I saw was a bunch of shot-to-hell Dr. Pepper two-liters. There was no girl, dead or alive. Not even any blood. The dude’s sawed-off was on top of the check-out counter, sealed up in an evidence bag. The cop that found me said it was lying on the floor when he came in. I couldn’t figure it out. Then I saw the doors. You see, the store’s got these double glass doors. During the day both of them are unlocked, but after midnight I lock one side so I can keep better track of who’s coming in and going, see? Both of them doors were hanging off their hinges and there was busted glass all over the parking lot! Looked like someone rode a motorcycle through them ... from inside the store! I don’t know what the hell that junkie chick was on, but I’m glad I didn’t get in her way! Like I said, I never seen her before and I hope I’ll never see her again.

    Officer Golden: Mr. Burdette, what exactly was stolen from your store?

    Burdette: Well, the money the holdup guy took from the till was found scattered across the parking lot. So the only thing I know for sure was taken from the store was a pair of sunglasses. The mirrored kind. And that’s only because I saw her wearing them just before she plowed into the asshole.

    Officer Golden: That’s all that was stolen? A pair of mirrored sunglasses?

    Burdette: You got it.

    Officer Golden: Are you sure of that?

    Burdette: Yeah. And I’m also sure as fuck quitting my chicken-shit job.

    Irma Clesi opened the door to her apartment. She was dressed in a shapeless housecoat and fluffy house shoes, her head lumpy with rollers. Five-thirty in the god-damned morning! Every day for the last twenty years she woke up at five-thirty so she could fix that lazy slob’s breakfast. And what thanks did she get for sending him off to work with something beside cold cereal in his gut? A kiss? A hug? A simple ‘Thanks, honey?’ No fucking way. The bastard didn’t even have the common decency to offer to take out the garbage.

    Mrs. Clesi struggled down the front stairs, cursing her husband, Stan, under her breath, the shiny black bag bouncing against her thighs with each step. Metal cans and glass bottles clanked in the predawn quiet.

    The trash cans for their apartment house were set into the pavement, covered by metal lids opened by foot pedals. It was an old, uniquely urban form of trash collection, dating back before the Second World War. Irma wasn’t sure how the garbage men got the cans out; Stan claimed they used special hooks to lift the aluminum containers out of their dens. Irma didn’t really care, just as long as it kept the neighborhood dogs from scattering trash all over the sidewalk.

    She slammed down her left foot onto the pedal and the trash can’s lid yawned open, like a baby bird begging for a worm. Irma caught the lip of the cover with her hand and opened it further, leaning over to drop the plastic bag full of coffee grounds, beer bottles, and chili cans into the hole in the sidewalk.

    To her surprise, there was a face staring up at her.

    A man in his early thirties, his long hair bunched around his face, was stuffed into the Clesi’ rubbish bin, his limbs contorted into obtuse angles, like those of an abstract sculpture.

    Irma dropped her bag of garbage. Her shrieks were short but explosive as she ran back to the safety of her apartment. The neighborhood dogs, drawn by the aroma of chili, tore at the plastic bag, spilling garbage all over the sidewalk.

    Chapter Four

    Claude Hagerty sat in his booth at the Cup ‘n’ Saucer, staring at the newspaper unfolded before him, his eggs congealing on their plate as he searched

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