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Guidance Note: Electricity Sector Risk Assessment
Guidance Note: Electricity Sector Risk Assessment
Guidance Note: Electricity Sector Risk Assessment
Ebook50 pages22 minutes

Guidance Note: Electricity Sector Risk Assessment

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The electricity sector is vulnerable to a broad range of risks that can threaten development effectiveness. Risks can spring from the magnitude of the sector's capital investments, opportunities for discretionary decision making and rent seeking by stakeholders, weak policy and regulatory frameworks, capacity weaknesses of sector entities, and inefficient systems. Governance risk vulnerabilities can cut across policy formulation, regulation, planning, financial management, procurement, and sector operations. This guidance note aims to explain key features of the electricity sector and identify entry points for mapping governance risks.
Release dateSep 1, 2009
Guidance Note: Electricity Sector Risk Assessment

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    Book preview

    Guidance Note - Asian Development Bank

    Guidance Note

    Electricity Sector

    Risk Assessment

    September 2009

    Asian Development Bank

    © 2010 Asian Development Bank

    All rights reserved. Published 2010.

    Printed in the Philippines.

    ISBN 978-92-9092-168-4

    Publication Stock No. TIM102690

    Cataloging-In-Publication Data

    Guidance note: Electricity sector risk assessment.

    Mandaluyong City, Philippines: Asian Development Bank, 2010.

    1. Electricity sector.    2. Risk assessment.    I. Asian Development Bank.

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