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Implementation of the ASEAN+3 Multi-Currency Bond Issuance Framework: ASEAN+3 Bond Market Forum Sub-Forum 1 Phase 3 Report
Implementation of the ASEAN+3 Multi-Currency Bond Issuance Framework: ASEAN+3 Bond Market Forum Sub-Forum 1 Phase 3 Report
Implementation of the ASEAN+3 Multi-Currency Bond Issuance Framework: ASEAN+3 Bond Market Forum Sub-Forum 1 Phase 3 Report
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Implementation of the ASEAN+3 Multi-Currency Bond Issuance Framework: ASEAN+3 Bond Market Forum Sub-Forum 1 Phase 3 Report

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The ASEAN+3 Multi-Currency Bond Issuance Framework (AMBIF) is a policy initiative of the Asian Bond Markets Initiative to create a nexus among domestic professional local currency bond markets in the region by facilitating intra-regional transactions through standardized bond and note issuance and investment processes. This report follows up on the proposal described in the Phase 2 Report of the ASEAN+3 Bond Market Forum (Sub-Forum 1), published in April 2014, to provide procedures on how to implement AMBIF in the region. AMBIF is expected to facilitate intra-regional bond and note issuance and investment by creating common market practices; utilizing a common document for submission, the Single Submission Form; and highlighting transparent issuance procedures as documented in the Implementation Guidelines for each participating market. The report also contains a set of Frequently Asked Questions to provide interested parties, including issuers in the region, with an easy reference for their potential queries and concerns on the implementation of AMBIF.
Release dateSep 1, 2015
Implementation of the ASEAN+3 Multi-Currency Bond Issuance Framework: ASEAN+3 Bond Market Forum Sub-Forum 1 Phase 3 Report

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    Implementation of the ASEAN+3 Multi-Currency Bond Issuance Framework - Asian Development Bank



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    Asian Development Bank.

                      Implementation of the ASEAN+3 multi-currency bond issuance framework: ASEAN+3 Bond Market Forum sub-forum 1 phase 3 report

    Mandaluyong City, Philippines: Asian Development Bank, 2015.

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    Tables and Figures




    The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is working closely with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the People’s Republic of China (PRC), Japan, and the Republic of Korea—collectively known as ASEAN+3—to develop local currency bond markets and facilitate regional bond market integration under the Asian Bond Markets Initiative in order to strengthen the resilience of the region’s financial systems.

    ADB is providing support to the ASEAN+3 Bond Market Forum (ABMF) by acting as the Secretariat. ABMF was established in 2010 with the endorsement of ASEAN+3 finance ministers and comprises more than 100 members and experts drawn from financial institutions, central banks, and market authorities in the region. It functions as a common platform to foster standardization of market practices and harmonization of regulations relating to cross-border bond transactions in the region.

    This report is an outcome of the dedicated efforts of ABMF members and experts to realize their aspirations for more integrated regional common bond markets. The ASEAN+3 Multi-Currency Bond Issuance Framework (AMBIF) has been designed as a common bond issuance framework serving as a nexus among domestic professional local currency bond markets in the region. AMBIF is expected to facilitate intraregional bond issuance and investment by creating common market practices; utilizing a common document for submission, the Single Submission Form; and highlighting transparent issuance procedures as documented in the Implementation Guidelines for each participating market.

    Thanks to the efforts of the members and experts, ABMF is becoming Asia’s primary forum for the exchange of views between the public and private sectors on the development of the region’s bond markets. ABMF tackles industry challenges and continues to function as a regional platform to propose and implement measures toward more integrated bond markets. It is an excellent example of regional cooperation and collaboration between the public and private sector for the realization of a regional good. As the Secretariat of ABMF, ADB will continue to support the development of ASEAN+3 bond markets and to coordinate among various stakeholders for regional institutional building.

    Ma. Carmela D. Locsin

    Director General

    Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department


    This report on the implementation of the ASEAN+3 Multi-Currency Bond Issuance Framework (AMBIF) follows up on the proposal for AMBIF described in the Phase 2 Report of the ASEAN+3 Bond Market Forum (ABMF) Sub-Forum 1, published in April 2014.¹

    The implementation process proposed in this Phase 3 Report is the result of extensive discussions among ABMF members and experts, as well as significant consultations with potential issuers, investors, and market intermediaries. The report was written by an Asian Development Bank team comprising Satoru Yamadera (Principal Financial Sector Specialist, Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department), Shigehito Inukai (Consultant), and Matthias Schmidt (Consultant). However, this report should not be regarded as an output of the team alone, but rather as a result of the collective work of ABMF members and experts.

    ABMF has established itself as the region’s primary forum for the exchange of views between the public and private sectors, and the tackling of industry challenges, and is expected to continue to function as a regional platform to propose and implement measures toward an efficient and increasingly common policy framework among ASEAN+3 bond markets. At the same time, ABMF is also expected to integrate the efforts of the initiatives under its remit, and to link its overall work and output with other intraregional initiatives aimed at the harmonization and standardization of bond markets.

    No part of this report represents the official views of any of the institutions that participated as either ABMF members or experts; the Asian Development Bank team is solely responsible for the contents of the report.

    ABMF Secretariat

    ¹ ASEAN+3 comprises the 10 members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) plus the People’s Republic of China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea.

    Statement from SF1 Chairs

    We wish to express our sincere appreciation and gratitude to the members and experts of the ASEAN+3 Bond Market Forum (ABMF) Sub-Forum 1 (SF1) for their dedication and continuous contributions toward implementation of the ASEAN+3 Multi-Currency Bond Issuance Framework (AMBIF), and by extension, to the creation of this report.

    The application and refinement of the AMBIF Components detailed in the ABMF Phase 2 proposal (now AMBIF Elements) and, in particular, the shaping of the AMBIF implementation approach and the individual market AMBIF Implementation Guidelines over the past 15 months required the relevant policy bodies, regulatory authorities, and market institutions to conduct much correspondence and conduct regular reviews of both the proposed measures and draft documents. This commitment and the continued dialogue between public sector institutions and private sector firms to ensure that any approach is workable through market practices remain exemplary among policy initiatives in the development of regional bond markets.

    In delivering this report, we are conscious that the adoption of AMBIF may require time and much practice. As this report is being published, the first pilot issues are underway in the participating markets. ABMF, the issuers, and other market participants are expected to learn from these efforts, which are expected to further shape AMBIF. At the same time, the markets themselves are evolving, with regulatory, listing, and registration authorities fine-tuning or streamlining their own bond and note issuance processes and requirements, both through regular reviews and in response to AMBIF. In particular, the enclosed Single Submission Form and the Implementation Guidelines are expected to become living documents. This report also contains a set of Frequently Asked Questions, compiled during ABMF Phase 3 work, to provide interested parties, including issuers in the region, with an easy reference for their potential queries and concerns on the implementation of AMBIF. These Frequently Asked Questions are also expected to be updated in line with feedback from our stakeholders.

    On behalf of our members and experts, we are grateful to the Secretariat at the Asian Development Bank and its consultants for their efforts in guiding the implementation of AMBIF and the compilation of this report.

    August 2015


    Executive Summary


    The ASEAN+3 Bond Market Forum (ABMF)² was established in September 2010 under a mandate from the Asian Bond Markets Initiative (ABMI) Task Force 3, and endorsed by the ASEAN+3 Finance Ministers’ Meeting³ as a common platform to foster the standardization of market practices and regulations in bond markets through dialogues between the private sector and ASEAN+3 officials.

    This report represents the findings and conclusions of ABMF Sub-Forum 1 (SF1) during its Phase 3. The focus of the report is on the implementation of the ASEAN+3 Multi-Currency Bond Issuance Framework (AMBIF) previously proposed in the ABMF SF1 Phase 2 Report, published in April 2014.

    What Is AMBIF?

    AMBIF is an ABMI policy initiative to create a nexus among domestic professional local currency bond markets in the region to help facilitate intraregional transactions through standardized bond and note issuance and investment processes. AMBIF facilitates intraregional bond and note issuance and investment by creating common market practices; utilizing a common document for submission, the Single Submission Form (SSF); and highlighting transparent issuance procedures as documented in the Implementation Guidelines for each participating market. This is possible because AMBIF seeks to find common ground by focusing on the professional markets in the region, which have been developed based on well-established international practices. AMBIF is expected to expand opportunities for issuers and investors: issuers can raise funds in local currencies in multiple locations in the region more easily, and investors can invest in local currency bonds more easily. As ASEAN+3 economies grow through active cross-border business links and economic integration, companies want to finance their operations with the same currency as their revenue streams. As ASEAN+3 economies accumulate more savings through economic growth, investors want to diversify investment opportunities to include the region’s local currency assets. AMBIF is expected to support closer economic and financial linkages among ASEAN+3 economies, thus serving the objective of ABMI to effectively channel the region’s abundant savings toward financing its increasing investment needs.

    AMBIF Implementation

    By utilizing the SSF, an issuer can apply for bond and note issuance(s,) or offer(s) for sale of bonds and notes, in multiple jurisdictions as the SSF is already recognized by the market authorities participating in AMBIF. This reduces the costs of preparing individual submission documents as well as the preparation time needed in each market of interest. However, as the actual application and use of the SSF in the approval process is not harmonized, the AMBIF Implementation Guidelines need to be referenced to understand the regulatory process in each market. The SSF and AMBIF Implementation Guidelines can together reduce the uncertainty associated with bond and note issuance in unfamiliar markets, which would otherwise result in higher costs of documentation and disclosure when issuing bonds or notes in a new market.

    Participating Markets

    At this initial stage, the SSF, in conjunction with the AMBIF Implementation Guidelines, is expected to be accepted in six jurisdictions in ASEAN+3: Hong Kong, China; Japan; Malaysia; the Philippines; Singapore; and Thailand. The region’s other markets are expected to join as soon as they are ready.

    AMBIF Elements

    To be recognized as a bond or note issued under AMBIF (AMBIF Bond), the elements in the table below need to be satisfied.

    Definition of AMBIF Elements

    ADRB = AMBIF Documentation Recommendation Board; AMBIF = ASEAN+3 Multi-Currency Bond Issuance Framework; ASEAN+3 = Association of Southeast Asian Nations plus the People’s Republic of China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea; CSD = central securities depository.

    Source: ABMF SF1.

    Additional AMBIF Features

    Some specific features of bond and note issuance to professional investors in individual markets are conducive to the implementation of AMBIF. For example, the governing law and jurisdiction for specific service provisions may be negotiated and agreed between the parties involved in the issuance. Another important feature is the language of documentation and disclosure items. It is envisaged that most ASEAN+3 markets participating in AMBIF will be able to accept the use of a common document in English, though some markets may require the submission of approval-related information in their prescribed format in the local language. These features are expected to evolve as AMBIF market practices.

    Recommendations and Next Steps

    The objectives of many of the Phase 2 Report recommendations have been achieved in the course of Phase 3: the AMBIF Elements as key features of AMBIF were agreed upon and the first pilot AMBIF bond issuance was underway at the time this report was being compiled. Yet, the implementation of AMBIF still needs to progress further. First, it is necessary to expand the number of AMBIF participating markets. Particularly, proactive support for those markets at a very early stage of development should be provided by

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