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21 Ways to Double Your Productivity, Improve Your Craft & Get Published!: A Field Guide for Writers
21 Ways to Double Your Productivity, Improve Your Craft & Get Published!: A Field Guide for Writers
21 Ways to Double Your Productivity, Improve Your Craft & Get Published!: A Field Guide for Writers
Ebook63 pages38 minutes

21 Ways to Double Your Productivity, Improve Your Craft & Get Published!: A Field Guide for Writers

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About this ebook

Anyone who’s ever given serious thought to writing will benefit from this boot camp in a book! Sara Connell shares the exact techniques she used to go from unpublished writer to successful author with an agent, book contract, publication in national magazines and a nomination for Elle magazine Book of the Year for her first book, Bringing in Finn. For writers, 21 Ways is like having a personal writing coach, guiding you through the writing and publishing process, stretching you into your genius and leading you to your greatest success.
Release dateNov 8, 2017
21 Ways to Double Your Productivity, Improve Your Craft & Get Published!: A Field Guide for Writers

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    21 Ways to Double Your Productivity, Improve Your Craft & Get Published! - Sara Connell


    Studies show that if you think about a goal, letting it ramble around your head like a rock in a rock tumbler, you have about a 20 percent chance of achieving it. If you write a goal on paper or type it into your computer or phone, that number jumps to 60 perfect. So right now, grab a pen or pencil and some paper, or your phone or your laptop—typing a goal counts as writing it down. We’ll talk about how to get that number to 100 percent later in this book, but first:

    Write your Big Goal. What is the thing you’d love to experience more than anything in the area of writing? Is it publishing a novel, a children’s book, or a perfect, beautiful poem? A memoir, the story your grandmother told you on the front porch of her house when you were little? Is your Big Goal writing a bestseller or being interviewed on Charlie Rose or Stephen Colbert? Or is your Big Goal writing that book that people just like you are going to read and it’s going to change their lives? Or heal them? Or comfort them and make them feel—like all great writing does, in some way—that they are not alone?

    Write your Big Goal now.

    My Big Goal is

    ACTION: Place your Big Goal somewhere where you will see it every day. Read your Big Goal out loud every day in the present tense. See it, feel it, taste it, hear it. Like it’s already happening.

    To double our productivity as writers, we can approach our writing practice like a GPS. Without judgment, write down an estimate of how much you’ve been writing, on average, over the past month. This is your current location. Haven’t been writing? No problem. You write down 0. Five minutes a day? Five hundred words? As dispassionately as possible, write down your current location.

    My current location is

    Your double productivity is your destination. What does double-time look like for you? Is it to write for thirty minutes Monday–Friday this week? To write every day for seven days? Is it to lock yourself in a room or a cabin somewhere and not come out until you have that story written and polished and ready to send to Harper’s? Is it to write 500 words or 1,000 words or finish a chapter or a draft? Is it to submit a piece for publication? To publish a story on your website? Identify your double productivity goal.

    My double productivity writing goal this week is

    Now, make it visible. Think of those reading challenges you might have done in elementary school, or a fundraiser thermometer chart—the kind that bursts out from the top when your organization hits the $10,000 mark. Let the inner kid in you have some fun with markers or crayons and draw an image you’ll fill in each time you do a writing session. It’s amazing how much you’ll want to color in those empty circles or reach the top bar of that graph. If you want to get started writing and not making crafts, you can download a double productivity template

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