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OpenStack Essentials - Second Edition
OpenStack Essentials - Second Edition
OpenStack Essentials - Second Edition
Ebook334 pages4 hours

OpenStack Essentials - Second Edition

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About This Book
  • Navigate through the complex jungle of components in OpenStack using practical instructions
  • This book helps administrators, cloud engineers, and even developers to consolidate and control pools of compute, networking, and storage resources
  • Learn to use the centralized dashboard and administration panel to monitor large-scale deployments
Who This Book Is For

This book is perfect for administrators, cloud engineers, and operators who want to get started with OpenStack, solve basic problems encountered during deployment, and get up to speed with the latest release of OpenStack. Familiarity with the Linux command line and experience with Linux system administration is expected.

Release dateAug 31, 2016
OpenStack Essentials - Second Edition

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    OpenStack Essentials - Second Edition - Dan Radez

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    Chapter 1. RDO Installation

    OpenStack has a very modular design, and because of this design, there are lots of moving parts. It is overwhelming to start walking through installing and using OpenStack without understanding the internal architecture of the components that make up OpenStack. In this chapter, we'll look at these components. Each component in OpenStack manages a different resource that can be virtualized for the end user. Separating the management of each of the types of resources that can be virtualized into separate components makes the OpenStack architecture very modular. If a particular service or resource provided by a component is not required, then the component is optional to an OpenStack deployment. Once the components that make up OpenStack have been covered, we will discuss the configuration of a community-supported distribution of OpenStack called

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