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Cassandra 3.x High Availability - Second Edition
Cassandra 3.x High Availability - Second Edition
Cassandra 3.x High Availability - Second Edition
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Cassandra 3.x High Availability - Second Edition

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About This Book
  • See how to get 100 percent uptime with your Cassandra applications using this easy-follow guide
  • Learn how to avoid common and not-so-common mistakes while working with Cassandra using this highly practical guide
  • Get familiar with the intricacies of working with Cassandra for high availability in your work environment with this go-to-guide
Who This Book Is For

If you are a developer or DevOps engineer who has a basic familiarity with Cassandra and you want to become an expert at creating highly available, fault tolerant systems using Cassandra, this book is for you.

Release dateAug 29, 2016
Cassandra 3.x High Availability - Second Edition

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    Cassandra 3.x High Availability - Second Edition - Robbie Strickland

    Table of Contents

    Cassandra 3.x High Availability - Second Edition


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    1. Cassandras Approach to High Availability

    Introducing the ACID properties

    Monolithic simplicity

    Scaling consistency - the master-slave model

    Using sharding to scale writes

    Handling the death of the leader

    Breaking with tradition - Cassandra's alternative

    Cassandra's peer-to-peer approach

    Hashing to the rescue

    Replication across the cluster

    Replication across data centers

    The consistency continuum

    The CAP theorem


    2. Data Distribution

    Hash table fundamentals

    Distributed hash tables

    Consistent hashing

    How it works

    Token assignment

    Manually assigned tokens


    How vnodes improve availability

    Adding and removing nodes

    Node rebuild

    Heterogeneous nodes



    A time-series example


    3. Replication

    The replication factor

    Replication strategies




    Maintaining the replication factor when a node fails

    Consistency conflicts

    Consistency levels

    Repairing data

    Balancing the replication factor with consistency


    4. Data Centers

    Use cases for multiple data centers

    Live backup


    Load balancing

    Geographic distribution

    Online analysis

    Analysis using Hadoop

    Analysis using Spark

    Data center setup




    Cloud snitches

    Replication across data centers

    Setting replication factors

    Consistency in a multiple data center environment

    Anatomy of a replicated write

    Achieving stronger consistency between data centers


    5. Scaling Out

    Choosing the right hardware configuration

    Scaling out versus scaling up

    Growing your cluster

    Adding nodes without vnodes

    Adding nodes with vnodes

    Adding a data center

    How to scale up

    Upgrading in place

    Scaling up using data center replication

    Removing nodes

    Removing nodes within a data center

    Decommissioning a data center

    Other data migration scenarios

    Snitch changes


    6. High Availability Features in the Native Java Client

    Thrift versus the native protocol

    Setting up the environment

    Connecting to the cluster

    Executing statements

    Prepared statements

    Batched statements

    Caution with batches

    Handling asynchronous requests

    Running queries in parallel

    Load balancing

    Failing over to a remote data center

    Downgrading consistency level

    Defining your own retry policy

    Token awareness

    Tying it all together

    Falling back to QUORUM


    7. Modeling for Availability

    How Cassandra stores data

    Implications of log-structured storage

    Understanding compaction

    Size-tiered compaction

    Leveled compaction

    Time-window compaction

    CQL under the hood

    Single primary key

    Compound keys

    Partition keys

    Clustering columns

    Composite partition keys

    The importance of the storage model

    Understanding queries

    Query by key

    Range queries

    Embracing denormalization

    Denormalizing using collections




    Denormalizing with materialized views

    Working with time series data

    Designing for immutability

    Modeling sensor data

    The queries

    Time-based ordering

    Using a sentinel value

    Satisfying our queries

    When time is all that matters

    Working with geospatial data


    8. Anti-Patterns

    Multi-key queries

    Secondary indices

    Secondary indices under the hood

    Improvements with SASI

    Distributed joins

    Deleting data

    Garbage collection

    Resurrecting the dead

    The problem with tombstones

    Expiring columns

    TTL anti-patterns

    When null does not mean empty

    Cassandra is not a queue

    Unbounded row growth


    9. Failing Gracefully

    Knowledge is power

    Monitoring via JMX

    Using OpsCenter

    Choosing a management toolset


    Cassandra logs

    Garbage collector logs

    Monitoring node metrics

    Thread pools

    Table statistics

    Finding latency outliers

    Communication metrics

    When a node goes down

    Marking a downed node

    Handling a downed node

    Handling slow nodes

    Backing up data

    Taking a snapshot

    Incremental backups

    Restoring from a snapshot


    Cassandra 3.x High Availability

    Cassandra 3.x High Availability - Second Edition

    Copyright © 2016 Packt Publishing

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.

    Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the author, nor Packt Publishing, and its dealers and distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book.

    Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.

    First published: December 2014

    Second edition: August 2016

    Production reference: 1250816

    Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

    Livery Place

    35 Livery Street


    B3 2PB, UK.

    ISBN 978-1-78646-210-7


    About the Author

    Robbie Strickland has been involved in the Apache Cassandra project since 2010, and he initially went to production with the 0.5 release. He has made numerous contributions over the years, including work on drivers for C# and Scala and multiple contributions to the core Cassandra codebase. In 2013 he became the very first certified Cassandra developer, and in 2014 DataStax selected him as an Apache Cassandra MVP.

    Robbie has been an active speaker and writer in the Cassandra community and is the founder of the Atlanta Cassandra Users Group. Other examples of his writing can be found on the DataStax blog, and he has presented numerous webinars and conference talks over the years.

    About the Reviewer

    Jimmy Mårdell is a senior software engineer and Cassandra contributor who has worked with Cassandra for more than 5 years. He has been leading the database infrastructure team at Spotify, focusing on improving the Cassandra ecosystem at Spotify and empowering other teams to operate large-scale Cassandra clusters. He has been a speaker at many Cassandra events and in 2015 he was elected by DataStax as an Apache Cassandra MVP. Besides Cassandra, Jimmy likes algorithms and competitive programming and won the programming competition Google Code Jam in 2003.

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    Cassandra is a fantastic data store and certainly well suited as the foundation of a highly available system. In fact, it was built just for such a purpose: to handle Facebook’s messaging service. But it hasn’t always been so easy to use, with its early Thrift interface and unfamiliar data model causing many potential users to pause—and in many cases for a good reason.

    Fortunately, Cassandra has matured substantially over the last few years. I used to advise people only to use Cassandra if nothing else would do the job because the learning curve was quite steep. Version 3.x continues this trend, with the introduction of features such as materialized views and SASI indexes. These additions reduce developer workload and significantly increase the overall utility of the system.

    The flip side is that each new feature further obscures the underlying data structure, making complex operations seem straightforward. The familiarity of a SQL-like interface can lure an unsuspecting new user into dangerous traps. The moral of this story is that it’s still not a relational database, and you still need to know what it’s doing under the hood.

    And imparting that knowledge is the core objective of this book. Each chapter attempts to demystify the inner workings of Cassandra so that you’re no longer working blindly against a black box data store. You will learn to configure, design, and build your system based on a fundamentally solid foundation.

    The good news is that Cassandra makes the task of building massively scalable and incredibly reliable systems relatively straightforward, presuming you understand how to partner with it to achieve these goals.

    Since you are reading this book, I presume you are either already using Cassandra or planning to do so, and that you’re interested in building a highly available system on top of it. If so, I am confident that you will meet with success if you follow the principles and guidelines offered in the chapters that follow.

    What this book covers

    Chapter 1, Cassandra’s Approach to High Availability, is an introduction to concepts related to system availability and the problems that have been encountered historically when trying to make data stores highly available. The chapter outlines Cassandra’s solutions to these problems.

    Chapter 2, Data Distribution, outlines the core mechanisms that underlie Cassandra’s distributed hash table model, including consistent hashing and partitioner implementations.

    Chapter 3, Replication, offers an in-depth look at the data replication architecture used in Cassandra, with a focus on the relationship between consistency levels and replication factor.

    Chapter 4, Data Centers, provides you with a thorough understanding of Cassandra’s robust data center replication capabilities, including deployment on EC2 and building separate clusters for analysis using Hadoop or Spark.

    Chapter 5, Scaling Out, is a discussion of the tools, processes, and general guidance needed to properly increase the size of your cluster.

    Chapter 6, High Availability Features in the Native Java Client, covers the new native Java driver and its availability-related features. We’ll discuss node discovery, cluster-aware load balancing, automatic failover, and other important concepts.

    Chapter 7, Modeling for Availability, discusses the important concepts readers need to understand when modeling highly available data in Cassandra. CQL, keys, wide rows, and denormalization are among the topics that will be covered.

    Chapter 8, Anti-Patterns, complements the data modeling chapter by presenting a set of common anti-patterns that proliferate among inexperienced Cassandra developers. Some patterns include queues, joins, high delete volumes, and high-cardinality secondary indexes, among others.

    Chapter 9, Failing Gracefully, helps you understand how to deal with the various failure cases, as failure in a large distributed system is inevitable. We’ll examine a number of possible failure scenarios, how to detect them, and how to resolve them.

    What you need for this book

    This book assumes you have access to a running Cassandra installation that is at least as new as release 3.0. Some features discussed will apply only to 3.8 or newer, and we will point these out when that applies. Users of versions older than 3.0 can still gain a lot from the content, but there will be some portions that do not directly translate to those versions.

    For Chapter 6, High Availability Features in the Native Java Client coverage of the Java driver, you will need the Java Development Kit 1.8 and a suitable text editor to write Java code. All command line examples assume a Linux environment, through translation to a Windows environment should be straightforward for those users.

    Who this book is for

    This book is for developers and system administrators who are interested in building an advanced understanding of Cassandra’s internals for the purpose of deploying high-availability services, using it as a backing data store. This is not an introduction to Cassandra, so those who are completely new would be well served to find a suitable tutorial before diving into this book.


    In this book, you will find a number of text styles that distinguish between different kinds of information. Here are some examples of these styles and an explanation of their meaning.

    Code words in text, database table names, folder names, filenames, file extensions, pathnames, dummy URLs, user input, and Twitter handles are shown as follows: We can include other contexts through the use of the include directive.

    A block of code is set as follows:



       ‘class’ : ‘SimpleStrategy’,

        ‘replication_factor’ : 3


    Any command-line input or output is written as follows:

    # nodetool status

    New terms and important words are shown in bold. Words that you see on the screen, for example, in menus or dialog boxes, appear in the text like this: click on the Connect button.


    Warnings or important notes appear in a box like this.


    Tips and tricks appear like this.

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