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Maid in Stone
Maid in Stone
Maid in Stone
Ebook77 pages1 hour

Maid in Stone

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Life started awkwardly and became a game of survival for Kiala. Hunted by the Assassins Guild for her parents’ illicit union, their little family ran from planet to planet until Ki put her foot down. She performed the entry exam for the Assassins Guild and sold her services to them for five years.

When her years as a bodyguard were up, she tried to work as an auditor, an investigator, and attempted to find her place in world without danger around every corner. The Citadel made her an offer, and she agreed to time as a sidekick to a recruiter.

When the contract is up, she is given another choice, another chance and another fresh start. Seeing a familiar face is the first shock of many as she works as a Citadel liaison in Nyal space.

Release dateNov 24, 2017
Maid in Stone

Viola Grace

Viola Grace (aka Zenina Masters) is a Canadian sci-fi/paranormal romance writer with ambitions to keep writing for the rest of her life. She specializes in short stories because the thrill of discovery, of all those firsts, is what keeps her writing.An artist who enjoys a story that catches you up, whirls you around and sets you down with a smile on your face is all she endeavours to be. She prefers to leave the drama to those who are better suited to it, she always goes for the cheap laugh.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Creative and well written with beautiful characters , you are truly a gift to us.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    She can change to stone. Another great book in this series. With interesting characters and story.

Book preview

Maid in Stone - Viola Grace

Born to be an assassin, raised to be a hero, Kiala seeks middle ground as an auditor. A fallen hero has other plans.

Life started awkwardly and became a game of survival for Kiala. Hunted by the Assassins Guild for her parents’ illicit union, their little family ran from planet to planet until Ki put her foot down. She performed the entry exam for the Assassins Guild and sold her services to them for five years.

When her years as a bodyguard were up, she tried to work as an auditor, an investigator, and attempted to find her place in world without danger around every corner. The Citadel made her an offer, and she agreed to time as a sidekick to a recruiter.

When the contract is up, she is given another choice, another chance and another fresh start. Seeing a familiar face is the first shock of many as she works as a Citadel liaison in Nyal space.

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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Maid in Stone

Copyright © 2017 Viola Grace

ISBN: 978-1-4874-1737-6

Cover art by Martine Jardin

All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

Published by eXtasy Books Inc or

Devine Destinies, an imprint of eXtasy Books Inc

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Smashwords Edition

Maid in Stone

Tales of the Citadel Book 59


Viola Grace

Chapter One

Kiala, get me some greens from the garden.

Kiala hopped down from the stool she had been sitting on and headed outside while her mom continued to knead the bread.

The herbs and plants tickled her legs as she skipped through the garden with the collection basket. With a smirk, she picked her favourite greens to fill the bottom of the basket, leaving her least favourites for the top where her mom could see them. If her mom saw those greens, she wouldn’t put in more because she figured Kala had lined the basket.

She rushed back into the kitchen to watch her mother forming the loaves for dinner.

Kiala set the basket next to the sink and hopped back onto the stool, waiting for her turn to mark the loaves. It was her favourite bit.

Wash your hands, dear. Your turn is coming. Her mom’s smile was gentle.

Kiala slid off the stool and went to wash the garden dirt from her hands. When she turned, the front door opened and her father rushed in.

Nila, they are here.

Her mother nodded and reached for the drawer that Kiala wasn’t allowed to play with. Her mother tossed a number of cylindrical items to her father, and when they were both armed, her daddy turned to her.

Kiala, we have to leave here, today. I need you to run when we say run and to keep yourself safe. Can you do that?

Kiala looked toward the bread. But, the bread.

Her mom grinned. We will make more birthday bread when we get where we are going. You can have a second birthday. Is that all right?

Yes. She nodded and firmed her shoulders. She was a big girl and she could handle it. She was six years old today, after all.

The run through the woods was hard on Kiala. Her legs didn’t want to move after a while, but she kept going. She didn’t know who they were running from, but every now and then her mother or father stopped and fired into the shadows. Cries happened when her parents fired, and she kept her stubby legs moving.

A tree next to her head exploded and her body defended itself. When her skin went funny, it made it hard to move but she kept going.

Lights flared up ahead of them, and she followed her parents into the shuttle. It was the third time in the last two years that they had to run, but now, she was big enough to run on her own. Her dad didn’t have to carry her anymore.

When they were inside the ship, her dad held her on his lap while her mom piloted them away from their home.

Sorry, lass. We are going to have to try again. Her dad rubbed her hair.

My skin did that thing again. Kiala held up her hand.

Good thing it did, little one. It wouldn’t do to have to stop and give you a going over in medical. Her mom smiled and focused on their path through the stars.

Kiala didn’t know who was hunting them, but Mom promised to tell her after her birthday. She just wasn’t sure that it was this birthday or the one

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