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Candy Crumble: The McAdams Sisters: A Small-Town Romance, #3.5
Candy Crumble: The McAdams Sisters: A Small-Town Romance, #3.5
Candy Crumble: The McAdams Sisters: A Small-Town Romance, #3.5
Ebook137 pages1 hour

Candy Crumble: The McAdams Sisters: A Small-Town Romance, #3.5

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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Abby McAdams’ Gran has just died and she is not coping well. Why can’t her sisters just leave her alone so she can grieve in peace? And why can’t she sleep through the night anymore? To quell the chaos inside her, Abby turns to alcohol – just like her dad. 

But the quiet and closed off new guy in town, Riley, intrigues her. She feels comfortable in his presence and her tension seems to dissolve when he’s around. Riley’s quiet demeanor calms her nerves like no drink can. But Riley keeps his walls up, punishing himself for past mistakes. 

Will Abby continue drinking to forget, becoming an alcoholic like her father, or will she turn to Riley instead to find her peace? And will Riley let her into his life, or turn his back on her forever? 

Candy Crumble, Book #3.5 is a prequel novella to Lakeshore Candy. Get a glimpse into the lives of Abby McAdams and Riley Boyd before their romance began. 

Can be read BEFORE or AFTER Lakeshore Candy. The story about a growing friendship and can be read as a Stand Alone. 

Read the full BY THE LAKE SERIES: 
BOOK 1: Lakeshore Secrets 
BOOK 2: Lakeshore Legend 
BOOK 3: Lakeshore Love 
BOOK 3.5: Candy Crumble (A Lakeshore Candy Prequel) 
BOOK 4: Lakeshore Candy 
BOOK 5: Lakeshore Lyrics 

BOOK 1: Sunset Thunder 
BOOK 2: Sunset Rivalry 
BOOK 3: Sunset Sail 
BOOK 4: Sunset Flare
BOOK 5: Sunset Shelter

PublisherShannyn Leah
Release dateJan 1, 2016
Candy Crumble: The McAdams Sisters: A Small-Town Romance, #3.5

Shannyn Leah

USA TODAY BESTSELLING AUTHOR, Shannyn Leah welcomes you to her small town of bad boys and smart, sassy heroines. Contemporary romance with the perfect blend of humor, heart and heat.  To be notified when new books, exclusive excerpts and contests are released, join her mailing list here:

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    Candy Crumble - Shannyn Leah

    For my Secret Sisters who fell so hard in love with Abby and Riley they were curious to know a little more about them. You ladies are the reason I can keep writing!

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    Chapter One

    ABBY MCADAMS’ SNEAKERS slapped against the dirt path in a steady, rapid pace that would leave all of her siblings behind her in a puff of dust... if they knew where to find her.

    The cold, sharp air stung her lungs. It was the only feeling besides grief and desolation she’d felt in days. The early morning darkness surrounded her like a smothering blanket. The path only added layers onto the blanket. On each side of her, the overgrown bush of shadowed trees encroached closer. The branches arched above her thickened the deeper she ran into the path, blocking out the rising sun to nothing more than sporadic glints between the limbs.

    She had to get back to the house.

    The thought was so distant that it almost felt unreal...surreal. Abby’s life felt surreal.

    But deep down she couldn’t forget the instructions from her middle sister Sydney, directed specifically at Abby: wear an appropriate outfit. No holes, no studs, and not a mini dress. Meet the rest of her sisters at the funeral home and finally: Do. Not. Be. Late.

    Just because Abby had heard Sydney, comprehended her orders on a level enough to know it existed and nod her head in agreement, didn’t mean that Abby was going to attend.

    What difference did it make whether she was present or not?

    Gran had everything pre-planned before she died. Abby’s presence was nothing more than a formality...and Abby wasn’t much for formality. Gran knew that. Gran knew her and now...Gran was gone.

    Abby’s steps thumped heavily along with her crushed soul, a little quicker than her racing heartbeat.

    Why were her sisters all of a sudden here and telling her what to do? Where were they two days ago? Where were they that night?

    That night.

    Abby ran faster.

    Not today, not yesterday...where were they the night before?

    That night. That night.

    The two small words that meant so little as just individual words, for Abby, were so jam-packed and bursting with meaning that it forced excruciating anguish throughout her body. Not even her swift feet could outrun the crashing storm of sickness those words gathered in her stomach.

    Sickness? Suddenly it was more than emotional. Her stomach lurched as her mouth grew hot with water. What was she going to throw up? The water she’d forced down this morning? Or the partial bagel Mrs. Calvert had been determined Abby was going to eat?

    Early that morning, when the sun was yet to say good morning, Abby’s solemn feet walked her through the alley that divided Mrs. Calvert’s bakery and Gran’s house. Mrs. Calvert had caught Abby before she’d made it to the beach.

    Abby didn’t know why she was going to the beach, or why she was up before five in the morning, but she found herself unable to sleep with thoughts of Gran gone...forever.

    Mrs. Calvert had folded her arms over her starch white apron, holding a bagel toward Abby while blending a stubborn and sweet look that left Abby unable to fight her. She’d accepted the freshly baked bagel lightly brushed with butter and took a bite. Not for her empty stomach or to appease Mrs. Calvert, but to avoid the argument on the tip of Abby’s tongue. She wasn’t the root of Mrs. Calvert’s was Gran. The two older ladies had been such close friends, and Abby suspected Mrs. Calvert’s motives were Gran influenced.

    Abby didn’t want pity from Mrs. Calvert or anyone. Since the day her mother died, Abby had been on the end of the towns pity stick and when she was old enough to realize it, she took charge and stepped away from that image. Abby didn’t need or want anyone...except Gran.

    That night. That night.

    The repetitive beating rhythm in her head now was in prefect line with her pounding temples. Gran was her rock, her savior and now she was gone. Gone!

    The bagel won.

    Abby was barely able to skid to a stop and move off the path as the bagel burned in her throat, forcing its way up and leaving her with nothing but dry heaves.

    She sat on the gravel path and tears streamed down her face and that night replayed in her head.

    Gran had been up later than usual, after spending the evening baking pies for church brunch the following morning. Abby had helped, but mostly she snuck spoonfuls of pie filling. When Gran had finally retired for the night, she had called Abby into her bedroom. Abby finished dabbing gloss over her lips, adding some glisten to the already bright red lipstick. Finishing touches before she headed for a night out on the town with her best friend, Izzy Caliendo.

    In the cute little cottage, Abby had pushed open Gran’s squeaky wooden bedroom door to find her all snuggled under a patchwork quilt. Where are you going? Gran had asked, as she ran the brush through her short grey hair one last time and set it on her night stand. Who would have thought that would be the very last time?

    Gran, Abby had started, with her smart smile and teasing tone. It must seem pretty darn late to you, but honestly, ten is not that late and I’m just meeting up with Izzy at The Cliff House for a couple drinks. Then home I will be. Not straight home, if she found some handsome tourist to spend the night with.

    Gran had smirked at her. Are you calling me old? she teased, acting all defensive, crossing her arms and sending her a half glare.

    Abby shook her head, laughed and gave her favorite person in the world an over exaggerated hug. You’re just old-fashioned is all Gran. Nothing to do with your young age, she teased back and kissed her forehead.

    Don’t you stay out too late. We have church in the morning.

    I won’t. I promise. Love ya Gran!

    Where had her sisters been that night? Where had she been that night?

    Abby stood now, needing to run away from the forming guilt. She didn’t blame her sisters for not being there for Gran...she blamed them for not being there for Abby, but that was an entirely different matter that Abby refused to ever discuss with them.

    Abby blamed herself for Gran’s death. When Abby promised to be home, she’d spent the night with some random guy whose name she couldn’t even remember.

    Abby’s feet were moving faster now down the path alongside the anger rising within her. Guilt combined with sadness that devoured her as she was lost back to that morning, reliving her walk through the abnormally quiet cottage to find Gran in her bed...dead.

    Abby didn’t notice her legs were hardly keeping up or that her feet were stumbling on stones along the rocky path. The flashes of the next morning blinded her, and the current path was overtaken by images of Gran’s bedroom.

    She could feel Gran’s limp body in her arms. She could see Gran’s lost face. She felt no heartbeat as she hugged Gran, pressing their bodies together, and in that instant was the moment Abby lost her heart.

    Abby pushed her running body to the limit and it finally gave out. She lost balance. She fell with images of Gran rather than the scenery around her.

    Her knees hit the ground first, tearing her pants and the skin across her legs. She didn’t feel it. Her hands automatically flew in front her, but nothing protected her, skinning her palms and then her knuckles as her body flew into a roll, landing her flat on her back and taking her breath.

    She gasped for air, but did she really want it? As she caught her breath she slowly blinked her eyes back to the now. They stared through the branches at the sky above, where the sun would rise and fall and another day would pass. And Abby would be alone, day after day.

    Chapter Two

    TWO O’CLOCK ROLLED around and Riley was done work for the day. He preferred to work straight through the supper crowd, but Mrs. C, owner of Mrs. Calvert’s Bakery,

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