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The Wounded Man
The Wounded Man
The Wounded Man
Ebook69 pages56 minutes

The Wounded Man

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The Wounded Man is a powerful revelation of the inner struggles of man as they walk through life unable to explain themselves because they do not understand the nature of their troubles.

Release dateDec 9, 2017
The Wounded Man

Dedric Hubbard

Apostle Dedric Hubbard is founder of Morning Glory Apostolic/Prophetic Center in Tallahassee, Florida. He is a highly sought after teacher of the word of God where he instills in believers that they are endowed with power fromm God. Apostle Hubbard has become a profound author in which he has penned 19 books and 13 of them has become best-sellers.

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    Book preview

    The Wounded Man - Dedric Hubbard


    We are about to embark on a spiritual journey that is loosely based on my life as a wounded man. God allowed me to perceive just how wounded my spirit had become. As you glean these pages and receive fresh revelation of yourself, take note and allow God to purge the hidden seeds of deception that are in your life so that you become a man fit for the master’s work. A wounded man is precise, manipulative, caring, honorable and dangerous. He is a family man, has a career, children, and attends church.

    The wounded man is the perfect man in the eyes of the world and his associates.  In the eyes of Satan, he is a pawn. Every move is precise and continues the deception of the wounded man’s life. The wounded man is empowered by his environment, his life, his accomplishments, and his position in society. In living the perfect life on the outside fuels, the failures of the wounded man on the inside. As the wounded man searches for the missing piece of why he carries around internal pain he is introduced to Christ. This is his way of paying homage for all his accomplishments. Acknowledging Christ for his wife, job, children, and life he becomes a wounded religious man engaging in all the routines and traditions of Church.

    His worship is futile, his relationship with Christ flawed, his understanding limited, and his power is of non-existence. He is unaware he is imitating a position on earth and in church, all because he has not realized, nor will he accept he has failed. The wounded man’s authority is an illusion of his ego, his personal desire, and his accomplishments. The wounded man limps through life proud of his possessions, positions, and connections but empty in his emotions. He is void of communication skills that will enable him to verbalize his pain, so the wounded man is a pretender. The wounded man functions in a dysfunctional environment in which he relies on the superficial power of his gender position but denies the true power of Christ.  The wounded man operates in positions of authority without the blessings of God.

    The result is wounding those around him because the wounded man does not understand himself. As we begin this journey, please adhere to what the Holy Spirit is releasing in this hour in efforts to  bring man back into a position of authority as God sees fit; and not what man has made to fit. Throughout these pages pay attention to subtle tugs on your spirit. For as the Spirit of disobedience worketh in man the spirit of God has come to release man from the confines of his thoughts, failures, and understanding. Let these revelations release a freshness of who we as men are to become.  As you see the questions, exercises, and insights it is important to be true within yourself then true to those around you. As you answer quietly proclaim them aloud releasing the wounded man that is sitting deep within your soul.

    The Wounded Man by Dedric Hubbard

    Published by Prophetic Fire Publishing Company

    This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any forms by any means-electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise-without prior written permission of the publisher, except as provided by United States of America copyright law.

    Your first act of regret is your last act of neglect.

    Prophet Dedric Hubbard

    The Problem

    We live in a society which men have still not come to the fullness of who we are in Christ. As a result, we have a variety of male leaders that are leading other males astray. These leaders are seen in church, Hollywood, the government and political offices, and communities. As men we have failed the world we live in. We are living in a time when we allow people to release best-sellers, instructing a person to operate, think, and perform opposite of what is clearly written in scripture.

    The men in these positions, and women as well, profess to have a relationship with Christ however, they are endorsing religious leaders and supporting the roles of these men opposed to supporting Christ. The domino effect of this is that men are following the path of these

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