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Nocturne, a wilderness of eternal night.
Solis, a wasteland of endless day.

Nazafareen is a Breaker, a mortal who has the rare ability to shatter spell magic—although her power carries a high price. With the memories of her former self erased and nowhere else to turn, she comes to Nocturne hoping to start a new life under the triple moons of the darklands.

But when an assassin forces Nazafareen to flee to the sunlit mortal city of Delphi, she finds herself embroiled in a deeper mystery whose origins lie far in the past. Why was the continent sundered into light and dark a thousand years before? And what really happened to the elegant but ruthless creatures who nearly reduced the world to ashes? The new Oracle might know, but she’s outlawed magic and executes anyone caught practicing it. Nazafareen must hide her powers and find a way out of the city—before it’s too late.

As the net slowly tightens, something ancient and vengeful begins to stir in the arid death zone called the Kiln. A dashing daeva named Darius is pursuing Nazafareen, but so are a multitude of enemies. War is brewing again. Can she stay alive long enough to stop it?

So begins the first installment of an epic new fantasy series from the author of the Fourth Element Trilogy!

Praise for Nocturne

"A historical fantasy that crackles with electricity...The narrative’s magical components never overshadow the players and their struggles. And the characters newly taking shape are thrilling to behold. Layered subplots featuring Culach, Mina, and Javid provide an embarrassment of riches. The finale primes audiences to learn about the legendary Vatras, who did what other elementals can’t—control fire." -Kirkus Reviews

“Perfect for fans of City of Brass... As much as I loved the characters, I have to say the plot in this story stole the show. I could not put this book down. I loved it, I loved it, I loved it.” –Book Briefs

“This book is a whirlwind of emotions. Lots of drama, action, and even some romance. I'm so looking forward to the next book in the series.” –Jazzy Book Reviews

"Nocturne is brilliant.... I have been hooked on this ancient world pretty much since the first pages in The Midnight Sea. Kat knows how to take us on an adventure and keep you totally sucked in." –Am Kinda Busy Reading

"Absolutely fantastic! From page one it just hit the ground running... Ross has managed to create something truly magical, beautiful and complex." –Rattle the Stars

“A passionate and riveting action-packed fantasy that will draw readers into a world of danger, deception and powerful forces... Fast paced, exciting and with so much going on, Nocturne was a superb read and leaves me dying to delve into the next novel Solis as soon as I can!” –The Rest Is Still Unwritten

PublisherKat Ross
Release dateDec 21, 2017

Kat Ross

Kat Ross worked as a journalist at the United Nations for ten years before happily falling back into what she likes best: making stuff up. She's the author of the new Lingua Magika trilogy, the Fourth Element and Fourth Talisman historical fantasy series, the Gaslamp Gothic paranormal mysteries, and the dystopian thriller Some Fine Day. She loves myths, monsters and doomsday scenarios. Come visit her at!

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    Book preview

    Nocturne - Kat Ross



    Fourth Talisman #1




    First Edition

    Copyright © 2017 by Kat Ross

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    This story is a work of fiction. References to real people, events, establishments, organizations, or locales are intended only to provide a sense of authenticity and are used fictitiously. All other characters, and all incidents and dialogue are drawn from the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real.

    Cover design by CYK Publishing and Conrad Teves Art

    Map design by Robert Altbauer at


    Map of Nocturne

    Map of Solis

    1. Lacuna

    2. Faravahar

    3. Breaker

    4. The Scarred Man

    5. A Ship from the Sky

    6. Partings

    7. Night Flight

    8. Shadow and Flame

    9. Something Wicked

    10. To Samarqand

    11. An Ill-Fated Knife

    12. They Tried to Break the World

    13. Some New Devilry

    14. The Umbra

    15. Children of Fire

    16. A Fey Doorway

    17. The Shadowlands

    18. Thena and the Witches

    19. Footprints

    20. A Blade in the Dark

    21. Culach’s Folly

    22. Trapped

    23. The Brazen Bull

    24. The Storm

    25. A Pit of Vipers

    26. The High Holdfast

    27. A Message

    28. Bonded

    29. Daníel/Demetrios

    30. The Maiden Keep

    31. The Prisoner Herodotus

    32. Quarry

    33. An Unbroken Pitcher

    34. They Bend Light

    35. The Cold Cells

    36. Ghosts

    37. Parthenoi

    38. Names

    39. An Unlikely Savior

    40. Gerda’s Globe

    Sneak Peek from Solis, Fourth Talisman Book #2

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    About the Author

    Also by Kat Ross



    Nazafareen raised the hood of her cloak, tucking errant strands of light brown hair behind her ears. Cool air crept through the crack in the door, redolent of pine and spruce. She waited for six long heartbeats. Nothing stirred in the night. She knew Darius would be occupied in his workshop. Sentries patrolled the Valkirin border farther out, but with care she could avoid them. They weren’t looking for anyone leaving.

    She slipped into the shadows of the trees. Artemis the Huntress Moon rode at the farthest point of her long elliptical orbit, so distant she looked like another star in the inky heavens. Selene hid behind the mountains to the north. Only cool white Hecate peeked through the leafy canopy above, but she was the smallest of Nocturne’s three moons and cast the faintest glimmer of light.

    Nazafareen couldn’t see in the dark like the daēvas, who had been born to eternal night. She was a child of the sun—even if it was lost to her now. So she made her way with caution, soft rabbit-skin boots silent on the carpet of pine needles. The light of the lumen crystal in her window faded to a pinprick, then vanished altogether. She felt small and alone in the dark wood—but also blessedly free. Nazafareen had only left the Dessarian compound twice in her time among the daēvas, both occasions unsanctioned. They would never let her roam on her own. Her very presence there was a closely guarded secret.

    Once clear of the last line of houses, she relaxed a little. The forest was sparse and open, with little undergrowth to snag her feet. She passed stands of pale bonewood—the daēvas made armor from that—and spreading oaks, skirted shallow pools full of whistling frogs that fell silent at an alien presence. She took the same path she had last time, following a resonance almost too faint to detect, like a snatch of music on the wind.

    She climbed a rise. The forest thinned to open meadow and she got her first sight of Hecate, three-quarters full, floating above the distant mountains like a silver coin. Despite chafing at her confinement, Nazafareen had come to love the way the deep twilight softened the edges of things like a velvet cloak. The brightness of the stars and subtle coloring of the moons.

    The great forest of the Danai had never known the touch of summer or winter, spring or autumn, but the passage of the seasons could be tracked by the travels of Artemis the Huntress. Her orbit took a full year to complete but when she returned, her light supposedly made it almost as bright as true day—solar day. The tides would surge, covering the land for leagues. Nazafareen hoped to see that. Darius had told her what an ocean was, but she still found it hard to imagine so much water.

    She crossed the meadow and descended into a thickly wooded valley. Finally, she saw a greenish flicker through the trees ahead. Her steps slowed, the hair on her arms lifting.

    She had reached another sort of border.

    The gate to the Dominion waited ten paces ahead. It looked like a rectangular doorway with no frame—just a glowing hole in the night. The surface had the shimmery quality of running water.

    Nazafareen stepped closer. And closer still.

    Two months before, Darius had carried her through the gate in his arms, nearly dead from her own fey power. Breaker, they called her. A mortal with daēva blood and the ability to shatter magic. She had drawn too much of it.

    A lake. A green-eyed man with a scar and an evil sickness inside him. The crowns of trees burning like torches.

    She dimly remembered a battle. Her bond with Darius flaring to life and being snuffed out again when they passed through the gate to Nocturne. It was why the daēvas were hiding her. Because that green-eyed man was a Valkirin, the clan that lived in the mountains, and if he ever discovered she still lived….

    Nazafareen stared at the gate in queasy fascination. Her own world—her past—lay on the other side, but she had no memory of it. Darius said she’d broken a ward that contained a spell of forgetfulness. The backwash had wiped her own mind clean.

    I want to know who I was. Who I am. I have the right.

    She sighed, absently rubbing the stump of her missing right hand. It had been a stupid impulse to come here. Fleeing through the gate wouldn’t restore what was lost. Magic had erased her past and only magic could restore it.

    Darius seemed to think her condition was irreversible, but Nazafareen refused to accept that. Someone, somewhere, knew something and she intended to find them. Except that the daēvas wouldn’t let her leave. And part of her didn’t want to go. Not without Darius.

    She stood before the gate as Hecate set. The lunar night was nearly over. Soon Selene would appear, her bright yellow face heralding the dawn of the lunar day. It was time to return before they found her gone. She started back through the trees, the scant light growing dimmer by the moment. True night was coming, the brief period where none of the three moons was visible. The length of it varied from day to day. The daēvas called it the lacuna and it might last anywhere from a few seconds to an hour or more.

    Nazafareen scanned the sky. A thin veil of clouds had swept in. So much for starlight, she thought. Let’s hope it’s a short one tonight. She pulled her cloak tighter and retraced her steps through the valley, moving as quickly as she dared.

    Nazafareen paused at a soft sound behind her, like a breeze rustling the leaves—except that there was no wind. She wished she’d brought the lumen crystal. There were animals in these woods. Mostly small game, but Darius’s father Victor had seen wolves near the mountains. Her hand dropped to her belt knife.

    One of the frog pools shimmered just ahead. Hecate sank beneath the rim of the sky. The forest seemed to take a last, lingering breath of anticipation. She glimpsed an owl gliding from branch to branch in the canopy. And then the lacuna descended, as dark as the bottom of the sea.

    She’d always been safe at home with her lumen crystal when true night fell. Sometimes Darius came by and they played a board game with little wooden animals. The pieces had curving horns and barbed tails and different magical powers. All were cunningly carved to the smallest detail. Nazafareen usually won, though she often cheated when he wasn’t looking. A petty victory, but sweet nonetheless.

    She glanced up, hoping the clouds would pass. Just a little starlight to guide me

    The dry rustling came again, behind her and low to the ground. Moving fast.

    Before she could blink, thick coils of scaled muscle wrapped her in an iron grip. Nazafareen grunted, scrabbling for the knife. Her fingers brushed the hilt too late. It slithered higher, pinning her arms. She fought to draw breath against a crushing weight on her chest. The knife slipped from her grasp as she tumbled down a muddy bank. Cold water closed over her head.

    Darius had warned her about the forest. She got the feeling he knew about her occasional wanderings. He hadn’t said so directly, or even asked her to stop. Perhaps he knew she needed to get away from time to time. That she’d go mad if she didn’t.

    There are snakes, he said. By the way.

    Of course, he’d neglected to mention how bloody big they were.

    Down they sank to the silty bottom. Nazafareen swallowed her panic and sought the Nexus, that place of nothing and everything where elemental magic could be touched. It wasn’t easy with the life being squeezed out of her, but she knew it was her last hope.

    She reached for earth and focused on the snake’s slender articulated spine. Darius would be able to snap it in an instant. She tried to do the same, bubbles of air slipping through her lips—the last air she might ever taste—but earth was the heaviest element to wield and she’d always been terrible with it. Once, as a lesson, he’d set her to moving grains of sand from one anthill to another. The ants had accomplished the same task much faster.

    A glint in the corner of her eye.

    Frail moonlight lancing through the water, touching…something.

    Her belt knife?

    Blood pounding in her temples, she reached for water—and felt it stir feebly in response.

    Come, she urged. Come!

    A weak current lifted the knife, drifting it toward her open hand. As soon as the hilt touched her palm, Nazafareen stabbed at the cold reptilian flesh, driving the blade deep. For an awful moment, the snake clenched tighter. She twisted the knife. And then the coils binding her loosened just enough to pull her arm free. A second later, she plunged the blade into the snake’s flat black eye. It sank away into the depths.

    Nazafareen dragged herself from the pond and lay on the bank, chest heaving. After long minutes, the frogs resumed their peeping song. She laughed softly, though it hurt. The Valkirins didn’t need to come after her. She was doing a fine job getting killed all on her own. If the lacuna had lasted a few seconds longer…. She rolled to her side, wincing. Then she stood and walked back to House Dessarian.

    Selene had risen in the west when the first outbuildings came into view. The walls were live white birch, their boles and branches weaving together like clasped fingers to form a leafy roof. Every sixth tree grew crookedly away from its neighbor halfway up the trunk, creating an oval window. The dwellings of House Dessarian were not laid out in orderly rows, the way she heard mortals built their cities. These were haphazard, most barely within shouting distance of each other. Most of the daēvas still slept and no one saw her slinking through the shadows like a wet cat.

    Finally, she reached the house they’d given her, smaller than the others but cozy enough.

    She opened the door—and found Darius sitting at her kitchen table.

    Daēvas looked much like mortals, if a touch…feral. There weren’t any obvious differences. It was more the way they moved. Lithe and graceful at rest, blurringly quick when they chose. They were stronger and healed faster. They could wield earth, air and water. But they had a weakness, a fatal one.


    Which was why the fourth element was banned in Nocturne. Why the daēvas made their home on the dark side of the world.

    Nazafareen masked her surprise at finding him there. Darius kept his wavy brown hair short, a holdover from his time as a soldier. As always, she found the intensity of his bright blue gaze disconcerting. He raised an eyebrow at her sodden cloak.

    Where have you been? he asked in a level tone.

    I felt like a swim, she said, daring him to contradict her.

    Fully dressed?

    It was a little cool out for my taste.

    Darius barked a laugh. You’re an awful liar. His expression grew serious. It’s not safe, Nazafareen. You know that. At least take me with you next time.

    She hung her cloak on a peg and sat down across from him.

    I’m sorry, Darius, but I feel a prisoner here. I know that’s my own fault. The Danai were kind to take me in. But I…I wanted to see the gate.

    He leaned forward, eyes narrowing. You went all the way to the gate? Are you mad?

    Just to see it. That’s all.

    Darius exhaled. To see it. Why?

    I don’t know. She felt suddenly angry—not at him. At everything. Curiosity. I don’t wish to talk about it.

    Darius looked away.

    Now you’ve hurt him.

    What’s that? Nazafareen asked in a softer tone, pointing to a cloth-wrapped bundle on the table.

    A gift. It’s why I came.

    May I see it?

    Of course.

    She felt him watching her as she struggled to undo the twine with one hand. Darius knew her too well to offer his help. Finally, she remembered her knife, holding the bundle in place with her stump and slicing it open. The cloth fell away.

    Oh. She looked up at him in delight. Darius, it’s beautiful.

    He smiled. It’s called an astrolabe. I made it from yew.

    Nazafareen turned the wooden sphere over in her hands. Three moons, each of a different size and distance, spun around it on circles attached to a polar axis.

    I’ll show you how to move them to correspond with the heavens, he said with a warm smile. Then you can track the return of Artemis.

    Nazafareen smiled back. There was something stern and unyielding in him that only seemed to soften when they were alone together. She fiddled with the astrolabe for a moment, sliding the moons around and around. It was a clever thing, and cunningly made. His skill with wood amazed her considering the short time they’d been there.

    Thank you, she said solemnly. It’s a wonderful gift. But I have nothing for you.

    His gaze held her. Let me teach you. I enjoy it.

    We’ve tried—

    It takes time. And you’re stubborn.

    Me? Nazafareen laughed. You make a boulder seem pliable. She thought of the snake. But perhaps it wouldn’t hurt.

    In truth, she desperately wished she could use elemental power like the daēvas. The Danai—Darius’s clan—were especially strong in earth. They nurtured the only forests in the world. The master craftsmen of House Dessarian and the six other houses made furniture and weapons and other items for trade, commanding premium prices for their products.

    Then let us begin with a simple talisman. Extinguish the lumen crystal and then light it again.

    They spent the next few hours practicing with air, which Nazafareen found the easiest element to work with. She’d grown more adept at finding the Nexus and could feel the torrents of power swirling around her. The difficulty lay in making them do what she wanted. She could manage the lumen crystal, but trying to move objects—even small ones like their game pieces—left her swearing through gritted teeth. Darius was patient as always, though the man could be relentless in his own quiet way. When she finally upended the entire board, not using the power, he laughed and slid his chair back.

    You’re tired, he said, rising. And I have work to do. He paused at the door. But I want you to promise me you won’t return to the gate alone.

    Nazafareen stared at him. She wanted to trust him. But the secrets he kept had become a chasm between them that grew wider by the day, even if he refused to see it. All her frustrations boiled over.

    Then tell me everything. She held up her stump. Tell me how I lost this.

    He flinched away from her gaze. I already have. We were soldiers—

    Yes, yes. I know the story by heart. Your words hardly vary when you tell it. But it rings false. What was the purpose of the bond? Who forged the cuffs and why? How did you come to be born in my world when your kin are here?

    For a moment, he looked as though he might speak. His eyes searched hers, but then a door seemed to close.

    It doesn’t matter, he said with quiet desperation. Truly it doesn’t, Nazafareen.

    She folded her arms. You may think you’re protecting me, but the not knowing is worse. Did I do something wrong? Was I some kind of monster?

    No. He turned away. Not you.



    Darius strode into the darkness, hand instinctively dropping to his hip. No sword hung there anymore, yet in moments of anger, he found himself reaching for it just the same.

    I am no longer the satrap’s dog, sent out with a pat on the head to hunt and kill, he thought savagely. Those days are over.

    If only she would let it go. Darius would be happy to trade places with her. To not remember the horrors of the empire. If he’d cared to analyze his own reluctance—which he didn’t—he might have found a tangled thread of self-loathing at the heart of it. But Darius had learned from an early age to lock his feelings away and try to forget them. It was how he’d survived.

    So he went straight to his workroom and picked up a chisel instead, delicately chipping away at a piece of ash he was carving into a figurine. Bonewood swords and bows were the most popular items they traded with the Marakai, but Darius refused to make weapons.

    Nazafareen misunderstood. He hadn’t lied to her, not precisely. He’d told her they’d served as soldiers to a crumbling empire, what was called a bonded pair. How they had fought the undead Druj together, and even worse things. How Nazafareen had given her hand to save him—though he’d been vague about the details. And how Neblis, the daēva queen who controlled the Druj armies, had summoned her brother Culach through the gate that linked their two worlds. Nazafareen used her power to defeat Culach’s invasion but she’d paid a high price, losing her memories and nearly her life.

    It was all true.

    But her instincts were also correct. Darius had not told her everything.

    He paused, the piece of ash in his hand forgotten, and glanced at a small lacquered box in the corner where he kept his cuff. Pure gold and engraved with the image of a snarling griffin, the cuff was a talisman that required fire to work. Once, when Nazafareen wore its match around her wrist, the cuffs had contained their bond. He missed it desperately.

    If he told her the truth—all of it—she would see the bond as an evil thing, and he couldn’t bear that. So he had…glossed over certain things. And sworn his father Victor and mother Delilah to secrecy about it.

    Darius felt himself grow calmer as he shaped the piece of wood, using both tools and trickles of earth power. Working wood was the place where he lost himself, where he escaped from the simmering tension with Nazafareen. He loved her, perhaps too much.

    She thinks I love her for who she used to be, but in truth she was the same in all the ways that matter. If only she wasn’t so stubborn…

    A heavy tread on the stairs announced the arrival of his father.

    I’m heading out to the border, Victor said by way of greeting. I thought you might come.

    I’m busy, Darius replied, briefly glancing up and returning to his work.

    He’d said no repeatedly, but Victor wouldn’t stop asking. He was a large man, taller than Darius with broad shoulders and black hair. Victor still wore a sword, though the other Danai carried bows. He’d bought one for Darius from the Marakai traders. Darius didn’t want it. He’d given it to Nazafareen instead; even one-handed, she was deadly with a blade. Victor hadn’t been offended. Instead, he’d taken to sparring with her. The two were much alike in some ways.

    We could use someone with your skill, both as a tracker and fighter, Victor persisted. He glanced out the window. Galen is coming.

    Every day since they’d come to Nocturne, Victor led a patrol to the northern reaches of the forest, where the River Arnor marked the end of the Danai lands and the foothills of the Valkirin mountains began their sharp rise from the earth. Val Moraine, the ancestral seat of their enemies, lay a mere twenty leagues beyond the river. So far, the border had been quiet.

    It’s a chance to get to know your brother, Victor said.

    Half-brother, Darius replied. He and Galen had different mothers. Victor didn’t see it, but Darius got the impression Galen didn’t like him very much. And I’ve told you before. I don’t wish to be a soldier anymore, not even for you.

    His father sighed. We’re doing this to protect Nazafareen.

    Are you? Darius lay down the chisel and picked up a rasp. I wonder sometimes.

    Victor scowled, his dark brows drawing together. What does that mean?

    Never mind.

    Say it.

    Darius looked up. All right. You have a grudge against Culach and his entire holdfast.

    His father’s dark eyes flashed. Am I the only one who understands they’re still a threat? We should finish them now, while they’re weakened. But Tethys won’t listen. She’s afraid of starting a war.

    And you aren’t? Darius shook his head. Haven’t you had enough of fighting?

    And what about Nazafareen? Will she hide here forever? That’s no life.

    The words came too close to what Darius had been thinking himself. He could tell she was nearing a breaking point. Neither of them truly fit in here. The Danai tolerated her for Victor’s sake, but she was a mortal—and she had enemies.

    You’re right. Which is why I think we should leave.

    And go where?

    Darius had considered the matter carefully. Even if they went to a distant Danai settlement, she could still be found.

    The Isles of the Marakai.

    Victor frowned. Have you discussed this with her?

    Not yet. I’ll ask Tethys first. See if she can make arrangements the next time they come to trade.

    Running away, Victor said with flat disapproval.

    Call it what you will. At least she’ll be safe. He gave Victor a long look. Don’t tell her until I talk to Tethys.

    Victor shook his head. You keep too many secrets. It will poison you both.

    Darius glanced out the window to where Galen waited with a group of young daēvas. They worshipped Victor. He was a charismatic man, handsome in a brutal way, the hardships he’d suffered writ across his face. Victor was a near legend at House Dessarian. He’d vanished through the gate to the shadowlands more than two hundred years before and his sudden return—with a new wife and son, and mortal girl with strange powers—had caused quite a stir.

    Not everyone was glad to see him. Victor had recruited friends for his misadventure, most of whom hadn’t come back. But the younger daēvas—the ones who didn’t know better—were quite taken with him. Some had even started to wear swords in imitation of their returned hero. Darius knew Victor hadn’t told them the whole truth either.

    I’ll tell her about the Marakai tomorrow, he said.

    You should tell her all of it. Victor studied him. If she loves you, it won’t change anything.

    When Darius didn’t respond, he turned and headed back down the stairs, to Galen and the other Danai sentries. Darius watched out the window as they vanished like mist into the woods.

    He returned to the figurine he was carving. A bearded man with spreading eagle wings. It was one of the queer aspects of this world that it mirrored the one he had come from in many ways. The faravahar was the symbol of the Prophet, whom the mortals revered in Samarkand—just as they had in the empire. This piece would be shipped off through the Marakai to the Persian cities of Solis, where such religious trinkets were sold on the streets.

    Darius used to wear one around his own neck. He’d given it to Nazafareen when they’d ridden into the Dominion to find Victor. He still believed in the Way of the Flame—good thoughts, good words, good deeds—even if he hated the magi. Dark thoughts crowded in again.

    Darius picked up the chisel again.



    Nazafareen changed out of her wet clothes, pulling on a fresh tunic and trousers. She was still angry but more than that, she felt restless, unmoored. She despised sitting around doing nothing. Victor refused to let her join his patrols lest she be seen. She couldn’t learn to shape wood with only one hand. And her only real power was both useless and dangerous. Like the cuffs, the breaking magic drew on fire. Using too much had set a blaze in her own body, an inferno that was only extinguished when she passed through the gate to Nocturne.

    But she might have other talents she didn’t know about. It all came back to that. If nothing else, restoring her memory would make her feel whole again. Then she could decide where she belonged—Nocturne, or back in her own world.

    Nazafareen stared at the scattered playing pieces on the table. She was tired of being told what to do. Tired of waiting for others to move her about as they saw fit. If Darius wouldn’t tell her the truth, she’d find someone who would. Not Victor—he made excuses every time she sought him out. And Delilah, Darius’s mother, had never liked her.

    But Tethys…she might know things.

    Nazafareen had met

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