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Every Day is Grandparents' Day!
Every Day is Grandparents' Day!
Every Day is Grandparents' Day!
Ebook131 pages45 minutes

Every Day is Grandparents' Day!

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Every Day is Grandparents' Day! Is full of creative ideas, activities, and games that will make it easy for your grandchildren to put away their cell phones or tablets and hang out with the old grandparents. All the activities are fun and easy to do. Most need minimal supplies that are usually found in any household.

Every Day is Grandparents' Day! is organized by topic so you can hone in on which areas might be the most fun for you and your family. Although, you won't want to miss out on learning something new from the other topics. Included topics are: In Motion, Musical, Crafty, Family, Kitchen Capers, Games, Hodgepodge, Into the Wild, Rainy Day, Places, and Science. Activities include Alphabet Anagrams, Park-a-Thon, From Here to There, Sing-a-Song, and Take Flight to name a few.
Interspersed between each topic are bits of information about the status of grandparents and the part they play in the lives of their grandchildren and children.
The end of the book contains all you need to know about Grandparents Day and how it came to be. It even includes a handy chart of upcoming dates for the special day.

Adrienne Lewis Dillard has been working with children for over 50 years. She has been a substitute teacher, camp counselor, and church school leader. She also started the Children and Adult Ministry Partnership (CAMP) program at her church that helped youth and adults bridge the age gap by spending more time with each other and getting to know each other through fun activities. Currently, she is a grandmother to three very active little boys and takes every chance she can to do fun and interesting things with them.

Adrienne also volunteers as den leader for her oldest grandson's Cub Scout den. She is constantly seeking ways to keep life simple and fun for children and families alike. To that end, all the activities in this book have been kid tested and grandparent approved.

Adrienne currently works as a technical writer and professional speaker.

Release dateSep 10, 2017
Every Day is Grandparents' Day!

Adrienne Lewis Dillard

Adrienne Lewis Dillard is a grandmother first and foremost. She is often heard saying, "I was born to be a grandmother." She has written several children's books - none of which has been published. Adrienne currently lives in Maryland with her husband and has four grandchildren. She spends her time being a wife, mother, grandmother, daughter, Cub Scout den leader, speaker, and writer.

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    Book preview

    Every Day is Grandparents' Day! - Adrienne Lewis Dillard


    There are over 70 million grandparents in the nation.

    Grandparents represent 1/3 of the population with 1.7 million new grandparents added to the ranks every year.

    Courtesy of American Grandparents Association 2017

    To Table of Contents


    I thought of this activity after reading a Christmas poem by Pat McLaughlin called A Toy for Santa. In the poem, the little boy created a crazy machine out of everything from A to Z. Although, I am simply suggesting you draw something unique, you can extend this craft by actually trying to build what you draw.

    The idea for this craft is to take an ordinary object like a broom, shoe, book, or sunglasses and adding objects/features to it that are not normally found on the object. If you’d like, you can limit how many things you can add to the object. This will be especially useful if you decide to actually make the creation. Add wings, lights, pockets or anything you can think of to make it unique.

    S tmp_8bb06fa99c349aac738d0a8522c8b286_8tL0aX_html_m27b15d1c.png upplies: For the drawing you will need paper, and drawing and coloring supplies. If you decide to actually create it, you will need whatever you have drawn on your creation


    Draw an ordinary object on a piece of paper.

    Add items to it to make it interesting and unique.

    After drawings are complete, give everyone an opportunity to present their drawing and explain the benefits of adding the new objects/features.

    For the Birds

    My grandson and I made this so he could receive one of his Cub Scout activity loops. It is very easy and you can make it as simple or fancy as you’d like.

    Supplies: One half gallon milk carton rinsed clean, a ½" dowel about 10 inches long, scissors strong enough to cut the carton, string to hang the birdhouse, miscellaneous items for decorating


    Cut out a hole that is large enough for a bird to fit but hopefully too small for a squirrel.

    Below the hole, make another much smaller hole that is just big enough for the dowel to fit snugly. If you want the dowel to go through both sides, cut a matching hole on the opposite side of the carton.

    Make a hole in the top of the carton to tie the string for hanging.

    Decorate the birdhouse however you’d like. I’ve seen birdhouses decorated with paint, colorful duct tape, or twigs and leaves. The possibilities are endless.


    Oh Christmas Tree

    My favorite Christmas decorations to make start with Borax laundry cleaning booster. Please note: Borax, although a common household cleaner, can be harmful if ingested. Use constant supervision and do not allow children to touch, eat or inhale Borax.

    Supplies: Borax, boiling hot water, two one-quart glass jars, 12" pipe cleaners of various colors, string or yarn for hanging ornaments, craft stick

    Equipment: one tea pot or saucepan, stove, tablespoon


    Bend and twist 12-inch pipe cleaners into various shapes (stars, snowflakes, candy canes, etc.)

    T tmp_8bb06fa99c349aac738d0a8522c8b286_8tL0aX_html_ea4cee2.png o createa hanger for your ornament, cut a piece of string and tie it around your shape making a big loop. Hang the loop on the craft stick.

    P tmp_8bb06fa99c349aac738d0a8522c8b286_8tL0aX_html_1b643bbd.png lace 9 tablespoons of borax in a 1-quart glass container. Add3 cups of very hot water to the Borax. Stir until the Borax is completely

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