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Galactic Fist of Legend: Volume 3
Galactic Fist of Legend: Volume 3
Galactic Fist of Legend: Volume 3
Ebook436 pages6 hours

Galactic Fist of Legend: Volume 3

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The legendary fisting journeys of Scott and his team of skilled companions continue unabated in this next exciting installment of Galactic Fist of Legend. During their first true team building exercise mission this grab bag group of modern pop-culture icons stumble across a dire situation involving a familiar tunic-clad hero. Can Scott lead his team to pull off the most dangerous mission he's ever faced, or will they fail and doom entire worlds to ruin? Stay tuned and find out!

Warning: This story depicts graphic violence, gore, occasional gratuitous nudity, and strangely adult interactions with sentient plants. You're welcome.

This story is part of the Project Scott, or the Scottieverse, franchise series of Gamelit and LitRPG stories centered around the concept of one soul as viewed through many different realities. It also features parody elements revolving around iconic modern pop-culture characters. No intent to claim the original source of those parodied entities is implied, and these elements appear well within the umbrella of 'fair use'.

PublisherScottie Futch
Release dateDec 22, 2017
Galactic Fist of Legend: Volume 3

Scottie Futch

I am a former soldier, but current lover of pop-culture. I like anime, manga, comics, animation in general, and zombies. I always have to mention the zombies! Anyway, I spent four years in the US army as an Advance Field Artillery Tactical Data System Specialist. This is a fancy way of saying, "Guy who coordinates the battlefield and makes coffee." I am irreverent in nature. I tend to laugh at the strangest things, and usually those things are inappropriate to laugh at. This sort of fascination with the inane leads me to write comedy stories, and off-the-wall adventures.

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    Book preview

    Galactic Fist of Legend - Scottie Futch

    Galactic Fist of Legend: Volume 3

    By Scottie Futch

    Copyright 2017 Scottie Futch

    Smashwords Edition

    License Note: This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite eBook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Author's Note: This story involves the utilization of elements of parody. All characters who resemble well-known characters in gaming, anime, and pop-culture in general, are crafted as a means to gently poke fun at those popular characters and the fandoms that have grown up around those characters.

    No claim over the original source material is made, or implied. The characters and locations that appear within this work do so under 'Fair Use' doctrine, and are only crafted in such a way as to 'speak to the original' while they maintain their own separate and unique identity. Further, it is asserted that the parodied variations of characters and locations mentioned in this story are so far removed from the original that they can in fact stand on their own as separate intellectual concepts.

    This work is created in the spirit of entertainment and as a celebration of the concepts and parodied works found herein. Now, let us all come together and revel in the random fits of insanity.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    About the Author

    Discover Other Titles

    Learn More about Gamelit and LitRPG

    Chapter 1

    Home, a place that most people regarded as a sanctuary away from the horrors of the world. For Scott, home was a series of rooms where he lived in nigh-perpetual darkness. The girls looked around briefly after they entered the gloom.

    This is it? asked Kitty curiously. Somehow, she expected more than a closet and a glowing light. Well, there was the oddly out-of-place fruit basket that sat on the floor. What was that all about?

    "Yeah, I haven't spruced the place up any since it seemed like a waste of EXP. I mean, it serves its purpose and I can just use my apartment over in Bounty Star," said Scott.

    He looked down at the small crystalline object in his hand. Interesting, it didn't disappear.

    Was it supposed to? asked Saelil. She looked at the crystal curiously.

    Typically, items can only be brought here if I bought them through the system, or they are treasure items, said Scott. He lifted the crystal up and nodded. This one at least must be considered a treasure item.

    He checked his spatial storage then grinned. The other small crystal was there as well. They could be stored here in his home point!

    What can you do with those things, anyway? asked Samantha in a mildly curious tone.

    Saelil answered, a smile on her lips. They can be used to recharge magical equipment, or to create it. If you know the procedure, they can be refined into essence crystals and the essence absorbed as well.

    Scott's eyes lit up. Can you do any of those things?

    Assuredly. Anyone can recharge a magical item with such a crystal, and I would not be much of a sorceress if I did not know how to create mystical items or convert essence, replied Saelil.

    What would you need to make that happen? Scott asked.

    Create items? she asked him.

    Yes. That. Scott grew more excited by the moment. The prospect of free, or at least cheaper, magical items was far too promising.

    Well, I'd need the raw materials. The better the material, the greater the potential item. Also, my spell list is rather shallow at the moment due to my rebirth, she replied.

    You can only create items with effects based on spells you can cast? asked Scott. It made perfect sense, but it would hamper things if she could not cast higher level spells.

    Saelil nodded. Yes. Once I restudy my spells and gain a few levels, my status should allow me to regain some of my former strength.

    Is there anything you can make right now? asked Scott. 'Even something minor would be great,' he thought.

    I would need a workshop, and the right materials. Otherwise I can make a few weak items with low-level spells imbued within them, she replied.

    Would you mind if we prioritized that sort of thing for now? Acquiring materials and having some of your downtime focused solely on item development? asked Scott.

    That's perfectly fine with me, beloved, she said with a smile. I'd love nothing more to show you just how much you need me.

    Samantha rolled her eyes and walked off toward the command center. Kitty followed her, a mischievous smile on her lips.

    Scott glanced toward them briefly, but turned back to Saelil. What about essence conversion?

    Ah, that's simple. I can do it at any obelisk. I just hold several of these crystals in my inventory and then combine them into a true essence crystal, she said, before whipping her head to the side. Her hair swished over the top of her should to curl down across the front. A decidedly warm, if predatory, smile crossed her lips.

    Scott eyed the girl carefully for a moment. Her confidence was far from unusual, but she was enjoying her usefulness quite a bit. He suspected that she felt it solidified her place, and possibly her hold, over him. He made a new mental note to be careful when dealing with her. He hated to feel like a racist, but she was both a dark elf and a lesser lich. No one lived long as either in a game-setting unless they were ambitious.

    He showed her the crystal in his hand. Can you tell how many of these it would take?

    She took the stone from his hand and looked it over. These tiny ones? You'd probably need six or seven to create even a weak true essence crystal.

    The crystals Scott brought with him were the smallest and weakest available. Most were far larger. Can true essence crystals, those forgotten memories things, be used to make items?

    Yes, assuredly. They are far more commonly used than these crystals, replied Saelil.

    Suddenly, Scott smiled. There was definitely a reason to go to Fear Rune now. Taking missions there might be suicidal depending on how long those missions ran, but visiting on off-hours solely to gather loot and crystals was a viable reason. Forty essence converted to one experience point, after all.

    Let's go check on something, said Scott. A thought had occurred to him that could make things even better.

    Saelil followed him to her exchange. He bid her check to see if she could purchase her materials from the list. Upon discovery that she could purchase what she needed, Scott grinned. If she bought materials from the exchange then the items would be classed as system items. There would be no concern for them being destroyed upon return to his home point.

    What's the most useful thing you can think of creating right now? asked Scott.

    Well... Saelil clicked her tongue for a moment then asked, Since there is that place, the one with the undead?

    Dead Men Walking? asked Scott. The world we just left?

    Yes, that lovely place... If we spend time there, I can think of the best possible sort of item, said Saelil.

    What would it do? asked Scott, instantly curious. How is it made?

    Well, I'd need to get carved human bone rings, ebony powder, zombie bone powder, and sulfur, she said. Saelil clicked her tongue briefly then nodded, The latter items are simple enough to purchase in most towns. Normally I'd have to make the ring myself, but this exchange tells me that I can buy them for three EXP each. The other materials are one point each.

    So, six EXP and how many essence crystals? asked Scott.

    The primary charge will require four thousand essence. Each charge after that will be another two thousand. At my level, a charge would probably also be only a single cast. I could potentially add up to three charges currently, I think.

    Scott did the math. So, about two hundred six experience points total to create one with three casts. He looked into her eyes and asked, But what does it do?

    She grinned. It's a lesser ring of control undead.

    His eyes widened slightly, You can command the zombies with it?

    Yes, so long as they don't have a master. The effect is permanent, but they have to be weaker than you, and someone stronger can take control away from you if they also have such knowledge.

    Scott could see a lot of uses for such a thing. However, he had more questions. He continued to ask them while Saelil answered as best she could. After a short time passed, they decided that they should wait to create items for now. Once Saelil maxed her stats and gained a few levels, it would be much more economical to create the rings and they'd be able to have multiple uses per charge. She could use the spell on her own without the ring. She simply needed the ingredients and time to attune it.

    These rituals you perform. Do you need to perform them before you cast each spell? asked Scott.

    Most of the time that was the case before. According to the rules of this new life, I simply need to prepare it once. I can cast them according to the total attunement I have, which is based on concentration, she said. She smiled before continuing, It's quite simple compared to previous concerns.

    How many spells can you cast now? asked Scott.

    Depends on the spell level. I only have access to my level one lesser lich spells and general sorceries. Seems that I can cast four level one spells per point of concentration. Each spell level beyond that would require one point equal to the spell's level, said Saelil.

    So, say, a level six spell would cost six points? asked Scott.

    Yes, I believe so, she said after a moment of consideration.

    Scott looked to her exchange then asked, Does it tell you how high your stats can go?

    Yes. It seems strangely limiting. I can only increase my concentration, agility, and charisma to whatever four and one half is under these divine rules. My other status only goes as high as three and one half, she replied, a thoughtful frown on her lips.

    Dark elf standard then... There's no way to increase those stats further, like with feats?

    Feats? Well, there is a list of things related to my lifestyles of dark sorceress and lesser lich. Also, I seem to be able to purchase the ability to increase my concentration, agility, and charisma by up to two additional points through my bloodline listing, she said.

    Saelil calculated that she could increase her concentration up to sixteen points if she purchased everything. Sixty-four casts of a level one spell is not that much, but it seems I would be able to cast even ninth level spells up to eight times. That's obscenely powerful, even if the raw potential is curtailed a bit by my status limitations without self-training.

    Really? You could not do that before? he asked, still curious about her limitations.

    Don't be obscene, beloved. My willpower would have to be well over nine thousand! she exclaimed with a beautiful laugh.

    Scott laughed loudly as well. How do you even know that reference?

    What reference? she asked him curiously.

    He stopped laughing. Wait, you were serious?

    Well, yes. She eyed him carefully for a moment. You do know that a magician would need over one thousand points of willpower just to seal a level nine spell. The ability to seal nine casts would cost nine times that amount.

    Did you know any ninth level spells? asked Scott.

    No one knows ninth level spells, beloved. Those are legendary spells that only one mage in a century might happen to discover. Most people grow old and die long before they come close to the willpower necessary. Such is true even among elves, she said. I felt ridiculously powerful when I managed to recreate an ancient seventh level spell.

    Scott smiled at her then reached out and lightly tousled her hair. She pushed at him playfully then smiled a little. Did you not know that messing about with a sorceress' hair was forbidden, beloved?

    Ah, I suppose I should never cause you to muss your hair then... he said, a slight smirk creeping up onto his lips in the process.

    She blinked slightly then snorted a little. A merry twinkle appeared in Saelil's eyes as she said, This round goes to you, dear one.

    He pulled her close then sighed. I'll have to rely on you to help me learn about magic, and things.

    Please do so, beloved, she said sweetly before she kissed him warmly on the side of the cheek.

    They chatted freely for a moment, before Scott asked what she'd meant by self-training earlier. As it turned out, she was unlocked in a similar manner that he was unlocked. With a great deal of time and effort she could train her magic oriented stats to go beyond her limits. She simply could not pay experience points to raise stats beyond a certain point.

    Scott's eyes narrowed slightly then widened. Could it be that she was either deemed special, or that all companions were naturally unlocked? He needed to investigate!

    They went to find Samantha and Kitty. They were hanging out in the command center, while munching on the contents of his fruit basket.

    He discussed the situation with the girls, and then took them all on another grand tour. It was Kitty's first time, so Scott went into great detail about each room. Once they reached the companion area, he showed the cat girl to her private room and she laughed happily. It was empty inside, but it was a private space she could decorate to her desire. Scott figured that it would soon overflow with shoes.

    Samantha and Kitty checked their exchange points and each reported back that they were also capable of self-training. Their exchanges did not offer alternative lifestyles, at least nothing too different from their current way of life. However, they could continue to become stronger versions of themselves through training once the EXP stopped helping with immediate growth.

    So, that's the importance of companions, said Scott thoughtfully. It started to make sense. Champions were restricted in many ways, but were also granted far more freedom to grow as they wished. He could become almost anything by living life and burning through a ton of EXP, while his companions would mostly become stronger versions of who they already were over the course of time.

    A good companion was a specialist in one type of world, or lifestyle concept. They would cover for his short-comings since he needed to be more of a generalist. His style of championing needed to shift now and then based on the world setting. A world that did not allow magic would require a more technological champion. The opposite was true of a magical world that denied access to high technology. Such a place needed a magical champion. Of course, if the champion's level was high enough he could start to override such restrictions to a degree. In the interim, the key to survival was flexibility.

    The fact that Saelil possessed two life styles was odd, at first. As it turned out the other girls had a second slot for interchangeable lifestyles as well. Saelil was bound to the same two permanently, but they were good and could be upgraded at certain level intervals apparently.

    Scott and the girls chatted for a while then he nodded. We should get you suited up, he said to Samantha, and then the four of us can go on an easy mission in Dead Men Walking to work on our team work.

    The four left Home and went to go visit the world of Bounty Star. Saelil's eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets when she saw the place.

    Beloved, have we come to a place of the divines? she asked as she saw people casually fly around, and the open vastness of space. The massive buildings were also quite the sight for her.

    Samantha snickered a little, but said nothing. Kitty held up a little better. She had seen large cities before, this one was just scienci-er. Still, starships and flying cars were a strange new sight for her despite her apparent familiarity with their ground bound versions.

    After we get Samantha suited up, we'll go on a mission. We can come back here to rest and plan for tomorrow afterward, said Scott.

    Samantha went off to fetch her gear from her ship, while Scott took the girls to see his apartment. Along the way he pointed out some of the local sights that he actually knew about.

    Up in his apartment, he ordered the robot chef to make a meal, and showed the girls around. Saelil marveled at the luxuries. Some of the fixtures were vaguely familiar, but when she chose to go to the bathroom she bolted out if the room the moment that she sat down.

    Why does the demon of the bowl speak angrily toward me? Have I offended it? she asked Scott, wide-eyed and unnerved. He inspected the toilet then frowned thoughtfully.

    Voice change, preset three, Scott said commandingly to his fancy toilet. The angry voice changed to the British gentleman's voice from his recent memory.

    Sorry, somehow it was set on Japanese gameshow host, said Scott.

    I-I see... she said, as though any of that made sense, "What exactly is a 'Supa happy mega fun wateru dansu?'"

    Are you sure you want to know? asked Scott with a smile.

    Perhaps some other time, beloved, she said nervously. She looked to him then toward the talking toilet.

    The door shut behind her as the crisp voice of the English gentleman greeted her. Saelil's eye lid twitched. It was better than before, but still a bit unnerving.

    Once she was done, she walked out and said, Uh, sorry for the inconvenience?

    Oh, there was no inconvenience at all madam. I am happy to serve. Please enjoy the remainder of your day, replied the toilet.

    You as well... said Saelil. How did one properly say farewell to a talking toilet once business was completed?

    While Saelil made friends with Alfred, Scott fended off Kitty's advances in the bed room. The feisty feline giggled and lunged for him once more.

    Not now, Kitty! exclaimed Scott. We're about to leave after we get some dinner.

    I want a snack first, though, she said with a laugh.

    How about some light petting until after work? he said after a moment.

    How about some heavy petting? she asked while she wiggled her ass in the air. Scott started to speak, but she playfully tackled him down onto the bed.

    Kitty cuddled him closely, then kissed him sweetly on the chin. Scott lightly ran his hand down her back, and she began to purr in a soft and gentle manner. Her tail lashed once from one side to the other, just before her thigh slipped forward a bit. Lower, she whispered. Pet me lower, Scott.

    His hand slid down to her lower back. She made a cute little noise and lightly licked the side of his neck, Lower...

    Scott's hands slipped down to softly cup her ass cheeks through the fabric of her sundress. It took some doing to convince the girl to put on clothes after her transformation. She loved shoes but other clothes were too restrictive. It was impossible to make her wear panties, for instance.

    Kitty made a soft mewling sound and whispered, Almost there... before she rubbed her nose gently against his neck.

    His hand slipped between her thighs, and his fingers gently stroked her soft pink slit. Her eyes flashed open and she unleashed a soft murmur of approval. Pet me there... she purred into his ear.

    Saelil walked into the room, but slowly backed away before she was noticed. For a moment she thought to break the mood, but a clever thought occurred to her. If she caused problems now, it would make her look jealous and foolish. However, if she were to bide her time she could use this to her own sexy advantage later.

    Who's a pretty kitty? whispered Scott softly while he lightly petted her most intimate of places.

    Kitty giggled warmly and lightly licked his chin. So sweet to me...

    Saelil watched and took notes. Everything she witnessed would prove important for the future, she was certain of it.

    Chapter 2

    The heavy petting session at an end, and one cold look from Samantha later, the team was ready to go. Scott changed the difficulty level to easy mode. He did not want to leave room for surprises on their first team mission. Their first trip was not about earning a fortune, it was about developing teamwork.

    Scott looked through the mission offerings and nodded. Found one, full-team mission.

    The girls gathered round to see what he'd chosen. Samantha eyed the reward section critically. Only that much of a reward?

    It's an easy mission, but that's also just a baseline. Even when I barely survive from mission-to-mission, I come back with considerably more than the base, said Scott. He did amend his statement, however, We won't make a fortune, but no one should die in this group if we play it smart.

    She nodded to him. He was the mission expert in this field operation, after all. Scott looked over the mission once more.

    [Mission Briefing]

    Answer the call to arms! Zombies are on the march across the land! Fearless zombie killers wanted for extermination missions across the globe. Make your mark on history, today!

    Difficulty: H-1

    World Type: Survival Horror

    Force Response Authorization: Solo | Partner Mission

    Primary Goal: Absolute Zombie Extermination.

    Approximate Initial Enemies: 112

    Time Limit: 4 hours

    Reward: [Double zombie kill EXP] [Team EXP share set to 10%] [Additional EXP for survivor extraction]

    Special Note: Side-missions are available. Mission area is quarantined. The quarantine zone will expand if all initial enemies are slain. The extraction door will open at the exact location that the entrance door is located.


    Scott eyed the number of initial enemies carefully. It was definitely an H-1 mission. The total number of zombies was only slightly higher than his solo missions at that rating, but the possibility of side missions and an expanded quarantine zone were new factors.

    I'll tell you ladies a few things before we get started, said Scott. He looked each of them in the eye. These things are usually slow and sort of stupid. They are next to impossible to kill other than destroying the brain. Sometimes they are incredibly strong, somewhat intelligent, or move at a high rate of speed. If you see a really large one, or hear an unholy scream like someone going berserk, get ready. The situation is about to get much more serious.

    Scott pointed to Samantha. I don't see her having a problem with most of these things because of her skills, and her equipment. She would need to be completely overrun and then attacked by the stronger zombies to even come close to being injured.

    Lucky, said Kitty with a grin. Samantha's expression was ice cold, but Kitty continued, Scott's praising you. I'm a little jealous.

    Samantha continued to say nothing. Now was not the time for goofing around. It was time to get to work.

    I'm not sure if either of you will be able to resist the disease if the zombies bite of claw you. So, I'll distribute a few status cleansers and healing items to you. If you don't use them, keep them for future missions. Just let me know what you do, one way or the other.

    Scott passed the girls, Samantha included, a healing pill and some cleansers. These things are fast acting system items. They cost EXP, not a lot of it but enough to make their constant purchase a significant drain on resources.

    So, only use them if we absolutely have to? asked Saelil. She tapped the little pills in her hand.

    Think of them like spiritus vials. If you run dry in the underworld, what happens? asked Scott.

    Ah, I understand the meaning clearly. I was simply uncertain of how beneficial they would be.

    The cleanser cures almost all ailments. The healing pill can rapidly regenerate injured flesh and restore hit points, said Scott. If you aren't bitten, poisoned somehow, or bleeding out, don't use them. I have a few dozen other items we can use for simple wounds that don't cost nearly as much.

    The trauma packs and first aid equipment from Bounty Star were topnotch. They could cure most minor ailments and heal lesser injuries with no trouble. Of course, he would have to locate a foot locker or closet to get them, but that was neither here nor there as far as he was concerned.

    Alright. The last important thing is elevation. If you are a good jumper, or climber, get to a spot off the ground. The top of a tall truck, or the roof of a building. Anything a zombie cannot easily climb, will become your best hope of survival, said Scott.

    Kitty waved her oversized paw at Scott a little, They aren't that tough. Smell terrible, though.

    Just don't get bitten, said Scott with a nod.

    She meowed at him then swished her tail. Whether it was because she was happy that he was concerned, or because she was annoyed that he felt the need to say something so basic, it was impossible to tell.

    Saelil, do you have any sort of shielding spell? Something to bolster defense? asked Scott.

    Unfortunately, nothing but an actual shield spell. That one has to be held continuously to work. Those sorts of spells are still locked as they are secondary to my basic skill-set, according to the little sphere, she said. If I were to acquire better materials I can try to piece together spells from memory, but I would need to perform the ritual each time as I cannot prepare them in advance with my current abilities.

    Do you need time to prepare your spells? he asked.

    The ones that I can use are prepared already. It was stated as a beginning perk, she replied. My staff needs to be recharged, but that will require an obelisk or a few EXP, she said. Though, I could also use one or two of those crystals.

    Ah, they do that sort of thing sometimes, said Scott. He asked how many EXP she would need to recharge her equipment. The cost was minimal, twenty-two points. He did not have any EXP at the moment, however. He took her aside and looked at the crystals in storage. She found two of the appropriate size to fit her needs and performed the recharge. From that point on she would be required to deal with the costs of her own maintenance, however.

    He looked the girls over once more then nodded. Follow my lead, and we should get through this with little trouble. The last time I went on a mission of this level, I barely survived, but I was naked and alone at the time.

    You end up naked quite frequently, beloved, said Saelil.

    Scott nodded to her, a slight smile on his lips. Yeah, I suspect that those who run this game just want to get people to be naked as often as possible.

    He asked if everyone was ready then nodded once they stated that they were prepared to move out. We have sixty seconds to enter this door. It will close once we are through. After I accept the mission, I'll run in. You girls follow. When it opens again we'll have another sixty seconds to reach it. If you are left behind, you will remain where you are.

    We can get left behind? asked Kitty. Doesn't the door just stay open till you enter?

    Not on missions! There's a timer. Just stick close, and try not to stray too far from where we enter, said Scott. For you, it's fine. You'll be stuck there until we can somehow find each other again. If I don't make it back, I die and everyone gets sent back to their original world without their system gained power-ups.

    Further, he told them. I'm not even sure if you'll keep your memories of our time together.

    Scott did not want to sugar-coat the situation. His ass, and their collective asses, were on the line each time they went on a mission. Everything readied, he nodded and said, Let's go.

    Scott accepted the easy mode mission, and the door immediately opened. He looked through it briefly then said, I've been here before. Stay with me and don't move from where we enter for now.

    They nodded at him while the clock counted down. Forty-eight seconds remaining, he trotted through the door. Samantha followed first, but Kitty and Saelil came rushing after.

    What is this? A school? asked Kitty before she moved toward the entry gates. She immediately smacked into an invisible wall.


    You can't go that way!


    Yeah, but I cleared that place before. I guess it's time to clear the area surrounding it, said Scott.

    Look alive ladies! We got guests! he cried before he fired a plasma round at one of the oncoming zombies. Its head snapped back, and a solid portion of the top of its skull exploded upward. Six more of the rotting locals shambled out from a nearby corner store.

    He pointed at a building, a single story post office, just down the street. On that roof! Go!

    The group raced off to their combat platform of choice. Scott asked Samantha to cover everyone from the ground, and then made the leap first. He easily caught the edge of the concrete overhang in front of the post office entrance. He climbed up without a problem. Saelil floated upward via some strange power that she neglected to mention previously, followed by Kitty who simply leapt straight onto the top of the awning with no actual climbing needed. After they all got onto the roof, it was time to take up combat positions.

    We're clear! called Scott to Samantha. She followed suit by leaping straight up onto the roof of the building with no need for the overhang.

    They scouted the roof quickly and Scott pointed to two areas. There's an overturned truck on this side. Saelil, you watch here and look out to see if any special zombies pop up. If anything tries to climb up here, tell us. Save your magic, and don't risk poking it with your staff. We don't want to lose either you, or it.

    He told Kitty something similar about the concrete overhang. You don't have much in the way of ranged attacks, and don't like guns. Your job will be to watch the area in front and to the side. See a special zombie, let us know. If anything climbs up tell us about it. Kick it back down if you have to.

    Scott looked to Samantha and nodded. Let's make it happen.

    They opened fire on the dozen or so zombies staggering down the road. Samantha's energy beams completely destroyed the head of any zombie she targeted. Scott was certainly not envious of her gun at all, despite that fact. So what if her weapon was bigger and more powerful? His little pistol

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