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Ebook34 pages27 minutes


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When you first bring a new dog or puppy into your family, it takes a lot of planning and management to set up for success. As your puppy matures or your new dog becomes part of your family, less and less management is required. Good management means: Plan Ahead for Success!! In other words, you set up your dog to be right! Use positive reinforcement to shape and reward behavior. Booklet is not meant to address serious behavior problems that your dog may already have. A terrific handout for household/pet obedience or puppy classes!

Release dateJan 1, 1997

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    Book preview

    MANAGEMENT MAGIC - Leslie Nelson

    Table of Contents

    Begin to Read


    You and your dog are about to begin a training program that uses the power of positive to shape behavior. Using positive reinforcement is not only a powerful and effective learning technique, it is also fun for you and your dog.

    To insure your success in this or any training program, good management is the key. Good management means: Plan ahead to set up for success! In the coming weeks you will be learning to use the power of positive to reward your dog for the things that he is doing right. Through good management, you will set him up to be right!!

    The following pages have been compiled to help you to be the best manager you can be. You will find suggestions and ideas on how to deal with the many issues facing new dog owners and how to prevent common problems from occurring.

    When you first bring a new dog or puppy into your family, it takes a lot of planning and management to set up for success. As your puppy matures or your new dog becomes part of your family, less and less management is required.

    This book is not meant to address serious behavior problems that your dog may already have. If you have concerns about your dog’s behavior, please share these concerns with your instructor as soon as possible, so that you may get the type of individualized help that you need.

    Please note: The information presented in this book is for educational purposes only. In no case will the authors or publishers be held responsible for any use, or the results of same, which readers may choose to make, or not to make, of this information.

    ©1997 Leslie Nelson - Gail Pivar

    All rights reserved, worldwide. No part of this booklet may be

    reproduced in any form without written permission from

    Leslie Nelson and Gail Pivar

    Tails-U-Win! Incorporated

    300 Boston Court

    South Elgin, Illinois 60177

    Phone: (847) 741-2126; Fax: (847) 741-8101; Email: [email protected]

    EXERCISE: Physical and mental activities

    The number one thing that you can do to set your dog up for success is insure that he gets adequate exercise. Young adolescent dogs have

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