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I Know Lucy (The Fugitive Series #1)
I Know Lucy (The Fugitive Series #1)
I Know Lucy (The Fugitive Series #1)
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I Know Lucy (The Fugitive Series #1)

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The fugitive has finally met someone she can’t run away from...

Lucy Tate is on the run. After witnessing the murder of her parents, she's spent five years in hiding — taking on different personas and faking her way through life. The authorities can't be trusted, so she remains in the shadows, always one beat ahead of the man who is forever hunting her. That is, until she meets Zach Schultz, a senior at Monte Vista High and the one guy she can’t bear to leave. Suddenly her natural instincts to lie, cheat, and run are overshadowed by something else...the desire to stay and perhaps, love. It’s her one shot at a normal life.

Curious by nature, Zach is immediately drawn to the new girl at school. How can a person look both confident and vulnerable all in the same moment? Determined to figure Lucy out, he sets out to unravel the mystery that is her and soon finds himself caught up in a cat and mouse game. For the first time in his life he is faced with the reality that the truth can no longer set him free...if anything, it's going to get him killed.

I Know Lucy is the first book in the Fugitive Series—simmering duet novels packed with intrigue and suspense. If you like high-adrenaline mysteries, relatable characters and a love worth fighting for then the Fugitive novels are perfect for you.

Buy I Know Lucy and start reading this heart-thrilling romance today!

PublisherMelissa Pearl
Release dateJan 2, 2018
I Know Lucy (The Fugitive Series #1)

Melissa Pearl

Melissa Pearl is a romance author writing in a variety of genres from teen fiction to contemporary romance and romantic suspense. She also writes under the pen name Jordan Ford. She’s passionate about telling love stories with relatable characters who will take you on a journey. If you’re after an escape from reality, then you’re in the right place.Sign up for Melissa's mailing list and sample one of her books for free! [email protected]

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    I Know Lucy (The Fugitive Series #1) - Melissa Pearl



    March 2014

    I’m not usually a sap, I swear. My friends give me grief that I’m always attracted to girls with big issues. Like somehow, I think that I can solve all their problems. I don’t think that’s it. I think sometimes you just see a girl and something about her captures you.

    She was walking toward me and Mr. Simmons, Dean of Students, was talking her ear off as they headed down the corridor. He was no doubt rabbiting on about everything the school could offer and how she would enjoy the rest of her year here at Monte Vista High. She was nodding, feigning interest.

    Her eyes were perfect, not too big and round, just gorgeous ovals that gazed up at Mr. Simmons with slight tension. And yet, there was a quiet confidence in the way she held herself. Her shoulders were held back, her pointed chin up. She nodded and looked the dean straight in the eyes.

    She wasn’t afraid to be here. She looked determined and focused.

    That was appealing in itself, but there was something else about her too. I couldn’t even explain what it was and I don’t know how I knew it, but there was something mysterious about this girl.

    I could taste it.

    She glanced at me as she walked past, her eyes touching mine. I grinned and her lips twitched. Not exactly a smile, but her gaze warmed for a second as she hustled past.

    I turned to watch her go; I couldn’t help myself.

    Her paradox enticed me.

    She was like an ethereal waif, if there was such a thing. Strength and fragility all blended into one. An intense need to figure the girl out embedded itself in my chest.

    Rubbing my forehead with a slight frown, I turned toward homeroom.

    When it came to girls I was a fool. I wouldn’t deny it. My track record sucked. But maybe this time it would be different. I wouldn’t label it love at first sight or anything, but intrigue. Yeah that’s it - intrigue at first sight. That girl, whoever she was, had captured me…and it had only taken a glimpse.

    I was curious by nature. Mom called me the cat in the family—always looking into things that weren’t my business. I took after my reporter uncle I guess. I loved a good mystery. I loved unwrapping all the pieces and figuring out how the puzzle fit together.

    That girl.

    That waif.

    That angel.

    She was my new puzzle.

    I slipped into my regular seat next to Elliot with a grin.


    Nothing. I shook my head, unable to wipe the smile from my face.

    My last three months of high school had just taken a turn for the interesting.

    You’re still smiling? Seriously, dude, what gives?

    I tapped my pen on my Sociology book, laughing at Elliot’s frustration. He hated being kept in the dark. I kind of liked seeing him frazzled.

    Jaeda came up behind him, ruffling his hair. Elly, get that frown off your face. It makes your forehead go all wrinkly and weird.

    He glared at her as he smoothed out his hair, flicking his bangs to the side. He detested being called Elly, but somehow Jaeda got away with it. Maybe it’s because they’d been friends since kindergarten, or maybe it’s because staying mad at the cute little redhead was near impossible. Jaeda was like a piece of artwork. Her red curls, sunshine smile and vibrant green eyes made her a picture. She always painted her face with outrageous shades of makeup. On this particular day, her eyeshadow was bright blue. She’d even flicked a little under her bottom lashes. You’d think it would look weird and tacky, but she pulled it off. I’m sure most saw her as this hippy, art-loving freak, but Elliot and I… we just loved her, because she was Jaeda.

    Why are you all up the fluster, anyways? She adjusted her beanie, which somehow managed to stay on her head even though it was perched so far back.

    Zach won’t stop smiling. Elliot yanked down the back of his checkered shirt before slumping into his seat.

    Jaeda’s eyebrows rose so high they got lost in her long bangs.

    Zachary Schultz. She looked at me with playful severity. Who gave you permission to smile this morning?

    Elliot rolled his eyes with a groan. I’m serious, Jae. He’s like goofy, grin boy. It’s painful. Look at his eyes. He’s hiding something.

    They both leaned toward me and pierced me with gazes that could strip the flesh from my bones. I cleared my throat and was about to go into a speech about how it’s nothing, toying with the idea of maybe dropping a hint about my mystery girl, when she walked in.

    My voice scuttled into hiding as my lips parted of their own accord. I couldn’t take my eyes off her as she stepped into the room and approached Miss Berry with a slip of paper.

    Elliot glanced over his shoulder. Oh great, he muttered. Here we go again.

    I wanted to punch him in the arm and tell him it was different this time, but I couldn’t. I was too busy watching those perfect eyes scan the room, taking us all in. I could see the calculated way she glimpsed each face as though she was compiling a quick database. She was an observer, like me.

    Points for the waif girl.

    I admired people who took the time to look.

    Class. Miss Berry clapped her hands. Your attention please. The conversation simmered to a halt. I’d like you to meet Danielle Harrison. This is her first day and I expect you to make her feel welcome.

    She touched Danielle’s forearm, giving her a warm smile like the sweet lady she was.

    Danielle, welcome to Sociology. Why don’t you tell us something about yourself.

    She didn’t want to. I saw the flicker in her eyes. She forced a grin and turned to the class.

    There’s not much to say really. You can call me Dani, and thanks for the welcome. Her voice had a slight huskiness to it. It wasn’t high and screechy; there was nothing overly girlish about it. I immediately picked tomboy. Her shoulder-length hair looked a little scrappy, she wore no makeup and only had one small pair of gold studs in her ears. I couldn’t see any other jewelry, not even a watch.

    She walked in the direction Miss Berry pointed, taking a seat two rows back from me. She was on the diagonal, so I used the chance to watch her out of the corner of my eye. She wore pale blue jeans and a black fitted T-shirt. Very plain and unobtrusive, except for her bright red Converse. A nice splash of color. I guessed she didn’t like to draw attention to herself, but had enough spunk to want a little flair in her life.

    The fitted T-shirt obviously meant she wasn’t afraid of her figure and was more than happy to be seen as a girl. She was pretty slight, but still had a nice curve to her chest. I reverted my gaze, my cheeks flaring with warmth. But it wasn’t long before I was looking at her again, trying to build a story around my tomboy theory.

    Miss Berry’s voice pulled me away from my assessment, and I spent the rest of class fighting the urge to constantly turn to the side and steal another glimpse.

    I took my chance when the assignment sheets were handed out. As soon as Dani had hers, she read over the text, her lips moving in time with the words. She had soft lips. I could tell. I bet when she smiled they stretched wide across her entire face. They were thin, but they were a nice shape.

    Dude, stop staring at her, Elliot whispered out of the side of his mouth.

    I’m not, I mumbled back, spinning in my seat so I was facing the front properly.

    Yeah right.

    Jaeda giggled behind Elliot and wiggled her eyebrows at me.

    I could feel myself blushing. In spite of this, I turned and stole another glance. Dani tucked her straight blonde hair behind her ear as she jotted down notes on the assignment sheet. Her brows were bunched in concentration. She was obviously serious about her schoolwork, either that or she loved to study.

    I understood. I loved getting stuck into a good assignment. I realized that I hadn’t even looked over the assignment sheet in my hand and dipped my head, skimming the text as Miss Berry kept talking.

    …So make sure you divvy up the tasks equally. You will all be handing in honesty notes about your partner at the end so I know how much work you each contributed. I know I’ve only given you two weeks, but we’re under a little pressure to get through everything by the end of the year. That’s why I’m letting you buddy up.

    The bell trilled.

    If you don’t have a partner, make sure you figure out who you’re going with before you walk out of my classroom. Enjoy the rest of your day.

    Everyone started packing up their things, the class erupting with the sound of scuffling papers and chairs scraping across the floor.

    So, Elliot—you and me? I waved the assignment sheet at him.

    I’m going with Jae. He flicked his head at her.


    You were too busy star gazing, babe. Sorry. Jaeda lightly patted my cheek.

    I turned behind me. Josh, you got a partner yet?

    Going with Bennett.

    Emma? I flicked my sheet at her as she walked toward the door.

    I’m in with Dwight. Sorry, Zach. She gave me a wave as she bailed out the door.

    I dropped my arm with a sigh.

    I don’t have a partner yet.

    My body froze before I could turn. Insane, I know. The very opportunity I wanted and I went statue on the situation. But her voice, I mean it was like liquid honey or something.

    I fought a grin as my body finally started to behave itself. As I turned, I made sure my cool, nonchalant expression was intact. I no doubt looked like a loser. The grin in her eyes told me I’d taken it a little too far.

    Clearing my throat, I scratched the back of my neck, then stuck out my hand. Zach Schultz.

    She wrapped her elegant fingers around mine and gave me a soft smile. Dani.

    Good to meet ya.

    I heard Jaeda snort as she made her way out of the room. Dani’s gaze followed her and she gave me a quizzical look. With a crinkle in my nose, I waved my hand, silently telling her to ignore my very unsubtle friend.

    Where’s your next class?

    Um, I’m not sure. One sec. She dug into her pocket, pulling out a rectangular piece of paper. I took it from her and quickly scanned her subjects. Sweet, we were in AP English together as well. I passed it back and pointed to the door.

    World History’s just down the hall from my Economics class. I’ll drop you on the way.

    Thanks. I spotted a flash of straight white teeth in her very brief smile before leading her toward the door.

    We worked our way through the bustling corridors without saying much. We didn’t really have a chance. Dani chalked up a few glances like all new students did. She took each one in stride, gifting small smiles that weren’t unfriendly, but definitely had a stop looking at me vibe about them.

    The corridor was starting to clear when I came to a pause outside her World History class.

    Thanks. She gave me a smile that was friendly, making me grin back like a goofball. I guess I’ll see you around.

    Most definitely. I tried to play it cool, giving her a little salute-type wave and walked off without looking back. I desperately wanted to, and eventually couldn’t resist sneaking a final glance before turning the corner.

    She was just turning into class, which meant she must have watched me leave.

    It felt triumphant for some reason. Maybe Danielle Harrison found me intriguing too.



    February 2009

    I can’t believe Patrick De Luca just talked to you. Maria squealed as she grabbed Lucy’s arm.

    Lucy grinned and bit her lip, feeling all gooey and excited as she watched Patrick walk away after congratulating her. He flicked his dark hair out of his eyes, his long strides looking confident and sexy.

    Lucy blushed.

    Everything about him was swoon-worthy. His dark brown eyes, his mocha skin, the way his voice lilted with that slight Italian accent of his. It wasn’t strong, but his parents both spoke Italian so it was there.

    Sigh. He spoke Italian!

    Biting her lips together, Lucy grabbed Maria’s fingers, which were still gripping her forearm, and let out a little squeak.

    I know! Maria started jumping. And you’re gonna get to kiss him!

    The wind flew out of Lucy’s lungs, suddenly making her feel faint. The smile dropped from her lips and she scrambled for air, the euphoric feelings from her afternoon vanishing as reality kicked in.

    Breathe. Maria rubbed her shoulder. It’s okay.

    Lucy nodded, pulling shaking fingers through her blonde hair.

    Sweetie, you have nothing to be afraid of. It’s only a play. Maria started dragging her toward the road. They checked both ways before crossing and making their way home from Palms Middle School. Maria lived about two blocks from Lucy. They always walked to her place first and then Lucy walked the rest of the way on her own. Today, she was actually glad for it. It would give her a chance to rein in all her zinging emotions. They were like a hoard of flies buzzing in her stomach, sending her from elation to pure terror.

    It’s the spring musical, Maria. Everyone’s going to be there.

    Yes, to watch you, because you’re brilliant.

    Really? You think so? Lucy bit her lip.

    You just got the lead role, playing alongside Patrick De Luca. Hello? Practically every girl in the eighth grade wanted it.

    Lucy grinned; Maria was right. Seeing her name up on the board outside the drama room that afternoon had nearly made her faint. She got it. All her audition practice paid off and she would be starring in the spring musical. Not only did she get to sing her heart out and act, which was one of life’s greatest pleasures, but she’d also get to give Patrick De Luca a quick peck on the lips. Unless Mrs. Blomfield took that part out, but Lucy had a pretty strong feeling she wouldn’t.

    Nerves attacked once again, making her reach for Maria’s hand.

    Are you sure I can do this?

    Maria pulled them to a stop and adjusted the bag on her shoulder before looking Lucy in the eye. Lucy Tate. You are the most talented, amazing person I know. You deserve this role. Remember what Mrs. Blomfield said in your audition? You’re a natural. You could pretend to be anyone and people would believe you. You’re gonna be the star of the show, and I’m so proud of you.

    Lucy blushed, her smile taking over her entire face.

    Your parents are going to go nuts. They’ll be so proud of you too.

    Warming at the thought of telling her two biggest supporters, Lucy threaded her arm through Maria’s and started them walking again.

    Will you practice lines with me?

    Yes. Maria nodded.

    Will you tell me not to spaz out and make sure my butt gets to rehearsal on time?

    Yes. She nodded again.

    Do you think Patrick will fall in love with me and kiss me for real once the musical’s over?

    Maria giggled. Most definitely.

    Lucy chuckled at the sound of Maria’s sweet laughter. The girl was like the chocolate chips in a cookie. All sweet surprises encased in a golden soul. They had become best friends within a week of starting Palms Middle School together.

    Now, at the age of thirteen, they both felt like the world was their oyster. They would be starting high school together soon and Lucy couldn’t wait.

    At that moment, life was perfect.



    March 2014

    As usual the cafeteria was crowded. I took my tray and followed Elliot out to where AJ and Liesl were sitting. Now that we were finally seniors we more often than not scored the table on the edge of the quad. It was the best spot in our opinion. Near the grass and shaded by the edge of a big oak tree, it was far enough away from the chaos, but near enough to watch the student body trundle past. We’d seen some interesting things in our four years at Monte Vista High.

    Danville was a small pocket of a town near San Francisco. I moved here when I was eight. My grandfather died, leaving my dad this really healthy inheritance, and they decided they wanted to try small-town life for a while. So they picked one of the wealthiest towns in California. I’m not sure if that’s why Mom had always loved Danville or not, but when they both scored teaching jobs here, we packed our Sacramento bags and headed closer to the coast. I really love it. It’s a cool town and I’d made cool friends. I’m not saying I didn’t want to spread my wings and see some more of the world, but as far as childhoods go, I think it’s safe to admit that I’d had a pretty sweet ride, and I was grateful for it.

    I slid my tray onto the table and took a seat, tucking my bag behind my feet.

    So, which one’s the new flame? AJ arched his eyebrow. It popped up above his thick-rimmed, rectangular glasses. He was wearing his bright orange pair today. So AJ. The guy’s fashion sense was off the charts.

    I unwrapped my sandwich, giving him a droll look before firing a warning shot at Elliot.

    What! He threw his hands up. I haven’t had a chance to tell them yet.

    It was Jaeda actually. Liesl’s smile was all sweet like.

    Damn it, that grin could win any guy over. I snorted out a chuckle and picked at my sandwich.

    Liesl was one of the most beautiful girls I’d ever met. She was long and lean with dark floating hair and deep brown eyes. Her model looks turned most heads—guys and girls. But the best thing about her was…she didn’t notice any of them. She was the nicest, sweetest human being on the planet and she proved it on a daily basis.

    So? AJ kicked me under the table. Which one?

    Knowing they wouldn’t let up until I gave in, I swiveled my head and scanned the area for her. She’s not here. I turned back and took a large bite of my ham and cheese sandwich, hoping to stall any conversation for a minute.

    There she is. Elliot pointed over my head and we all turned, very unsubtly, to take a look.

    Thankfully Dani was looking the other way so she couldn’t see us all gawking at her. Her thin frame eased through the traffic, her straw-colored hair catching on the breeze, a few wisps tickling her delicate nose. She had an apple in her hand and as she turned in our direction, I quickly spun around.

    She headed past us without looking our way. I nearly called out for her to join us, but somehow I knew she’d politely refuse.

    I watched her walk over the green grass and head for an isolated tree. I would have kept studying her if AJ hadn’t kicked me again.

    Would you quit it? I kicked him back.

    He gave me his big, cheesy grin. The one that made his round cheeks score with deep dimples. What is it with you and skinny waifs anyway?

    I frowned, pointing at Liesl. What are you talking about? You’re dating one.

    Wrapping his large arm around his slight girlfriend, he gave me a pointed look. Liesl Ekland is not a waif. She is a gift from heaven. An angel in human form, sent to dwell among us.

    We all rolled our eyes as AJ began his standard speech about the love of his life.

    Oh no, he’s not doing the Liesl speech, is he? Jaeda dumped her bag on the table as Liesl elbowed her boyfriend with a blush.

    Angus, stop it.

    Elliot and I snickered. AJ hated being called Angus. As a kid, he used to demolish anyone who even muttered it, but Liesl loved the name. She thought it was adorable and refused to call him anything else. He let her, because he was totally in love with her, but Elliot and I couldn’t stop the snickers every time we heard it.

    He cut his lengthy ode to Liesl short and then turned the heat right back to me.

    As I was saying… He cleared his throat. "What’s with the goofy look on your face?

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