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Coleman: A Watcher Series Mini Novella: The Watcher Series
Coleman: A Watcher Series Mini Novella: The Watcher Series
Coleman: A Watcher Series Mini Novella: The Watcher Series
Ebook73 pages1 hour

Coleman: A Watcher Series Mini Novella: The Watcher Series

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What would cause a seemingly ordinary man to destroy an entire city? What would have to happen to push someone so far off the edge, that right and wrong are no longer a consideration? Coleman has spent his entire life creating the very things he would one day use to destroy Cytos, but it wasn't always that way. They weren't always meant for evil...
Find out where it all began. Find out how a monster was born.

PublisherAJ Eversley
Release dateDec 12, 2017
Coleman: A Watcher Series Mini Novella: The Watcher Series

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    Book preview

    Coleman - AJ Eversley


    A Watcher Novella

    By: AJ Eversley


    Copyright © 2017 Amy Eversley

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    Interior formatting by Tugboat Design


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    About the Author

    Chapter 1

    I never knew what an awakening moment felt like until it happened. It’s a moment that occurs at a specific time in one’s life and triggers something deep within you like a lightbulb being turned on. And just like that, something inside of me awoke. Like a virus, it began to spread and fill up my entire body. It’d take years until it reached my heart and filled up my soul, but in that moment I knew I’d never be the same.

    What should have been the most amazing day of my life transformed me into the monster I would one day become. It happened only four hours after experiencing what should have been a joyful time, a time to celebrate. I had never dreamed it would shape my journey the way it would. When my wife told me six months ago that she was with child, I didn’t know what to think. Was I ready to be a father? Could I really do this—bring a child into a world that was about as stable as a toddler?

    With my wife at my side, I knew I could. I could do anything with her. She was my strength, my hope—my everything.

    I had planned it all out meticulously, just as I plan one of my projects at work. I found the best MediBots, one of my creations, to oversee it all. I hired the best human assistants and reserved the best room in the best hospital, the one with my name on the front door. We made every appointment and every checkup, and we took every precaution necessary to ensure my wife received the best care and that my unborn child came into this broken world strong and unbreakable.

    But not everything goes as according to plan, no matter how hard one tries.

    My wife went into labor two months early. We were out for dinner one night, enjoying freshly made pasta and creamy tomato sauce, when my wife felt a pain. Something was wrong; I could see it in her eyes even though she tried to be brave.

    To think, that was less than two days ago. I hadn’t realized that was one of those moments.

    She was rushed to the hospital, and after thirty-six painful hours of labor, my beautiful baby girl was born. When they placed her in my arms, I thought there was no way I could ever feel more love than when I did right there. To hold a life in my arms was a concept I had yet to fully understand; that this little thing was part of me was both amazing and confusing all at the same time.

    The baby cried in my arms, her tiny limbs flaying, as she reached out for something or someone, until I laid her across my wife’s chest, and she went quiet and became content immediately.

    My wife and I were both tired and drained, but neither of us took our eyes off this amazing miracle before our eyes. I sat in the chair beside my wife’s bed, holding her hand while she sang our baby to sleep.

    My eyes were drifting closed when it happened.

    The baby began to cry, and it took me a few confused seconds to realize what was going on. The room was silent, save for the screams of my baby girl, and it was then I noticed my wife’s voice had gone mute. When I looked to her face, her eyes were still open, staring at the hospital room’s ceiling. Her mouth was still parted with the words of a song on the tip of her tongue.

    I didn’t realize what had happened, but it was almost as though the baby had felt my wife’s heart stop beating and her chest stop rising and falling with each breath.

    My mind seemed foggy in these moments, moving slowly as I tried to comprehend what was going on. The attendants ran in, scooping up the baby, and took her somewhere else. The MediBot strolled in, standing over my wife to scan for vitals. The bot placed a hand over her chest, and a long needle protruded from its palm and stabbed deep into my wife’s chest. I flinched at the sound of the needle piercing through skin and bone.

    It took the bot only a minute to determine she was gone.

    What do you mean dead? I said, finally finding words.

    There is no life left in this subject. She is dead. The MediBot gave me the news like it was reading ingredients on a cereal box. No care or concern that he had informed me that

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