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Shalia's Diary Book 12
Shalia's Diary Book 12
Shalia's Diary Book 12
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Shalia's Diary Book 12

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Shalia’s happily-ever-after is in full swing, and life couldn’t be better. Fulfilled in career, success, and love, she imagines the dark days are behind her. Then a message arrives, a message that could have come from only one man. Despite the combined resources of Shalia’s protective clan and Kalquor’s best law enforcement, there is no guarantee she and her infant daughter Anrel will come out all right in the end.

Shalia has readied for this moment, but she’s still taken by surprise when her past nemesis shows up to steal her happy ending. Love and affection denied turns into violence and hatred...both for Shalia and the enemy who would destroy everything in his obsessive need to possess her.

Release dateJan 18, 2018
Shalia's Diary Book 12

Tracy St. John

Tracy St. John is the author of science fiction romance, including the bestselling Clans of Kalquor series. She lives in Georgia with her husband and son, fending off mosquitos and running from hurricanes. Before settling in to write fulltime, she worked in video production, in front of and behind the camera. She was often cast as the gun-toting bad gal, getting handcuffed in the end. She hopes that hot alien cops will intercept those videos and investigate. Soon.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    what a great book; a fantastic ending. probably the best book in the series.

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Shalia's Diary Book 12 - Tracy St. John


A Clans of Kalquor Story

Tracy St. John

© copyright January 2018, Tracy St. John

Cover art by Erin Dameron-Hill, © copyright November 2017

This is a work of fiction. All characters, events, and places are of the author’s

imagination and not to be confused with fact. Any resemblance to living persons or

events is merely coincidence.

Smashwords Edition

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March 15

Anrel has a secret admirer. While I was in a meeting with all the bigwigs at work today, my com went off. For once, I’d remembered to put it on silent mode—okay, so Cifa reminded me before we got going. I am the worst when it comes to that.

My com vibrated against my hip where I had it in its pouch. With the head of the budget office making his yawn-inducing report, I surreptitiously slid the com out to peek at who might be sending me a message. Because anything would be better than listening to the nitty-gritty of toiletry expenditures this quarter. I don’t need to know that nonsense.

Meetings. As big a time waste on Kalquor as they were on Earth.

Anyway, it was a text-only message. A single sentence from an unidentified frequency: The baby is beautiful.

Well, duh. I glanced at Anrel, who was happily gnawing on a flavored teething ring while perched on Cifa’s thigh. My insides warmed at her precious little self being so quiet and contented with her Imdiko daddy.

With a slight smile, I gazed at the other department heads and owners at the long oval table. My bet was on the message coming from Candy or Ila, since the rest in attendance were male. However, they were listening to the budget report drone—or at least pretending to. Candy’s eyes were glazed over. Her department’s expenditures had already been highlighted, so she was probably daydreaming about Stidmun or her campaign to make Kalquor friendly to non-traditional clannings. If it had been her sending the message, she’d done so with all the secretive skill of Oses.

Besides, her frequency would have come up on the notification. Ila’s would have too. I could see the belt on my sister-in-law’s waist, and her com was there in its pouch. She looked attentive, so I could cross her off the list of clandestine Anrel worshippers.

Another quick glance confirmed that nobody was watching the sweet baby. I had no clue who had complimented her.

Figuring the party would come forward after the meeting, I dismissed the matter. I thought about texting with Candy to survive the boredom. Larten had come home the night before with a ton of new bawdy jokes from the other trainers at the camp. It would be hilarious to watch Candy read them and fight not to laugh in the middle of the meeting. In the end, I decided against it. Nothing would be worse for morale than if the company owner’s clanmate was caught goofing off during an executive staff meeting. I have to set a decent example, don’t I? Though I give exactly zero cares about the cruise line’s expenditures on complimentary tooth-cleansing tabs for those guests who had forgotten to pack their own.

Adult-with-responsibilities problems. I have them.

I muffled a sigh of relief when the meeting broke up half an hour later. Cifa’s brother Erom must schedule the budget report for last because it is so boring and exhausting to listen to. We wouldn’t have the patience for the rest of the departments if they had to follow that snooze fest.

Both Candy and I converged on Cifa as the other heads chattered on their way out of the conference room. Anrel crowed, reaching for us both as if we hadn’t been sitting there in the room with her all along. I laughed at how surprised she acted to be in our presence and gave her a big smooch. Look at our executive-in-training.

Too bad she can’t take notes yet. I noticed two of my department heads appearing rather distracted, Cifa teased Candy and me.

I blew a raspberry at him. Do we really need all the minutiae on how much was spent on hand sanitizer?

Dramok Ikpi is a little on the detailed-oriented side, Cifa agreed after making certain the budget head had left the room. He’s damned good at his job though.

I’m not going to argue with that. You should know, Candy and I weren’t the only ones who wish he’d jazz up the proceedings. I showed my Imdiko and Candy the message I’d received. I guess you weren’t the one admiring the baby, girlfriend?

I always admire her, but I didn’t send you a message about it, Candy said. It must have been Ila.

No, Ila is our inspiration from now on. She hung on Ikpi’s every decimal point of expense and profit margins.

Really? Maybe she has a numbers fetish. Candy winked at me.

I covered Anrel’s ears to whisper, Oh, tell me more about percentages and quantity-to-pricing ratios, you sexy beast.

Candy whooped laughter. Anrel joined in with her, simply because my sweetheart loves to laugh with everyone else.

Meanwhile, Cifa puzzled over my com readout. Huh. I wouldn’t suspect any of the officers to gush over a baby, even with Ikpi numbing our brains with his reports. That’s weird.

Candy nodded to the huge picture window—an actual window instead of a vid screen. The cruise line’s headquarters is set in a cliff that curves around the beach, giving us a view of the other cliffs that face the ocean. Balconies abound on the rock faces, including those belonging to a string of shops, restaurants, pleasure clubs, entertainments, and the like. It’s the tourist area of the capital city and stays crowded—one of the reasons the local residents tend to stay away from this particular stretch of businesses.

From a distance, I could see how busy the businesses in this district were. Kalquorians and several alien species teemed in vast numbers on the balconies. That was where Candy’s attention had gone.

They’ve got magnifying viewers set up along the balconies over there for visitors to enjoy the scenery. Maybe someone saw Anrel through the window.

A tourist who has my frequency? And would know I’m Anrel’s mother?

"Goofball. I bet someone from the Pussy ‘Porter or one of your foundation friends grabbed a viewer, turned snoopy, and peeked in here. They saw you and Anrel and decided to drop you a line."

That made sense. I did give out my frequency to Megan, Heather, and a bunch of the rest, I agreed.

Does that mean I’m not allowed to throw a jealous fit about you receiving coms from strangers? Cifa asked, pretending to be disappointed. Or hunt down some man so I can break his messaging fingers and poke out his eyes?

Sorry, my overzealous and jealous mate, I grinned, kissing his cheek. I glanced over his shoulder at the distant balconies again and stuck my tongue out at anyone who might be peeking. Let’s moon them, Candy.

She giggled. There you go. The tourists will think there are now seven instead of five moons orbiting Kalquor. I suppose it would be a bad example for Anrel, though.

Excellent point, I conceded.

Don’t hold back on my account, Cifa teased, covering Anrel’s eyes.

Candy laughed and held out her hands for the baby. It’s a good thing Shalia isn’t as jealous as you. Otherwise, she’d be pounding on me at the idea that you might want to stare at my butt.

I chortled. No, I’d pound on him since it’s his idea. That’s the difference between Earthers and Kalquorians. We’re aware of where to stick the blame.

Candy cuddled laughing Anrel. I’m looking forward to being with my own possessive fella in two weeks.

Big plans? I asked.

I’ll tell you all about it later. I’ve got a class to get to. She smiled at Anrel. Say bye to Mom, sweet girl. We have trainees to educate on the finer points of—good night, Cifa, how long has she been in this diaper?

He barked laughter. She’s just starting. See the face she’s making?

It was true. Anrel had stopped laughing to squinch up her little face as she concentrated on effort. Candy kissed her cheek. Atta girl. Give them something to practice with. She winked at me and took Anrel to her department, the Childcare Training Division.

I shook my head. I hope this isn’t a new group she’s instructing today. Imagine that being Lesson One.

Cifa chuckled. From there, it would be nothing but fun. Speaking of fun, I’m thinking of your bare, gorgeous ass waving about.

Oh, do you want me to follow through on my suggestion to moon the sightseers?

He peered at the four department heads clustered a few feet distant, talking animatedly about who-cared-what. Spotting Ikpi among them verified that I had no interest in their conversation. With them concentrating on whatever had their heads so close together, Cifa took the opportunity to grab a handful of my ass.

I don’t want anyone looking at your naked butt except me. I want you in my office right away, young lady.

Yes sir.

I love the fringe benefits of working at my Imdiko’s company. Sex breaks are high on the list of perks of my job as head of Promotions and Marketing.

Cifa’s office has a view too, though his is that of the typical vid monitor instead of an actual window. It’s a pretty posh office, with its nice furnishings. Especially the big, sturdy desk on which Cifa keeps a large amount of the surface clear. It was to that smooth, open space his finger pointed as soon as we got close to it.

Bend over like my good girl so I can appreciate you as you deserve. Legs spread so I can see that lovely pussy open.

I complied, being the model employee that I am. Cifa pulled my skirt up to drape across my back and tugged at my panties to send them slithering down my legs to my ankles.

My crotch already had that bright, ebullient feeling it gets from sexual play. Cifa’s strong grip kneaded first one ass cheek, and then the other. He rubbed my globes with proprietary demand, telling me who was in charge. As if I would argue the point. I know who I belong to.

Even the heavy smack that made me jerk felt right. I didn’t protest the stinging heat that filled my backside, nor the ache that sank deep into my flesh when Cifa started massaging again.

You have no idea how much I worship this ass, he sighed. I could play with it all day.

I peeked over my shoulder to smile at him. I was happy to receive the kind of attention he was giving me.

He smacked my rear again, his grin growing larger at the sound I uttered as hurt warmed and filled me with pleasure. Such a wonderful ass. My primary cock is going to enjoy being shoved in that tight hole.

Nice. Our clan had concentrated on babymaking lately, which had meant few opportunities for my rear door to be stuffed full of my clanmates’ larger shafts. I adore that vulnerable and not-quite comfortable sensation of a huge dick in my smaller channel.

Cifa was in no rush to make good on his threat, however. He was content to take his time pinning me to his desk with a hand pressed to the small of my back. The other delivered pleasure with rubbing, or pain with those smacks.

Your ass is hot from the discipline, he gloated after several minutes of play. I love to feel it roasting when I sink my dicks into you from behind. Hold still and keep quiet while I bring it up to the proper temperature.

I bit my lips together as he spanked me, his unyielding palm delivering explosive slaps to my naked flesh. He peppered my vulnerable pussy with the occasional spank as well, sending violent, erotic agony spearing through my womanhood. I managed not to cry out, though pain and rapture drove me to tears in equal amounts. I suffered and exulted in my Imdiko’s domination over me, bearing the intense wallops of torment for his sake.

As he punished me for our mutual enjoyment, his voice rose in the occasional singsong. That’s it. Pretty ass taking its chastisement. Sweet pussy, wet from its reprimand. Look at it quiver, the naughty thing. Whose naughty pussy likes to be spanked? My naughty pussy.

I gripped the edge of his desk, hanging on for dear life. Oh my gosh, how wonderfully it hurt. As I shook from the penance Cifa exacted from me, I relished that I could give myself so completely to him.

I nearly begged him to continue when he stopped. I wanted to prove my surrender to him, to demonstrate he was my world. To show him I was forever to be his, devoted to his need to dominate.

Instead, I behaved myself, remaining quiet except for breathless whimpers as he took up position behind me. The sound of his crotch seam purring open made my spread legs tremble. I quivered at his hard, wet cocks lying on my throbbing ass.

Nice, wet pussy, Cifa murmured, using his fingertips to spread my honey to my ass. He circled the tight aperture, teasing me before grasping my hips. Sweet, tight ass.

His cocks slid down the crevice between my buttocks, finding their way to their assigned destinations. As my Imdiko paused to adjust himself so that he could take me, I forced myself to relax. To open.

The tapered tip of his primary cock slid in, making me grateful that Kalquorian men exude their own wetness. Especially considering where that thick package was going. I continued to grip the far edge of Cifa’s desk, willing all tension into my fingers as Cifa’s growing girth spread me open. I wasn’t in pain, not yet. Because Kalquorians have two cocks, one for each hole, my back end is trained to accept the smaller. It had been a while since I’d had a primary however, and I expected reluctance on the part of my hindquarters the closer it got to the base.

I forgot my concerns as the secondary moved into my eager pussy. Double penetration is so amazing. I loved being filled with my clanmate. The friction against certain sensitive areas is intense and glorious. That first flush of heat crawled over my skin as the front interior of my sleeve was abraded by Cifa’s cock. I shuddered as thrilling effervescence bubbled through my insides.

Cifa felt my reaction. That’s it. You’re going to let me fuck that hot pussy and tight ass, and you’ll love every second of it.

Another trigger: dirty talk. Between that, two fat dicks, and a man who enjoys taking control as much as I enjoy handing it over, I’m a lucky gal. Of all my clanmates, Cifa delivers the naughty words best.

He filled me to the point where it started to ache. That was good too. I’m not into terrible pain for the most part, but there’s something about surrendering to a bit of hurt that excites me. I like to pretend I’m helpless to stop my lovers, even if a single word from me will stop them in their tracks.

I had no intention of stopping Cifa from doing anything he wanted. As he pressed in, insisting I accept him, I gasped and kept telling myself to relax. To appreciate the stress and the burning. To concentrate on the incredible sensations of him pressing against my G-spot. My pussy spasmed with the delight of such devoted surrender.

Take it all. Take those cocks all the way. His growl was enthralling, the illusion of danger growing with the ferocity of his lust. I told myself I had no choice, that his desire was my law, that defiance was out of the question. If pain was the price of his pleasure, I’d foot that bill.

I won’t deny there was relief when his groin pressed up against my ass, though the spanked flesh complained. He’d shoved all he had into me; there would be no more. Cifa paused, panting as he reveled in mastering me. He did hesitate a moment to be the devoted clanmate he is, asking, How are you?

Glad to be your adoring servant, your favorite fuck-toy. Grateful to give you whatever you desire of me. Proud that my pussy and ass grant you the joy you wish.

Cifa’s groan was all the thanks I could have asked for. Then he fell into the role I’d asked of him, his voice guttural. You are my favorite fuck-toy. But you’ve made a terrible mistake. You called them your pussy and ass.

Forgive me, master. I’m so very sorry. It’s your pussy and ass, never mine.

Sorry isn’t good enough. Hold still for more punishment.

I braced myself for what was to come. Cifa reached beneath me. He slapped my clit.

Profound pain lit my cunt. It drove me straight into orgasm. I shrieked and shuddered as pleasure walloped me on the heels of that blast of torment, making my pussy flex with each hot pulse that tore through my core.

As soon as the climax began to recede, Cifa gave my clit another spank. I detonated again, my sleeve milking his rear cock as he began a demanding rhythm, fucking me with violent abandon. He took me hard, as was his right, and he swatted my pussy each time I began to recover from orgasm. I was in a frenzy of agonized ecstasy, my insides pulsing in tandem with his pounding thrusts.

At last he groaned, his cocks jerking inside me. Our juices dripped down the insides of my legs, and still his shafts jolted within my channels. Cifa shuddered against me, his cries strained, his weight plastering me flat to his desk. When he could speak again, he sighed, I’m so damned glad I hired you. You deserve a raise.


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