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Bite Me: Dom Vs. Domme, #1
Bite Me: Dom Vs. Domme, #1
Bite Me: Dom Vs. Domme, #1
Ebook316 pages4 hours

Bite Me: Dom Vs. Domme, #1

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About this ebook


That feisty blonde making my life hell is Kathryn, a woman who seduced me twelve years ago. Seduced and left me in one of the most embarrassing situations of my life.

I don't hold a grudge. Not really. How can I when I still find myself staring at her every time she's around? How can I want her to leave my presence when all I think about is her watching my every move, studying me... wanting me?

Oh, I still want her. I need to have her like the world needs the sun. There's just one problem.

She's a Domme.

I have no idea how to seduce a woman I refuse to let control me.


Ian is smug, condescending... and so stupidly handsome that I can't stop thinking about him as we work together. When the sparks fly so hot that we finally get what we've wanted for the longest decade ever, I make the greatest mistake of my life.
I propose a friendly wager that sees the loser submitting to the other for a night.

I never anticipated losing.

Release dateJan 28, 2018
Bite Me: Dom Vs. Domme, #1

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    Book preview

    Bite Me - Cynthia Dane




    Do you see that guy over there in the Armani suit? No, no, not the balding man with a bit of a hunch. I’m talking about the much younger, much better looking guy who looks like a spoiled prince on the verge of getting his way again.

    Yeah. That guy.

    That’s Ian Mathers. And I hate him.

    Sounds childish, doesn’t it? I admit being around that man makes me feel immature as hell. Whenever I see that smug face, all I can think about is screaming at him that he’s really not all that.

    I wish I didn’t have to see him today. I told my dad that this was a terrible idea. Not that the Mathers don’t have their shit together. By all accounts, they’re doing fine, even for an empire ran by a divorced couple and their only son. That old balding guy there is Dominic Mathers, Ian’s father. He’s not a bad guy, I guess. Hell, I really like the ex-wife Caroline. There’s a woman who knows her worth and doesn’t take shit from nobody. My kind of role model.

    Somehow, though, those two seemingly decent people managed to raise an insufferable son. See? He’s noticed me. Now he’s coming over here and…

    Morning, Kathryn. If the man had a fedora, he’d be tipping it. Haven’t seen you around in a while. How are you doing?

    My assistant sneaks through the conference room door with my coffee. Anita isn’t much younger than me, but you would think a decade separated us from how mousy and demure she is. A lot of people mistake her for my little sister even though I’m the only child in this branch of the Alison family tree.

    I take the coffee from her, grateful to have something to occupy my body with. When I’m annoyed I get fidgety, and I really don’t need Ian seeing me anxious around him. We may be on the same side during this meeting, but I don’t need him holding my nerves over my head.

    Because he totally would.

    I’m decent. At least that’s the truth. Things could be worse, but things could also be way better. I only have so much patience in the day. Are the Andrews here yet?

    Ian looks at his watch, as if that will answer my question. Doesn’t seem so. We still have fifteen minutes, though.

    I can already tell that this is going to be a long day. The Andrews, a power couple who own multiple properties in the city, are looking to do something with one of the downtown hotels. Just so happens that the Mathers are up the ass of hospitality. So, it makes sense that Dominic and Ian are interested in buying The Grand, if only to add it to the many hotels in their domain.

    When my father approached me about it, however, I thought he was nuts.

    Dominic and I had drinks the other night, he said two weeks ago, lying back in his leather chair smoking a cigar and drinking his nightly brandy. He was in his office, one of the coziest spaces in the family house on the outskirts of town. We’re one of the only billionaire families who keep our roost in the city limits. Most of the others have houses up in the Hills, farther out in the mountains or in other states – meanwhile, they keep penthouses, apartments, and even small manors in the city for when they stay here. I moved out a long while ago to set up residence in the cutest three-bedroom overlooking the river… oh, right, my dad.

    Where was I?

    "The Mathers want to buy The Grand, but they’re not just going to overhaul it like they do everything else. They want to turn it into a cultural center. Part hotel, part museum. That’s where he brought me in, see? They want to buy the property, but Dominic wants us to help with the remodel and get the public on board. They’re particular about their historical sites."

    Yes, yes, sure, a historical site. Just because a couple presidents stayed there in the 19th century…

    This is a huge chance for us. For you. I don’t have time to deal with this on top of my other projects, so I want you to take control of our side.

    I had been excited at the time. My father has trusted me more when it comes to the family business ventures. Right now I run the show at multiple art galleries, since the Alisons are all about the cultural arts. My mother, before she moved to Germany, used to joke that my father’s family had three hands: one dipped in museums, another dipped into art galleries, and the third one patting themselves on the back for enriching the cultural prospects of the little guy. The most annoying kind of philanthropists.

    Regardless, I was pretty stoked to take on a project like overhauling the museum part of The Grand. I may only be twenty-seven, but I have a double degree in business and art history. I am a master of grant writing. I single-handedly, I shit you not, recovered government funding for the local libraries in one of the low-income neighborhoods around here. Nobody else was going to do it, and I wasn’t going to stand to see more kids go without books and educational internet access while the local fat cats smoked more cigars. Sure, I could’ve cut them a check. Except this was better for their long-term bottom line, and I try to be a bit more active than taking a passive interest in donations. I mean, who do you think I am… a Mathers?

    Kathryn, Ian says as I attempt to turn around and go fiddle in the women’s restroom for fifteen minutes. I trust that you’re ready for the meeting?

    I look over my shoulder, right into those troublemaking hazel eyes. Ian cleans up well, but I know how much he stinks beneath those nice threads. What the hell do you think? I haven’t spent the past week piecing together proposals and investments because I’m bored.

    "No. Hardly. I don’t expect a woman like you to be bored."

    What does that mean?

    He shrugs, as if nothing about me really matters. Calm down. I know you haven’t dropped the ball on this. I’m giving you a hard time.

    It would be reassuring if it weren’t so damn condescending. He’s so good at that. Talking to you and making you feel ten times dumber about a subject than you did before. Like I don’t know I work my ass off! Just ask Anita. She works ten hours a day cleaning up after me. If it weren’t for Anita, my schedule would be a total mess.

    Just to make matters worse, the jerk winks at me before turning around and going to reconfirm something with his father. A wink. A fucking wink.

    A wink shouldn’t bristle me.

    A wink is nothing. More condescension.

    More… whatever it is he sometimes does to me.

    God, I can’t stand being around the man. When he’s not making me want to gag on his toxic smug, he’s making my knees tremble from those quick looks and quicker grins.

    I can’t believe it. Even after twelve years, I’m still hot for the bastard.


    Hang on, let me back up a minute.

    Once upon a time, back when a horny teenage girl named Kathryn was getting as much action as she could, she went to a gala hosted by Dominic Mathers.

    Ian was there. Ian Mathers, the seventeen-year-old heartthrob that every girl in our academy was throwing themselves at. Rumor was he had a good dick. Of course, to a stupid girl, a good dick meant anything that we could at least feel. Since Ian is two years older than me, I hadn’t seen much of him at school outside of the soccer games I went to in the autumn. Ian never stood out to me until I saw him up close at his father’s gala.

    Even back then he was clean-cut and muscular. Nah, he’s not a body-builder, but he’s got some nice, cut muscles that make most women salivate. I sure did when I was fifteen. Since our dads were school friends, my father went out of his way to introduce me.

    I had met Ian before, but that was before puberty, when he was a scrawny kid who looked no more interesting than a beanpole with shaggy hair. Post-puberty Ian, on the other hand, looked like a young prince ready to sweep a girl like me off her feet. I was used to boys who thought they would get whatever they wanted from me. Sure, I indulged some. I wasn’t a virgin when I saw Ian that night. I’m not proud that I was having sex by fifteen, but I don’ regret it.

    So there was this guy. Ian Mathers, the guy everyone said was sweet and handsome and well talented if you know what I mean. One of my friends said she was lab partners with his ex-girlfriend. He makes her come twice in a row, she exclaimed more than once. I was lucky to come from my own hand at that age.

    Do you see where I’m going with this? When I shook Ian’s hand that night at the gala, I batted my eyelashes and made sure one of the sparkly black straps of my dress fell off my shoulder. Oh, trust me, he looked at it. And then he looked at my body as if he were going to devour it whole.

    A half hour later he asked me to dance. His hands felt strong and sturdy on my frame, even though we danced a respectable distance apart. We didn’t say anything. I think he barely knew my name, and I didn’t care about any of his details. All I cared about were his eyes on my chest and his hand on my ass.

    We were horny teenagers, okay?

    Another half hour later, we were in a coat closet making out like bunnies. Or is that humping like bunnies? Either way, I was feeling things I rarely felt with any other boy. Like the burning need to fuck.

    It was gonna be quick and dirty. The boy had a condom with him, and he was putting it on before I could offer him a blowjob.

    Guess what? It’s a good thing I forwent that, because his dick had barely touched my thigh when he groaned and that was the end of everything.

    That’s right. Ian Mathers, everyone’s bachelor darling, prematurely ejaculated when we tried to hook up as teenagers.

    I shouldn’t hold it against him. Happens to the best of teen boys. Wasn’t the first time a guy did that on me, either. But holy shit, I was so incensed that night that I darted out of the closet, leaving him behind with his shame and embarrassment.

    We didn’t see each other for two years, not until I graduated from school and went off to college. Neither of us brought up that night. We haven’t talked about it since. Sometimes I wonder if he even remembers that it was me he did that to all those years ago.

    It’s embarrassing. This man has only gotten hotter with age, and now here I am at ten on a Friday morning with a hot coffee in my hand and memories of making out with Ian Mathers in my head.


    I nearly drop my coffee. There’s that booming, commanding voice in my head. I turn, meeting Ian’s gaze from across the large conference table.

    They’re here, he says, settling in a chair next to his father. You ready?

    Fuck him. I’m never ready when he’s in the same room as me.

    Chapter 2


    Lana Andrews walks through the door, dressed like a runway model with hair as perfect as a movie star’s. That’s not unusual for the women around here, but you have to understand that Lana is about forty, a relative young age for someone with so much business power in this region.

    I mention what a bombshell she is with her hip-hugging red pencil skirt and flowing strawberry blond hair because the first thing she does is wink at me before extending her hand to shake my father’s. Lana Andrews is an infamous flirt, and she knows how to deck a man right in the groin.

    So does her husband, Ken Andrews, a man barely older than her and as good looking. I shouldn’t feel embarrassed. They’re notorious swingers who even share a mistress, if the rumors I hear are true. Of course they’re going to flirt with me. I’m not into guys, but even I blush when Ken Andrews, carrying himself much taller than his relatively short stature should allow, flashes me a man-eating smile. Look, I have a college friend who said he and Ken got so drunk one night that a couple fantastic hummers may have been swapped.

    These two gods of the Pantheon of poly-pansexual sex are currently the richest real estate couple in the whole area. Classic love story of two big-shot real estate salespeople ending their rivalry to join forces and take over the world – and a few asses, if I believe this same friend.

    My dad’s got it in his head that we’re going to buy The Grand from them. Turn it into the best historical hotel this state has ever seen. That’s quite a feat when you consider how many other famous hotels there are around here that are more than a century old. May sound like babies to you Brits, but as Americans we get excited by anything claiming to be older than our grandparents.

    Dominic. Ian. We trade handshakes with the Andrews, my father’s knees creaking as he forces himself to stand up. I tell the man he needs to retire to the Bahamas, or maybe San Francisco if he insists, but he won’t hear anything of it. I don’t think he’s that enamored with business anymore – I simply suspect that he doesn’t think I’m ready to take over everything. That and he doesn’t want his ex-wife to get more of her hands on assets.

    Lana, I say with a stupid grin, as if I can’t help myself around a pretty woman like her. Lovely to see you again.

    Her grip tightens around my hand. Well, I’m in trouble.

    Behind me, Kathryn freakin’ Alison chokes on her coffee.

    I had forgotten that she’s here, because…

    Wait. Wait. I see that look on your face. What the fuck has she been saying about me? I know you’ve been talking to her.


    Hang on. Back the fuck up. Why am I not surprised that she brought that up in her first conversation with you? Is that the first thing she thinks of when she thinks of me? When she sees me? That stupid time we tried to hook up in a closet and my dick got way too excited about it?


    I can explain. I will have you know that I am perfectly competent in that department. Sure, I get a little excited sometimes. But shit like that only happens every great once in a while. I hate to burst you ladies’ bubbles, but even we suave bastards get a little premature sometimes.

    What? Of course I remember that day. How does a horny teenage boy not remember a pretty girl like Kathryn Alison sauntering up to him and swaying those come-hither hips and sending sex-signals with her eyes? I asked her to dance because I wanted to see if she was serious. While we danced, she kept talking about lingerie shopping and her favorite things to do in the bath. I don’t remember what I said to invite her into that closet, but next thing I remember I had my hands all over those breasts and hips and…

    Well, you know the rest.

    She’s grown quite a bit more since then. I daresay I barely recognize her. I only do because I have seen her off and on since that day. She’s taller now. Wider hips and bigger breasts she hides beneath designer pantsuits. Her stringy light-brown hair is now completely blond, sometimes bobbed above her shoulder, sometimes pulled back into a long ponytail, but today worn straight and long. Never seen it curled. Too high maintenance for a busy gal like Kathryn.

    Her face is thinner, more pronounced. She wears subdued makeup that pops out her features without making them garish. Yeah, lots of men notice those things. Including me.

    Because I look at Kathryn Alison. A lot.

    Not because I’m plagued with that ugly memory of losing my business before I could even stick it in her, but because she’s a beautiful woman. My exact type, honestly. Confident, blond, can hold her own in a conversation or regular argument…

    Fuck, she’s my perfect physical type. I can’t help but steal glances at her when we’re in the same room. Yes. Physical type.

    Emotionally? Ha. Hahahahaha. Ha!

    She may be hot, but we are as compatible as peas and gasoline. She was forward and domineering back then. Now it’s been amplified times ten.

    Shit. She didn’t tell you, did she? That she’s a Domme?

    Yup. Kathryn Alison, that pretty, feminine blonde sitting over there trying to clean up her coffee and not fuck up this deal is a Domme. Everyone who would know that, well, knows that.

    And I would know.

    Because I’m a Dom.

    So, you see, we’re not really… compatible.

    Kathryn. Neither Lana nor Ken is keen on holding her attention for much longer. No flirting with Kathryn Alison. Well, to be fair, she’s not the one involved with the buy, although my father is bringing her in for a part of our plan. It’s all our money going into the buy. Kathryn is here to help convince the Andrews to sell.

    It’s kinda funny. The Andrews are willing to flirt with me, but they completely overlook Kathryn. Guess I’m that irresistible!

    Sure enough, the four of us are cornered on one end of the table, our assistants perching with recorders and analog methods of note-taking. I don’t have my assistant here with me. Instead my dad and I are sharing his, a middle-aged woman named Bertha. I kid you not. My mother never allowed my father to have young assistants.

    And then there’s Kathryn Alison, sitting by herself – well, with her assistant – down at the far end of the table. It’s cute. They look like they’re having their own conference about butterflies and ball-cutting.

    I hope you realize our hesitations, Lana says twenty minutes into the meeting. Finally, we are cutting to the chase. The Grand is a staple to the community. One of the reasons we haven’t done anything with it is because, quite frankly, we don’t want to deal with any backlash that comes with compromising a historical institution, no matter how much help it needs right now. Sure, we could simply sell it to you… She leans back in her chair, cleavage on full display in her button up black blouse that isn’t really buttoned up. My father is looking. Even if you screw it up, it’s our asses people will flay forever. For selling it to you.

    We completely understand. My father, who thinks he’s Earth’s greatest diplomat, sits up straight and spreads out his hands. You think Kathryn told you that I have a smug face? Nothing compares to my father’s. Only he looks like a grandfather now, so people think it’s cute. I know the truth. Deep down, he’s as capable of being slimy and cunning as anyone else. Yes, even me. Well, maybe not slimy. That’s why we’ve brought you the full proposals for you to take home and consider. Ian?

    That’s my cue. In my briefcase I have the full proposals we and the team at my father’s offices put together over the past few weeks. I display them now, carefully, each sheet of paper impeccably laid out so both Andrews can see the full picture, so to speak.

    As you can see, I say, keeping my voice steady. We have put every attention into the details. Wright and Co. are the designers we’re working with. Together we’ve concocted this historically accurate design. We don’t want to update The Grand. We want to take it back in time to its former glory.

    The couple glances over the pictures. They exchange looks. Whatever they shared in that second… I have no idea. I don’t speak Couple, let alone Married Couple With A Business. It could be good. It could be bad.

    It’s probably something Kathryn should be paying attention to, but she’s knee-deep in her own briefcase looking for her part of the project. Before the

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