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Crop Circles in the Fields, Objects in the Skies, and Creatures in the Bedroom
Crop Circles in the Fields, Objects in the Skies, and Creatures in the Bedroom
Crop Circles in the Fields, Objects in the Skies, and Creatures in the Bedroom
Ebook146 pages1 hour

Crop Circles in the Fields, Objects in the Skies, and Creatures in the Bedroom

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About this ebook

Crop Circles in the Fields, Objects in the Skies; and Creature in the Bedroom is a free book by Linda Pendleton. It is a collection of articles related to the idea that extraterrestrials do exist and periodically have made visits to earth, and continue to do so. As a result there appears to be evidence of their existence and has led to studies and research by scientific methods. A look at extraterrestrial contact, abduction, UFO crop circles, by professional researchers, including the late Harvard professor, psychiatrist John E. Mack, author of two books on abduction research, including his research into the sightings by 62 school children in 1994 in Ruwa, Zimbabwe; newspaper article written by Stephen Coan of The Witness Newspaper, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa about American filmmaker Randall Nickerson who is making a documentary on the Ruwa sighting; Nuclear physicist, UFO researcher and author, Stanton Friedman writing on the UFO challenge; crop circles researcher, and president of the BLT Research Team, Inc., Nancy Talbott, and her intensive research on crop circles in the Netherlands; Lucy Pringle, photographer, International authority on crop circles and pioneer researcher into effects of electromagnetic field on living systems; Contactee, Athena Demetrios, medium and author; Shawn Randall, crop circle researcher, medium and author; stories of personal UFO sightings by three authors, decades apart; and a look at the United States Space Policy, adopted 2006.

Release dateJan 27, 2018
Crop Circles in the Fields, Objects in the Skies, and Creatures in the Bedroom

Linda Pendleton

Linda Pendleton has written in a variety of genres: nonfiction, mystery novels, nonfiction ecourses, comic book scripting, and screenplays. She coauthored nonfiction and fiction with her late husband, renowned author, Don Pendleton, including the popular nonfiction books, To Dance With Angels, and Whispers From the Soul. A few of her other nonfiction books are A Walk Through Grief; Three Principles of Angelic Wisdom; A Small Drop of Ink. Her fiction work includes her novels, The Unknown; Sound of Silence; Deadly Flare-Up; Roulette, The Search for the Sunrise Killer by Don and Linda Pendleton; her Catherine Winter Mystery series, Shattered Lens; Fractured Image; Shifting Focus; Corn Silk Days, Iowa, 1862; The Bold Trail, A Samuel Garrison Western. She has won awards for her ebooks. Linda is a former member of The Authors Guild, and EPIC Authors. SAhe is currently a member of Sisters in Crime and Western Fictioneers. Four of her early ebooks won Epic Awards. Although most of her time is devoted to her love of writing, she also enjoys the exploration of her family's genealogical roots. Linda's book covers are designed with Judy Bullard. They have worked together for nearly two decades. Check out Judy's book cover gallery at Judy is listed as one of Smashwords suggested cover designers.

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    Book preview

    Crop Circles in the Fields, Objects in the Skies, and Creatures in the Bedroom - Linda Pendleton

    Crop Circles in the Fields,

    Objects in the Skies,


    Creatures in the Bedroom

    Linda Pendleton

    Author of

    UFO Odyssey: Off-Earth Beings to the Rescue?

    Pendleton Artists


    Copyright © 2008, by Linda Pendleton. All rights reserved. Articles within used with permission.

    Revised edition, Copyright © 2018 by Linda Pendleton, All Rights Reserved.

    ISBN: 9781370403097

    Smashwords Edition, January 2018

    Discover other books by author at Smashwords

    Thank you for downloading this free ebook. Although it is a free ebook, it remains the copyrighted property of the author, and may not be reproduced, copied and distributed for commercial or noncommercial use or purpose. If you enjoyed this book encourage your friends to download their own copy at Smashwords and where they can enjoy other works by Linda Pendleton. Thank you for your support.

    This book may not be copied, in whole or in part, or transmitted, passed on or in any way given or sold to any third party by any means. Linda Pendleton asserts her right to be identified as the intellectual property holder. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this book, it is a condition of purchase or readership, that no liability is accepted by the publisher or author for any inaccuracies, errors, or omissions.

    Cover idea by Linda Pendleton, designed by Judy Bullard.

    Matinsell Crop Circle, UK, Photo purchased from Lucy Pringle's Crop Circle Collection.

    In Appreciation

    My thanks and gratitude to the following people for giving me permission to include their research in this book:

    Danny Mack, and the John E. Mack family, and Will Bueche of the John E. Mack Institute, for use of an article by the late, John E. Mack, M.D.;

    Nuclear Physicist and UFO Researcher, Stanton Friedman;

    Nancy Talbott, Crop Circle Researcher;

    Lucy Pringle, aerial photographer and Crop Circle Researcher;

    Newspaper reporter Stephen Coan;

    Contactee, channel, medium, author, Athena Demetrios;

    Trance channel, lecturer, author, Shawn Randall, and Torah.

    My thanks to author Richard S. Prather, for sharing his UFO sighting; and to Thomas Clark Jacobson, Trance Medium, Spiritual Teacher and subject of Don and Linda Pendleton's book, To Dance With Angels, for his review of this book.

    Dedicated to all those who question. Don’t stop!


    Dedicated to those who already know.

    ~Linda Pendleton

    Whoever the aliens are, from wherever they come and wherever they’ve been, it appears that we all sail the same cosmic sea, carrying common needs, desires and destinies, struggling to chart a course that will carry us Home.

    ~Don and Linda Pendleton, Whispers From the Soul

    1There is something inconsistent about our past...which lies thousands and millions of years behind us...teemed with unknown gods who visited the primeval earth in manned spaceships. Incredible technical achievements existed...a mass of know-how which we have only partially rediscovered today. I claim that our forefathers received visits from the universe in the remote past, even though I do not yet know who these extraterrestrial intelligences were or from which planet they came. I nevertheless proclaim that these 'strangers' annihilated part of mankind existing at the time and produced a new, perhaps the first, homo sapiens.

    ~1Erich Von Däniken, 1The Chariots of the Gods?

    Book Review

    I just finished reading Crop Circles in the Fields, Objects in the Skies, and Creatures in the Bedroom by Linda Pendleton. I had a great time. Photographs are crystal clear. I loved Nancy’s [Talbott] story with their diagram and home photos. I was absolutely fascinated by the herringbone weave crop formation. My God! And that apparent crop circle sketch or etching from the seventeenth century. Hmm.

    While I am familiar with nuclear physicist Stanton Friedman I had not previously read his counter argument to skeptics regarding UFOs and crop circles. Outstanding! Loved it.

    May I say, very nice work Linda! You not only help we, the readers, become all the more fascinated by crop circles, you provide us with the intelligent framework to consider and reconsider. I enjoyed it thoroughly.

    ~Thomas Clark Jacobson, Trance Medium, Spiritual Teacher, and subject of Don and Linda Pendleton's book, To Dance With Angels.

    Matinsell Hill, Wiltshire, UK, July 2007. Photo courtesy of Lucy Pringle

    Table of Contents


    Chapter One: Phoenix, Here We Come Again—and Again!

    Chapter Two: Designs in the Crops

    Chapter Three: Don’t Let the Bed Bugs Bite

    Chapter Four: A Psychiatrist Studies Other Realities

    Chapter Five: School Bell Ringing and Dinging

    Chapter Six: Flying Saucers and Science

    Chapter Seven: From the Skies

    Chapter Eight: The Cosmic Sea

    Chapter Nine: The United States and Space

    Suggested Resources

    Related Books by Linda Pendleton

    About the Author


    In this book you will find a collection of articles related to the ideas that extraterrestrials may exist and periodically make visits to earth, and have done so, not only in our immediate lifetimes, but since the beginning of recorded human history. Many of those events have been depicted in prehistoric cave drawings, and later in a variety of art such as early drawings, paintings, carvings, statues, through cultural beliefs that have been handed down from generation to generation, with recalled memories of abduction experiences, and sightings in the skies of unidentified flying objects considered to be beyond the present day technology known to man at the time.

    I’ve always believed that crop circles are messages to mankind, almost a symbolic notification that we are not alone, and I sense the reason for the messages has to do with our treatment of planet Earth and the environmental and nuclear threats that we create for the universe.

    If aliens possess the technology to transcend time and space, then what would be so unusual for them to have the ability to create crop circles? I hope there will be more emphasis placed on deciphering and decoding the messages because I believe that is what we are being given–messages.

    My initial reaction when I saw early crop circles, more than two decades ago, was that they resembled the ancient petroglyphs found in caves and elsewhere. Of course, they have moved far beyond the simple carvings of ancient times. Are they presenting us with profound messages? Time will tell.

    It has been an innate human instinct since the beginning of time to look beyond and above for answers to universal questions: What is this all about? Why are we here? What is beyond?

    Maybe at some time in the not too distant future all of us will know the answers about life beyond this planet, and our connection to it.

    We may think of ourselves as the new kids on the block, but within the vastness of the cosmos could be far older civilizations active for millennia, greatly predating the human experience on planet Earth. And if we look at our own advances in technology over the last few decades, it only makes sense that others could be far beyond us in understanding how all of this works.

    Presently, it appears it is up to us as individuals, communities, and countries, to halt and reverse the apparent man-made damage and destruction that the world population seems to be inflicting on the planet.

    Many have come to an understanding that if the aliens are communicating with us, it may be a warning that we may be in danger of doing irreparable damage to our home.

    Although each of us is here for a relatively short time, we still have a unspoken responsibility to leave a gentle imprint behind.

    I believe the research and writings of the professionals I've put together to share with my readers, is of significance value to suggest a new understanding of possibilities that we are not alone.

    I published this originally ten years ago as a gift that went with my book, UFO Odyssey: Off-Earth Beings to the Rescue?.

    It is still my gift to you. Enjoy.

    -Linda Pendleton

    2018, Northern California

    Chapter One: Phoenix, Here We Come Again!—and Again!

    In late 2006, I did an interview with mystery writer, Richard S. Prather. It turned out to be his last interview as he passed away February 14, 2007 at the age of 86. Prather was a best-selling novelist and wrote more than forty books in his long career which began in 1950. For a number of years his Shell Scott, Private Eye books were published by Fawcett’s Gold Medal Books. When I did my own research on the Gold Medal imprint, I discovered something I wanted to discuss with Richard Prather. Here is an excerpt from our interview.

    Linda: Richard, in doing a little research on Fawcett’s Gold Medal early books of the 1950s,

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