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The Building Blocks Of Pain
The Building Blocks Of Pain
The Building Blocks Of Pain
Ebook39 pages24 minutes

The Building Blocks Of Pain

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About this ebook

Apostle Hubbard releases another empowering book to help the body of Christ in their Christian walk. In The Building Blocks of Pain Apostle Hubbard goes in-depth to help the believer understand how God uses the pain in our lives to prepare for his work. As he deals with the harsh reality that everyone does not understand our pain but, yet we try to make them understand something that was tailored made for us based on our own individual walk in Christ. This is most definitely an eye-opener as well as a powerful tool of revelation for those who are trying to make sense of the pain they are enduring in their Christian life.

Release dateFeb 1, 2018
The Building Blocks Of Pain

Dedric Hubbard

Apostle Dedric Hubbard is founder of Morning Glory Apostolic/Prophetic Center in Tallahassee, Florida. He is a highly sought after teacher of the word of God where he instills in believers that they are endowed with power fromm God. Apostle Hubbard has become a profound author in which he has penned 19 books and 13 of them has become best-sellers.

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    Book preview

    The Building Blocks Of Pain - Dedric Hubbard

    Learn How To Process Your Pain Into A Promotion The Building Blocks

    Of Pain

    Dedric Hubbard

    Page 2 of 54

    Learn How To Process Your Pain Into A Promotion Published by Prophetic Fire Publishing

    Tallahassee, Florida 32303

    Copyright © Prophetic Fire Publishing



    All rights reserved. No part of this book

    maybe reproduced or transmitted in any

    form or by any means, electronic or

    mechanical, including photocopying,

    recording or by any information storage

    and retrieval system without written

    permission of the publisher, except for the

    inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

    Page 4 of 54

    Learn How To Process Your Pain Into A Promotion Table of Contents

    Chapter 1 ………………………. Why Is Pain Necessary?

    Chapter 2 …………………How to Process Your Pain?

    Chapter 3 …………..What Are the Outlets for Pain?

    Chapter 4 …………. .What Are the Effects of Pain?

    Page 6 of 54

    Learn How To Process Your Pain Into A Promotion Chapter 1

    Why Is Pain Necessary?

    Romans 8:22

    For we know that the whole creation

    groaneth and travaileth in pain together

    until now.

    My pain is the key to my promotion.

    Dedric Hubbard

    Page 8 of 54

    Learn How To Process Your Pain Into A Promotion We live in a dispensation of time that

    many suffer in pain with no

    understanding of the nature of what is

    being birthed into them. Pain is one of the

    processes that I believe God uses to purge

    us of our carnal ways as well as our

    fleshly emotions. Once stripped of the

    impurities of reacting and feeling pain, we

    become a well-oiled machine fit to do the

    will of God. In the book of Job 13:15 he

    releases an empowering message that

    suggest he understood the nature of his

    troubles. Job states: Though he slay me,

    yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain

    mine own ways before him.

    This verse is often repeated in the

    religious circles of our

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