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The God Journal's
The God Journal's
The God Journal's
Ebook67 pages1 hour

The God Journal's

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A conversation with God starting in early 2015 which revealed revelation about that which is quickly approaching, as well as some things which have already occurred. The journal was completed in the beginning of 2016 and I began to see many things occurring politically that coincided within the writings of this book.

Release dateFeb 24, 2018
The God Journal's

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    Book preview

    The God Journal's - Robert Phillips

    It Begins

    The following is a labor of love. And a message so powerful! I was procrastinating its writing! But gods spirit gently yet urgently had me pacing the floor saying "Yes, father I will do it now!

    This book added up over a course of 1 yr and is very short but concise and to the point. many supernatural visitations from God,jesus,the holy spirit and angelic hosts came previously and during these writings.

    Even as I am composing this very introduction! there is an intense; heavenly orchestra playing lightly yet! with such a urgency almost a battle cry in the heavenly realms.

    It feels as a pending war is on the rise!

    I have not slept going on day 2 today. As what I am writing is not typical! But is prophetic! In the sensory faculty that I am on auto pilot. And I pray father God that I take your writings with the accuracy of your message.

    This book is not nigh me. It's about God, Jesus and the holy spirit and all mankind. It's about stopping the great lie. The one that seeks to destroy all mankind. The very same one who supposed he had victory over our beloved King Jesus.

    It's about stopping the heart of the great lie. It is by nature against the inhuman treatment of religious Pharisees that are repeating history. It is about the hurting the unwanted, the week, the undesirable, it is about The misfits of whom God is raising up now!

    I saw many ways to write this, but God said no, my son! Make yourself ready. Hence, here I am father and may this copy be blessed by you and not mysteriously erase itself. So now here we are. I will be still and know You are God. I feel that is what God was saying.

    First heard

    No word is honest or pure except what is perceived from my lips to your heart! For I have spoken many times, You must be vigilant in your pursuit of me. You are all my children! Would there truly be a favorite amongst any of you?

    Ask yourselves this? Would the truest of love pick favorites? Would I favor one region of my heart over another? You are all of me and I of you! As for your perception of distance of me! Would a genuine deep love that so desired to be with his bride not want to be at the altar?

    I am sad and my heart longs to be with my children. Can some of you at least acknowledge me! For you that have! Blessed is your simplicity.

    For have you not heard? The simplest path is straight! Appear at your design, is it not vertical? Appear at your reflection," Do you see what I see? For you are all beautifully crafted in my image!

    If you could see me would you recognize me? What was your perception? Ask yourself! And try this in a silent place alone for a few instants! Or as much time as you would take into account. You have heard of a secret place.

    As in go to your secret space! Where was your secret place as a child? Whatever you were believing or feeling, (I was there!)

    For just as you thought, and felt, so did I, But be assured who I am! I am everything pure and good. Love, joy, bliss, happy, and everything infinite that is pure and good!

    Who am I not? I am not the opposing to what I just stated. You see my child! I knew you, and you knew me, before you were here in your current. Because my child, you were before your current now.

    But I will tell you since you are here now, in your current. You knew me at your birth! The foundation of your now. But you knew me best, at the birth, before your foundation of now.

    Do you remember when I asked if you could see me, Would you Recognize me? Before you resolve this! try to think back as far back as you can! towards your birth. Try to remember everything you can.

    Stop, and look at everything that was pure and good! especially that secret place you had. Did I mention you have 2 of them and used both at once? That is at your current now! your birth! and foundation.

    But indeed! you have 4 secret places! Your current birth and foundation now. As well every bit before your birth foundation then! They all run together in your current.

    Before we get more in depth. I would like to ask you! may we pass back to your secret place? You see my child. just as you imagined and felt so did I. What is your perception of me?My love for you is infinite joy! My child when you were hurt so was I. When you were sad I was as well.

    My child, I will deal with him who has devised hurt upon you! For it is the great lie, who devised hurt! and he will be dealt with swiftly!

    And my child, let go and forgive thine enemy. (For it is imperative) you do this. so I am allowed to punish the great lie beyond all standard!

    You see my child, It may be hard to embrace all that

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