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The Novels of Madeleine L'Engle Volume One: The Other Side of the Sun, A Live Coal in the Sea, and A Winter's Love
The Novels of Madeleine L'Engle Volume One: The Other Side of the Sun, A Live Coal in the Sea, and A Winter's Love
The Novels of Madeleine L'Engle Volume One: The Other Side of the Sun, A Live Coal in the Sea, and A Winter's Love
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The Novels of Madeleine L'Engle Volume One: The Other Side of the Sun, A Live Coal in the Sea, and A Winter's Love

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From the National Book Award–winning author of A Wrinkle in Time, three poignant novels exploring the power of love, family, and secrets.
The Other Side of the Sun: In this atmospheric novel of suspense set in the turn-of-the-century South, a nineteen-year-old British newlywed must stay with her American husband’s family on their South Carolina estate when he is called away on a diplomatic mission. She soon discovers her in-laws are not who they appear to be—as she stirs up dark secrets that were meant to remain buried.
A Live Coal in the Sea: After her teenage granddaughter poses a troubling question, Dr. Camilla Dickinson must confront the painful history she’s long kept hidden as she relates a complex saga involving her beautiful, adulterous mother; her troubled son; and the difficult choices that have affected three generations.
“[A] haunting domestic drama.” —Publishers Weekly
A Winter’s Love: Emily Bowen’s marriage is hanging by a thread after hardships befall her family. During their sabbatical in Switzerland, a man from her past returns, offering the affection she craves, and Emily must decide if she’s willing to sacrifice the life she’s built for an unseen future.
“A convincing story of mixed loyalties and divided affections.” —Kirkus Reviews
Release dateMar 6, 2018
The Novels of Madeleine L'Engle Volume One: The Other Side of the Sun, A Live Coal in the Sea, and A Winter's Love

Madeleine L'Engle

Madeleine L’Engle (1918–2007) was an American author of more than sixty books, including novels for children and adults, poetry, and religious meditations. Her best-known work, A Wrinkle in Time, one of the most beloved young adult books of the twentieth century and a Newbery Medal winner, has sold more than fourteen million copies since its publication in 1962. Her other novels include A Wind in the Door, A Swiftly Tilting Planet, and A Ring of Endless Light. Born in New York City, L’Engle graduated from Smith College and worked in theater, where she met her husband, actor Hugh Franklin. L’Engle documented her marriage and family life in the four-book autobiographical series, the Crosswicks Journals. She also served as librarian and writer-in-residence at the Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine in Manhattan for more than thirty years.  

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    The Novels of Madeleine L'Engle Volume One - Madeleine L'Engle

    The Novels of Madeleine L’Engle Volume One

    The Other Side of the Sun, A Live Coal in the Sea, and A Winter’s Love

    Madeleine L’Engle








































































    A Biography of Madeleine L’Engle

    The Other Side of the Sun

    A Novel

    For Madeleine L’Engle




    The ancient Rolls-Royce moved majestically and incongruously along the beach at the ocean’s edge. The wheezing and clattering of the archaic air-conditioner almost muffled the sound of the approaching storm, but did serve to keep the young man at the wheel, and the old lady beside him, tolerably cool. In the sulphurous light outside, sandpipers stalked close to the waves, plucking at shells, paying attention neither to the rising wind nor to the car. Gulls rose screaming into the air. A pelican, brooding on a broken and barnacled piling, flopped clumsily into the water and was slapped by an incoming wave.

    Stella Renier laughed, leaning towards the window so that she could watch the pelican as it recovered from clumsiness and broke up into the sky in a graceful arc. I have a passion for pelicans, she said lightly. They’re really rather like planes, cumbersome and waddly on the ground, and incredibly beautiful in the air.

    The young man took one hand from the steering wheel and patted her. I’m glad you’re here, Grandmother. And I’m glad we’re going to Illyria, even if the rest of the clan is furious with us.

    I hope you made it clear that coming directly to the beach was entirely my idea?

    He sighed. Dear Grandmother, they’re very cross with me for letting you have your own way. There really are hurricane warnings.

    I don’t need the weather bureau to tell me that. I’ve known this beach for a long time.

    You’ve been away for a long time, too. And you must be exhausted.

    She relaxed comfortably against the worn upholstery. Only moderately. For once, the plane came in right on time instead of circling for hours. I made my connection without any trouble—I didn’t keep you waiting more than five minutes, did I? It was all quite simple.

    He smiled. And I was supposed to drive you right into town—

    —where the entire clan is gathered over funeral baked meats? A hurricane is a great deal less tiring. Affectionately she studied her grandson who stared through the thick lenses of his glasses at the wide road of beach stretching for miles ahead of them. Dear Theron. You do understand, don’t you, why I have to come to Illyria, storm or no storm?

    Yes, Grandmother. I wouldn’t be driving you there if I didn’t. I’m glad you’ve come home. The world may be coming to an end, but you always bring a sense of proportion.

    A gust of wind buffeted the old Rolls-Royce. The roar of waves pounding into shore seemed to increase. She asked, Is the world coming to an end, Doctor?

    Our world is.

    I heard that over sixty years ago when I came to Illyria as a bride.

    He scowled, and a lock of fair hair, bleached almost white by the sun, fell over his forehead. His shirt was open at the neck and showed the springing blond hair of his chest. What’s the feeling abroad?

    Perhaps not overly optimistic.

    And you, Grandmother? How do you feel?

    I’m a very old woman, Theron. I’ve learned that if a problem is not settled in one—or even several—generations, it doesn’t mean that it never will be.

    You can still say that? When Grandfather has just been killed?

    Her voice was cold and quiet. He was hit by a stray bullet. There was a waiting silence in the car. She closed her eyes as though in pain. Theron, my dear, as far as your grandfather was concerned, it was a merciful bullet. We knew that he didn’t have long to live, and that his last months were going to be painful, and probably far too long-drawn-out. Your modern medicine is not always kind.

    What are you trying to tell me, Grandmother?

    I wrote you that he had cancer, Theron. It would have been a slow and humiliating end for his body. As it is, he functioned fully as a human being up until the last minute. He was a good public servant, and he died doing his duty. In the fifteen or so years since his official retirement, how much time did we have at Illyria?

    Not much.

    And there’s a kind of— she hesitated, then said, cosmic justice in his being sent, in the end, to Africa, to Kairogi again. These assignments meant a lot to him; he liked mediation. At least one small crisis has been averted because he was there. She opened her eyes and looked down at her hands, small and delicate and only lightly gnarled. The veins were raised and blue, but they gave an effect of fragility rather than age. On her ring finger was a plain gold wedding band. The Renier ring, entwined serpents with ruby eyes, had gone to the young man beside her, when he was married, to put on his wife’s finger. Is all well with you and Margaret?

    She’s cross with us. With me.

    That’s not what I asked.

    Now he smiled. Yes, Grandmother. All is well with us. All is very well. We’re having another baby in the winter. The family grows, and so does our love.

    Then the world is not coming to an end. She reached out and patted his thigh lightly. He wore white drill shorts, white socks and tennis shoes; he was still a young man, and his world—ending or not—was utterly different from the world of her youth. Nevertheless they had always shared a special ability to communicate, beyond chronology, beyond miles, and this was not only because he reminded her of his grandfather, for whom he had been named. Theron Renier, she said softly. I’m old and I’ve lost count. Are you the fifth or the sixth?

    More like the seventh.

    Is it a burden?

    He laughed. I don’t think about it very often.

    Smiling, she looked out the windshield. Despite the noisy efforts of the air-conditioner, despite the rising wind, the sun beat hotly against the black roof and heated the interior of the car. The blue of Theron’s shirt deepened between the shoulder blades, under the arms. Her grey linen traveling suit felt hot and sticky, and she longed to get at the light cotton dress in her suitcase. She brushed her carefully groomed white hair back from her face, the delicate bone structure showing strongly now in old age. She was not unaware that she was, as an aging woman, still beautiful, but she took this fact lightly, as she had learned to do most things. Still smiling, she turned from the ocean to look inland, past her grandson to the dunes laced with wild grape vines, topped with golden sea oats and giant palms. The sea oats were flattened against the dunes by the wind; the dry fronds of the palms flailed like windmills. A flock of gulls rose into the air, beating with difficulty against the wind.

    As they passed the crumbling end of a sea wall, the dunes became less wild. Weather-beaten cottages appeared, and then, when the old sea wall turned into a modern cement-and-shell bulkhead, they drove by new and ostentatious houses surrounded by lawns kept passably green with constant sprinkling. Palm and magnolia trees, azalea and camellia bushes, all were carefully trimmed and tended. Around houses and lawns was frenetic activity: shutters being closed and fastened; low plants and bushes covered with canvas; buildings and gardens battened down against the impending storm.

    We saw flashes of the funeral on television, Theron said. The children were very impressed. It made them realize that ‘the old Renier’ was important for more than being their great-grandfather.

    He had a full life, Stella said softly, and a useful one. I was proud of him, too.

    Farther up the beach the houses began to crowd together on small plots, became dingy, less cared for. The bulkhead showed breaks against which broken cement slabs had been placed as a holding action against the sea. Let’s hope they stand through this storm. It’s going to be a big one. He frowned, sighed. We’re in for another kind of storm in this country, aren’t we, Grandmother? Perhaps that’s why it seems so incongruous that Grandfather should have been killed in a riot on the other side of the world. And yet it was somehow—


    He shook his head fiercely. I don’t understand about that kind of justice. Or revenge, or reparation, or any of that stuff. I don’t think anybody does, any more. But the Reniers have never been loved by extremists of any persuasion. He tried to smile. I believe it’s family tradition.

    It’s a good one, Theron, she said gently.

    Even when it ends with a bullet?

    Houses, hotels, boarding houses, gave way to a shabby amusement park with a rickety wooden roller coaster, a ferris wheel, a merry-go-round with paint-peeling horses. It looked desolate, and empty, except for men nailing boards up against kiosks, tying tarpaulins over the merry-go-round.

    There are worse ends. Stella’s light body was shaken by a shudder. Only on love’s terrible other side is found the place where lion and lamb abide.

    What’s that? he asked sharply.

    Something of Mado’s. Marguerite Dominique de la Valeur Renier. She drew out the syllables lovingly. My husband’s grandmother. Your great-great-grandmother. Love’s terrible other side. The other side of the sun. You can’t go around it, Theron. You have to go through it.

    He looked at her obliquely. There are literally hundreds of telegrams waiting for you.

    They will wait.

    There was one which used exactly those words. It struck me when I read it—you did tell us to open everything—

    Of course. Do you remember who sent it?

    Yes. Ronald Zenumin.

    For a moment her eyes filled with tears. But when she spoke, her voice was calm. I’m glad. I’m very glad.

    Grandmother, how would a Zenumin be able to quote something of Mado’s?

    That’s a long story. But it’s possible. I suppose some of the Zenumins are still living back in the scrub?

    Quite a clan of them. They seem to be almost more gypsy than black, now.

    They were always what you might call a mixed bag.

    You knew them well?

    I knew them. Yes, I knew them.

    He looked at her probingly. You never actually knew Mado, though?

    No. She died before I came to Illyria. But—I did know her, Theron. Her presence was still very strong.

    The amusement park petered out into a series of bath and boarding houses. Then came, abruptly, a high wall of Spanish Bayonettes in full bloom, each fan of green rapiers topped by a fountain of blossoms whipped unmercifully by the wind.

    We’re here. He nosed the car in from the beach and stopped before a white coquina ramp which crossed the boardwalk and bulkhead and led over a jungle of scrub myrtle, dwarf palms, scrub oak, to the front steps and veranda of an enormous, rambling old house that rode the tops of the dunes like an unwieldy ship.

    Illyria, Stella murmured. Illyria. She made no move to get out of the car. If I can manage to forget the boardwalk it looks just the way it did all those thousands of years ago when I first saw it. Thank you for understanding, my dear. I have to come here and get my bearings before I can go into town and face the tribe.

    They don’t understand. He walked around the car to help his grandmother out.

    The hot wind struck her like a wave. That air-conditioner was more effective than I gave it credit for. I long to see the children. But I’m simply not strong enough yet to cope with the rest of our kin. I’ve got some private grieving to get through—I can’t—

    I know, Grandmother. It’s all right. I understand. I don’t like the buzzards, either.

    She pulled herself together and pointed to the ocean’s edge where another flock of sandpipers pecked placidly. Don’t worry about the hurricane. As long as the birds aren’t frightened, then I’m not, either. She leaned on his arm and they started slowly up the ramp, her old joints stiff from the long hours of travel. I know the family wants me to decide about the house, and I can’t do that, except here.

    He put one arm about her slight body to help her up the incline. You don’t have to decide anything now, Grandmother. And Illyria’s your house. Don’t let anybody push you.

    What do you think?

    It’s your house, it’s what you want.

    Nonsense, she said briskly. "What do you want?"

    Illyria’s always been the special place for me.

    They climbed the shallow wooden steps, bleached silver by sea and sand. Despite his help, the effort made the old woman’s breath come in light, thin gasps. Let’s sit on the veranda for a minute.

    He pulled up two old wood-and-wicker rocking chairs, green paint peeling. She sat, gratefully, leaning her head against the high back. If you want Illyria, we’ll keep it. No—I don’t want to promise yet. It all depends … on the angels.

    He smiled, hitching his chair close to hers. The pounding of the surf was loud now, and the rattling of the hot wind in the palms. I’m the only one who wants to keep Illyria. Everyone else says the place was ruined when the amusement park was built.

    Yes, Theron, but what about you?

    "I’ve never known Illyria without the amusement park, and that’s always been part of its charm for me—who’d expect a house like this in the midst of merry-go-rounds and kewpie dolls and ferris wheels? But it’s more than that—Illyria is magic. I’m a doctor, a scientist; I’m usually reasonable, but I love this place just because I don’t feel reasonable about it. It’s special—magical—and my children sense it, too. But I don’t want to influence you, Grandmother."

    Her laugh pealed out. My dear Theron, no wonder you’re a successful doctor! You should have been a psychiatrist.

    Grandmother, really— he started, then laughed, too.

    The afternoon sun, pushing through the clouds, struck against the fragments of shell in the coquina ramp, and the old woman put up her hand to shield her eyes.

    Sorry to take you out of the air-conditioner. Are we getting soft, Grandmother? Margaret and the children and I are the only ones who come to Illyria any more. The others won’t because it isn’t air-conditioned.

    Inside the house the phone began to ring. Don’t answer it, Stella said.


    It will just be someone insisting that you drive me right back to Jefferson. And I am not going into town, Theron. I am going to stay here.

    He rose. Then I must go in and tell them that. He struggled for a moment with the heavy front door, swollen from damp, then went in. She could hear his voice, at first calm and firm, reasonable, then authoritative and sharp. He came back to the veranda. Even Margaret is annoyed with me. I am not to allow you to stay in Illyria. The power will go out, and the phone—and they’re right about that, they always do go off during a hurricane.

    I’m used to Illyria without electricity or phone. And I’ve been here for any number of hurricanes. Help me check the shutters—make sure that I have plenty of candles and supplies, and go on back to your family before Margaret divorces you.

    You underestimate Margaret.

    She smiled in satisfaction. How can I make a decision about Illyria if I don’t stay here? How can I know about the angels?

    What about the angels, Grandmother?

    Poor old Grandmother, old age has finally caught up with her. That’s what you’re thinking, isn’t it?

    He sat beside her again. I’m an internist, but I deal with my patients’ minds as well as their bodies. I believe in angels. Devils, too. You used to tell me about Illyria’s angels when I was little, and I’ve always felt them here.


    I don’t know. Grandmother, I don’t think I should let you stay. It really is madness.

    She stood up. I’m going in to make my bed. Why don’t you buy me some candles and enough food to keep me going for a few days?

    You’re impossible! I’ll stay with you tonight, but tomorrow we’ll have to drive into Jefferson. I’ve made arrangements to be out of the office and the hospital today, but tomorrow I must be back.

    Of course. I’ve been here alone before.

    It’s not just the storm, Grandmother. It isn’t safe for you to stay alone. There’s a rough element about the boardwalk and in San Feliz. It isn’t the safe little village it was in the old days.

    It wasn’t very safe in the old days. I remember on my very first evening in Illyria, when I wanted to go for a walk so that I could be alone, I was warned to walk up the beach rather than down, because there was a rough element in San Feliz. She paused at the screen door. Just to prove to you that I know that discretion can sometimes be the better part of valor, I’ll sleep downstairs in Aunt Olivia’s old room instead of going up to the third floor. Which room do you and Margaret use?

    I’ll sleep downstairs tonight, too. Take it easy till I get back from San Feliz, will you? And we’ll discuss what you’ll do tomorrow when tomorrow comes.

    She laughed, as the screen door slammed behind her.

    They ate scrambled eggs and bacon for supper, sitting in the large kitchen which faced west and was somewhat protected from the northeast wind which flailed about the house, shaking the shutters. The electricity flickered several times while they were eating, but did not go out. The air was oppressive and weighed heavily on the house. After they had washed up their few dishes they went back to the veranda. Clouds had covered the sky. Waves pounded up to the bulkhead.

    Just be grateful you arrived at low tide, Theron said. Tides are running high because of the storm, and we couldn’t possibly have driven on the beach at high tide. He sat on the veranda steps, leaning against the worn rail. Just behind him, his grandmother rocked contentedly. All about the house the insects were shrilling out warnings against the storm. In the dark lagoon behind the house the frogs boomed back and forth. Incongruously, a mockingbird sang, outdoing the nightingale. Theron let out a gusty sigh.

    She reached out to touch his hair. What is it?

    He shifted position so that he could lean against her chair. Questions.

    Go ahead and ask them.

    One of your reasons for coming to Illyria was to avoid questions.

    Will your questions be the ones the others would ask, Terry?

    Terry—that was your name for Grandfather, wasn’t it?

    Yes. There was sudden, bleak pain in the response.

    To try to ease it, he asked, Do you remember your rhymes, Grandmother? The Kings of England rhyme, and then the Theron Renier rhyme?

    Of course. I taught Terry the Kings of England, and then he made up the Theron rhyme for me in exchange.

    Together they recited,

    "Willy, Willy, Harry, Ste,

    Harry, Dick, John, Harry Three,

    One, Two, Three Neds, Richard Two,

    Harry Four, Five, Six, then who?

    Edward Four, Five, Dick the Bad,

    Harrys twain, and Ned the lad.

    Mary, Bessie, James the vain,

    Charlie, Charlie, James again.

    William and Mary, Anna in Gloria,

    Four Georges, William, and Victoria.

    Edward Seven was next and soon

    We’ll put George Five upon the throne."

    I was the only medical student who could recite the Kings of England—that is until 1910. After George V, I had to put them in without rhymes. He began to intone again, schoolboy fashion:

    "Theron the ambassador

    Went to France before the war;

    Doctor Theron, his young son,

    There met Mado, loved and won,

    But lost the War Between the States,

    1861 to ’65, the dates.

    Theron and Mado had a son

    Known as Therro by everyone.

    Therro’s son was then called Terry:

    English Stella, fair and merry,

    Married him in 1910,

    And came across the ocean then.

    "And then we added when I married Margaret,

    "Terry and Stella birthed their Theron,

    Remember, Theron rhymes with heron.

    Theron in turn produced a boy

    Who married Margaret to his joy."

    And all the Therons, her voice was calm again, are long-legged as herons. I hope the silly rhyme was as helpful to Margaret as it was to me. I couldn’t have kept the generations straight without it. What did you want to ask me, my dear Theron?

    He leaned back against the old woman’s knees. I suppose I want to separate fact from fancy, truth from fairy tale. That telegram was important to you.



    If there can be reconciliation between the Reniers and the Zenumins, then perhaps, after all, the angels— She let her words drift off.

    I don’t know all that’s gone on between the Reniers and the Zenumins.

    A gull screamed, a raucous, angry cry. I don’t suppose anybody knows all of it. I know only the smallest part.

    Tell me.

    I told you years and years ago.

    When I was a boy. I know you never bowdlerized the way everybody else does, but you must admit you omitted.

    Did I? Perhaps I did. But I’m not sure any more what really happened. People aren’t as good as I thought they were—or as bad.

    How old were you when you came to Illyria?

    Nineteen. Everybody else was old—the great-aunts, Honoria and Clive, Cousin James. Everybody except Ron.… It never occurred to me that one day I would be as old as Aunt Olivia and Aunt Des. Even now I really don’t believe in my own antiquity. But I am old, and I’m not sure that I can tell you the truth, not because I’m not willing to, but because I’m afraid some of it may have been lost somewhere in the past. I don’t think it’s possible to remember without the burden of hindsight. Think. You’re still a very young man—

    Not so very.

    A man in his thirties is very young to someone in her eighties. Try to remember something important that happened ten years ago. Can you remember it as it truly was? Or is your memory distorted by what you know now? All my memories are colored by the person I’ve become. And I’m a most opinionated old woman, as you have cause to know.

    Theron smiled into the deepening dusk. If it’s too difficult for you, Grandmother—

    She gave a sharp yank to his hair. How well you know me. All right. I’ll try. I’ll talk, and I’ll think, and I’ll remember, and maybe I’ll dream a little—I’m very tired. But you have a right to know something of what it was all about.

    He closed his eyes as her gentle fingers moved over his hair. The waves battered against the bulkhead; palm fronds rattled in the rising wind. Being here with you like this—it’s worth having the family dithering because Theron and Grandmother are off doing something crazy again.

    Is it crazy? Maybe that’s what people think of all the essential actions. Far out at sea the beam from the lightship swept across the stormy darkness. Perhaps going all the way through the sun, all the way through the fire, does tend to make people a little mad. She closed her eyes. There was a ripping, cracking sound as the arm of a palm was torn from the tree. The wind howled. The veranda seemed to shake, but the old woman realized that this feeling was as much from her overworked heart as from the gale. For a moment she thought that she, too, might be dying, and this did not disturb her. She leaned back and let her past wash over her as the waves washed over the beach.



    They were here on the veranda waiting for me when I finally reached Illyria, the four women: Honoria, tall, powerful, purply-black; the two old great-aunts, small and pale; Aunt Irene, half the age of the other three—but when one is nineteen, middle age is old. Honoria stood calmly aside as the others, twittering like birds, palm-leaf fans fluttering, rose to greet me. Aunt Irene held out her plump hands. "Stella! It is Stella, isn’t it?"

    Who else would it be? one of the old ladies whispered.

    I felt the eyes of all four probing me. I was being measured, judged. I smiled brightly to hide my discomfort.

    Stella, honey, welcome to Illyria. I am your Aunt Irene. She drew me to her. Her voice was bright-pink crushed velvet and she smelled of heliotrope. She called herself ‘Ant Ah-reen’ and, probably because I was so keyed up, I almost giggled.

    And this is your Great-aunt Mary Desborough, and your Great-aunt Olivia.

    The two old ladies moved forward. Unlike Aunt Irene, who looked like a fashion plate, they were dressed in rusty and old-fashioned clothes, with their hair parted in the middle, and their ears poking out in the fashion (I learned later) which had been popular during ‘The War.’ Welcome, child, one of them pecked me on the cheek. We welcome the new Mrs. Theron Renier. I am Aunt Mary Desborough.

    And I’m Aunt Olivia, the other old lady said, and reached to kiss me. She smelled lightly of lemon and lavender; the old-grey watered silk of her dress rustled as she moved, and her voice was like it, a dry, gentle rustling.

    Clive! Clive! Ronnie! Aunt Irene called. Oh, there you are. Please see that Miss Stella’s things are taken to her room so that Honoria can unpack them.

    The old colored woman moved to me; there was something majestic about her; she took my hands in her very strong ones and looked into my face. I felt like a child instead of a married woman. We welcome you, Miss Stella.

    This, then, was Honoria. I knew that Honoria was important. Immediately after Mado’s death it was Honoria who saw to it that her ring came to my Terry for his bride.

    The Renier ring. Touching that ring got me through a lot of bad times. Not that I thought it had any magical properties, although I was to find that many people did indeed believe this. It was just that the ring always made me know who I was: Mrs. Theron Renier. I touched it now, a heavy ring, made of two beautifully etched gold serpents, entwined like those on a caduceus, with rubies for eyes.

    ‘It came to Mado from Honoria,’ Terry had told me when he first showed it to me the night he asked me to be his wife.


    ‘My grandmother. Marguerite Dominique de la Valeur Renier. She was always called Mado.’

    ‘And Honoria?’

    He hesitated. ‘I suppose you might call her Mado’s housekeeper. I love her almost as much as I loved Mado. Maybe as much, because they belonged together.’

    My husband, of all the Renier men, was the one who was most full of laughter, but when he took the ring out of its velvet box to give it to me, he was totally serious. ‘It carries a responsibility,’ he said, ‘a responsibility of healing. The serpent isn’t always a symbol of evil. You remember that the twined serpent is the doctor’s emblem, and my Grandfather Theron was a doctor.’

    (Doctor Theron, his young son,

    There met Mado, loved and won,

    But lost the War Between the States …)

    I looked at the ring, fingering the rubies. ‘How would a housekeeper get a ring like this?’

    ‘Honoria was born in Africa,’ Terry had said, as though that explained everything.

    Honoria withdrew to the side of the veranda as Aunt Irene fluttered about me. Honey, sit down. You must be exhausted. Was it a terrible, terrible trip?

    I didn’t know whether she meant the ocean voyage or the long drive from Jefferson to Illyria, so I just said, It was beautiful, and sat in the rocking chair Honoria pulled up for me.

    Aunt Olivia, moving with difficulty, lowered herself into her chair; she was crippled with rheumatism. A silver-handled cane lay on the floor by her chair. Honoria will bring you something to cool you off. I can see that you need it.

    Livia, Aunt Mary Desborough reprimanded. But it must have been wholly obvious that I was hot, wrinkled, and travel-worn.

    Stella isn’t used to the heat, Aunt Olivia said, and smiled at me with eyes faded to a soft kitten’s blue; everything about her was a little faded: her ash-blond hair was the color of bleached sand; her skin was soft and finely wrinkled; the once rich material of her grey moiré dress was faded, too. "They have snow in England. Don’t you, Stella?"

    Yes, but not in summer.

    Here, lovey, this will help. Aunt Olivia handed me a large fan made from palm fronds. Aunt Mary Desborough and Aunt Irene were slowly swishing similar fans back and forth against the sluggish air. Honoria reached behind one of the shutters and brought out another fan for Aunt Olivia.

    The old lady nodded her thanks. What do we have to give Stella, Honoria? Do we have some sangaree?

    Aunt Mary Desborough sat down briskly, though I guessed her to be the elder of the two old ladies. Her voice was disapproving, rusty brown like her dress; she looked, I thought, like a little brown owl. Livia, you know Hoadley doesn’t like us to imbibe anything with spirits until he arrives. Her dress might be frumpy and out of style, but her fingers bore two magnificent rings, and the pendants which hung from her ears were, I was sure, real pearls.

    Sangaree is hardly spirits, Aunt Olivia said. I’m sure Hoadley wouldn’t object. Her gnarled and twisted little fingers could not support rings, but the throat of her dress was fastened with a superb brooch.

    Hoadley was Aunt Irene’s husband; it was Uncle Hoadley and Aunt Irene who had taken Terry into their home after his parents were drowned in a boating accident.

    I think she’d like some strawberries, Aunt Olivia said. Don’t you think Stella’d like some strawberries, Des? Strawberries and cream.

    Strawberries aren’t in season.

    Aunt Olivia snorted, Daz it. Strawberries and cream taste even cooler than sangaree.

    How about a little claret lemonade? Aunt Irene suggested.

    But— Aunt Mary Desborough demurred.

    I wanted something special to welcome Stella, Aunt Olivia said. I wish we had some strawberries.

    If wishes were horses— Aunt Mary Desborough started.

    Beggars would ride, Aunt Olivia finished. Anyhow, that doesn’t count, Des. We’re playing Shakespeare today. And in any case, just because thou art virtuous, shall there be no more cakes and ale?

    "Twelfth Night. Sir Toby Belch. Point for me."

    "You’d have been pretty silly if you hadn’t identified that one. What about figs? There’s nothing nicer on a hot day than a cool bowl of figs and cream."

    Livia, Aunt Mary Desborough pursed her lips. You know perfectly well the fig tree hasn’t borne since the year Mado died.

    Virtue! Aunt Olivia cried, undaunted. A fig! ’tis in ourselves that we are thus, or thus. Our bodies are our gardens, to the which our wills are gardeners.

    Shakespeare, of course. Aunt Mary Desborough huddled into herself in thought, so that she looked more owlish than ever. "I know! Othello!"

    Daz it, Aunt Olivia said.

    Stop swearing.

    I just said daz. That’s not a swear word. I made it up myself.

    You made it up to use as a swear word.

    But it isn’t one, and you can’t scold me for it. Daz. Daz. Daz it, Des.


    Miss Olivia, Honoria said softly, sternly, that is enough.

    Daz anyhow.

    Hush. Honoria held up her large, strong hand, night-black on the back, a soft wrinkled pink on the palm and the insides of the fingers. Hush and listen.

    The two old ladies in the rocking chairs leaned forward, suddenly alert as sea gulls: I listened, too. I heard the wind rustling the palms with a sound like paper; I heard the soft slur of sea against sand; that was all.

    What? Aunt Mary Desborough asked impatiently.

    The wind has changed! Aunt Olivia cried. That means the storm tonight will cool things off. That’ll be nice for you, Stella. I hope the storm will come soon. There isn’t much time.

    Time for what? Aunt Mary Desborough asked crossly. Don’t sound-silly.

    Don’t raise your voice. It’s not polite. That time when thou shalt strangely pass and scarcely greet me with that sun, thine eye.

    "Oh—something obscure like Titus Andronicus, I suppose."

    It is not. It’s the Sonnets. Point for me. You’re losing your memory.

    Aunties, Aunt Irene chided.

    Are you sure the fig tree didn’t bear this year? Aunt Olivia asked.

    "Now who’s losing her memory!"

    There are people, Aunt Olivia said, who can make fig trees bear.

    "If you remember, Aunt Mary Desborough said with heavy emphasis, that particular fig tree did not bear. And it got blighted."

    So? That was only one fig tree. What about all the others?

    I managed to get a word in. What I would really like is a cup of tea, and then to change out of these clothes into something cool.

    Honoria moved quietly across the veranda, opened the screen door, and went into the house.

    Now, I call that a sensible suggestion, Aunt Mary Desborough said approvingly.

    What Honoria tried to keep simple, the aunts managed to make complicated, but we did have tea, with milk for Aunt Mary Desborough and me, and thin wheels of lemon stuck with cloves for Aunt Olivia and Aunt Irene. There were cucumber sandwiches—it didn’t taste like English cucumber—and thinly sliced raisin cake, but I wasn’t hungry, and I was relieved when Honoria came to the screen door and said that she had unpacked a few things for me, and perhaps I would like to go to my room.

    Aunt Irene started to rise, but Honoria said, I’ll see that Miss Stella has everything she need. Her voice was unlike any of the other strange, warm Southern voices I had heard. It was deep and guttural, with a quality like some dark metal dug deep out of the center of the earth.

    I followed her into a vast, dusty, wind-swept room, or, rather, two rooms, one leading into the other, so that there was an open sweep from front veranda to back. The front room, shuttered and dim, contained the kind of ornately scrolled bamboo furniture which came from India or China or maybe both, I’m not sure. There was a day bed covered with an Oriental rug, and above this a huge portrait in a great gold frame of two young women in Empire dresses. One was singing, the other accompanying her on a harpsichord, and though they must have been long dead, they reminded me of Aunt Olivia and Aunt Mary Desborough.

    I did not notice the dog and kitten on the day bed until Honoria said, Now! This minute! I turned, startled, thinking she was talking to me, then saw an elderly Irish wolfhound and a small amber kitten slither to the floor, both looking guilty. Finbarr, Honoria said. Minou. Just because my back is turned and Miss Stella is arriving don’t give you no right to sit where you don’t belong. Remember who and what you is, and the time is dark. She glanced from the animals to the portrait, fondling the old dog’s ear. That Dr. Theron’s mother, singing—Miss Mado’s Dr. Theron—and his aunt, Olivia Hugeot. Painted by the younger Mr. Peale when he visiting Charleston.

    There were other portraits in the front, or living room, and also in the rear, or dining room; and I anticipated studying them and getting further acquainted with my husband’s family: these people on the walls would be the ancestors of our children. I felt past, present, and future swirl around me like the sea breeze which came through the screen door and brushed against my hot cheeks.

    (Edward Seven was next and soon

    We’ll put George Five upon the throne

    Theron and Mado had a son

    Known as Therro by everyone)

    Between the two rooms was a wide staircase, which Honoria and I mounted; then we climbed another, narrower flight of stairs and went down a long, winding passage and into a large and airy room that I knew at once I was going to love. It was five-sided because one corner was cut off by long French windows that led to a triangular balcony overlooking sea and dunes. A tall brass bedstead, brightly polished, with a white Marseilles bedspread, stood to the left of the French windows, and over it, attached to a brass ring, was a roll of white netting, which my husband had told me I would have to let down at night to protect me from mosquitoes. A dark mahogany highboy was opposite the bed, a magnificent piece of furniture which had never been intended for ocean damp: the delicate veneer had cracked and buckled in several places. In one corner of the room, over a rattan chaise longue, was a daguerreotype of a young man and woman in sailing clothes, proudly displaying an enormous swordfish. Sun had burnished their skins, bleached their hair. They were smiling, and their eyes had the narrowed look I had seen on people who had spent many years in India and become accustomed to half closing their eyes against the glare. The young man with the engaging grin might almost have been—but was not—Terry. They were, I guessed, my husband’s father and mother, Therro and Kitty. I would have to learn to know them, these grandparents my children would never know. How long after that happy picture was taken had their little boat been caught in a swift and unexpected storm? All I knew about my husband’s parents was that they had loved the sea and died in it.

    There was a sound outside my door. Clive, Honoria’s husband, and a young colored man came in with my boxes. Clive and Uncle Hoadley had met me in Jefferson, and Clive had driven me to Illyria, a drive so long and hot that despite my delight in the lush strangeness of the scenery, I had slept most of the way. Clive was considerably shorter than Honoria, thin as wire; strong as wire, too, I suspected. The younger Negro—he was much younger, was, perhaps, Terry’s age, was tall and thin, with steel-rimmed spectacles.

    Clive lowered the heavy box he was carrying and smiled his dignified smile. Miss Stella, I like you to make the ’quaintance of my grandson.

    The young Negro bowed. I’m happy to meet you, Mrs. Renier. I’m Theron James.


    It still came as a shock—although Terry had, in a sense, prepared me—that this tall, dark-skinned man, with a face as austere as his grandfather’s and a far more bitter twist to the mouth, should be another Theron.

    ‘Here’s another nursery rhyme for you,’ Terry had said.

    Clive and Honoria, Honoria and Clive,

    Keep Illyria’s light alive.

    They had a son whose name was Jim;

    Jimmy married, and from him

    Came Terence Ronald, known as Tron,

    Then little Theron, nicknamed Ron.’

    Ron spoke to his grandmother. I thought Miss Irene wanted Mrs. Renier downstairs.

    I prefer Miss Stella here, Honoria said.

    Ron raised one eyebrow slightly.

    The room Miss Irene had in mind just across from Mr. Hoadley’s, and Mr. Hoadley, he snore. Just put that box there, please, Ron, so’s I can tend to it. If you’d like to bathe after your journey, Miss Stella, I’ll prepare a bath for you.

    A bath! Joy! I needed one.

    Honoria left the room, simultaneously stiff and stately, indicating with one authoritative shoulder that Clive and Ron were to follow.

    Ron paused in the doorway. Mrs. Renier, if Honoria tells you to do something, do it. Honoria is to be taken seriously.

    Well, yes— I said. Of course. I did not understand him, or anything about him. Like Honoria, he moved like royalty, and he didn’t sound like any of the soft and sultry voices I’d heard at the harbor in Jefferson or since my arrival in Illyria. His voice was cool and sounded strangely British.

    Miss Stella, since you’re new here it might be better if you don’t eat anything Honoria doesn’t give you.

    At my look of surprise, he began to talk about change of diet, change of water bothering some people, but it seemed to me that there was a definite edge of warning to his words. Before he closed the door behind him, he said, Your trunks will be on the train with Mr. Hoadley. Train gets in at six. Miss Irene may want you to change rooms, but you needn’t.

    Again a warning? Perhaps not, but how strange! I moved from his words, opened the shutters, and stepped out onto the wooden gingerbread balcony which looked out over the jungle between Illyria and the beach. The sun was moving westward now, but the air was still molten with heat. I leaned on the balcony rail; the ornamented and carved wood was weatherworn silver-grey, and had the fine texture of driftwood. The brilliant expanse of ocean darkened as a cloud moved across the sun. Breakers moved regally to the shore, rising, curving, falling in a hish of green foam. Mingling with the constant crashing of waves was the breeze in the palms. A cumbersome and clumsy bird with a large beak waddled along the edge of the water; it was so ludicrous in its ungraceful movements that I almost laughed; then, suddenly, it raised its head and soared up into the air in a glorious arc: and I was shamed.

    There came a rap on the open door to the balcony. Your bath is ready, Miss Stella.

    Honoria, I just saw a bird, big and awkward and ugly, and then it flew—it was—it was one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen.

    That would be a pelican, Miss Stella.

    I laughed with pleasure. Oh, Honoria, I’ve never seen a pelican before except in the London zoo. I’d no idea they were like that!

    Yes, Miss Stella. That is what a pelican is like.


    Honoria took me to a square room with a high, round window. In the middle of the floor was a big high-backed zinc tub from which steam rose. It was exactly like the tub brought to my nursery in Oxford when I was a small child. If I had been especially good, Nanny would let me soap the back and slide down it with a lovely splash into the warm water. I felt a great wave of homesickness, not so much for tidy and familiar England in this strange, wild land, as for my lost childhood. Suddenly I was not certain that I was ready to be a wife. It did not occur to me that all brides must feel like this, and particularly those who have to be separated from their husbands early in marriage, before they have had a chance to become accustomed to this new climate.

    Honoria pointed out great fluffy white towels on a mahogany rack, and a bowl of powder on the low dresser. There was an oval cake of hand-milled soap in a china dish. And here’s a pitcher of cold water if you need it. Mr. Terry tell you about our sulphur water?

    Yes, Terry had told me, and the smell indeed assailed my nostrils. ‘We’re used to it,’ Terry had said. ‘As a matter of fact, I like it, but perhaps that’s nostalgia. Some people say it stinks of rotten eggs, and I get the analogy, but that’s not it, because it’s a good, healthy smell. The Fountain of Youth—that’s sulphur water. Maybe that’s why Honoria and Clive never grow old. Illyria has its own fountain of youth. The old aunts don’t seem to change any, either. So you stay exactly as you are until I come for you, mica, mica, parva Stella. Don’t let anybody change you.’

    I tested the water with my toes. I was lonely and strange and a little frightened. I was not quite certain I could bear it in Illyria without my husband. I cried a little then.

    I was nineteen when I came to Illyria and I had been married less than two months. Theron Renier and I met at a dinner party. He had been sent to England by the Bureau of Navigation, the Navy’s Office of Intelligence and one of the first peacetime intelligence organizations in the United States. We fell in love immediately, idiotically, romantically, like Romeo and Juliet, except that there weren’t any family problems—not that kind. Perhaps the open enmity of the Montagues and Capulets would have been easier.

    My father, who must have realized that his heart was giving out, gave us his blessing, and the Dowlers, distant cousins, but the nearest relatives we had, threw a magnificent engagement party for us. Terry and I had met at the Dowlers in the first place: Lord Dowler, my Cousin Octavian, was retired from the Foreign Office, but still did something or other for the government—perhaps the same kind of thing Terry himself was to do in his later years. Cousin Augusta was still a handsome, if not intelligent woman, and it was her pleasure to give small dinner parties for the bright young men who were sent from all over the world to consult with her husband.

    The week after the engagement party my father keeled over while he was giving a lecture. It was exactly the way he would have wanted to die, and though I grieved, it was a clean and proper grief. In a few weeks Terry and I were married very quietly in St. Aldate’s. Cousin Octavian gave me away, and I wore Cousin Augusta’s wedding dress, and then Terry and I had a short honeymoon in Paris.

    We had expected to have perhaps six months together before he was sent off by his government on an assignment. When we got back to England his instructions were waiting. If I arrived in Illyria with no preconceptions that’s one reason—he didn’t have time to give me any.

    I tried not to cling, not to weep, but it was hard. He was being sent somewhere, urgently, and nobody, certainly not his bride, was allowed to know where. There was, as usual, trouble in the Balkans, and I knew that there were still problems in the United States left over from the Civil War. ‘Wars like ours don’t end when they’re over, Stella,’ Terry had told me. ‘Think: aren’t you still suffering from the time of Cromwell?’

    I didn’t want to think about Cromwell. ‘You’ve been talking with Cousin Octavian!’ I cried. ‘And you’ve been studying Kairogian. Are you being sent to Africa?’ Archaeology and Africa—particularly the section of Africa known as Kairogi—were Cousin Octavian’s special fields.

    ‘Stella. Parva Stella.’ Terry held me close. ‘Don’t try to guess. It will just make it harder for both of us.’

    He sent cables home to his family to confirm his long, preparatory letters, booked me a passage on the Boadicea, and left the day before I sailed. The Dowlers saw me off with a basket of fruit and trunks’ worth of trousseau, and I waved and waved and left my childhood behind me in England.

    For better or for worse, alone or together, I was married; I was Mrs. Theron Renier and I wore the Renier ring. I loved my husband passionately; I hoped that I was already pregnant—of course one didn’t talk about that kind of thing in those days, though my father had brought me up to speak freely on taboo subjects. Perhaps this atypical and un-Victorian—or even un-Edwardian—lack of inhibition was one thing which drew Terry to me. I understood, with absolute rapture, what it is to be one with another human being. Naturally we were married to the words of the English Prayer Book, and my husband did worship me with his body, and for me there was never any problem about obeying him—ever—even when I wholeheartedly disagreed with him.

    ‘In Illyria,’ Terry had said, ‘you will learn to know me.’ I did realize that my own family, which consisted of my father and the Dowlers, was incredibly simple in comparison with Terry’s. I was an only child; my father had been an only child. The Dowlers had no children, and my father and I were the only relatives they claimed. But in the American South, Terry had told me, kin mattered. ‘To the point of absurdity. People fill in whole evenings tracing relationships. It’s a parlor game that doesn’t cost anything but memory and time, and there’s plenty of both in the South, and not much else. Just relax about it and try to think of the family as characters in one of those new Russian novels you’re so fond of. We may not have patronymics, but all the ladies are Miss whether they’re married or not, and Chekhov or Tolstoy would have been quite at home at one of the St. Cecilia Balls.’

    But I was not a character out of Chekhov or Tolstoy, and I felt a stranger in an alien land as I lay back in the steaming tub Honoria had prepared for me, and tried to relax after my long journeying.

    The strange-smelling water was deliciously warm (yes, it did remind one of rotten eggs); I even had to add a little cool water from the pitcher; and I learned early in Illyria that a warm bath is much more refreshing in hot weather than a cold one from which you emerge into the heat with an unpleasant shock.

    Outside the bathroom door I heard a voice which I recognized as Aunt Irene’s, warm and rhythmical and a little wistful. Honoria, I thought I told you to put Miss Stella downstairs in the yellow room.

    Honoria’s voice was calm. Mr. Hoadley snores, Miss Irene.

    He’s only here on weekends.

    You be less disturbed this way, Miss Irene. Nobody walking about the halls when you take your afternoon nap.

    I know what you’re afraid of, but surely that’s all over now? There was a long silence, then Aunt Irene said, All right. I know there’s no use arguing with you. So will you— she dropped her voice—will you read the cards for me after dinner?

    You know I won’t, Miss Irene.

    But I need—

    "No, Miss Irene. You don’t. And don’t go back to her."

    Why not, if you won’t help?

    Help? It’s never led to anything but misery. Misery. You know that.

    But I’m frightened, Honoria. What else can I do?

    You can pray.

    Aunt Irene’s voice went thin, and somehow hard. Mr. Hoadley will want some ice before dinner, please.

    Very well, Miss Irene.

    Their footsteps moved away.

    When I returned to my room, wrapped in a great white towel, Honoria had unpacked for me. On the bed table were my books, the ones I had brought to read on the ship: the latest French translation of Tolstoy, Anna Karenina (the Oblonskys, I thought, were simple in comparison with the Reniers); one of my father’s marked volumes of Plato; some poems. Under these was a book which was not mine: Pascal’s Pensées. I opened it. On the fly-leaf, in firm but delicate hand, was written Marguerite Dominique de la Valeur. My husband’s grandmother, his dearly loved Mado. Marking one of the pages was a slip of paper with some verses carefully copied out:

    In this parched place of desolate wilderness,

    This war-torn, hate-split world, oh, who will bless,

    Bless and redeem the blood-stained, tear-drenched ground

    So once again the healing sun will blaze,

    The small birds sing, the flowers be found,

    And lion and lamb in loving joy may graze?

    Who is there left the truth of love to guess?

    How shall we stand the violence of the sun?

    How hate redeem, how brother’s love confess?

    What will be left when wind and fire are done?

    Only on love’s terrible other side

    Is found the place where lion and lamb abide.

    by Marguerite Dominique de la Valeur Renier, translated by Olivia Hugeot Renier.

    I did not understand the verses, but I felt the pain out of which they had been written, and for the first time Marguerite Dominique de la Valeur Renier began to be a real person for me, and I could share my husband’s regret that she had died before I had a chance to know her and be guided by her, for I, too, was Mrs. Theron Renier and in a strange land.

    I lay down in the big brass bedstead, covered loosely by the towel, and slept.

    Honoria called me a little after seven. Your aunts and Mr. Hoadley are on the veranda, and would be pleased for you to join them.

    I woke up, not quite knowing where I was, my conscious mind waking not to the present moment but to the conversation overheard between Honoria and Aunt Irene while I was bathing. Honoria, is there some kind of problem about my room?

    Don’t you fret, Miss Stella.

    I sat up, wrapping the towel around me. The old woman looked gravely into my eyes. I looked back, smiling just a little. At last Honoria’s face relaxed into a wide, radiant return of my smile.

    Miss Mado right about you, Miss Stella.


    Don’t mind me, Miss Stella. Talking things over with Miss Mado the way I used to do is just one of my old woman’s ways. There wasn’t nothing Miss Mado and I didn’t share. Nothing. We glad you come. Maybe now the angels will come back to Illyria. She smiled again, and left me.

    I reached for Anna Karenina in which I had put the hastily drawn-up family tree which Terry had made for me.

    "There’s not enough time, Stella. I’m sending you to Illyria without any armor, except perhaps your very ignorance. If I try to tell you now, I’ll just confuse and upset you. There are things you ought to know. All I request is that you ask your questions of Honoria and Clive. Not anybody else. You won’t need to ask the great-aunts. They’re bound to bend your ears with their nanny goats.’


    ‘Anecdotes, my darling,’ and we collapsed into the wild laughter which was all that got us through those last hours of parting.

    I studied the family tree now, written in my husband’s swift and definite hand, preparing myself before going downstairs.

    When I got out to the veranda, Uncle Hoadley was sitting on a bamboo settee, a folded newspaper lying beside him. Honoria or Clive had drawn up the chairs around a huge brass tray on a low bamboo stand. On the tray were set out bottles of spirits and a cut-glass jar of fresh mint and a silver ice bucket. Uncle Hoadley was crushing mint with mortar and pestle, and the aunts sat hovering around him, watching the ritual.

    At the sound of my footsteps he rose to greet me, and then returned to preparing the libation. He looked, I thought, as though he had stepped from a Renaissance painting, was, perhaps, a monk—no, no, at least a cardinal—performing his priestly oblations. I was grateful for Uncle Hoadley, overwhelmingly grateful, because he reminded me most comfortably of my austere and gentle father. His deep-set grey eyes were calm and thoughtful; the hot wind from the sea touched and faintly stirred his soft silver hair. Without looking up from his ceremony he nevertheless directed his smile at me.

    I trust you had an adequate rest after the long drive, Stella?

    A lovely rest, and a sleep, thank you, Uncle Hoadley.

    Oh, Stella! Aunt Olivia cried. What a pretty dress! Did it come from Paris?

    It was one which Cousin Augusta’s dressmaker had made for my trousseau, and it was one of my favorites. From Oxford, Aunt Olivia. But it was copied from a dress Worth made for Cousin Augusta.

    Aunt Olivia herself had changed to a blue-grey lawn, and wore a pendant set with moonstones. She rocked lightly, looking with her little smile first at me, then at Uncle Hoadley.

    Irene enjoys the newfangled gin drinks, Uncle Hoadley said, but I thought we should have a mint julep in Stella’s honor.

    Aunt Irene winced slightly, as though Uncle Hoadley’s words, which had not seemed critical, had hurt her. Aunt Mary Desborough said, Gin! I don’t understand Irene.

    Uncle Hoadley added a small quantity of sugar to the mint in the mortar. To have left Terry so soon must have been painful for you, child.

    Yes. It was—is. But we knew that separations from each other went along with his work.

    He snapped his fingers. Aunt Irene rang a little chased brass bell. Clive, changed from his coachman’s uniform to a white butler’s jacket, came through the screen door with five frosted silver mugs.

    Aunt Olivia clapped her tiny gnarled hands. It’s been ages since you made us a julep, Hoadley. O wonderful, wonderful, and most wonderful wonderful! and yet again wonderful, and after that out of all whooping!

    Auntie! Aunt Irene said. Isn’t that a little excessive? Or are you at that idiotic game again?

    "Celia, in As You Like It," Aunt Mary Desborough said.

    It’s not. It’s Rosalind. Point for me.

    I identified the play.

    I should hope so.

    Anyhow I still think it’s Celia.

    Look it up, then.

    I started to say it was Rosalind, then decided I’d better keep out of it.

    Ladies. Uncle Hoadley calmly passed them each a silver mug. Aunt Olivia, I was talking with my medical man at the club this noon, and he thinks all the lemonade you drink in summer is bad for your joints. A little whiskey before dinner, yes. He suggests a tumbler of water with a tablespoonful of whiskey.

    Hoadley! Aunt Olivia wailed. You can’t have more branch than bourbon. It would be vile. I’d vomit.

    Livia! Aunt Mary Desborough reproved.

    Branch? I asked.

    Water. Branch water, Aunt Olivia said. Just ordinary water. Branch means the branch of a river. Ugh. It would be awful. I’d just be sick all over every—


    From my new and small experience with sulphur water I thought Aunt Olivia was probably right.

    "Hoadley isn’t telling you to drink it, and he’ll make me, I know he will, just like old Moulton Barrett making Elizabeth drink porter—"

    Aunties. That will be enough. Uncle Hoadley was quiet, pleasant. "Your bickering can hardly be amusing to Stella on her first evening with us.

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