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The Drug Story: A Factological History of America’s $10,000,000,000 Drug Cartel
The Drug Story: A Factological History of America’s $10,000,000,000 Drug Cartel
The Drug Story: A Factological History of America’s $10,000,000,000 Drug Cartel
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The Drug Story: A Factological History of America’s $10,000,000,000 Drug Cartel

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"The truth about cures without drugs is suppressed, unless it suits the purpose of the censor to garble it. Whether these cures are effected by chiropractors, Naturopaths, Naprapaths, Osteopaths, Faith Healers, Spiritualists, Herbalists, Christian Scientists, or MDs who use the brains they have, you never read about it in the big newspapers.”—Morris A. Bealle

In the 1930’s, Morris A. Bealle, a former city editor of the old Washington Times and Herald, was running a county seat newspaper, in which the local power company bought a large advertisement every week. This account took quite a lot of worry off Bealle’s shoulders when the bills came due. But according to Bealle’s own story, one day the paper took up the cudgels for some of its readers that were being given poor service from the power company, and Bealle received the dressing down of his life from the advertising agency which handled the power company’ s account. They told him that any more such ‘stepping out of line’ would result in the immediate cancellation not only of the advertising contract, but also of the gas company and the telephone company.

That’s when Bealle’s eyes were opened to the meaning of a ‘free press’, and he decided to get out of the newspaper business.

He used his professional experience to do some deep digging into the freedom-of-the-press situation and came up with several shattering exposes—one of which is this book, The Drug Story, which was first published in 1949. Although never admitted to a major bookstore—it was sold exclusively by mail—it went on to become one of the most important books on health and politics ever to appear in the USA.
PublisherPapamoa Press
Release dateFeb 27, 2018
The Drug Story: A Factological History of America’s $10,000,000,000 Drug Cartel

Morris A. Bealle

Morris Allison Bealle (March 24, 1891 - January 31, 1972) was an ardent anti-Communist and anti-New Dealer, newspaper editor and author. Born in 1891 into a prominent Maryland family, Bealle was a corporal in the U.S. Army with the 869th Aero Squadron during World War I. He then became a city editor of the old Washington Times and Herald. In the 1930s he was running a county seat newspaper, when a disagreement with a major advertising account led him to abandon the newspaper business and investigate the freedom-of-the-press situation. Unable to find a publisher willing to print his revelations, he finally published his findings from his own very own publishing company in the form of exposé books that were subsequently banned from most bookstores: Medical Mussolini (1938), The Drug Story (1949), and The House of the Rockefeller (1959). He also wrote on the Kennedy assassination plot, as well as a definitive history of the Washington Senators baseball club. Bealle passed away in 1972 and was laid to rest in Culpeper County, Virginia.

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    The Drug Story - Morris A. Bealle

    This edition is published by Papamoa Press –

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    Text originally published in 1949 under the same title.

    © Papamoa Press 2017, all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted by any means, electrical, mechanical or otherwise without the written permission of the copyright holder.

    Publisher’s Note

    Although in most cases we have retained the Author’s original spelling and grammar to authentically reproduce the work of the Author and the original intent of such material, some additional notes and clarifications have been added for the modern reader’s benefit.

    We have also made every effort to include all maps and illustrations of the original edition the limitations of formatting do not allow of including larger maps, we will upload as many of these maps as possible.


    A Factological History of America’s $10,000,000,000 Drug Cartel—Its Methods, Hidden Ownership, Profits and Terrific Impact on the Health of the American People






    Chapter 1—What Nujol Started 4

    Chapter 2—The Spider’s Web 20


    Chapter 3—Government Gangsters 27






    Chapter 4—Socialized Medicine 41

    COPELAND BILL, 1935 43

    WAGNER BILL, 1939 44



    TRUMAN-EWING BILL, 1949 47


    Chapter 5—The Racket In Cancer Control 53


    Chapter 6—Get-The-Money Boys 69

    Chapter 7—Dangerous Doses 80






    BAUME BEN GRAY—(Thomas Leeming & Company) 87

    BROMO QUININE—(Grove Laboratories) 88

    FEEN-A-MINT—(Pharmaco, Incorporated) 89

    KONDON’S NASAL JELLY—(Kondon Manufacturing Co.) 90

    CARTER’S LITTLE LIVER PILLS—(Carter Products, Inc.) 90

    TUMS 91

    BELL-ANS 91

    EX LAX 91



    Chapter 8—Serum Publicity 94

    Chapter 9—Centuries Of Progress 107

    Chapter 10—Enter The Medicine Man 113

    Chapter 11—Drug Chamber Of Commerce 120

    Chapter 12—Closed Shop 131

    Chapter 13—Shakedown 139

    Chapter 14—Time Marches On 149


    Chapter 1—What Nujol Started

    "It would be a good thing for the human race if all the drugs were thrown in the River, but it would be mighty hard on the fishes."—Benjamin Franklin

    Thirty years ago the Standard Oil Company became impressed with the methods of the big packing houses which used, processed and sold every part of the hog but the squeal.

    Their sales research department went ‘way back to the 1860’s when Old Bill Rockefeller, the itinerant pappy of John D. (the first) and a patent medicine showman, used to palm off bottled raw petroleum on the yokels as a cure for cancer.

    Old Bill was an upstate New York farmer until 1850. He moved to Cleveland then, entered the patent medicine racket and had himself listed as a physician in the city directory. In selling raw petroleum in a pretty bottle Old Bill did nothing new.

    He merely took a page out of the book of other patent medicine fakirs who were then hawking their wares from the backs of wagons—covered and uncovered. When oil was discovered in northwest Pennsylvania (1850) the jackals of the oil trade found there was more gold in the jeans of the gullible yokels than there was in working for it in the oil fields.

    They began to bottle the raw petroleum and palm it off under various names as a cure for everything under the sun. The popular maladies of the day were liver complaint, cholera morbus, consumption and bronchitis. Among the names given this raw petroleum were Seneca Oil, Rock Oil and American Medicinal Oil.

    Old Bill opened up-a-new field for himself. He called his bottled petroleum Nujol (meaning new oil) and sold it to those who had cancer and those whom he could make fear they would have it.

    This sounded good to Standard’s researchists. It sounded even better when they found it cost but $2.00 a barrel to concoct Nujol from crude petroleum. And that from one barrel of the raw stuff they could make 1,000 six-ounce bottles of finished Nujol. Instead of calling it a cure for cancer they called it a cure for constipation.

    The latest trade catalog lists Nujol as going to the druggist at 28-2/3 cents a half pint (8 fluid ounces). The druggist thus pays about 21 cents for a 6-ounce bottle of Nujol which costs Standard Oil 1/5 of a cent.

    These breathtaking profits from Nujol make it inevitable that America’s largest and most ruthless industrial combine (the Rockefeller Empire) should soon add the drug traffic to its already vast production and sales domain. It wasn’t until 1939, however, that the Drug Trust was formed and the upward curve in their drug profits began to assume the present gigantic proportions which today make it a macabre $10,000,000,000 a year business. How the American Drug Trust was formed by an alliance with its opposite number in Germany is almost a story in itself.

    Soon after the present-day Nujol was put on the market it was discovered by physicians to be harmful. It robbed the body of fat soluble vitamins and caused serious deficiency diseases. Standard Oil checked the loss in sales by adding carotene (one of the fat soluble vitamins) to Nujol and claiming this overcame these injuries. Physicians disagree with the sales department of Standard Oil on this point.

    And what of Nujol, now being sold to the public as a laxative. For some years before his death Senator Royal S. Copeland of New York used to set up a radio microphone every morning in his Senate Office Building quarters in Washington, furnished by the American taxpayers, and plug this greasy concoction—at $75,000 a year.

    The New York Senator was a doctor of sorts. Although he possessed a medical degree he was never able to make a living as a bedside practitioner. He went into politics and made medicine pay in a big way. First he became health commissioner of New York City, then a Senator from the Empire State where he used the prominence thus gained to ballyhoo Nujol to unsuspecting radio listeners.

    Today Nujol is made by Stanco, Incorporated, 216 West 14th Street in New York, listed in Moody’s Manual as one of the many subsidiaries of the Standard Oil Company. Stanco’s only other product is Flit, well-known fly killer and. insecticide, made from the same raw materials and by pretty much the same process.

    When a German beer hall bum named Hitler began to plan his 1,000-year Reich, the powers-that-were in Germany didn’t actually know that American politicians were going to solve their acute employment crisis by forcing us into the second world war to again save England’s hide and Rockefeller’s oil. But they weren’t taking any chances.

    Germany’s huge dye trust (or chemical cartel) known as the I. G. Farbenindustrie Aktiengesellschaft, enjoyed a monopoly on all chemical products manufactured in Germany. German IG made an alliance with American Standard Oil in order to control important patents. The general idea was that the two were to pool their processes. This was done—in a one-sided way.

    With the help of Standard Oil the German behemoth prevented American chemists from learning how to make synthetic rubber until after the Japs took the Malayan Peninsula and its vast rubber plantations. This almost lost war for the United States.

    So, in 1939, when it became apparent that Germany would soon be unpopular in the United States, Standard Oil helped Hitter’s Reich cover its American holdings in the drug and chemical field. The American IG was formed, by taking over the Sterling Products Company, the Grasseli Chemical Works (alias the General Aniline Works), the Agfa-Film Company, the Winthrop Chemical and the Magnesium Development companies.

    Standard Oil took 15% of the stock in the new German-American chemical trust. Efforts to hook the duPont company into this situation partially failed. Among the directors of this cover up company were Walter Teagle (President of the Standard Oil Company), Paul Warburg (a Roosevelt-Rockefeller stooge), and Edsel Ford.

    Five hundred thousand shares of stock were issued to Walter Teagle. At a later Securities & Exchange Commission investigation Mr. Teagle denied his parentage of this stock, claiming he was holding it as a dummy for someone else.

    When asked by the examiner who this someone else was he blandly replied he did not know, although he was under oath. Everyone else knew it was either one of the Rockefeller clan in person, or the Standard Oil Company.

    The war was getting pretty close to this country. President Roosevelt was setting up the Pearl Harbor disaster, and had ordered our radar defenses let down at 7 o’clock every morning. History records that the Japs accepted this opportunity to destroy most of the American Navy, made defenseless on orders from Washington.

    At this juncture American IG Farben decided to camouflage its German parentage and sympathies, with the help of Standard Oil. It changed its name to the General Aniline & Film Corporation shortly before the Pearl Harbor attack. Before doing this, American IG purchased an undisclosed number of shares in the Ozalid Corporation, Schering & Company, Mission Corporation, Monsanto Chemical, Aluminum Corporation, Drug (Incorporated), Dow Chemical, Antidolar Company, Standard Oil of Ney Jersey, Stamford Oil of Indiana, Standard Oil of California and the duPont Company. It took over bodily the privately-owned Hoffman-LaRoche Company.

    Meanwhile, Sterling Drug gobbled up Winthrop Chemical, the Bayer Company, General Drug, Vegex (Inc.), Cook Laboratories, the Centaur Company and Alba Pharmacal Company.

    Drug, Inc., owned by Louis K. Liggett (a powerful Massachusetts politician during the Hoover administration), had in 1929 taken over the Bristol-Myers Company, Vick Chemical, United Drug, Life. (Inc.), and the Liggett chain of RX Retail drug stores.

    With Vick Chemical, Drug, Inc. (and the Rockefeller-Standard Oil-German IG Drug Trust) got the J. T. Baker Chemical Company, the William S. Merrell Company, the Jensen-Salsberry Laboratories, Prince Matchabelli (Inc.), Alfred D. McKelvy Company, Loeser Laboratories (Inc.), Taylor Chemical and the Sofskin Company.

    When the American doughboys sloughed into Germany, and reached the industrial city of Frankfurt, they were amazed to find intact all of the buildings and the huge plant of the German IG Farben Chemical Trust. American aviators, pinpointing their targets, had demolished every other structure in town.

    What the doughboys didn’t know was that the Secretary of War, one Robert P. Patterson, was a Rockefeller lawyer, appointed by President Roosevelt Rockefeller orders, fresh out of Dillon, Read and Company. The Dillon-Read concern not only is a Rockefeller subsidiary, but was the banking house that financed German IG Farben and attended to the financial details of forming the American cover up firm for the German chemical cartel.

    American aviators, who gnashed their teeth at their orders to miss the biggest target in Frankfurt, have never accepted the weak alibi given them from headquarters. Which was that this juicy and IMPORTANT target should be saved because the American Expeditionary Forces would need an office building when they got into Germany proper.

    To show how the German Chemical Cartel and the Rockefeller Drug Trust affect the lives of most American people, Sterling Drug’s 66 subsidiaries manufacture among other things Phillips’ Dentrifices and Cosmetics, Double Danderine, Ironized Yeast, Andrews’ Liver Salts, Ross’ Pills, Mejoral, Astringosol, Campho-Phonique, Molle, Energine, Diamond Dyes, and many anaesthetics, vitamins, anti-malarials, sulfa drugs, analgesics, arsenicals, barbiturates, antiseptics, anti-bacterials and digestive ferments.

    The Bristol-Myers Company makes Ipana Tooth Paste, Sal Hepatica, Vitalis; Ingram’s Shaving Cream, Mum, Minitrub, Trushay, Peterman’s Insecticides, Benex and Ammer’s Powder.

    Dow Chemical makes Epsom Salts, bromides and many other USP (U.S. Pharmacopoeia) products. Monsanto makes glycero-phosphate, vanillin, aspirin, saccharin. Benzoic acid and many medicinals and fine chemicals. The Centaur Company makes Castoria.

    Hoffman-LaRoche makes Allonal, Alurate, Antihistamine, Cal-C-Tose, Citro-Thiocol, Digitalis, Pantopon, Sedulon Cough Syrup, Presidon (sedative), Thephorin (a phony hay fever nostrum), ViPenta Drops and Vitaminets. Hoffman-LaRoche is privately owned, and is part of the Swiss branch of German IG, set up in 1939 to prevent confiscation as alien property.

    With these Rockefeller concerns having all of these things to sell, plus thousands of the 12,000 drug items described and advocated in medical text-books, it was the most natural thing in the world—human nature and human greed being what it is—for the Rockefeller Foundation to be changed into an instrument for educating medical students into the excessive use of drugs.

    The Rockefeller Foundation was first set up in 1904, and called the General Education Fund. An organization called the Rockefeller Foundation, ostensibly to supplement the Fund, was formed in 1910 and an effort was made to get a charter from Congress.

    Senator Nelson of Colorado smelled a mouse because the Rockefeller depredations in the Colorado coal fields were still a stench in the nostrils of all decent Coloradoans. When Senator Nelson brought out the fact that the proposed Foundation had $100,000, for propaganda at its disposal, President Taft and his Attorney General vigorously opposed the charter and it was defeated in the Congress.

    For three years the Rockefeller lobbyists besieged our national legislature for a charter and official respectability. Congress turned them down year after year on the ground that they would give no sanction to an organization with $100,000,000 to spend for commercial propaganda.

    They gave up hope and did the next best thing. They got the New York legislature to issue a charter on May 14, 1913 through the good offices of the then State Senator Robert F. Wagner. With Rockefeller money and political influence this German born ideologist later became a Senator or the United States and one of the hammiest humbugs in the entire New Deal set-up.

    It has long been demonstrated that the Rockefeller interests have created, built up and developed the most far reaching industrial empire ever conceived by the mind of man.

    Standard Oil is of course the foundation industry upon which all of the other industries have been built. The story of Old John D., as ruthless an industrial pirate ad ever came down the pike, is well-known.

    The keystone of this mammoth industrial empire is the Chase National Bank with 27 branches in New York City and 21 in foreign countries. It has assets of $4,631,471,581 and outstanding loans of $1,511,607,158. The Rockefeller Empire now owns millions of shares of stock in America’s leading steel, railroad, oil, tobacco, whisky, automobile, insurance, power, utility, drug and other manufacturing concerns.

    Not the least of its holdings are in the drug business. The Rockefellers own the largest drug manufacturing combine in the world, and use all of their other interests to bring pressure to continue and increase the sale of drugs. The fact that most of the 12,000 separate drug items on the market are harmful is of no concern to the Drug Trust.

    In addition to the companies controlled from Rockefeller Center, there are hundreds—maybe thousands—of others, indirectly but just as tightly, controlled through bank loans by Chase National. „ One of these is the Hearst newspaper empire It doesn’t take much stepping out of line to bring about the calling of a bank loan.

    Advertising media records for 1948 list $1,104,224,347 as expended for national advertising on the radio networks, and in the larger daily newspapers and magazines. The aggregate estimate for all mediums is estimated at $1,500,000,000. How 80 % of this sum is utilized and manipulated to control information on health and drug matters which finds its way to the reading public is told in another chapter (The Spider’s Web).

    There are many newspapers owned by independent-minded publishers or publishing corporations. There are others of course whose owners are of the milquetoast type, who like to straddle every issue and suppress altogether anything which might cause a controversy.

    The most independent of newspapers are still dependent on their press association for their national news. There is no reason for a publisher or a news editor in Kalamazoo or Walla Walla to suspect that a story concerning health matters, coming over the wires of the Associated Press, the United Press or the International News Service is garbled, partly suppressed or only half true.

    Yet it is an amazing fact that this is what does happen time after time, because all Associated Press news on health matters is censored, suppressed or garbled. The Drug Trust has one of its directors on the directorate of the Associated Press. The Rockefeller foundation Director in question is Arthur Hays Sulzberger, publisher of the New York Times and therefore of the most powerful of the Associated Press directors.

    It was thus easy for the Rockefeller crowd to induce the Associated Press Science Editor to adopt a policy which will not permit any story to clear that is not approved by the Drug Trust censor, and the Drug Trust censor is not going to approve any article that can in any way hurt the sale of drugs.

    The Journal of the American Medical Association on January 20, 1940, bragged that the United Press had been induced to issue a directive requiring all articles on cures and human health to clear through its New York Bureau and so-called science editor. The most ironical feature of this program is that these so-called science editors accept Morris Fishbein, dictator of the American Medical Association as an expert on medical matters.

    The record shows that Mr. Fishbein never practiced medicine a day in his life, did not complete the internship part of his medical course, and could only make 48 in anatomy when he tried to pass the state board medical examination.

    William Randolph Hearst was once a very independent publisher and amenable to no man’s will accept his own. But in the depression year of 1932 his great newspaper empire hit financial rock bottom. Result was that Chase National Bank took over many loans to WR, including $25,000,000 debt International Power and Paper, and fore-closed on the Sage of San Simeon.

    Because of the name he had built up over the years of sensational journalism, Willie was given the title of editor, $100,000 a year in salary and allowed to write any editorials and direct the chain’s editorial policies in any way that didn’t conflict with Rockefeller interests.

    One concession was made to the Hearst ego—one which has done little harm to the Rockefeller serum interests because of the careful way in which it is handled. Once a year he is allowed to bellow and fume and rant at the cruelty of vivisection, but not at its futility and the harm done the human system by serums.

    Since the Hearst empire owns the International News Service this sews up 100% the press associations for the Rockefeller Drug Trust, and accounts for the many fake stories of serums and medical cures which go out brazenly over its wires to all daily newspapers in the land.

    Emanuel M. Josephson, M. D., a New York physician whom Fishbein and the Drug Trust have been unable to throttle or even to intimidate despite many attempts, points out that the National Association of Science Writers was cajoled or bought into adopting as part of its code of ethics this:

    Science editors are incapable of judging the facts of phenomena involved in medical and scientific discovery. Therefore, they only report ‘discoveries’ approved by medical authorities, or those presented before a body of scientific peers.

    Since the medico-politician (Mr. Fishbein) who doesn’t know where half the bones, organs, nerves and tissues of the body are located—or even what they are—is ranked by them as an expert the ridiculous nature of this code is apparent.

    While each separate trust under Rockefeller control enjoys the best in press agentry, the propaganda of the Drug Trust stands out above all the others for sheer bunkment of the American public. Newspapers are fed with reams of propaganda about drugs and their value, in spite of statements by honest and courageous medical men that few of the 12,000 pharmaceutical items made are of any value and most of them are downright harmful.

    The truth about cures without drugs is carefully suppressed, unless it suits the purpose of the censor to garble it or just tell part of the truth. It matters not whether these cures are effected by Chiropractors, Naturopaths, Osteopaths, Christian Science Practitioners or Medical Doctors who use the brains God gave them. You never read about it.

    In order to teach the drug and serum ideology it is necessary to teach that God didn’t know what he was doing when he made the human body. Statistics issued by the Children’s Bureau of the Federal Security Agency do not bear out this ideology. They show that since the all-out drive of the drug trust for drugging, vaccinating and serumizing the human system, the health of our nation has declined enormously, especially among children.

    Children are now for this and shots for that, when the only immunity known to science is a healthy human body and a pure blood stream. Ponder these government findings:

    Nearly half a million children are affected by rheumatic fever.

    Ten million boys and girls under 21 have defective vision.

    A half million have orthopedic or spastic conditions.

    Two million have impaired hearing.

    Seventeen thousand are deaf

    Four hundred thousand have tuberculosis.

    Seventy-five percent have dental defects.

    Three out of every 100 draft registrants (18 and 19 years old) had heart trouble.

    Three out of every hundred had a mental disease.

    Two out of every 100 had a neurological difficulty.

    Ten out of every 100 had defective vision.

    One out of 40 had defective hearing.

    These conditions didn’t exist in the youth of today’s

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