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Nocturnal Academy 18: Here Be Dragons
Nocturnal Academy 18: Here Be Dragons
Nocturnal Academy 18: Here Be Dragons
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Nocturnal Academy 18: Here Be Dragons

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Warning: this story finishes on a cliff-hanger.
Visitors are coming to the Nocturnal Academy. Some good, some bad, some old and some new. All are seeking something to make their lives complete; food, solace, their only offspring and bloody revenge. Which one will succeed?

Alice Dibble is spending her entire summer break at the school. Professor Abbacus sees that she is depressed and alone, and presents her with a gift to keep her mind off her personal situation. A bizarre and unique gift she soon discovers that will occupy much of her time and effort.

But it is a present she will grow to love.

While Professor Abbacus reveals a story from his past, the history behind his gift to Alice, Father Lost from the Church of the Stigmata is ousted from his position and forced to approach the school for help.

As he is now a supernatural, the school is obligated to take him in. Professor Abbacus agrees to teach him how to use his powers to their full potential.

Because soon everyone’s help will be needed when the visitor seeking vengeance arrives and invades the school.

Release dateFeb 28, 2018
Nocturnal Academy 18: Here Be Dragons

Ethan Somerville

Ethan Somerville is a prolific Australian author with over 20 books published, and many more to come. These novels cover many different genres, including romance, historical, children's and young adult fiction. However Ethan's favourite genres have always been science fiction and fantasy. Ethan has also collaborated with other Australian authors and artists, including Max Kenny, Emma Daniels, Anthony Newton, Colin Forest, Tanya Nicholls and Carter Rydyr.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Horrible cliff hanger but great story on to the next!

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Nocturnal Academy 18 - Ethan Somerville

Nocturnal Academy 18

Here be Dragons


Ethan Somerville


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Storm Publishing on Smashwords

Nocturnal Academy 18 – Here be Dragons

Copyright © 2018 by Ethan Somerville

Smashwords Edition License Notes

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Chapter 1

Part-way up a remote, snowy mountain in far northeast Russia, a rocky out-cropping suddenly shattered as though it had been made from glass. But instead of falling to Earth the shards simply dissolved, disappearing into the early-morning air. In their place reared a huge creature, slowly extending a long, sinewy neck. She looked like a dragon, but one that had been significantly enhanced with mechanical parts.

Where her right eye should have been a circular aperture opened, revealing a complex clockwork mechanisms within. Through the artificial oculus she gazed out upon the snowy world spread out below. For a moment she experienced double vision as she struggled to accommodate the new eye, and the slightly distorted view of the world it provided. But then everything integrated and her vision returned to normal. She blinked, realising that her right eye wasn’t the only part of her that had been replaced.

With a hiss of hydraulics, she lifted a mechanical limb and focussed her mismatched eyes on it. She flexed a set of formidable steel talons and they clicked together. Then she lifted her other forelimb, which was still normal, and marvelled at the difference between them.

Then the dragon extended a pair of wings, allowing the chilly air to fill them. But one of these had been replaced as well, with sturdy metal struts, complicated hinges and sheets of canvas.

Slowly memories returned. The dragon recalled a terrible battle against someone with a powerful, enchanted weapon that had caused dreadful wounds that she couldn’t heal. The enemy was defeated, but the dragon had thought she would die from her injuries, so grievous had they been. She had fallen into a coma, convinced she would only wake again in the afterlife.

Truthfully she had been looking forward to death. She had lived for far, far too long already. But someone had stepped in to save her, healing her wounds and replacing her lost body parts with these mechanical prosthesis that seemed to work remarkably well for such clunky, old-fashioned devices. She suspected some strange Magick had been involved to make them function at maximum efficiency.

The dragon lifted her living paw and touched her throat. A deep gash had been fixed with more implants holding the skin together. What were they for? She could feel rubber tubes extending down her throat and into her belly, to the reservoir where she created fire. Had that mechanism been damaged as well? She reared back, focussing on igniting her internal flame, and felt the heat build within her.

She belched out a long cone of flame into the frigid, early-morning air. Good, at least that worked. Truly someone had worked very hard to save her life when really that someone could have just left her to die. She would have to find him and thank him for her second chance.

But why had she woken after all this time? She lifted her head again, but this time turned her focus inwards. She felt a strange vibration deep in her chest. She lifted her living paw and pressed it against her heart, experienced the deep thud-thud – thud-thud of that massive organ as it pumped blood around her body once more. But she also experienced the almost imperceptible vibration of a tiny, secondary heart-beat.

It had to be coming from her egg. It must have finally emerged from its suspended animation. Was it what had finally roused her?

The time had come for her egg to hatch. But where was it? And could she track it down? She realised from its soft, gentle throbbing that it was a long way away.

She tried to return to human form and felt her innate Magick swell inside her. Her outline began to shimmer. But then she felt something blocking her. It was coming from both the wounds that should have killed her – and the prosthetics that had saved her. Two sources of power that conflicted with her own.

It seemed, at least for the time being, that she was stuck in dragon form. No matter. She had always preferred this shape anyway. Her other artificial parts seemed to work properly, but would the mechanical wing be able to lift her into the air?

Or would she be forced to walk everywhere? The indignity of lumbering around like an animal made her cringe.

She detected the smell of smoke and wondered if she’d accidentally set something on fire. Looking around her she noticed a small, ancient-looking machine, some of its gears and cogs still turning sluggishly, assembled beside her. A strange umbrella-shaped contraption at the top had caught alight and finished burning away as she watched. What had been its function? She leant in and sniffed, detecting the tell-tale odour of sulphur. Obviously some weird Magick had been at work here, but it was gone now, used up forever.

The device looked familiar – like the tarnished artificial fittings that had been attached to her body.

The dragon flexed her wings and dropped into a crouch. The artificial one felt a little stiff, but as she continued to flap it an internal lubrication mechanism activated, and it started to shift easier, soon moving in line with the other.

Only one way to do this, she thought. Vigorously flapping her wings, the dragon leapt into the air.

The Australian Nocturnal Academy’s main hall was full to capacity. Even though the room had been enchanted to grow as required, even it had its limits, and would probably need to be updated soon. All the school’s students were crammed inside, along with the teachers and other staff currently on duty. A great many parents had shown up as well, eager to see their children receive various awards. Englamoured daydwellers rubbed shoulders with nightdwellers in their top hats and white-tie formal best.

The usual collection of owls and bats fluttered in the shadows between the rafters above, and a particularly magnificent collection of spider-webs stretched from one beam to another like party streamers. Torches flickered in elaborate sconces on the walls and candles shone in various candelabra placed around the room. The professors sat in their chairs on the stage, and Madam Nocturna, with the white streak in her jet-black hair shimmering brilliantly in the atmospheric light, stood at the tall lectern in front.

Alice Dibble had already received various awards, including dux of the form – again. Although Andre had been hot on her heels, coming a close second. Very shortly Madam Nocturna would be announcing the prefects, vice-captains and captains for year 12, and Alice was perched at the very edge of her seat with excitement. She couldn’t stop bouncing up and down and pressing her sweaty palms together between her knees. Students who received these prestigious awards also received scholarships for the Nocturnal University.

Tonight, Alice was dressed in a new lacy black gown she had ordered from NocBay especially for the occasion, and like the dresses Madam Nocturna wore, it was enchanted to have a life of its own and shifted restlessly around her body. Seated off to one side, her best friends Toby and Carla couldn’t tear their eyes off it. Its movements were hypnotic.

Alice Dibble looked like a teenage version of Madam Nocturna. She had the principal’s height, slender build, pale skin and long, straight dark hair. But her eyes were midnight blue instead of jade green.

Seated on her other side, her boyfriend, Andre the Omniwere, gave a smile and patted her knee. Alice glanced at him and thought his expression looked a bit strained. Perhaps he was just tired. After all he had been up on stage almost as many times as she had.

And now, our last awards for the night, Madam Nocturna declared, her voice reaching every corner of the Magickally enhanced room. Who will be our prefects, vice captains and captains for next year? I must admit it’s been a very fierce competition, with so many enthusiastic and likely candidates. The votes were very close, and required several recounts to be sure. Madam Nocturna produced an envelope and ripped it open with a talon. She extracted a piece of paper and unfolded it. And now, I’m proud to announce our prefects! She paused, allowing for any chatter to die down. They are Toby Thompson and Millicent Jorgenson!

The audience erupted, whooping, clapping and cheering. Even Toby’s extremely straight-laced mother jumped to her feet and hollered with delight. Then she reddened with embarrassment and quickly sat back down, smoothing her dress. But those around her clapped her on the shoulder and shook her hand.

Milly’s parents also smiled, pleased to see the daughter they had never thought would amount to anything finally achieve a prestigious position.

So, I’m not a prefect, Alice thought. Either vice-captain or captain then!

Well done, Milly and Toby! Madam Nocturna proclaimed once the applause had died down. And now, our vice-captains for next year! She ripped open a second envelope. Our vice-captains are Andre Sauvage and Nancy Gordon!

There was another thunderous outpouring. Alice grabbed Andre beside her and squeezed him so yard he yelped. He wasn’t used to such emotional outbursts from her.

I’m going to be a school captain, Alice thought deliriously.

Excellent work, children! cried Madam Nocturna, clapping her gnarly old hands. And now, finally, our new school captains! She held up a third envelope, and tore it open.

Alice held her breath.

Our school captains for next year are James Adamson and Carla Hightower!

This time practically everyone leapt to their feet to cheer and whistle. For a moment Alice sat frozen, unable to believe what she’d heard. Carla? She thought. Why was Carla the captain and not her? Somehow she managed to scramble to her feet and clap along with the rest. But inside a part of her felt like it was dying. She hadn’t made vice-captain. She hadn’t even made prefect. What was going on here? The Dux always achieved some sort of position.

But not her. Why not her?

A name returned to her, a hated name she thought was behind her forever.

Unlucky Alice.

That was why she had not been voted in. She was unlucky, and always would be.

No, Alice told herself afterwards as she vigorously and enthusiastically congratulated her friends on their posts. I don’t care. I bloody well won’t care. Not being a prefect, vice-captain or captain means I’ll have more time to focus on my studies, and believe me, year 12 will be a lot harder than year 11! Professor Abbacus is expecting me to master at leave five more Fifth Circle spells!

Hey, tough break Alice! Toby told her as she shook his hand. I was convinced you were going to be captain for sure! I voted for you! Well, after I voted for Carla!

Thanks Toby!

I voted for you first, Carla told her firmly.

Me too, butted in Milly.

And me, said Andre quickly, a little too quickly. Alice looked at him, wondering why he still looked pale and nervous. What was wrong with him?

But then Professor Abbacus pushed his way through the crowds and marched up to Alice. He grunted a few congratulatory messages to the winners on the way, but his main attention was on her. He stared intently at her through his normal blue eye, and the glowing red lens that covered his right eye. I voted for you too, but I wouldn’t worry about it, he told her gruffly. Even being a prefect is a lot of work and right now you can’t afford to waste time breaking up silly fights, chasing kids from the out-of-bounds areas and dobbing in classmates for littering and cheating during tests. He placed his human hand on her shoulder. You’ll really need to focus if you want to get into the Nocturnal University’s accelerated bachelor program. I think you’re more than capable.

Yes sir, but, she began, but he wouldn’t let her get a word in edgeways. Oh my God, does he feel sorry for me? she had time to think.

And right now I have something down in my laboratory that you simply must see. I guarantee it will take your mind off all this silliness, he continued.

That sounds very interesting sir, but I really need to talk to Andre now, she said firmly.

He blinked his blue eye. Oh, fair enough. Well come and see when you can. He turned and hurried off, disappearing into the crowd. Alice turned, looking for Andre.

It took her a couple of minutes to track him down. He was standing in a corner with his father, the ex-Necronite Marcel Sauvage, who was hugging him and congratulating him on his position as vice captain. Of course when I was your age I made captain of the school, but considering what you’ve been through, vice-captain is more than good enough!

Alice cringed at the back-handed compliment, but Andre beamed, eating up what from his father was high praise. Thank you Papa!

Um, Andre? Can I talk to you? asked Alice.

Andre and his father turned to look at her. Alice looked up at the massive, golden-haired werelion, convinced his bushy brows were lowering in disapproval at the sight of her. Suddenly he looked as scary as he had when he’d been a full converted Necronite. But surely that wasn’t possible now he’d been saved? Perhaps she was simply imagining things. After all she was pretty tired, and looking forward to leaving on her long, well deserved holiday in the south of France.

Alice? Andre queried. He still looked pale and uncertain. Alice rolled her eyes in exasperation. What was going on here?

Andre, come with me, she said with more gruffness than she’d intended. She grabbed him by an arm and practically yanked him into a secluded alcove of the main hall.

What’s up? he asked. Are you upset about not getting a position?

I don’t give a big fat stuff about any of that right now, she growled and winced, wishing she hadn’t come off as such a sourpuss. I want to know why you’ve been so nervous and out of it all night. Is everything alright? You’re not coming down with some weird supernatural illness or something, are you?

For a moment he said nothing. Alice grabbed him by his slender arms and shook him. "Andre! Talk to me! What’s up?"

Andre took a deep, shaking breath and forced himself to look her in the eye. Now he actually looked frightened. Alice, I know … I know you’ve been really looking forward to spending the summer with me in Provence and you have everything packed, but … but I don’t think you’ll be able to.

Wh-what? Alice gasped.

Andre gulped. It’s … it’s my father.

What? He’s gone back to Necronis? But he doesn’t have a mark! Necronites must wear the mark! She touched her forehead.

No no – he hasn’t gone back to the Dark God. Nothing like that. Quite the opposite, actually! Andre laughed inanely.

What d’you mean, the opposite?

Andre gulped again. Even … even before he fell into the Dark God’s embrace he was a very old-fashioned fellow. Vampires stuck with vampires, elementals with elementals, weres with weres, that sort of thing. He took a deep, shaking breath. He … he’s under some delusion that vampire genes will always dominate the were ones. He was fine with us dating before because he assumed you were some sort of were. It never occurred to him to think that you were anything else. And silly me just assumed he knew the truth. It was only today he actually asked me what kind of a were you were. He actually thought you were a cat of some sort. When I explained you were actually a vampire he hit the roof! He took another deep breath. He doesn’t approve of me dating a vampire girl, and he won’t let you stay over.

Alice stared at him in horror.

You - you can’t come with me for the summer.

She finally found her voice. What?

I’m sorry, but – but that’s what he wants. He’s adamant, and I can’t go against his wishes. Not yet. Not while he’s still a bit … delicate.

Alice mouthed at him for a couple of seconds. "But Andre – I thought you were above all that supernatural

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