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Evermore: The Queen's Alpha Series, #4
Evermore: The Queen's Alpha Series, #4
Evermore: The Queen's Alpha Series, #4
Ebook246 pages3 hours

Evermore: The Queen's Alpha Series, #4

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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Book 4 of USA Today Bestselling author, W.J. May's new series, EVERLASTING brings you deeper into the world of shifters, fae, and magic.

She will fight for what is hers.

When Katerina unlocks her secret power and sets the entire royal army ablaze, the stakes to an already dangerous game soar even higher. As her brother gathers his bannermen to destroy her once and for all, the princess must appeal to the people themselves.

And not just the people. If she wants to take back the throne, she'll need the entire supernatural community by her side.

In a race against time, Katerina and her friends scour the countryside. Forging new alliances and making new enemies at the same time. Their path is dangerous enough, without the dark wizard working against them, and Katerina soon discovers that things aren't always as they seem.

Can the princess rally the support of her people? Can she reconcile the girl she once was, with the queen she must become? With all the odds stacked against her…

…can she ever take back the throne?

Be careful who you trust. Even the devil was once an angel.

Queen's Alpha Series: 













The Omega Queen Series:













Release dateMar 29, 2018
Evermore: The Queen's Alpha Series, #4

W.J. May

About W.J. May Welcome to USA TODAY BESTSELLING author W.J. May's Page! SIGN UP for W.J. May's Newsletter to find out about new releases, updates, cover reveals and even freebies!   Website: Facebook: *Please feel free to connect with me and share your comments. I love connecting with my readers.* W.J. May grew up in the fruit belt of Ontario. Crazy-happy childhood, she always has had a vivid imagination and loads of energy. After her father passed away in 2008, from a six-year battle with cancer (which she still believes he won the fight against), she began to write again. A passion she'd loved for years, but realized life was too short to keep putting it off. She is a writer of Young Adult, Fantasy Fiction and where ever else her little muses take her.

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Rating: 4.6 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Love the series. I was definitely surprised by the ending. I am looking forward to the next book. Now I have to see what happens with Dylan.

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Evermore - W.J. May

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How hard do you have to shake the family tree to find the truth about the past?

Fifteen year-old Rae Kerrigan never really knew her family's history. Her mother and father died when she was young and it is only when she accepts a scholarship to the prestigious Guilder Boarding School in England that a mysterious family secret is revealed.

Will the sins of the father be the sins of the daughter?

As Rae struggles with new friends, a new school and a star-struck forbidden love, she must also face the ultimate challenge: receive a tattoo on her sixteenth birthday with specific powers that may bind her to an unspeakable darkness. It's up to Rae to undo the dark evil in her family's past and have a ray of hope for her future.

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She will fight for what is hers.

When Katerina unlocks her secret power and sets the entire royal army ablaze, the stakes to an already- dangerous game soar even higher. As her brother gathers his bannermen to destroy her once and for all, the princess must appeal to the people themselves.

And not just the people. If she wants to take back the throne, she’ll need the entire supernatural community by her side.

In a race against time Katerina and her friends scour the countryside, forging new alliances and making new enemies at the same time. Their path is dangerous enough, even without a dark wizard working with her brother. Katerina soon discovers that things aren’t always as they seem.

Can the princess rally the support of her people? Can she reconcile the girl she once was with the queen she must become? With all the odds stacked against her...

...can she ever take back the throne?

Be careful who you trust. Even the devil was once an angel.

The Queen’s Alpha Series













The Omega Queen Series














Have You Read the C.o.K Series?

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The Queen’s Alpha Series

The Omega Queen Series

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Forever Blurb

The Queen’s Alpha Series

The Omega Queen Series

Find W.J. May

More books by W.J. May

The Chronicles of Kerrigan

Chapter 1

Katerina had a dream once that she was flying. And not flying the way most people dream it, where they raise their hands and lift off the ground like some kind of human hovercraft. She dreamt that she had been made to fly. She was born to it. Instead of lifting her arms, she lifted a pair of giant wings. Wings so immense and powerful that she needed merely to flick the tip of them to move earth and heaven. That with only a whisper of a thought, she would take to the skies.

There wasn’t a single other thought in her mind as she soared through the heavens, spanning mountains and miles that would have taken ages to walk on foot. If it weren’t for the occasional gasp or sudden tightening of tiny fingers, she wouldn’t have even remembered there was a group of stricken people sitting on her back. Instead, she found herself playing a strange vocabulary game.

Euphoric. What’s better than euphoric?

A litany of similar words tumbled through her mind, as if she’d swallowed a thesaurus when she was younger like the good little princess she was. Joyous, elated, ecstatic, intoxicated. She came to a sudden pause, thinking the word over with care.

Intoxicated might work. To fly as a dragon was...intoxicating. The only time she’d come close to the same blissed-out feeling, the strange out-of-body lightness, was the first time she’d ever found herself drunk at the monastery tavern. Then, of course, there was the feeling she got whenever she found herself lying in Dylan’s arms. Whenever their lips pressed together in a stolen kiss.

As if he could feel her thoughts, there was a sudden tightening on the back of Katerina’s neck. She glanced over her shoulder and found a set of pale blue eyes staring back at her. Unlike the others, who were clustered together in the middle of her back, gripping hard onto the glinting scales as if they might fall, he looked as though he was born to fly, too. The wind whipped his dark hair away from his eyes, the faint curve of a smile on his lips.

He was as beautiful now, haloed by a radiant display of stars, as he had been the first time she’d ever met him. Cocky. Aloof. Leaning against the sticky counter of the bar as a horde of angry vampires hissed and snarled in his face. She’d been just as taken with him back then. Speechless, in fact. She remembered wondering at what someone like him was doing in such a dismal place. As if he’d been plucked straight from the stars and dropped unceremoniously into a forgotten alley. The difference that set him apart, intangible as it was, positively shone out of him. Putting his attempts to blend in with the others to shame. Lighting him up like a beacon. One she’d found herself drawn to with a pull that no person could withstand. That no person would want to.

Of course, she knew now why that was. Dylan looked like he didn’t belong for a very simple reason. He didn’t. He couldn’t help it any more than he could help the royal blood flowing in his veins. The ancient lineage that no matter of time or distance could ever escape.

In a lot of ways, he was just like her. Shrouding himself in secrets and lies. Putting up invisible walls to keep himself protected from the outside world. Always trying to say a step ahead.

We should stop soon, he said quietly, knowing she could still hear. Find a place to set up camp for the night. The rest of us need rest. And food— He hesitated, and the words he stopped himself from saying rang suddenly between them.

Not sure if YOU need those things...

A deep-throated rumble of laughter echoed in the hollows of the princess’ chest, and she glanced back again with a dragon’s teasing approximation of a smile.

Is someone getting a little nervous? her arched eyebrows seemed to say. Afraid we might keep circling around up here forever? Or worried that I might be getting a little hungry myself?

He stared at her a moment in open wonder, still baffled by the transformation that had happened before his very eyes, before he pulled back. A little grin was dancing around his face as he angled defensively behind one of the rigid spines upon her back.

I wasn’t volunteering...

She laughed again but lowered her head down through the clouds as she began searching the countryside for a place to land. It was hard to tell exactly how long they’d been flying. The concept of time was distinctly foreign to a dragon. Along with things like subtlety and scale. All she knew was that when they’d left Talsing, the sun had been setting. Now, it had long since gone down. The blazing sunset had been replaced with a bank of stars. Like the shimmering sands of a seashore. So close, she felt as though she could almost touch them.

There was a gentle nudge on the base of her neck and she nodded. Both she and Dylan had spotted it at the same time. A little clearing tucked away inside a thick cluster of trees. Isolated enough to provide adequate protection, and open enough to allow space for a dragon to land.

With a sudden burst of speed she arched her wings and shot toward the ground like a flaming arrow, silently reveling in the petrified screams that echoed in her wake. Of course, one person wasn’t screaming. There was a short burst of delighted laughter, but it was quickly silenced with a punishing thwack. Her lips curled into an unmistakable grin. She could almost picture Cassiel hitting Dylan upside the back of the head, the look of fury on his angelic face.

A current of wind billowed her wings like the sail of a ship, and the next thing she knew they were gliding. Soaring low along the top of the forest, so close that one needed only to reach over to touch the tips of the trees.

It isn’t so hard, is it? Flying. Easiest thing in the world.

Katerina circled around once, spotted the open field of grass, then angled her body effortlessly towards it—coming down with outstretched talons.

Landing? Landing proved to be another story...


There was a discordant chorus of shrieks and profanities behind her, and the princess flinched apologetically as she dug her serrated claws into the earth—leaving deep gouges behind as she tried desperately to slow their speed. In the end, there was nothing to be done. Her passengers collectively ‘jumped ship’ a second before she braced her body and smashed into the trees.

At this point, she wouldn’t mind a few broken bones if it meant slowing her impossible momentum. But, as it turned out, she didn’t need to worry about her body so much as the unfortunate piece of forest she used to break her fall.

There was a high-pitched wail, the sound of screeching wood, as the ancient redwoods split open beneath her. Splintering as easily as toothpicks as she slid to a slow stop. The smell of sap hung sharp in the air, mixing with the aroma of freshly shredded leaves. It was embarrassing enough on its own, but when she looked up a second later she saw four anxious faces peering back at her.

This is going to become one of those things, isn’t it? Those jokes you can’t get away from. She pulled herself stiffly to her feet, trying to maintain as much dignity as possible as she preemptively braced for what was sure to come. ‘Remember that time you accidentally took out a centuries-old forest because you couldn’t figure out how to land?’ ‘The woodland creatures called; they want their home back...’

A round of slow applause started up from the edge of the clearing, and she knew it was going to be just as bad as she thought. However, one person wasn’t clapping. Cassiel, who still hadn’t forgiven her for shifting in the first place, looked like he was about to be sick. Dylan clapped him on the shoulder with a wide grin as he trudged through the trampled underbrush to meet her.

Quite the show, Your Highness. His eyes twinkled as they looked her up and down. It didn’t seem to matter that she was currently a dragon. Fevered chills swept over her body with just a brush of his gaze. Ready to join the rest of us mere mortals?

She took a step towards him, then froze suddenly in place. A wave of panic flooded through her, paralyzing every inch as she suddenly realized there was something harder than landing.

Shifting back.

It’s all right. True to form, Dylan read her panic as clearly as if it was his own. Completely ignoring the others behind him he closed the distance between them, lowering his voice and placing a reassuring hand on her side. It’s always hard the first time—you just need to calm down. Take a deep breath. Try to relax.

She exhaled loudly, trying to do as he asked. A cloud of fire shot from her mouth and lit a nearby tree on fire. Missing his head by just inches.

He ducked automatically then straightened up, looking a little pale.

Okay, maybe not so much with the deep breaths. She hung her head miserably but he stroked a hand along the side of her neck, laughing softly. Let’s just try again, shall we? Close your eyes, Katerina. Listen to the sound of my voice.

She wondered if he’d said her name on purpose. She didn’t feel much like Katerina Damaris in this new body. She felt like something much, much more. But at the sound of her name, she was suddenly reminded of the girl she was. The girl, not the dragon. Red hair, grey eyes. A tendency to trip over things and fall that some might label as clumsy. She found it rather endearing herself.

There was a gasp from somewhere in the distance, and the princess found herself suddenly cold. A soft rush of air whistled through her ears, and before she could even open her eyes she was standing on the forest floor. A cold sheet of pine needles clung to the bottoms of her bare feet, and she shivered as the forest mist prickled her arms. Her hair swished gently down the center of her back, tickling the skin in a way that was as comforting and familiar, as it was suddenly terrifying.

Her bare feet? The skin on her back?

Katerina’s eyes snapped open in horror.

Sure enough... she was naked.

A thousand silent screams echoed through her head as she woke up from what felt like a magical dream into a real-life nightmare. Standing naked in the middle of the woods. Her friends’ eyes upon her. Her dress and travelling cloak left back at the monastery. Assumedly strewn along the jagged rocks that lined the bottom of the cliff.

Hot, visceral panic shot through her and she just was contemplating the sudden urge to run, when a soft voice broke through her horrified trance.

There, that’s better.

She lifted her head to see Dylan staring at her from just a few feet away, a look of tender affection spilling softly across his face.

Dylan, the king of sarcasm himself. The man who forbid himself to take anything seriously and aggravated every possible situation with a searing joke... had nothing to say.

She shivered again as he took a step towards her, but he was calm and serene. His eyes never dipped below her chin. Not a hint of that telltale mischief was left on his face.

Without a word he slipped off his cloak and draped it over her shoulders, taking care to avoid touching her bare skin while he simultaneously shielded her from view. Her fingers hastened to tie the leather straps, scrabbling clumsily with nerves and cold, but when she finally dared to look at him once more he was offering his arm with a gentle smile.

Shall we?

Something about seeing him breathe made it easier for her to breathe as well. After a frozen moment of indecision, her lungs started working again and she laced her arm through his.

Yeah... thanks.

He nodded, as though he talked naked girls through dragon transformations every day, and the two of them started walking back to the others in the clearing. It wasn’t until they were halfway there that his lips twitched up with the hint of a grin.



The fire was roaring, the meat was roasting, and for the most part the little company of friends was in fine spirits. The only exception was the fae, who hovered on the periphery of the circle with a vicious glare. One that intensified every time it came to rest on Katerina.

Oh, would you give it a rest, already? Tanya threw a piece of venison at him, rolling her eyes as she settled back to watch the flames. We’ve all gotten past it.

Speak for yourself, Rose inserted, leaning forward to tear another helping off the hunk of meat skewered through the center of the pyre. I think that flight shaved twenty years off my life.

Katerina bit her lip, but Dylan laced his arm around her waist—pulling her against

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