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A Ward of the Golden Gate
A Ward of the Golden Gate
A Ward of the Golden Gate
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A Ward of the Golden Gate

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America has always had a fascination with the Wild West, and schoolchildren grow up learning about famous Westerners like Wyatt Earp, Buffalo Bill, Wild Bill Hicock, as well as the infamous shootout at O.K. Corral. Pioneering and cowboys and Indians have been just as popular in Hollywood, with Westerners helping turn John Wayne and Clint Eastwood into legends on the silver screen. HBO’s Deadwood, about the historical 19th century mining town on the frontier was popular last decade.

Not surprisingly, a lot has been written about the West, and one of the best known writers about the West in the 19th century was Francis Bret Harte (1836-1902), who wrote poetry and short stories during his literary career. Harte was on the West Coast by the 1860s, placing himself in perfect position to document and depict frontier life. 
PublisherKrill Press
Release dateDec 29, 2015
A Ward of the Golden Gate

Bret Harte

Francis Bret Harte (1836–1902) was an American short-story writer, poet, and humorist. Best remembered for his stories fiction stories concerning the California Gold Rush, featuring miners, gamblers, and other romantic figures. He helped create the American local-colour writing style, which attempted to better represent the particularities of a place and its inhabitants through elements such as dialect, landscape, and folklore. In a career spanning more than four decades, he wrote poetry, plays, lectures, book reviews, editorials, and magazine sketches in addition to fiction.

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    A Ward of the Golden Gate - Bret Harte



    Bret Harte


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    Copyright © 2015 by Bret Harte

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    A Ward of the Golden Gate


    Bret Harte

    A Ward of the Golden Gate

    Published by Silver Scroll Publishing

    New York City, NY

    First published circa 1902

    Copyright © Silver Scroll Publishing, 2015

    All rights reserved

    Except in the United States of America, this book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, re-sold, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.


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    IN SAN FRANCISCO THE RAINY season had been making itself a reality to the wondering Eastern immigrant. There were short days of drifting clouds and flying sunshine, and long succeeding nights of incessant downpour, when the rain rattled on the thin shingles or drummed on the resounding zinc of pioneer roofs. The shifting sand-dunes on the outskirts were beaten motionless and sodden by the onslaught of consecutive storms; the southeast trades brought the saline breath of the outlying Pacific even to the busy haunts of Commercial and Kearney streets; the low-lying Mission road was a quagmire; along the City Front, despite of piles and pier and wharf, the Pacific tides still asserted themselves in mud and ooze as far as Sansome Street; the wooden sidewalks of Clay and Montgomery streets were mere floating bridges or buoyant pontoons superposed on elastic bogs; Battery Street was the Silurian beach of that early period on which tin cans, packing-boxes, freight, household furniture, and even the runaway crews of deserted ships had been cast away. There were dangerous and unknown depths in Montgomery Street and on the Plaza, and the wheels of a passing carriage hopelessly mired had to be lifted by the volunteer hands of a half dozen high-booted wayfarers, whose wearers were sufficiently content to believe that a woman, a child, or an invalid was behind its closed windows, without troubling themselves or the occupant by looking through the glass.

    It was a carriage that, thus released, eventually drew up before the superior public edifice known as the City Hall. From it a woman, closely veiled, alighted, and quickly entered the building. A few passers-by turned to look at her, partly from the rarity of the female figure at that period, and partly from the greater rarity of its being well formed and even ladylike.

    As she kept her way along the corridor and ascended an iron staircase, she was passed by others more preoccupied in business at the various public offices. One of these visitors, however, stopped as if struck by some fancied resemblance in her appearance, turned, and followed her. But when she halted before a door marked Mayor’s Office, he paused also, and, with a look of half humorous bewilderment and a slight glance around him as if seeking for some one to whom to impart his arch fancy, he turned away. The woman then entered a large anteroom with a certain quick feminine gesture of relief, and, finding it empty of other callers, summoned the porter, and asked him some question in a voice so suppressed by the official severity of the apartment as to be hardly audible. The attendant replied by entering another room marked Mayor’s Secretary, and reappeared with a stripling of seventeen or eighteen, whose singularly bright eyes were all that was youthful in his composed features. After a slight scrutiny of the woman—half boyish, half official—he desired her to be seated, with a certain exaggerated gravity as if he was over-acting a grown-up part, and, taking a card from her, reentered his office. Here, however, he did NOT stand on his head or call out a confederate youth from a closet, as the woman might have expected. To the left was a green baize door, outlined with brass-studded rivets like a cheerful coffin-lid, and bearing the mortuary inscription, Private. This he pushed open, and entered the Mayor’s private office.

    The municipal dignitary of San Francisco, although an erect, soldier-like man of strong middle age, was seated with his official chair tilted back against the wall and kept in position by his feet on the rungs of another, which in turn acted as a support for a second man, who was seated a few feet from him in an easy-chair. Both were lazily smoking.

    The Mayor took the card from his secretary, glanced at it, said Hullo! and handed it to his companion, who read aloud Kate Howard, and gave a prolonged whistle.

    Where is she? asked the Mayor.

    In the anteroom, sir.

    Any one else there?

    No, sir.

    Did you say I was engaged?

    Yes, sir; but it appears she asked Sam who was with you, and when he told her, she said, All right, she wanted to see Colonel Pendleton too.

    The men glanced interrogatively at each other, but Colonel Pendleton, abruptly anticipating the Mayor’s functions, said, Have her in, and settled himself back in his chair.

    A moment later the door opened, and the stranger appeared. As she closed the door behind her she removed her heavy veil, and displayed the face of a very handsome woman of past thirty. It is only necessary to add that it was a face known to the two men, and all San Francisco.

    Well, Kate, said the Mayor, motioning to a chair, but without rising or changing his attitude. Here I am, and here is Colonel Pendleton, and these are office hours. What can we do for you?

    If he had received her with magisterial formality, or even politely, she would have been embarrassed, in spite of a certain boldness of her dark eyes and an ever present consciousness of her power. It is possible that his own ease and that of his companion was part of their instinctive good nature and perception. She accepted it as such, took the chair familiarly, and seated herself sideways upon it, her right arm half encircling its back and hanging over it; altogether an easy and not ungraceful pose.

    Thank you, Jack—I mean, Mr. Mayor—and you, too, Harry. I came on business. I want you two men to act as guardians for my little daughter.

    Your what? asked the two men simultaneously.

    My daughter, she repeated, with a short laugh, which, however, ended with a note of defiance. Of course you don’t know. Well, she added half aggressively, and yet with the air of hurrying over a compromising and inexplicable weakness, the long and short of it is I’ve got a little girl down at the Convent of Santa Clara, and have had—there! I’ve been taking care of her—GOOD care, too, boys—for some time. And now I want to put things square for her for the future. See? I want to make over to her all my property—it’s nigh on to seventy-five thousand dollars, for Bob Snelling put me up to getting those water lots a year ago—and, you see, I’ll have to have regular guardians, trustees, or whatever you call ‘em, to take care of the money for her.

    Who’s her father? asked the Mayor.

    What’s that to do with it? she said impetuously.

    Everything—because he’s her natural guardian.

    Suppose he isn’t known? Say dead, for instance.

    Dead will do, said the Mayor gravely. Yes, dead will do, repeated Colonel Pendleton. After a pause, in which the two men seemed to have buried this vague relative, the Mayor looked keenly at the woman.

    Kate, have you and Bob Ridley had a quarrel?

    Bob Ridley knows too much to quarrel with me, she said briefly.

    Then you are doing this for no motive other than that which you tell me?

    Certainly. That’s motive enough—ain’t it?

    Yes. The Mayor took his feet off his companion’s chair and sat upright. Colonel Pendleton did the same, also removing his cigar from his lips. I suppose you’ll think this thing over? he added.

    No—I want it done NOW—right here—in this office.

    But you know it will be irrevocable.

    That’s what I want it—something might happen afterwards.

    But you are leaving nothing for yourself, and if you are going to devote everything to this daughter and lead a different life, you’ll

    Who said I was?

    The two men paused, and looked at her. Look here, boys, you don’t understand. From the day that paper is signed, I’ve nothing to do with the child. She passes out of my hands into yours, to be schooled, educated, and made a rich girl out of—and never to know who or what or where I am. She doesn’t know now. I haven’t given her and myself away in that style—you bet! She thinks I’m only a friend. She hasn’t seen me more than once or twice, and not to know me again. Why, I was down there the other day, and passed her walking out with the Sisters and the other scholars, and she didn’t know me—though one of the Sisters did. But they’re mum—THEY are, and don’t let on. Why, now I think of it, YOU were down there, Jack, presiding in big style as Mr. Mayor at the exercises. You must have noticed her. Little thing, about nine—lot of hair, the same color as mine, and brown eyes. White and yellow sash. Had a necklace on of real pearls I gave her. I BOUGHT THEM, you understand, myself at Tucker’s—gave two hundred and fifty dollars for them—and a big bouquet of white rosebuds and lilacs I sent her.

    I remember her now on the platform, said the Mayor gravely. So that is your child?

    You bet—no slouch either. But that’s neither here nor there. What I want now is you and Harry to look after her and her property the same as if I didn’t live. More than that, as if I had NEVER LIVED. I’ve come to you two boys, because I reckon you’re square men and won’t give me away. But I want to fix it even firmer than that. I want you to take hold of this trust not as Jack Hammersley, but as the MAYOR OF SAN FRANCISCO! And when you make way for a new Mayor, HE takes up the trust by virtue of his office, you see, so there’s a trustee all along. I reckon there’ll always be a San Francisco and always a Mayor—at least till the child’s of age; and it gives her from the start a father, and a pretty big one too. Of course the new man isn’t to know the why and wherefore of this. It’s enough for him to take on that duty with his others, without asking questions. And he’s only got to invest that money and pay it out as it’s wanted, and consult Harry at times.

    The two men looked at each other with approving intelligence. But have you thought of a successor for ME, in case somebody shoots me on sight any time in the next ten years? asked Pendleton, with a gravity equal to her own.

    I reckon, as you’re President of the El Dorado Bank, you’ll make that a part of every president’s duty too. You’ll get the directors to agree to it, just as Jack here will get the Common Council to make it the Mayor’s business.

    The two men had risen to their feet, and, after exchanging glances, gazed at her silently. Presently the Mayor said:—

    It can be done, Kate, and we’ll do it for you—eh, Harry?

    Count me in, said Pendleton, nodding. But you’ll want a third man.

    What’s that for?

    The casting vote in case of any difficulty.

    The woman’s face fell. I reckoned to keep it a secret with only you two, she said half bitterly.

    No matter. We’ll find some one to act, or you’ll think of somebody and let us know.

    But I wanted to finish this thing right here, she said impatiently. She was silent for a moment, with her arched black brows knitted. Then she said abruptly, Who’s that smart little chap that let me in? He looks as if he might be trusted.

    That’s Paul Hathaway, my secretary. He’s sensible, but too young. Stop! I don’t know about that. There’s no legal age necessary, and he’s got an awfully old head on him, said the Mayor thoughtfully.

    And I say his youth’s in his favor, said Colonel Pendleton, promptly. He’s been brought up in San Francisco, and he’s got no d—d old-fashioned Eastern notions to get rid of, and will drop into this as a matter of business, without prying about or wondering. I’LL serve with him.

    Call him in! said the woman.

    He came. Very luminous of eye, and composed of lip and brow. Yet with the same suggestion of making believe very much, as if to offset the possible munching of forbidden cakes and apples in his own room, or the hidden presence of some still in his pocket.

    The Mayor explained the case briefly, but with business-like precision. Your duty, Mr. Hathaway, he concluded, "at present will be merely nominal and, above all, confidential. Colonel Pendleton and myself will set the

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