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Bedtime Stories
Bedtime Stories
Bedtime Stories
Ebook79 pages1 hour

Bedtime Stories

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About this ebook

Here are some short stories to close out your day. These stories are true happenings. All these happenings were told me in person by someone who experienced the happening or I was involved someway myself.

We all experience some contact with someone close who passes on and Laura in,”The Big Surprise” receives a contact.  Often things change and what we see today turns out to look different the next day, and this happens in,  “Purple Flowers.”

We all have had things and encounters in our lives that are,”Strange but True” and sometimes they are hard to believe or even imagine could happen. The story,”4000 Bad Acres” is very short but was told me by someone who had a long face in telling it.

In every corner of the state where you live somewhere, there is a “Dead Man’s Curve,” and this is just one example of why they are so spooky. When it comes to spooks the,”Lady in the House” lives up to her name of being a spook.

As youngsters, we all have dreams and imagine seeing things that we know are there. No one else may believe us, but we know what we saw even if they were over 160 years old as in, “Confederate Soldiers.”

I hope you enjoy this book and I hope the stories give you something to think about when you are drifting off to sleep, or perhaps the story could develop your dream into an experience in your sleep

PublisherBill Meetze
Release dateMar 6, 2018
Bedtime Stories

Bill Meetze

I have been writing since 2005. I have had 3 short stories published in paper magazines and quite a few in ezines. I have many articles in blogs and two paper magazines. I have had a book published in 2013 that never hit the best readers list anywhere, but I still enjoy writing.

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    Book preview

    Bedtime Stories - Bill Meetze

    This book I dedicate to my lovely wife, Marilyn whose love and support is always there.

    She will have a new novel (romance) out soon.

    Also to the many friends and family in Florida, North Carolina and Lousiana.


    The Big Suprise

    Strange but True

    Purple Flowers

    Lady in the House

    Confederate Soldiers

    2000 Bad Acres

    Dead Man’s Curve

    Here are some short stories to close out your day. These stories are true happenings. All these happenings were told me in person by someone who experienced the happening or I was involved someway myself.

    We all experience some contact with someone close who passes on and Laura in,The Big Surprise receives a contact.  Often things change and what we see today turns out to look different the next day, and this happens in,  Purple Flowers.

    We all have had things and encounters in our lives that are,Strange but True and sometimes they are hard to believe or even imagine could happen. The story,4000 Bad Acres is very short but was told me by someone who had a long face in telling it.

    In every corner of the state where you live somewhere, there is a Dead Man’s Curve, and this is just one example of why they are so spooky. When it comes to spooks the,Lady in the House lives up to her name of being a spook.

    As youngsters, we all have dreams and imagine seeing things that we know are there. No one else may believe us, but we know what we saw even if they were over 160 years old as in, Confederate Soldiers.

    I hope you enjoy this book and I hope the stories give you something to think about when you are drifting off to sleep, or perhaps the story could develop your dream into an experience in your sleep

    Chapter 1

    The Big Suprise

    Laura is facing a heartbreaking loss and is now totally lost and lonely. Her future is not looking very good, and then the surprise gives her a different outlook.

    The morning was crisp, the sun shining and middle-class houses surrounded the church. There was a long line of cars lined in front of the walk leading to the doors of the cathedral and not a person could be seen outside since everyone was inside. At the front of the line of cars was a long black limousine; behind it were the family cars. A police motorcycle was leaned to its side, patiently waiting to roar to life. How ironic it was that there was an object that was waiting to come to life to escort one who no longer had a life.

    Inside the church, Laura stood beside the lavender casket and looked through tears at Troy. He had lost so much weight these past few months that she hardly recognized him. He still had the coal black hair and the olive skin even though he was extremely pale. The white shirt with the black tie and black coat against the light blue pillow did give him a more unfeigned appearance.

    Although the filled chapel of mourners was all around her, Laura was all by herself with her thoughts and memories. She wanted to kiss and hug him although she knew it would only be illustrative with no real connection to him. Troy was dead and was no longer a part of her or Amy's life any longer.

    Amy, their daughter, was being babysat right now. Sweet, adorable Amy had been conceived in love between Troy and Laura only eleven months ago was too young to be here in mourning. Her mourning would come later in life when she was older and could realize the loss.  Laura could not have held her now anyway because a big problem was taking place in front of her; her hands were already busy with each other.     

    Since arriving at the Chapel, and even before, Laura's right hand had been clutching the left hand in a squeezing madness. The left hand had returned the squeezes when given a chance, but so far the right had overpowering command. Of course, the left hand had also been holding on to the St. Christopher medal during the squeezing duel and handicapped in the hand fighting melee.


    Laura was deep in her grieving and memories and unaware of her hands, her posture or of the crowd behind her.  Beside her was her father and in front was the casket with Troy. He was the one man who had meant so much to her. Love, hurt, sadness all was inside her mind, and there was no cognition except her thoughts of Troy. As the tears rolled down her cheeks and sobs uttered from her throat, her father placed his arm around her and with the other hand gently and firmly grasped her by the shoulder.

    Let him go, Laura, her father whispered to her. Come sit with me and let him go.

    Her father then began a little tug and started to force her back from the casket. That was when she regained her strength, at least enough to resist her father, and was able to bend over the casket and place a light kiss on the cold lips of Troy.

    Darling, I'll miss you, she managed to whisper. 

    Without another thought, her hands suddenly stopped their gripping frenzy, and her left hand moved silently

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