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The Little Alien and the Fire
The Little Alien and the Fire
The Little Alien and the Fire
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The Little Alien and the Fire

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While the galaxy was still young, a great civilisation rose and fell. Five thousand years have now passed since it was destroyed, and only a handful of elderly citizens still survive – two dozen elders and one child. As he plays in the ruins of his ancestors’ mightiest city, the Little Alien has no idea how much hope these elders have placed in him. Soon, however, the secrets of the past will be revealed, and he will accept a vital mission. Together with Squidge, his best and only friend, the Little Alien will embark on an epic adventure that will take him to the very edge of the galaxy. Will he have the wisdom to discover the power that sleeps within him? Will he have the strength to wield it? The adventure begins in this, the first book of The Little Alien trilogy.
There will be enemies and allies. Unstoppable terrors and unimaginable wonders will be uncovered as the history of a long-dead civilisation comes to life. The Little Alien seems an unlikely hero, set against events of galactic proportions, but there is more to him than meets the eye. Even he cannot imagine the incredible skills that lie, waiting to be discovered, in the depths of his mind.
This chapter book is aimed at children aged 8-12, but will be enjoyed by children (and adults) of any age.

PublisherJoe Corcoran
Release dateMar 17, 2018
The Little Alien and the Fire

Joe Corcoran

Joe Corcoran was born in Sheffield, grew up in Manchester, was educated in Cambridge and now works in London. He is a devoted husband to Mickey and proud father of Toby, who is the patient recipient of many stories in the making. They live in a nice little house in Twickenham, home of English rugby and match day traffic congestion. Together, Joe and Toby wage an eternal battle against urban foxes - especially their droppings. The income from his writing being negative, Joe pays the rent by working for a big multi-national. He is an expert in supply chain, which is the art of getting the things that people want to sell to the place where people want to buy them, and he travels the world dispensing advice on the subject. When he is not travelling, Joe works in an office in central London. He commutes every day by train, which provides his main opportunity for writing stories.

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    Book preview

    The Little Alien and the Fire - Joe Corcoran

    The Little Alien and the Fire

    The Little Alien Trilogy Book 1

    Copyright 2018 Joe Corcoran

    Published by Joe Corcoran at Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favourite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    For Toby

    Daddy, you should write a story about a little alien,

    you announced one bath-time in 2014.

    Four years later …

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1: In Trouble … Again

    Chapter 2: The City

    Chapter 3: Under Attack

    Chapter 4: Who’s the Bravest?

    Chapter 5: Consequences

    Chapter 6: The Council of Elders

    Chapter 7: The Historian’s Tale

    Chapter 8: The Poet’s Tale

    Chapter 9: The General’s Tale

    Chapter 10: The Pilot

    Chapter 11: Welcome Guests

    Chapter 12: Overload

    Chapter 13: Journey’s Beginning

    Chapter 14: A Mountain to Climb

    Preview: The Twelve Labours of Hercules

    About the Author

    Other Books by the Author

    Chapter 1: In Trouble … Again

    He stood at the top of a very tall cliff. When he was just a hatchling, they wouldn’t let him play here in case he fell. Maybe that was why he now liked this place so much, or maybe it was just because of the fantastic view. From here you could see everything. Starting at the base of the cliffs and stretching out - like a sea - almost to the horizon, was a huge forest of tongue trees. Their big, broad leaves were unrolled in the afternoon sunshine, and a strong breeze chased countless ripples across the canopy. Only the desolate Garrick Mountains finally stemmed the tide. These emerged, grey and sullen, from the endless greenery, and their peaks were lost in the clouds. One day, thought the Little Alien, I’ll climb those. Although, he had heard that they went so high you needed to wear a spacesuit at the top, and he wasn’t sure where he would find one of those nowadays. Then, away to the left, there was the city. It must have been very beautiful once, and it was still impressive, even though it had been half overgrown by the forest. A sparkling river picked its way between the buildings. The elders said that, in ancient times, people used rivers for transportation, and that was why the city was built where it was. Now, however, the river was more of a barrier than a highway. While one bank was overgrown with trees, the other was clear and so was the rest of the city beyond. The Little Alien liked to explore both sides – fortunately, the old bridges were still standing. In fact, a lot of things in that ancient place were still working, and others could be coaxed into life with some simple repairs.

    I’m bored, said Squidge, and the Little Alien realised that he had been standing staring at the view for a long time. He scratched his chin with his claw and turned to his odd-looking friend.

    What shall we do? he asked.

    Squidge always had good ideas about what to do. The elders had made him especially for the Little Alien so that he would have someone to play with. There weren’t any other children – everyone else was old. What was puzzling, however, was why they had made Squidge look so crazy. Why only two arms, rather than three, and why two hands but no claw or tentacle? It was totally impractical. Then there was his squidgy, pink body, his lack of scales and his spindly legs. Every time the Little Alien looked at Squidge he wanted to giggle.

    Let’s ride stiltbirds, said Squidge, Let’s see if we can ride them all the way down to the city!

    But, Squidge, protested the Little Alien, you know what happened last time we rode stiltbirds. You fell and broke, and I had to fix you, and it took ages.

    Squidge seemed to break a lot. When he was younger, the Little Alien would take him to one of the elders to be fixed, but the elders were always cross about him ‘not looking after his toys’, so the Little Alien had learnt how to mend Squidge himself. If he were honest, it was also that word toy that he didn’t want to hear. He knew that Squidge was something that had been built - a thing and not a person - but he was also the only friend that the Little Alien had ever known. He and Squidge would always look after each other. Always.

    This time it’ll be different, said Squidge, This time I’ll be able to hold on because I’ve been exercising and building up my muscles.

    He then struck a series of ridiculous poses, trying to show off the tiny bulges in his arms and making his friend giggle helplessly.

    Okay, okay, said the Little Alien when he had got his breath back, Let me see if I can call some.

    He took out of his pocket a simple instrument - a small, flat whistle - which he began to blow through. No sound could be heard, but it must have been doing something because, before long, there was a squawking and flapping. A flock of huge birds came flying towards the edge of the cliff, their long legs almost touching the ground. As the birds went past, the Little Alien jumped up and grabbed one by the leg, whipping his tentacle around the other leg so that he had a good grip. The bird lurched and dropped down over the cliff, making the Little Alien’s stomach clench. Then it got used to the weight of its new passenger and continued to descend at a more gentle pace until it was skimming the tops of the trees. Turning his head, the Little Alien saw Squidge flying along beside him, clinging onto the bird’s legs with his funny pink hands and grinning madly. He waved to his friend with his claw. Of course, Squidge couldn’t wave back because he only had two arms, so instead, he stuck out his tongue. Both Squidge and the Little Alien loved this game, even though it was very dangerous. It felt just like you were running across the tops of the trees. With a bit of practice, they had found that they could steer the birds, although it was somewhat hit and miss. Now the Little Alien started to turn his bird away from the flock. He was heading back to the village because it would soon be time for dinner and he didn’t want to be left with miles to walk. Squidge pulled in alongside him, making whooping noises and pumping his legs up and down in the air. Then the village came in sight in the distance, and the Little Alien started to prepare himself. Although steering was hard, landing was even harder.

    The trick was to fly your bird over the top of a tongue tree and then to let go at just the right moment. If you were lucky, you would slide right down one of the long leaves of the tree and land on the ground with no more than a little bump. If you got it wrong … well, it was a long way down. It would mean some nasty bruises for the Little Alien and worse for Squidge, who was more fragile. The other thing was that you must not be seen by an elder because they did not approve of stiltbird riding. There would be a lecture about the abuse of nature, and it would include long words like ‘frivolous’ and ‘irresponsible’. Finally, there would be the sad shake of the head and the prediction that it would still be a long time before he was ready to take his proper place in the community. The Little Alien knew that, one day, he would become an elder himself, but he didn’t relish the idea – there was too much playing still to be done.

    Right now, however, such thoughts could wait. They were coming up fast on the village, and the Little Alien needed to concentrate on landing. He looked over at Squidge and pointed down with his claw. Squidge nodded to show that he understood and steered his bird into formation behind his friend. Next, the Little Alien started to look for a suitable landing tree: too short; too tall; leaves rolled up. Aha – just right! He steered towards this one, knowing that Squidge would follow at a safe distance. As he approached the tree, he did a countdown in his head, 3-2-1, and when it got to zero, he let go. The bird squawked, happy to be free of the heavy load, and for a few seconds, the Little Alien was falling through air, wondering if he had got his timing right. Just as he was beginning to worry, his bottom touched down on one of the big leaves of the tree, and he was sliding towards the ground. His relief, however, was short-lived. The leaf was wet from some recent rain, and he wasn’t slowing down like he usually would. He went ‘whoosh’ down the slippery surface, and ‘whoosh’ up came the ground to meet him. The next thing he knew, he was tumbling and skidding along the forest floor until he came to a stop, shaken but unhurt, right in front of an elder. Not just any elder, the Little Alien realised as he squinted up, but Bodger – possibly the dullest and grumpiest of them all.

    What was Bodger doing this far from the village? Now he was going to be in trouble but maybe not too much trouble - if he was polite. He was just opening his mouth to apologise when there was a cry from behind. Elder and youngster both looked up as Squidge came cartwheeling through the air. He was going fast - too fast to be able to stop himself - and as his friend looked on in horror, he went crash, slap, bang into the elder, leaving them both in a heap. Bodger was the first to recover, standing up, whirling a tentacle around Squidge’s leg and then lifting him into the air. Squidge wriggled and jiggled, but the elder held him fast. He carried him over and dumped him, squirming, in front of the Little Alien.

    I believe this belongs to you, Yun, said Bodger before turning and stomping off in the direction of the village.

    Oh dear, thought the Little Alien. The elders did not often speak, so Bodger must be very angry indeed. He had even called him by his name – Yun – and names were hardly ever used in the village. Glumly, he stared after the figure that was fast disappearing amongst the trees, already anticipating dreadful consequences. It wasn’t that the elders were cruel. Mostly, they spent their time sitting around thinking or doing other equally boring things. Sometimes they would talk to the Little Alien, usually to try and teach him things, and although they never wanted to play, they always tried to be kind. They could be strict, however, and the Little Alien was quite scared of them. He wasn’t looking forward to finding out how he would be punished for this escapade. Maybe he would be set to work cleaning the huts, or maybe it would be chopping back the forest, which was always trying to creep in and take over, or maybe it would be the worst punishment of all – a whole day of silence. The Little Alien helped Squidge to his feet, and in a sombre mood, they plodded back to the village.

    That evening at dinner, however, there was only one mention of their crash landing and, thankfully, no mention of punishment. It was the habit of everyone in the village to gather together at dinner. They sat at a long communal table that was enclosed by a colonnade - two parallel rows of stone pillars topped by a finely carved wooden roof which, here and there, still boasted a few remaining flakes of brightly-coloured paint. The villagers gathered to eat, of course, but also to share their new ideas and discoveries from the day just gone. It was the most talking that ever happened, and even though almost all of it was deadly dull, the Little Alien never missed dinner if he could help it because, you see, he was allowed to take a turn himself. When everyone had got their food and sat down, it began. Altus always went first, then Bodger, Cadmus and so on. The elders were so dull that they sat in the same seats for every meal, and although no one had ever confirmed this, the Little Alien guessed that they sat in order of age. This meant that Altus, who sat at the head of the table, was the oldest, and he, the youngest, sat nearest the forest - next to Xeno. Xeno was probably the most junior of the elders. He was certainly the most friendly, and although he could never be considered playful, he was a little more understanding of the Little Alien than the others.

    When it was time, Altus stood up to begin the ritual. He opened his mouth to speak. The Little Alien felt the other elders sit up and pay attention. Altus’s words were few and far between, and they were always considered very wise. The eldest elder paused like this, with his mouth open, for a few seconds. Then he reconsidered. His lips clamped shut. He shook his head and sat down. So it was Bodger’s turn, and the Little Alien’s heart sank. Bodger was looking right at him.

    I was on the verge of a brand new thought about the very nature of life itself, he said, but then I was bowled over by a child’s toy.

    Bodger glared pointedly towards the end of the table, as if there could be any doubt as to which child was to blame, and then he sat down with a thump. The Little Alien felt the scales on his head grow hot with embarrassment as a few of the elders turned to look at him, shaking their heads sadly.

    I think you’d better find somewhere well away from the village to play tomorrow, whispered Xeno, leaning over.

    The Little Alien nodded and sighed, but soon he forgot his embarrassment and started to think hard about what he would say when it was his turn. One by one, the elders aired their thoughts. Cadmus explained an idea he’d had about music having been created by the flickering of the stars. Someone else gave a short lecture on the nature of time. Many, like Altus, had nothing to say. Finally, it came to the Little Alien’s turn. As always, a few of the elders got up and started clearing their plates as soon as Xeno had finished speaking. It didn’t matter to the Little Alien. He solemnly stood and cleared his throat.

    Today, he said, I learnt that tongue tree leaves are more slippy when they’re wet.

    There were some mutterings, and a few more elders got up and left.

    And I learnt that it can rain in some places and not in others, continued the Little Alien, thinking about how dry it had been on the cliff top.

    And I learnt that, even if you don’t see the rain, the leaves will still be wet, he concluded.

    By now all the elders, except Xeno, were getting up from the table. When the Little Alien spoke these last words, however, a few of them paused, seemed to think for a second and then went back about their business. Xeno said nothing. He just gave the Little Alien a pat on the back with his tentacle and then left the table.

    On the way back to his hut, the Little Alien looked up at the stars and tried to imagine music coming from them. There was a band of white that swept the sky each night, and at the middle of this, there was a disk where the stars were so thick that they blurred together and you couldn’t tell one from the other. This was the very centre of the galaxy, and unless it was cloudy, it lit the night so brightly that there was no need for a glow-globe. Although this central belt was magnificent, the Little Alien liked the times when it wasn’t in the night sky. Then he could see the fainter stars that lay out towards the edges of the galaxy. They looked delicate and beautiful, as they twinkled against the pitch black background. Sometimes

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