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Piper, My Old Friend
Piper, My Old Friend
Piper, My Old Friend
Ebook64 pages42 minutes

Piper, My Old Friend

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*** The sales' profits from this book will de donated in all to the scientific research of phts related syndromes***

Life lesson that goes straight to the heart

Piper is present to a girl who suffered from a rare disease to aid in her way to get out from her isolation. The dog behaviour is excellent and achives her aim. But as soon as her health status get worse very quickly, her isolation is bigger. With a lot of pain, the girl decides that Piper could not help any more, so the best option for her is to donate her dog to make Piper happier and assist other people such as did with her. The life of each goes by separates ways but finally they met each other and realized that the true love always suceed.

Maria Ercibengoa Arana was born in Irun in 1977. She has a degree in Biology in and a PhD in Microbiology from the University of the Basque Country. She is a research support technician in the Department of Microbiology at Donostia University Hospital. She was diagnosed with Cowden’s disease in the early 2000’s. She is currently creating a website and a register of people with PTEN disorders in Spain.

Release dateMar 17, 2018
Piper, My Old Friend

Maria Ercibengoa Arana

Enrique Cormenzana Lizarribar was born in Donostia (San Sebastian) in August 1959. He studied to be a medical doctor in Valladolid and the Basque Country. He is a specialist in general and digestive surgery. He works in the Hospital Bidasoa of Hondarribia. Maria Ercibengoa Arana was born in Irun in 1977. She has a degree in Biology in and a PhD in Microbiology from the University of the Basque Country. She is a research support technician in the Department of Microbiology at Donostia University Hospital. She was diagnosed with Cowden’s disease in the early 2000’s. She is currently creating a website and a register of people with PTEN disorders in Spain.

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    Book preview

    Piper, My Old Friend - Maria Ercibengoa Arana


    my old friend

    María Ercibengoa Arana

    First edition: March 2018

    Copyright © 2018 María Ercibengoa Arana

    All rights reserved

    Letra minúscula

    [email protected]

    Thank you Sua,

    without your memory it would have been impossible

    to write this story

    How many psychologists do you need to change a lightbulb? Only one, but the lightbulb has to want to change. With this cruel disease, it is not always easy, due the frequency of the episodes of darkness. Thanks Noemi for helping me see, for being an indispensable part of the process of getting to know myself, contributing to improvements in my life and your efforts to help me accept the reality of this disease. Despite all the problems, you have remained confident that I can improve my situation. Without your help this would be impossible.

    To all those who, either as patients or as health professionals, are fighters, and look beyond purely personal interests.

    "Those who are weak don’t fight.

    Those who are stronger might fight

    for an hour.

    Those who are stronger still might fight

    for many years.

    The strongest fight

    their whole life.

    They are the indispensable ones."

    Bertolt Brecht









    PIPER MY OLD FRIEND Second part








    Part One


    I had just turned twenty-five years old when I met Piper. When he arrived at my home, the puppy was barely two months old. He seemed so defenceless and vulnerable that I promised to look after him forever. Not only did I feel the need to feed him and look after his basic needs, but also to make up for the fact that he had been orphaned so suddenly.

    My best friend, Melissa, who had given Piper to me as a present, had argued that I was a bit of a loner, and so it would do me good to share my solitude with a new friend. Piper was a small Golden Retriever, a cute little thing, with a caramel coat and eyes the colour of coffee. I’m not exaggerating when I say that, even as a tiny puppy, he was smart, intelligent and very naughty. Perhaps what surprised me the most about Piper was his ability to learn new things quickly and the amazing way he got me to feel attached to him almost instantly.

    I’ll never forget the first time I met Piper.

    When Melissa brought him home, a ribbon around his neck and smelling of doggy cologne, I couldn’t help falling in love with him. I found myself wondering what had happened to his parents, his family. How many siblings might he have? Does he miss them?

    The first night he was with me my questions were answered. Piper cried, it was obvious he was calling for his mother, maybe even his brothers. I tried feeding him, but he pushed the food away and wouldn’t even try it. I had to get some sleep as I had to get up early for work, Piper didn’t understand these things, and his sobs and whimpers had me aching.

    Do you miss your mommy? I asked him. Piper responded with a sweet yet sad howl.

    I'm going to be your mommy for now, and your best friend, I told him. I picked

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