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Full Brutal
Full Brutal
Full Brutal
Ebook330 pages5 hours

Full Brutal

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Kim White is a very popular cheerleader. She’s pretty, healthy, and comes from a well-off family. She has everything a girl of sixteen is supposed to want. And she’s sick to death of it.

In search of something to pull her out of her suicidal thoughts, she begrudgingly decides to lose her virginity, having heard it’s a life-changing event. But Kim doesn’t want to do it the same way her peers do. She seduces one of her teachers, hoping to ruin his life just for the fun of it. This starts Kim on a runaway train of sadism, and she makes every effort to destroy the lives of those around her. But soon simple backstabbing is not enough to keep her excited, and she nosedives into sabotage, violence, and even murder.

When Kim finds out she’s pregnant with her teacher’s child, a new madness overtakes her, and she realizes there’s only one thing that will satisfy her baby’s hunger . . .

“One part Heathers and Mean Girls, another part Charles Manson and Jeffrey Dahmer, Kristopher Triana’s Full Brutal lives up to its title in the juiciest, goriest way imaginable. It’s a deep plunge into madness and murderous frenzy for the pure hell of it. At the same time, it is intricately clever in the way it delivers its carefully calculated doses of eye-popping brutality. Full Brutal is a damn good hardcore horror novel.”

—Bryan Smith, author of 68 Kill and Depraved

Release dateJun 12, 2018
Full Brutal

Kristopher Triana

Kristopher Triana is the author of The Ruin Season, Body Art, Growing Dark, Full Brutal, Shepherd of the Black Sheep and The Detained. His work has appeared in several magazines and anthologies, including “Year’s Best” collections, and has been published in multiple languages. He’s drawn praise from Publisher’s Weekly, Cemetery Dance, The Horror Fiction Review and The Ginger Nuts of Horror. He lives in Connecticut.

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Reviews for Full Brutal

Rating: 4.3125 out of 5 stars

32 ratings6 reviews

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Readers find this title to be an amazing and disturbing tale of horror. The main character, Kim, is sadistic, cruel, and manipulative, which adds to the overall disgust and fascination of the story. The book takes readers on a roller coaster ride of emotions, making it a great read for horror enthusiasts.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book was one hell of a twisted, mind-blowing ride! Absolutely not for the faint of heart. If you're in to extremely graphic, gory, hellish stories then this is the book for you!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is the most disturbing book I have ever read but I couldn’t put it down.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Very well written book and had my attention the entire time.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Oh man!!! This was a roller coaster!! Such a great tale of horror!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Amazing, disgusting, disturbing! Everything I expect from a book that claims to be gross and disturbing. I love a horrible MC, especially a horrible female MC. Kim is sadistic, cruel, manipulative, and a disgusting human being.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is extremely fucked up in the best way possible!

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Full Brutal - Kristopher Triana




I’d heard that losing your virginity was a big deal. All the girls at school who’d had their cherries popped said it was a life-changing experience.

And I needed a change in my life.

I was so tired of the stale routine of my world. Every weekday before dawn I would get up, make myself presentable (a girl has to look good, unlike the slobs we call boys), skip breakfast, and head to the bus stop. There I would exchange meaningless small talk with the other sixteen-year-olds, the drones. We’d talk about music, clothes, boys and Netflix shows. We’d share stories about our lives that everyone had already read about on Facebook and Instagram. Then we’d be hauled off to the eight-hour prison of high school, the mind-manipulating monotony machine where one’s personality goes to be trampled to death.

There was a time when I would spend the hours after school with friends—my squad—but for the last month or so I’d become listless. It wasn’t that I hated people. I was just happier when they weren’t around. Well, maybe not happier, but at least less miserable. I’d grown weary of the same brats and bitches babbling about their fucking makeup, their clothes and their boyfriends, as well as fucking their boyfriends. And as for the boys in my life, they existed, but I had little use for them too. They were all just hairy flesh-bags to carry redundant hormonal responses, belching out testosterone-fueled lies and flexing their incomplete, teenage bodies like mannequins in a sporting goods store.

I was slender and pretty. I took good—very good—care of myself, so I got the attention a young woman is supposed to need. My grades were excellent and I had a solid social circle. Father made an exorbitant amount of money and we lived in a house far bigger than the two of us needed, with me having my own floor with a private bathroom, entertainment room, office and small yoga gym I’d made out of the spare bedroom. I had the sort of life every girl my age wants.

And I hated all of it.

It was just so unbearably banal. My stupid, little American-pie life had been lived millions of times; so much so that I saw it as an anti-life, a stale rerun for the sorry bimbos who had never dared to step outside the lines drawn for them by their peers. Even the thought of teenage rebellion made me want to wretch, as it too was an exhausted cliché. How the fuck would dressing myself in Hot Topic clothing and listening to The Misfits be any less conformist than my cheerleader uniform and Beyonce? Wearing all black was for the weak, smoking weed for the lazy, and partying for those who were too afraid to be alone. If I really wanted to rebel, I would have to abstain from such convention.

But I wasn’t going to abstain from sex.

Not that I was particularly interested in it. I had never let a date go beyond kissing, and even that didn’t give me a spark. Whenever I kissed boys I felt like I was just sucking on a snail. It was wet, wiggly, and sort of gross. I wasn’t a lesbian, but I still didn’t really like boys. I had just been going out with them because that was what a teenage girl did, just like all the other crap I had trapped myself with—school, friends, cheerleading, and my shit-stain hometown in general. I guess I was sort of asexual. I honestly never gave intercourse much thought, at least not until I decided to lose my virginity.

It changes you, Amy said.

We were walking home from the bus stop on a sunny but cold day in March. She lived around the corner from me, and our close proximity, age, and general lifestyle had made us friends—best friends, according to her. She’d made that clear with the two necklaces forming one heart. One she gave me as a gift for Christmas, and the other she wore around her pale, elegant neck.

Changes you how? I asked.

Amy pulled her long hair out of its ponytail and fluffed it as if she was accentuating what she was saying by giving herself bed head.

It just makes you a woman, she said. It’s like suddenly your childhood is gone, and the whole world just looks all different.

You really get a whole new perspective?

Sort of. It’s hard to explain to those who haven’t felt it.

I held back a groan. She wasn’t being specific enough. I liked to know all the details of a thing before I launched myself into its lap. But it’s a change for the better?

She looked at me as if shocked by my lack of understanding. Oh, god, yeah.

It had only been a few days since Amy had given herself to her boyfriend, Brian, and she wouldn’t shut up about it. I think she unloaded all of her thoughts on the matter on me because I was her BFF and therefore the only one she told, not wanting to be deemed a slut even though she and Brian had been a serious item for almost four months, an eternity for a teenage couple.

I had my hands in the pockets of my coat and was peeling one of my cuticles back. I was excited to eat it once Amy and I parted ways.

Does Brian have a new perspective too? I asked.

She gave me another strange look. "I don’t know, Kim. I mean, like, he’s a guy. You know how they are about sex and stuff."

I did, and yet didn’t. Not to the same degree she did. Amy was the more popular of the two of us—in fact, I had leeched off that popularity and had really just become popular by association—and she had had many boyfriends. While I was attractive, Amy was absolutely stunning. She was blond to my brunette, creamy-skinned, and fuller in the chest than I was. If I was a rose, she was a flower garden. So whereas the hounds sniffed around me, they raced toward her like a thrown Frisbee. I wasn’t jealous of Amy though. She was just the older sister figure when it came to our duo. That’s why I always came to her with my questions.

Well, I said, was he a virgin too?

Amy’s face soured and she turned away. I’d upset her.

What? I asked.

That’s just not the kind of thing you ask.

Why not?

She huffed. It just isn’t, okay?

Okay, sorry.

But I wasn’t sorry. I enjoyed pressing Amy this way, especially because we were friends, which made it easier for me to get away with it. She would forgive me for crossing boundaries that would get other girls’ hair pulled out by the roots. Passive aggression was a sport I often played, a delightful pastime just like manipulation, sarcasm and suggestion. My friends were not exempt from these games, though they didn’t know I was playing. If anything, they got the heaviest assaults of all.

So, she said, mellowing now, do you think you’re going to go all the way with Derek?

I snorted a laugh. We’re not serious.

Derek was one of Brian’s friends and we all had double dated, and then he and I had gone out solo to a movie, which was a comfortable first date for me because it meant we could hang out for two hours without speaking to each other. Since then we’d gone on two more dates, which were adequate but I had spaced far apart, and I had attended some of his games’ after parties, but only as a group night out. Derek was an adequate male—a member of the basketball team, fit and trim, a good sense of humor. He was the latest in a string of swinging dicks Amy had tried to pair me up with, always wanting to be the matchmaker. To me, she came off more like my pimp (not that I ever let Derek get anywhere).

He’s a catch, Kim. And he really likes you. Brian says he won’t shut up about you.

Sounds like a stalker.

She rolled her eyes jokingly. You don’t like anybody.

Amy laughed, not knowing how right she was.

Luckily, Father came home later than usual, for I’d gotten wrapped up watching free internet porn and lost track of time, so I didn’t get started on dinner until after six. It was Wednesday, so I made my special lasagna, like every Wednesday when he wasn’t away on business.

Thanks to Amy, sex had been on my mind all afternoon. I was also taking comprehensive sex ed in school as part of life management; of course sex ed was also taught to younger students, but this was sort of a refresh that was obviously inserted into the curriculum now that those of us in the 11th grade were on the threshold of getting it on. So I understood the mechanics of sex, but had not really seen it in action, only faked in movies. I had seen some pornography, but mostly as part of a giggling, slumber party crowd sneaking a peak at pictures of naked men online. I had never watched anything hardcore before.

Finding free videos was surprisingly easy. Most websites even had categories I could choose from—threesome, anal, blowjob, step-mom (what the fuck, right?), gay, Asian and many more. So I clicked on teen, thinking it would be the most appropriate for someone my age. Of course it just meant the girl was a teen, or was at least trying to pass for one (many had tattoos and giant, fake tits revealing them to be many calendars past their high school days). The forcefulness of the men surprised me. There was none of the sweet talk or pressure boys applied when they were trying to get their hand under my skirt. The guys in these videos just seemed to take sex. The girls were willing, but they didn’t seem to be having sex so much as they were having sex done to them. And the intercourse was almost violent in nature. It was fast and hard—mixed martial arts, only wetter and more awkward. Seeing genitals up close was repellant enough, but seeing one slam in and out of the other at close range made me wince.

Do people actually get off on this?

I decided to search different categories. Finding one marked amateur, I clicked on it and scanned a few of the videos, thinking it might be sex for beginners like me. These movies were made by people who were not sexual amateurs, but rather amateur filmmakers. Most of these videos were milder in nature, the majority being recordings and photos of couples who just decided to film themselves doing it in their own beds.

There was a banner at the top of this page, with a connecting link in blue letters.

Upload Your Own.

Apparently the page’s followers provided all the content for this category.

I watched these clumsy fools for a while, then moved on to some of the more intense stuff just to satisfy my curiosity. I watched men shoot their sperm on women’s faces, wondering why either of them would want to do such a thing. It wasn’t offensive to me or even gross; it just seemed weird and pointless. I watched people put their tongues into someone else’s asshole and thought the same thing. I scrolled and clicked and rolled my eyes. Nothing I could find seemed the least bit thrilling, until I clicked on bondage.

I expected to just find videos of the light and fluffy tie-up games husbands and wives desperately resorted to once they got tired of fucking each other the normal way. I expected to see lace wrist wraps and blindfolds. What I got was so much better.

I saw both women and men being degraded and abused. There were clamps and chains and vinyl. There were electric prods used on buttocks and clothespins clamped onto nipples. Women didn’t just suck dick, they had their faces fucked, sometimes until they threw up. And the asses were whipped until they were as pink as hams. The physical abuse was enticing, but the way the masters stripped the slaves of their humanity was what made me slip my hand down into my jeans. My pussy had grown wet while watching a woman hung upside down from the ceiling being spit on by two men. There was a metal ring strapped to her mouth to force it open and they kept hocking up loogies and spitting them down her gullet. Then they crammed both of their cocks into her mouth at once. As her mascara ran I felt my clit swell and I rubbed it with my middle and ring fingers, flicking it back and forth like a card in bicycle spokes. I had never been into masturbation, having never been excited enough by anything to engage in it. I had touched myself before, and sure, it had felt good, but nothing erotic had been going on in my mind; I was only curious about my own body. But now I was being fed sincere thrills via the computer screen. Somewhere, at some time earlier, people had gathered together to degrade someone, and as a further disgrace they had recorded it to share with others, and now the video’s journey had led it to my wide, staring eyes. I found it all so incredibly delightful.

Maybe there was something to sex after all.

I came hard. My body shook and I shrieked out loud. It was my first ever orgasm—a powerful, surprising awakening. I sat there for a moment, shuddering, shocked by what had just happened, what I had just done to myself. My crotch was sopping wet, so I slid out of my jeans and panties and walked to the bathroom to clean myself up. I then cleared my browser history and got started on dinner, finishing just as Father’s car pulled up in the driveway.

I opened the front door for him and he kissed my forehead and hung his keys. I helped him out of his coat, feeling the winter cold that still clung to his clothes.

How was your day, Father?

He nodded. Good. How was school?


Like the dinner, this little exchange was a scheduled ritual, only this one was not restricted to Wednesdays alone. There was a lot of routine when it came to our relationship, which I found very comfortable and reassuring. With Mother dead some seven years now and me being an only child, our bond may have been important but it was not something we obsessed over. We had our set ways and that was that. His love was mechanical, a repetitive system that brought neither highs nor lows but maintained a controlled level, steady as a dead man’s flatline. As a daughter, I reciprocated in a fashion that was identical, and therefore adequate.

He went to the closet to put away his shoes and I brought the filled plates out to the dining room where I had already set the table. He poured each of us a glass of chardonnay. I had purchased fresh flowers and used them to fill the vases. The candles in the centerpiece were lit. To most people these would be the sorts of things added for special or even romantic occasions. But this was how we always ate, yet another part of our routine. Father preferred classy dining and it was a taste I too had come to appreciate. One should take pleasure in their meals.

Is your homework done? he asked as he sat down.

Yes, I lied.

Usually I did have it done by now, but I’d burned too much time pleasuring myself. I would finish my assignments in my room before bed so he would not see me working in my office.

That’s good, Kim. You’re a good girl.

Father leaned down and smelled the lasagna, his favorite. The flames of the candles reflected in his glasses. He was tall and lean with thinning hair, but there was a reserved nature to him that was masculine and old fashioned. Despite being a businessman, he still seemed rugged and chiseled, a tamed wolf. He sat up straight and cut into a segment of the dish. I watched his face for signs of approval, and when he nodded I began eating. It was important to me that I kept Father well fed. Not that he was some brute who would smack me around if his dinner was served cold. I did not aim to please him out of fear but out of a mutual respect. This was our home, and a home is built on a foundation of basic principles. We had scripted our own code of conduct over the years and had adapted to the changes that had been thrust upon us by fate’s brute force. As bored as I was by the routine of my own life, I felt routine between Father and I was essential, as if it were the only rope tossed to us as we swam in quicksand.


The next day I got serious. Not that I thought there would be much to do. I was a pretty young woman. It certainly wouldn’t be difficult for me to get laid. There was Derek, as well as other boys I’d dated but had never let get anywhere. I could call on any one of them to take care of this for me. On top of that I had a school full of raging lotharios to choose from—jocks, emos, nerds and everybody else with a set of nuts. Boys want sex at all times and will even fuck a total stranger if she looks good enough. Finding a partner would be easy for a girl like me; too easy, in fact. I think that’s why I decided not to go with any of them. Losing it to one of these high school hard-ons would be yet another exercise in monotony. It was what every other girl did. It’s not that I wanted to be different. It was that I had decided to have my cherry popped because I wanted a change in my life. Making that change in a completely generic manner would defeat the whole purpose.

I had to get creative with this if it was going to have the desired effect.

It wasn’t until fifth period the idea came to me. Ironically enough, it was in the middle of life management class, during another sex ed presentation.

There are many different types of birth control, Mr. Blakley said. There are pills and injections women can take . . .

He rattled off more but I zoned out on the words as I watched him walk back and forth before his desk. Mr. Blakley was one of the younger teachers at school. He was in his early forties and good looking for his age; not strikingly handsome but well put together and clean cut. Everything about him seemed trim and neat—his build, beard, and demeanor. He wasn’t exactly the object of schoolgirl crushes, but as far as faculty went he was a top pick.

As I sat listening to him talk about spermicidal suppositories, the idea came to me with sudden, doubtless clarity. Losing my virginity to a boy my age would be the very definition of banality, but a sixteen-year-old girl losing her virginity to an adult—and a teacher at that—would be an unconventional, drastic move. It would be a dark and dirty thing with all the makings of a game-changer. I didn’t want it because it would create a scandal, upset Father, or any of those other attention-seeking acts the bad girls do. I wouldn’t tell anyone, not even Amy; not because I would be ashamed, but because sharing the experience with others was not what it was about. I wasn’t trying to fit in with the other girls who had gone all the way and I certainly wasn’t looking to draw attention to myself.

I was just so tired of being alive.

Fucking my teacher sounded like a great idea.

If losing my virginity would change my life and give me a new perspective, then losing it to Mr. Blakley would turn the volume of that change all the way up until feedback screeched through my brain. Maybe it could deafen the black thoughts that liked to circle through it like a carousel of misery, the mute button being hit on my daily daydreams of suicide and self-mutilation, of peeling back my skin and eating it.

Condoms are the best way to prevent pregnancy and protect against sexually transmitted diseases at the same time, Mr. Blakley said. Remember they’re always available for free at the nurse’s station.

A few quiet snickers floated from the back of the class where the punks lurked. Mr. Blakley glanced at them and the snickers died out. Watching his eyes narrow, I felt a warm rush grow through me. Now that I had chosen him as my fucker, I was finding his authority over the classroom very attractive. I shifted my thighs beneath the desk, my pleated cheerleader skirt rustling softly against my skin.

A boy two rows over raised his hand. Mr. Blakley pointed at him.

Um, the boy said, what if we don’t like the way condoms feel?

He didn’t seem to be playing class clown. If anything he seemed to be using this opportunity to brag about his prowess by implying he’d already had sex. Judging by his blackheads, cheap clothing and cheaper haircut, I suspected this was a lie.

Mr. Blakley didn’t flinch. Well, Tommy, maybe try different ones.

Having said what he wanted to say, Tommy leaned back into his seat and stayed quiet for the rest of the class. And as the time for the bell to ring drew nearer, I stirred and cracked my knuckles under my desk as I pondered how I would go about this. Having seen porno, I thought I understood what men wanted, seeing how the industry was almost universally catered to them—not the bondage stuff, at least not for most people, but the standard hardcore. The women all came off so strong in those videos, but I assumed anything that popular must be right.

When at last the period ended I took my time gathering my books so all the other students could file out first. Once the room was empty, I set my eyes on Mr. Blakley, but he was seated at his desk, jotting notes in his planner. I slung my book bag over my shoulder and put a sway in my hips as I walked toward him, hoping my cheerleader outfit would have the same effect on him it had with boys my age. A few steps in, he looked up at me and smiled politely until he saw the look on my face.

I could have waited to form some sort of plan. I could have studied him for a while or even teased him with winks here and there or brushed up against him to gauge him. But there was a fresh urgency to my need now, and I doubted taking the slow road would yield any better results than the straightforward sexuality I’d learned from those videos. I thought of the teen category specifically then, and how it was almost always older men banging the girls. Maybe it had something to do with men wanting to relive their youth, or maybe it was based in a deep-seated need to dominate the innocent. Either way, it was a porn genre of its own for a reason, and I was going to use that to my advantage.

I was biting one corner of my lower lip when he looked up at me, the position of my mouth flirty and suggestive. I knew from seeing Amy do it. His face went slack for a moment, and then he regained himself, but in that brief moment I caught the arousal hiding behind his eyes. I knew right then and there I would have him, that he would soon be between my legs, thrusting us to a higher plain. The power of my own sexuality, which was still a relatively new ability, filled me with a sense of strength as I leaned over and put my hands on his desk, cocking one hip, tilting my head, and brushing one side of my hair over my ear.

I let the silence linger so he would have to be the one to break it.

Yes, Kim? he said, his voice low, the tone neutral.

Hi, Mr. Blakley, I said. I just want you to know how helpful the sex ed classes have been for me.

I saw him swallow. Yes, well, I’m glad. You’ve done very well on all of your tests, as usual. And your homework is always—

I have an idea for homework, I interrupted. I think an example of applied learning would be very helpful, don’t you?

His face reddened, darkened. I hoped I hadn’t stepped too far too fast. There was a new vibe coming off Mr. Blakley now, one that reminded me he was my teacher and could cause me a great deal of grief if I pushed this in a direction he didn’t want to go. The last thing I wanted was to jeopardize my stature as one of the school’s honor roll golden girls.

What are you saying, Kim?

Now I was the one to swallow hard. A tingle went through me, part fear and part titillation. In a way, the fear caused my anticipation to deepen. I felt like a high-stakes gambler with it all on the table, a daredevil about

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