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The Short Guide to Buddhism
The Short Guide to Buddhism
The Short Guide to Buddhism
Ebook50 pages38 minutes

The Short Guide to Buddhism

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All You Need To Know About Buddhism!

Do You Ever Wonder Why We Suffer?

Are You Looking For A Way To End Your Suffering And The Suffering Of Others?

If so, THE SHORT GUIDE TO BUDDHISM is THE book for you!

It covers all that you need to know in order to start practicing Buddhism and begin your journey to enlightenment.

Buddhism is a philosophy dedicated to discovering the reason for suffering and finding the cure for suffering. It teaches that the only way to end something is to understand its origin. The Buddha discovered the cause of suffering and created an eightfold plan to help us end our own suffering and the suffering of others.

The Buddha taught that through meditating, understanding the Dharma, and practicing the Buddhist precepts, you can reach enlightenment.

Enlightenment is a state of being where you are free from the suffering of life, including not only physical suffering, but boredom and general dissatisfaction. Everyone finds themselves unsatisfied every now and then. So why not walk the path to ending that feeling?

Excess is what makes the world turn right now: having the most, the best, and, of course, sharing your spoils with the internet in an effort to brag.

Buddhism is a breath of fresh air from the modern way. It offers a way of life that does not encourage you to hoard riches, but does not require you to deprive yourself of basic comforts, either. It offers a middle way.

What Separates This Book From The Rest?

This book uniquely offers a comprehensive education on Buddhism. It explores its conception and the origins of its founder, common misconceptions people have about Buddhism and the Buddha himself, how it has splintered into many different schools of thought, and its most important teachings and texts.

This book will teach you about Buddhism as a whole, but will get you acquainted with the different forms of Buddhism.

Upon completing this book, we guarantee that your interest in Buddhism will only be stronger and you will be ready to start practicing it.

You Will Learn The Following:

  • Introduction To Buddhism
  • Who Is The Buddha?
  • The Life Of The Buddha
  • Schools Of Buddhism
  • Teachings Of The Buddha
  • The Three Universal Truths
  • And much more!

So don't delay it any longer. Take this opportunity and invest in this guide now!

Release dateApr 4, 2018
The Short Guide to Buddhism

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    The Short Guide to Buddhism - Knowledge In Minutes


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    I want to start by offering my congratulations and thanks to you for purchasing this book! After my long research into the philosophy of Buddhism, I am ecstatic to share what I have learned with you. This book offers an extensive look at Buddhism: its inception, the different forms that have gained popularity over time, and its teachings.

    Buddhism offers an end to suffering. Suffering is a broad concept and is not necessarily as dramatic as the word sounds. It can simply be unhappiness, desire for something new in life, boredom, or just being generally dissatisfied with life.

    Buddhism does not require you to renounce whatever God or Gods you believe in to reach enlightenment. It is not necessarily a religion; it can also be considered a philosophy or a way of life—even Catholic nuns and Christian priests can practice Buddhism. Buddhism accepts all people; it has no quarrel with other religions, philosophies, or the like.

    Buddhism simply offers an understanding and a release from suffering. Release from suffering sounds final and almost threatening without a true understanding of the Buddhist meaning for the word. This book can give you an end to suffering that lets you live a long, happy, and healthy life after reaching enlightenment. The Buddha himself lived for over forty years after reaching enlightenment and he died a very happy old man.

    If you find yourself dissatisfied with life, this book will teach you about the Buddhist way to free yourself from suffering. You’ll find the truth behind why you are unsatisfied and unhappy, and learn the path to enlightenment. This path is easy to follow and asks nothing more from you than to live a good life and reflect on the teachings of the Buddha. You will be able to live life to its fullest potential after reading this book.

    This book breaks down Buddhism to its most understandable form and will create an interest that I promise you will want to satisfy. Buddhism is a rich philosophy that will challenge your understanding of the world as you know it.

    You will learn why the Buddha turned away from his luxurious life in a palace as a prince and chose to live a much happier existence as a teacher dedicated to relieving the world from its

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