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The Favorite Sister
The Favorite Sister
The Favorite Sister
Ebook486 pages8 hours

The Favorite Sister

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

From the author of Luckiest Girl Alive—now a Netflix film—comes the “engrossing” (People) New York Times bestseller starring two sisters who join the cast of a reality TV series…and only one will make it out alive.

Brett and Kelly have always toed the line between supportive sisters and bitter rivals. Growing up, Brett was the problem child, living in the shadow of the brilliant and beautiful Kelly. In adulthood, all that has changed. Kelly is a struggling single mother and Brett has skyrocketed to meteoric success that has been chronicled on a reality TV show called Goal Diggers.

When Kelly manipulates her way onto the show and into Brett’s world, Brett is wildly threatened. Kelly, and only Kelly, knows her younger sister’s appalling secret, one that could ruin her.

Still, when the truth comes out in the explosive final weekend of filming, neither of them ever expected that the season would end in murder.
Release dateMay 15, 2018

Jessica Knoll

Jessica Knoll is the New York Times bestselling author of The Favorite Sister and Luckiest Girl Alive—now a major motion picture from Netflix starring Mila Kunis. She has been a senior editor at Cosmopolitan and the articles editor at Self. She grew up in the suburbs of Philadelphia and graduated from the Shipley School in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, and from Hobart and William Smith Colleges in Geneva, New York. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband and their bulldog, Franklin.

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Loved Luckiest Girl Alive but not a big fan of this one. I read it is going to be a movie and that's how it felt while reading it, she was laying it out for the big screen. I listened to the audio version and I WOULD NOT recommend that. The reader's choice for the voices of the characters made them sound like little girls or really off character. Won't be recommending.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I lovvved The Luckiest Girl Alive and could not wait to read The Favorite Sister. This novel is a bit different than Knoll's debut, but still focuses on complex women having moments of being likable and unlikable aka acting like an actual person with good qualities and faults. It is a psychological thriller and falls into the unreliable narrator because the characters are millennial women who are on a reality tv show that is suppose to show empowered women being awesome, but succumbs to typical reality tv drama with fights and makeups. We know Brett is killed at the beginning of the novel and the rest of the book is leading up to what is thought of to have happened, how its being explained on the show, and what actually happened. I could of done without the final twist, it felt unnecessary.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Yowza! I see a lot of people marked this book up as a DNF and I can certainly see why they would have a hard time with this book. A book that deals with women on a reality TV show that is packed with bitching and women trying to out do each other in order to get the most of the limelight and the TV time.The barbs, insults, bickering and lies are frequent in this story. These women absolutely hate each other! I mean this is so like a train wreck that I could not stop reading (or watching).However, as the only reality TV show that I have ever watched is Big Brother, it was interesting for me, how the behind the scenes would work. It's the job of one of the crew to keep these women up on where they left off, who they are mad at and what they should be focusing on next. It was just interesting.There are also some underlying and very true lessons in this book regarding the way that women treat each other.And. . . the final plot twist? OMG! I definitely did not see that one coming!I saw that this book has been optioned for a movie and I'm excited and can't wait to see it. I also hope Hollywood doesn't screw it up and that they do include some of the funny phrases that the author uses in the book.Thanks to Simon & Schuster and Net Galley for providing me with a free e-galley in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I didn't really like this book, which is disappointing because I loved the first book by this author. The story jumped between too many characters right off, so it was hard to follow at first and I lost interest in the characters.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Thanks to NetGalley for giving me an eARC of this book!As you’ve seen on my various “Not Just Books” lists on this blog, I do have a soft spot for a couple reality TV shows. I tell myself that my enjoyment of “ANTM” and “RuPaul’s Drag Race” is rooted within the inherent creativity that is at the heart of the premises; be it fashion modeling and the skills that go into it or the many facets of doing drag as performance and style, I love seeing these contestants do what I know I never could. But I’ll also be honest here: I do enjoy the petty catfights and drama that almost always arises when you put these people into high stress situations. So “The Favorite Sister” by Jessica Knoll was SUPER intriguing to me within it’s premise. I quite enjoyed her previous book “Luckiest Girl Alive” because of the issues that she tackled under guise of soapy snideness, so I had hopes that her next story would do the same. Along with juicy, sudsy characters tearing each other to shreds, of course. So the good news is that this is a book that has a plot and mystery that will completely suck you in and not let you go until it’s good and ready to. I was reading this book on one of our late Spring snow storm days and it was the best way to pass the time because it kept me interested and wanting more. The plot concerns a reality show called “Goal Diggers” and the women who make up the cast of the show and all the problems that they have as they strive to maintain their status and fame. Mostly, it details the lead up to and fallout from the murder of the fan favorite Brett, a spinning studio owner who is proud of her curvy body and is an out and proud lesbian. It’s told between three perspectives and jumping through time: there’s Brett’s perspective, of course, but then there are also the perspectives of Kelly, Brett’s sister (mainly told after the fact), and Stephanie, Brett’s former best friend. They all have their own levels of unreliability, as they all have reasons to lie and distort the facts, and as the story slowly came out the rug got pulled out from under me a number of times. Knoll continues to be adept at creating twists and turns that you don’t see coming, even as she intricately lays the groundwork for them so they feel natural and believable. There were a number of moments where I said ‘whoa’ as a new surprise was sprung, and I definitely felt the need to keep reading to see what was going to happen next.But ultimately, I think that the biggest drawback of “The Favorite Sister” is that all of the characters are completely reprehensible, and so unlikable that I didn’t find myself connecting to really any of them. While I had a fun time reading about how they were all behaving badly, and how they would all justify their behavior in ways that were totally laughable, I ultimately found myself hating almost all of them. The sole exception to this was Layla, Kelly’s twelve year old daughter, but you don’t get much sense of her outside of being a kind and creative (and driven) kid. I appreciate what Knoll was trying to convey, that even within a show that is supposed to be about lifting women up and encouraging them to think outside of what society wants them to be, they are still going to be judged by each other and by themselves because society is so damn ingrained in them. I get that. I appreciate that. It’s not a bad take at all. But when none of them really move beyond being laughably shallow (Lauren), ridiculously cruel (Jen), horrendously deluded by self grandeur (Brett), or just kind of there (Kelly), who do you root for? I had hoped that I could root for Stephanie, as she is probably the one who comes closest to having complexity. She is the only black woman on the show, she’s edging near the age where cast members generally get the ax, and she’s trying to prove herself beyond being a token and model minority. But ultimately she too was just terrible, and the various things that she was going through never QUITE justified the awful shit that she pulled. This was unfortunate because this derailed the commentary that I think that Knoll was trying to achieve. And it’s not like Knoll doesn’t know how to write unlikable characters who have depth and complexity; Ani in “Luckiest Girl Alive” is INCREDIBLY unlikable, but as you learn more about her past and her experiences you understand why she is the way she is. Stephanie, and the other characters, get some glimpses, but you never get the feeling that their behavior is justified with the limited exposure we do get.I think that if what you’re looking for is purely guilty pleasure mean girl drama, “The Favorite Sister” will probably scratch that itch and give you everything you need. On a purely entertainment, watching bad people get what they deserve level it was very satisfying. But don’t go in expecting to have characters that you can relate to and root for, because you will not find that here.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Thank you NetGalley for my copy of this book.I had the privilege of reading the first book by this author, Luckiest Girl Alive. As it was in that book, the writing in this book is great. The characters are complete and well developed. The story line leaves you guessing as to who committed what crime and why. Very entertaining.As a matter of personal preference, I like this author's first book better. It has nothing at all to do with the writing or the plot, and more to do with my pre-conceived notion of the book based on the first one. This one is more of a well-drawn mystery, rather than a psychological thriller, which is great in and of itself. Would I recommend it? Absolutely. I was highly entertained and appreciative of the story and the writing. Read it and see if your guess as to the perpetrator is as off-base as mine was!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I was drawn to this book because while I don't watch reality programs I have some strange pull toward books about reality programming. Perhaps these books confirm what I suspect, that they're an exercise in cut-throat debasement for the chance at fame but more often results in infamy. I think this book disabused me of the notion that people at least were compensated well for the self-inflicted damage. My fascination and horror have deepened accordingly.

    This is deep in unreliable narrators and as there's a murder revealed at the beginning, there was no leaving for me, until who did it and why were revealed. There's a fair bit of brand slush to power through but I'm sure it's to add to the patina of the brand neurotic characters.

    There's a lot of commentary about women, feminism and tokenism (I found the insight here very well done) but what this story lays bare is that women are never going to be unilaterally on the same page with regard to furtherance, collectively or individually. More than anything else, power and power-adjacency drove these women and that felt all too real and nothing any amount of hashtags and Instagram stories will circumvent. So that leveled it up from just a frothy vacation read and made me more somber by book's end, but that in itself was a welcome surprise. The plot builds and momentum strengthens over three parts (the final part being the tightest and best) so this is one you need to just stick with until the 50% mark when it quite takes off. Knoll's witty turn of phrase is also on fine display here and I have a fair bit highlighted (her best is doled out on Stephanie and Brett, respectively.

    I'd definitely recommend this (just in time for Memorial Day weekend reading. Hello Summer!) and look forward to Knoll's next.

    I received a free galley of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This book was very readable, and I liked it, but what kept it from being great was that there were no likable characters at all. It’s fine to have unreliable narrators, even terrible ones, but there needs to be some redeeming value in them to connect with.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Quite a few characters that I thought were not necessary, which left the ending not as surprising as I expected. Loved he whole idea of the book, the look at the characters thru each other’s eyes, not necessarily how they were perceived at the beginning.

    A definite look behind so called realty TV. Strong women put into situations and against each other that brings out the worst in each other.

    I received an ARC of this book....all opinions are my own.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    If you like Desperate Housewives or Real Housewives of wherever, you'll love this. I wasn't that into the "show" part of it since I've never been into either of those shows but I loved the thriller/whodunit aspect. I never really figured out how Brett died until it was actually revealed. I guessed the killer a couple of times but Jessica Knoll does an awesome job of keeping you second guessing and making you change your mind. What I really enjoyed though, is reading the Q and A's with Jessica at the end. This book is so much more than it seems.

    I was given a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Great read. A little confusing in the beginning but then it picks up
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I loved Jessica Knoll's Luckiest Girl Alive and was very anxious to get my hands on The Favorite Sister. Unfortunately this book was not for me. The premise of the story is interesting; A reality show focused on powerful business woman and the behind the blurred lines between reality and reality TV drama. Within the first two chapters a never ending stream of characters are introduced. While the author did a great job writing the book in the same fast paced, hip verbiage of a new-age socialite and can be challenging to follow. It took me far longer than usual to complete this book and I was not thrilled with its predictable ending.I look forward to future works from Jessica Knoll but saddly I will not be recommending this book to my friends
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I have to admit I am not a fan of reality drama shows at all. This novel is centered around the people involved in a reality show but thankfully it also details their lives "off stage" and demonstrates the complex personalities and relationships between them.The focus is on Brett and Kelly; two sisters who are involved in the show but little do the other participants know that there is a dark secret one sister is harboring. The beauty of this book and the writing is how we slowly learn the stories of the other characters. As I mentioned, I was not keen on the subject matter but the book kept my interest due to the development of the plot and characters.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This suspense novel involves a group of women from a reality show called "goal diggers". One of the women is murdered. Most of the women are not terribly likable, and the beginning of the book drags a bit as the women bicker. The last third of the book is completely bonkers as twist after twist had me laughing and gasping.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A special thank you to NetGalley and Simon & Schuster Canada for an ARC in exchange for an honest review. Five strong, successful women make up the Goal Diggers reality show cast set in New York City. The producers will get more than they bargain for this season when one of the women is murdered. Brett is the fan favourite. She is only 27 and has launched a highly successful spin studio. That, coupled with her recent engagement, has only increased her popularity and made her the envy of her cast since they are all vying for the spotlight.Kelly is Brett's older sister, business partner, and the newest cast member. The veterans of the show think she's a cling-on not understanding that growing up, it was Kelly who was the favourite, not Brett. Stephanie is the oldest on the show, and the first black woman. She is a published author of erotic novels, but her success has come from her memoir in which she has taken some liberties and is afraid of being found out. Stephanie is married to an attractive, non-working actor with a wandering eye. Sounds like the perfect storyline for a reality show, but this season, the focus is on the rift between Stephanie and her former best friend, Brett.Lauren a successful start-up story whose out-of-control drinking has her poised for a recovery storyline.Finally Jen, rich and famous from her vegan food line is actually not vegan, and is incredibly ruthless behind the scenes. I pictured her to be like Gwyneth Paltrow chowing down on burgers. Can I tell you how riveting this was? Knoll has an incredible knack for writing conversation which is why the premise worked so well—we are also a culture that is obsessed with celebrity and social media, and this story plays right into that hand. There are multiple characters introduced in the beginning and I had to keep referring back to the character synopsis to keep them all straight and I really hope that this is included in the published book. Certainly not a criticism, but I wanted to mention it because I found it useful. Knoll develops intriguing and complex characters with several layers and once you get into the story, you easily can tell who is speaking and whose point of view it is. The title of the book is clever—it speaks to the obvious sisters in the story as well as a nod to the sisterhood of women. It is these relationship dynamics that are present and integral to the narrative. Knoll's view of the sister/sisterhood is multi-faceted and downright ruthless at times. But she's not wrong. Women are all about coming together and supporting one another however, the flip side is the incredible hypocrisy as women will turn on each other on a dime! Women have to be younger than their male counterparts, thinner, smarter, and so on and unfortunately, we are our worst critics both to ourselves and each other. Knoll explores all of this through the lens of a reality show. I thought this was a fantastic read.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Goal Diggers is a reality TV show about five ultra successful women living in New York. While the show is based on the premise of highlighting how these women were able to accomplish so much in their young lives, the producers know that the audience is there for the drama. When each woman is pushed to the brink of distrust and revenge, the results are bound to end with murder. The cast is made up of: Fan favorite, Brett, who is decked out in tattoos and running a highly successful spin studio whose mission is to help African girls avoid rape by donating proceeds towards buying them electric bikes. She is also portrayed as a beacon for the LGBTQ community and this season will be highlighting her engagement to her girlfriend. Kelly, Brett’s older sister and single mom to soon-to-be teenager, Layla, is quickly seen as mooching off of her sister’s fame. No woman on the show has ever been a mother before and the other women are scorned when they start to think Layla is could steal their screen time. Stephanie, highlighted for being the first black cast member, works as a successful author who is about to release a tell-all memoir exposing her rough upbringing and her struggles through domestic abuse. Brett was once her best friend, but this season is focusing on their current rift, of which the cause has yet to be fully revealed. Lauren, the once successful dating app creator has taken a nosedive into alcoholism. She’s bound to be this season’s comeback queen.And Jen, the all-natural, organic, hippie who made her money selling women on her vegan food line as a way of being healthy and skinny. The persona she has built neatly tucks away her true self, but this season is all about revelations and her truth isn’t what it seems. Just how far will producers push the limits this season?THE FAVORITE SISTER directly transports the reader on set of the reality TV show Goal Diggers through the perspectives of Brett, Kelly, and Stephanie. Immediately you know that someone isn’t making it until the end of the season and you know the who, but not the how or why. Knolls backs up the book to pre-production and walks the reader through the murder and the after effects. While this process is intriguing in it’s revelation and details about the women of the show, it does start to feel slow and falls too much in the minutiae that you lose focus on the fact that this is all building towards a murder at some point. I think the premise was a bit lost on me since I’m not a reality TV fan, but I could see it working perfectly for those who are. I wouldn’t categorize this one as a thriller or necessarily a mystery, but I would say it qualifies as women’s fiction. I love that Knolls has so many sections where she focuses on the way society views women, their success, and how we then sell that through reality TV. I would recommend this one to fans of reality TV and a slower read. For those looking for something more fast-paced, I would say to pick up Knolls’ first novel, LUCKIEST GIRL ALIVE. A special thank you to Simon & Schuster for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Favorite Sister” by Jessica KnollI would like to thank NetGalley, Author Jessica Knoll and Publisher Simon and Schuster for the ARC of “My Favorite Sister” by Jessica Knoll for my honest opinion and review. The Genres for this Novel are Women’s Fiction, Fiction, with an essence of Suspense and Mystery. I feel there is also an element of satire in this as well. The story takes place mostly in New York City.The author describes her characters as dysfunctional, complex, complicated, diverse,and possibly pathological. The main characters are wealthy, successful women who are in a reality show called “The Goal Diggers”. They each have a goal, or charity they are supposed to be supportive of. The whole setting reminds me of “The Real Housewives”.The producers set the stage for betrayals, lies, and what viewers might want to see. In their real lives, these women are competitive, jealous, have dark secrets and do not play nicely together. They aren’t a good example of sisterhood. What is totally unexpected is murder.At this point I do want to mention that not every book is a good fit for every reader. I struggled and found this difficult to get into. At the beginning, many of the scenes seemed repetitive. I also didn’t enjoy the backstabbing, plotting and aggressive behavior of the women. This was a difficult read for me, and I did stay the course. I would suggest that many readers keep an open mind and may find that the setting and story are a perfect read for themselves.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This was pretty good. Was not what I expected which is good. It was tough to decide whether I liked each sister or not... but I think that was the point. I definitely enjoyed the different type of setting - for me at least this was the first reality show setting book I’ve read.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I enjoyed Jessica Knoll's first novel, Luckiest Girl Alive, and was excited to receive an ARC of The Favorite Sister. This novel was not as easy to read as her first book. I had a hard time staying with the story as I felt it was confusing at times and didn't feel connected to the story, especially in the middle of the book. I did finish the book and was glad I did as the ending was quite a surprise. The story was about five successful women starring in a reality show and all five women are quite unlikable characters! All the women are ruthless and would do whatever it takes to stay in the spotlight. Yes, even murder!I received an ARC from NetGalley and Simon and Schuster for an honest review.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    3.5 stars.

    The Favorite Sister by Jessica Knoll is a drama-filled mystery about the mysterious death of a cast member from a  popular reality show.

    Brett Courtney is the youngest member of a reality show which features women who have successfully built businesses on their own. With the latest season about to begin filming, the hunt is on for a new cast member, and against all odds, Brett's older sister, Kelly, is chosen along with a guest spot for Kelly's twelve year daughter, Layla. Rounding out the stars for the upcoming season are Lauren Bunn and two other original cast members health guru Jen Greenberg and novelist Stephanie Simmons. Stephanie and Brett are close friends but they have been on the outs since the previous season of the show ended. Jen and Lauren are close friends who team up with Stephanie against Brett as plans are finalized for upcoming taping. Brett is not exactly thrilled Kelly is joining the show since they have never quite managed to escape the rivalry that has marred their relationship since childhood. Kelly is seriously unprepared for the amount of backstabbing and nastiness that are hallmarks of the successful show, Goal Diggers.

    The novel opens with Kelly's interview with the show's creator, Jesse Barnes. Kelly is discussing the events that occurred during filming the previous season. Jesse and Kelly are putting their spin on the stunning murder of one of the cast members. The chapters then alternate between Brett and Stephanie's perspectives as the current season of Goal Diggers is seen during flashbacks.

    None of the women are particularly likable and there is plenty of cattiness and outright attempts to sabotage one another as filming begins. Brett is incredibly philanthropic minded and she is excited that her efforts to help disadvantaged young girls in Morocco are about to pay off. Kelly works with her sister and Layla has successfully launched a social media campaign to sell the villagers' wares.  Kelly and Brett's relationship is competitive and they often settle their differences with physical fights that began during the childhood.

    Stephanie is the oldest of the women and her newest novel is a memoir which details a harrowing ordeal that occurred when she was a teenager.  The book has been optioned for a movie and she is hoping talks with a big name producer will jumpstart production of the film adaptation. Stephanie and Brett have not spoken to each other since the previous season of Goal Diggers ended and she has garnered the support of Jen and Lauren to scuttle Brett's plans. Stephanie's marriage to her unemployed actor husband Vince is also in trouble and as she continues with her book tour and filming the upcoming season of Goal Diggers, their future together is in jeopardy.

    Jen  and Brett do not get along at all since they are on opposite sides of health issues. Brett is overweight and  advocates for women to be comfortable with their weight as long as they are healthy. Jen is super skinny and she believes women should monitor their diets, watch their weight and exercise to ensure good health.

    Lauren's claim to fame is an innovative dating app and as Jen's friend, her loyalty lies with her. Lauren is the "fun" one on the show and excessive drinking feature heavily into her escapades. She is considered to be the expendable one so she is easy to convince to join in with the other women's schemes.

    The Favorite Sister is well-written but the novel is incredibly slow-paced. The characters are unsympathetic, manipulative and downright nasty. They quickly seize the opportunity to betray each other and expose one another's secrets in order to grab ratings and secure their positions on the show.  The slow parceling of information is a bit frustrating since Jessica Knoll saves the majority of the plot twists for the novel's surprise ending.  Fans of reality television will most likely enjoy this intriguing mystery.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    This was very nearly a DID NOT FINISH (DNF) for me. I plugged away at it several times, since I was given a free copy by NetGalley and the publisher, and I felt obligated to read it to give an honest review.
    This is a novel about a reality TV series about women who are managing their lives - and how the stars compete with each other. If you like The Real Housewives or Keeping Up with the Kardashians, you may like this book, as it is all about petty behavior, about clothes and pricey handbags and shoes, but not about substance. None of the characters are likeable. None of the characters warrant any sympathy. They are all liars and living lies for sake of the ratings.
    I really didn't like this book at all. I am not surprised, because I also didn't like Luckiest Girl Alive.
    In my opinion, don't waste your time on this book.

    #NetGalley #TheFavoriteSister #JessicaKnoll

Book preview

The Favorite Sister - Jessica Knoll


Kelly: The Interview Present day

A man whose name I do not know slides his hand under the hem of my new blouse, connecting the cable to the lavalier mic clipped to my collar. He asks me to say something—sound check—and for a single, reckless beat, I consider the truth. Brett is dead and I’m not innocent.

Testing. Testing. One. Two. Three. I’m not only dishonest. I’m unoriginal.

The sound guy listens to the playback. Keep your hair off your left shoulder as much as you can, he tells me. I haven’t had my ends trimmed in months, and not because my grief has bested my vanity. I’m hoping viewers are better able to see the resemblance to my sister. I have nice hair. Brett had beautiful hair.

Thanks, I reply, wishing I could remember his name. Brett would have known it. She made a point of being on a first-name basis with the crew—from the gaffer to the ever-rotating harem of production assistants. My sister’s specialty was making underappreciated people feel appreciated. It’s a testament to that quality that we are all gathered here today, some of us prepared to tell heroic lies about her.

Acoustics isolated, I take my seat before Camera A with the grim poise of a fallen soldier’s widow. The small room is cozy as a Christmas card—fire going, overstuffed chairs. This is my first time in Jesse Barnes’s apartment, and I was dismayed to discover that while richly appointed, it is not much bigger than my one-bedroom in Battery Park that atrophies my savings on the fifteenth of every month. Jesse Barnes has a hit reality show on a prestige cable channel and all she has to show for it is nine hundred square feet. New York does not have the real estate for any more success stories.

Jesse emerges from her bedroom and frowns at me. Better, she says, meaning my outfit. I agonized over what to wear for this interview, scouring the flash-sale sites, until finally giving myself permission to shop the full-price racks at Ann Taylor. Not Loft. When you are going on TV to talk about your little sister, dead at twenty-seven, you spring for the core product.

I showed up for the interview fifteen minutes early (location one, Jesse’s living room), feeling spruce in a starched white button-down and black pants that hook above my belly button. Jesse barely glanced at me and called over her stylist with an excoriating sigh, like she was expecting me to disappoint her. My grieving big sister costume has since been reimagined with the help of a pair of large ripped jeans and sneakers, though we kept the fitted button-down for contrast, rolling up the sleeves and knotting it at the waist. This is an intimate fireside chat in my living room, not a network interview with Diane Sawyer on a soundstage, Jesse told the stylist, speaking about me as though I were not standing right next to her. She noticed but did not comment on the price tag, still attached to the interior seam of the rejected pair of black pants by a small brass safety pin. Diane Sawyer actually wanted to interview me on a soundstage for half a million dollars, but I said no, for Jesse, and I’m a single mother wearing clothes I’ll try to return tomorrow.

Jesse Barnes sits down across from me and does a very confusing thing. She smiles at me. All morning, she has oscillated between picking me apart and ignoring me, which is not an easy thing to do in such tight quarters. Jesse Barnes knows what really happened and that’s why she’s of two minds about me. She needs me, that’s for sure, so you would think she would smile at me more. The problem is that I need her too.

You feel okay about this? she asks, sounding almost nervous. All around us, yellow sandbags moor light stands, their naked bulbs too bright to look at directly. It’s like we’re preparing for a natural disaster, I thought the first time I saw them, not too long ago.

I do, I tell her with the confidence I’ve learned to fake as a mother. What’s my father’s name? I don’t know. What if a man comes to my school with a gun? That will never happen.

Let’s make this quick for both of our sakes, Jesse says, raising her phone to her face to brush up on her interview questions, one combat boot bobbing. Jesse dresses like a goth lesbian Audrey Hepburn, Brett told me before I met her for the first time, and then she actually repeated the witticism to Jesse’s face, as though to prove to me that unlike the other women, Jesse was her friend and not just her boss. Jesse and I were on our way to friendship before Brett died, our one inside joke igniting a blaze of insecurity in my sister that had remained mostly contained since she became famous. This fear that we might regress to our childhood roles—me the golden child, Brett the reprobate—was a fire that nothing could put out entirely. At least you didn’t have the shitty childhood, she would say whenever something bad happened to me in adulthood, as though I had no right to complain about needing a root canal now because I was Mom’s favorite growing up. What Brett never understood was that Mom preferred me because she could control me, and that made for a shitty childhood in its own right. I was the yes daughter, and for the record what that got me wasn’t love. What that got me was a lowering limbo bar, until I couldn’t bend any deeper. So I snapped.

We’re good, Jess, Lisa says. Lisa is our showrunner and the only person in this room who wasn’t enamored with Brett while she was alive. Well, besides me. Don’t get me wrong—I loved my sister, but I saw her too.

There are the last-minute preparations: a dab of Vaseline in the bow of my lips, a spritz of hairspray from the on-set hairdresser, smile check—no breakfast in our teeth. The set clears, leaving only the main players. It is not the most ideal of circumstances, but not even a year ago, I could only dream that Saluté would be promoting The Kelly Courtney Interview Special on the sides of MTA buses.

Jesse begins. Kelly, I want to thank you so much for agreeing to share your story with the Saluté community. She is speaking in a gentle lilt, but her eyes are flat and hard. Let me start by saying how profoundly sorry I am for your loss. I know I speak on behalf of the entire Saluté family when I say we are all grieving. She pauses long enough for me to thank her. "That grief, as I’m sure you know, is a tornado of emotions. Hurt, shock, confusion, anger. A bead of Jesse’s spit lands just below my eye. I wipe it away and realize it looks like I am wiping away a tear when Jesse clucks. How are you holding up?"

I’m hanging in there. I picture my fingers monkey-gripping the edge of a rooftop, cartoon clouds separating me from the gawkers on the street below: Am I really going to do it? Something Stephanie must have thought. How many times?

I noticed you’re wearing your sister’s ring, Jesse says. Can you share the significance of that with the people at home?

My right hand flies to my left, shielding the gold signet as though Jesse has threatened to take it from me. The women had these rings made after the first season of the show, I explain, my thumb brushing the letterpressed metal. Like everything of Brett’s but her shoes, the ring is too big on me. On cold days I have to wear it on my thumb. "They’re inscribed SS, for Standing Sisters."

What does Standing Sisters signify?

That the lethal casting process you subjected them to every year didn’t bring them to their knees. Production was notorious for toying with the women between seasons. They brought in new women, younger women, smarter women, richer women, put them on tape, and sent them to the network to consider. Potential new hires, all under the guise of keeping the cast fresh. But they also made sure the old women heard about it, that they knew no one was irreplaceable. If they wanted to come back, they had better dance for their dinner. And the old women would do anything to come back. No one ever left the show of her own accord, despite what previously axed Diggers have claimed in the press. You were fired or you died, and honestly, dying might be better. Once you were fired, it was over anyway.

It was a point of pride for Jen Greenberg, Stephanie Simmons, and my sister that they were original Goal Diggers who withstood every between-season casting gauntlet. They had these rings made to congratulate themselves and, let’s be real, to assert their authority over the newbies like me.

The rings are our promises to each other that as women, we will raise each other up, I revise.

"As women, we must make this commitment to one another, Jesse says with the vigor of someone who believes herself, especially when the world is designed to keep us down. And I have to give it to you, Kelly, because after what happened to Brett, I think most of us would understand if you wanted to back off, sell your share in the company, and hand over the reins. Instead, you’ve taken complete creative control and doubled your revenue, all while raising the most thoughtful, caring, and enterprising teenager I’ve ever met. You’re not just standing. You’re thriving."

The mention of my daughter gets my heart going at a primal pace. Keep her out of this, I think, unfairly, since I’m the one who brought her into this in the first place.

Kelly, Jesse continues, the network faced a great deal of flak when we announced that we were not only moving forward with airing season four as planned, but that we would be sharing the footage of that day uncensored. But as a show dedicated to the empowerment and advancement of women, we felt it was our responsibility to lay bare the truth of domestic violence. I know, as your friend, you agreed with Saluté. Would you talk to me a little bit about that?

Even though I know we are not and never will be friends, the word sends a warm spike through my middle. To be a part of Jesse’s orbit is a fantastic thing. I’m sorry this is the way it had to happen—of course I am, I’m not a monster—but I shouldn’t have to feel guilty about it either. Everything Jesse just said about me is true. I have revitalized the company. I have doubled our revenue. I have raised an exceptional daughter. I deserve to be here, maybe even more than Brett ever did.

I think of it like this, Jesse, I answer. "That if what had happened to my sister had happened to me, I wouldn’t want the truth censored"this verbal mirroring is met with an almost imperceptible nod of approval from Jesse—just because it makes people uncomfortable. We should be made uncomfortable by domestic violence. We should be traumatized by it. It’s the only way we are ever going to be motivated to do anything about it. The tenor of my voice has intensified, and Jesse reaches out and catches my hand in hers. The gesture produces a clapping sound, as though we have high-fived.

Why don’t we start from the beginning? she suggests, her pulse electric beneath my fingertips. She’s not nervous, I realize. She’s excited.

My mother always told me to make my own money so that a man could never tell me what to do. (Like my father ever told her what to do.) But here I am, doing that, or trying to at least, just to take orders from a woman who would not hesitate to hit me harder than any man ever could if I do not do as she says. I do not have independence. I do not have desirable options. What am I to do but to start from our version of the beginning?


Pre-Production • May 2017



Would-be yoga instructor number four has punk blond hair and a bodybuilder’s tan. Her name is Maureen and she’s an ex-housewife who has spent the last seven years working on a documentary about the exodus of the Anlo-Ewe tribe from Notsé to the southeastern corner of the Republic of Ghana. If it were up to me, I’d say look no further.

Thank you for coming all the way up here to see us, Kelly says with a pleasant smile she doesn’t intend Maureen to ever see again. I know she decided against her the moment she took off her coat to reveal her pink sports bra and mommy gut. Kelly never got mommy gut after she had a baby, and so she believes mommy gut is not a result of biology but a choice. Wrong choice.

I’ve stayed mostly silent during the interview—this is Kelly’s thing—though not in writing—but Maureen turns to me, wringing her hands, shyly.

At the risk of sounding like a total brownnoser, she says, I can’t leave here without saying how lucky this generation of young girls is to have someone like you on their TV screens. Maybe I would have come into my own sooner if I had someone like you to show me how great life can be when you embrace your authentic self. Would have saved my kids a lot of fucking grief. She slaps a hand over her mouth. Shit. Her eyes go wide. Shit! Wider still. Why can’t I stop? I’m so sorry.

I glance at my twelve-year-old niece sitting in the corner, texting deafly. She wasn’t supposed to be here today, but the babysitter’s dog ate a grape. Toxic, apparently. I turn back to Maureen. How. Dare. You.

The silence stretches, uncomfortably. Only when it becomes unbearable do I flash her a grin and repeat, "How fucking dare you."

Oh, you’re kidding! Maureen doubles over with relief, resting her hands on her knees. She releases a breath between her teeth; half whistle, half laugh.

"Easy," my sister mutters, reminding me of our mother in two terrifying consonants. Our mother could silence a car alarm going off all night with the slow turn of her head.

Your daughter is stunning, by the way, Maureen addresses Kelly, changing tack in an attempt to placate my stern-lipped sister, but it is the exact worst thing she could have said about her daughter. Stunning. Striking. Exotic. That face That hair. All of it makes the green tendon in Kelly’s neck throb. My daughter is not some rarefied tropical fruit, she sometimes snaps at well-meaning strangers. She is a twelve-year-old girl. Just call her pretty.

Maureen sees the expression on Kelly’s face and laughs, nervously, turning to appeal to me one last time. "You should know that there’s already a wait list for your book at my local library. Only two people ahead of me, but still. You haven’t even published it yet."

I offer her the plate of Grindstone artisanal doughnuts. What’s wrong with Dunkin’? I wanted to know. But Kelly had read about designer doughnuts on Grub Street and insisted we stop in Sag Harbor on the way. You get the bacon maple for that. I wink at Maureen and she blushes like a much younger woman who married a man despite all those fantasies, starring her best friend.

Do you get that a lot? the New York magazine reporter asks when Maureen is gone. Erin, I think she said her name was. Women who credit their coming out to you?

All the time.

Why do you think that is?

I lace my fingers behind my head and kick up my feet. Cocky, straight women often call me with a giggle. Gay looks good on me, I guess.

Kelly makes that face our mother warned would stick. I wish she were alive so that I could tell her she was right about something, at least.

It’s working for you, Erin agrees, blushing. Whew! She fans her cheeks. Where’s the bathroom in here?

Down the hallway on the left, Kelly tells her.

No, Brett, Kelly says, quietly, as soon as the bathroom door shuts. She means Maureen. No, Brett, we aren’t hiring her. No, Brett, it’s not your call. I reach for Erin’s recorder and switch it off so Kelly isn’t caught fat/age/tan shaming on tape.

Hey, I hold up my phone to take an Instagram story of our surroundings, the yoga studio is your baby. I type NEW SPOKE SPACE COMING JUNE ’17. Click, done. Search for the location. Montauk End of the World doesn’t come up for a while. Service is wonky out here, which reminds me . . . By the way, I say to Kelly, "it’s out here."

Kelly stares at me, blankly.

"You said thank you for coming all the way up here to see us. Montauk isn’t up. It’s east. You want people to think you’re an old pro at the Hamptons scene . . ." I pull my sweatshirt over my head and pet the static out of my famous hair.

This is, in fact, Kelly’s first time out here. A ticket to a comedy show, I realized, after mentioning it to the commercial designer I’ve hired to transform the abandoned hardware store on Montauk’s Main Street into a pop-up yoga studio. A pop-up yoga studio on Montauk’s Main Street. If you’re worried I’ve become more basic than the insult basic, you should be.

Never been to Montauk before? the designer had repeated back to us in slow disbelief, as if my sister had never seen avocado toast on a menu, or heard Justin Bieber’s music. He spread a palm over his throat, choking on Kelly’s quaintness.

And so earlier, as Kelly and I were setting up the space for the yoga instructor auditions, Kelly told me not to mention anything about it being her first time in Montauk to the New York magazine reporter who was on her way out here to document the first hiring call for the yoga studio.

I tried to parse her reasoning before asking about it. Kelly gets cranky when you ask her to explain things she thinks should be obvious, another fetching facet of her personality she got from our mother. Why not? I’d finally been forced to ask. I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why it would be a bad thing for people to know this was Kelly’s first time in Montauk. I’ve barely been to Montauk, and, if anything, it better serves our brandyup, still the grossest word in the English language—that Kelly has never spent a summer mainlining rosé in a slutty one-piece at Gurney’s. We are the people’s fitness studio.

Because I don’t want anything that makes us look inexperienced in the press, she said, flicking open a yoga mat. I’m worried how it looks to our investors, like we’re little girls playing with Monopoly money.

Well, I thought but didn’t have the energy to say, they aren’t our investors. They’re my investors. So don’t lose any sleep over it. But I let it slide. I have enough headaches in my life right now. No need to get hung up on the delusional statements of a stay-at-home mom who still hasn’t accepted the fact that her tubby little sister is the overachiever now.

And overachiever I am. Since filming wrapped last season, I’ve raised $23.4 million to expand the location of my spin studio, WeSPOKE. Coming fall 2017, SPOKE will open on the Upper West Side and Soho, and, if this yoga thing does well for us, we have our eye on a space just down the block from our original SPOKE location in the Flatiron, the premier zip code for boutique studio fitness in Manhattan. Not bad for a twenty-seven-year-old community-college dropout who, up until three years ago, was living in her sister’s basement in New Jersey.

I should be proud, and I am, but . . . I don’t know. I can’t help but feel conflicted about the expansion. I loved our scrappy little studio when it was a self-governing affair: There was no board to answer to, no human resources department, no numbingly dull talk of the market. Our seed capital came from an entrepreneurial contest I won when I was twenty-three. I never needed angel investors or bootstrappers, I never had to answer to anyone but myself. The grant money gave me the freedom to focus on the mission of SPOKE, which is and always will be to protect and educate the female Imazighen population of Morocco’s High Atlas Mountains.

Imazighen women and girls—some as young as eight—walk, on average, four miles a day under a gruesome 14 UV Index sun just to bring home a single jerrican of water. It’s a woman’s duty to provide clean water for her family, and the task often prevents them from attending school and entering the workforce later in life. Then there is the issue of their safety. One in five Imazighen women have been sexually assaulted on their way to the well, sometimes by groups of men who hide in the bushes and wait for the youngest walkers. When I heard this, I had to act, and I knew other women would be compelled to as well if I made it easy for them. For every fifth ride at SPOKE, we provide a bike to an Imazighen family in need. The bikes reduce the time of the water-gathering task (from hours to minutes) so that young girls are home in time for school and their moms can go to work. The bikes mobilize girls who haven’t even gotten their periods yet to outpace a gang of rapists.

That was my pitch, and not a single investor bought it. They were all men, and they all thought New York City women were too self-absorbed to care. But these days, it’s cool to care. It’s mandatory to support the sisterhood. Women are spokes in the same wheel, trying their best to move each other forward. That’s SPOKE’s mission statement. Kelly came up with it. Beautiful, huh? Myself, I preferred Get off your privileged ass and think of someone else for a change, but Kelly made the point that we’d probably catch more flies with honey.

Of course, when we didn’t, Kelly lost interest. She laughed at me when I showed her the article I’d clipped from the Out magazine I found in the doctor’s waiting room, detailing the entrepreneurial contest for budding LGBTQ business owners. That’s a long shot, she said, but I’ve always had a strong arm.

I’d peeled apart a folding chair and said, The Hamptons are absolutely lovely and they should stay that way, but they won’t, not with pop-up yoga studios opening where the hardware store is supposed to be.

Kelly had sighed. There’s a client base out here, though.

I’d set the box of Grindstone doughnuts on the seat of the chair. I’d already eaten two—classic Boston crème and blueberry basil with lemon ricotta frosting. The sugar remained a burning ring in my throat, demanding more. Better than an orgasm, people say about good food, but that isn’t quite right. Food is what happens before the orgasm, the building of something great, the wonderfully excruciating plea to keep going, keep going. Too many women deny themselves this pleasure, and I decided long ago I would not be one of them. Almost one third of young women would trade a year of their lives to have the perfect body. This is not because women are shallow, or because they have their priorities out of whack. It is because society makes life miserable for women who are not thin. I am part of a small but growing minority determined to change that. SPOKE is the first exercise studio that mentions nothing about transforming your body, because study after study proves that your physical body has so little to do with health. Healthy people are people who feel connected to their communities, who are loved and supported by those around them, and who have a sense of purpose in their lives. Healthy women do not waste their precious energy separating egg whites from egg yolks.

How about this, I said to Kelly. I won’t mention anything about this being your first time in Montauk if you consider the free memberships for the locals.

No, Brett, Kelly said, her favorite refrain. Someone in this family needs to graduate from college.

Half a degree from Dartmouth is like a full degree from CUNY, I pointed out.

I’ll get a scholarship, Layla had said, dutifully. Little perfect angel that she is, she had found a broom and was sweeping the area around the yoga mat, because it was dirty and the instructors were going to be auditioning barefooted. When Layla was born, the doctor told me she had 25 percent of my genes, but I think those cells have copied and split a few times since then. It was Layla’s idea to curate an Instagram account and online shop that hawks the wares of Imazighen women. The feed is filled with gorgeous rag rugs, pottery, and cold-pressed olive oil, and 100 percent of the proceeds go back to the women of the High Atlas Mountains. Just like her auntie, Layla thinks with her heart, not her wallet. We have Kelly for that.

It’s not that easy to get a scholarship, Layla, Kelly said. Especially to a top school.

Uhhhhh, I said, making prolonged eye contact with Layla, whose smile was a dare: Say it. I think she’ll be fine.

Don’t do that, Brett, Kelly muttered, plopping into a chair while her daughter continued to sweep the floors.

I walked over to her and rested my hands on the back of her chair, bringing my face close enough for her to smell the lavender rose poppy seed we could have just gone to Dunkin’ doughnut on my breath. Pretending to be colorblind is just as offensive as the n-word, you know.

Kelly covered my whole face with her palm and shoved me away. "Stop." It came out an exhausted plea. Kelly is a mother, and heretofore exhausted in a way that I as a child-free individual running a multimillion-dollar corporation cannot begin to even contemplate.

Kelly had Layla when she was nineteen years old, in a confounding act of defiance against our recently deceased mother. Growing up, my mother’s shadow darted after Kelly as she moved between AP classes, piano lessons, Habitat for Humanity, SAT tutors, college essay editors, college interview coaches, Dartmouth, premed summer sessions, and finally, a fellowship with the International School of Global Health in North Africa that Kelly returned from motherless, pregnant, and more chill than I’d ever seen her. Our mom was far from the traditional definition of a tiger mom. Her fixed state was mopey, immobilized, one stain on her blouse away from crying. Kelly was the court jester, but instead of juggling and telling jokes, she got straight As and played Bach with soft fingers. When our mother died (took three strokes), Kelly was released from duty. Why she decided to celebrate her freedom by holding out her wrists for another set of handcuffs still escapes me, but then we wouldn’t have Layla, who, listen, I know on a subliminal level has to love my sister more than she loves me. But it doesn’t feel that way. Not to me and not to Kelly either. And it’s a reversal of fortunes for both of us.

Because when I was in high school, I was the least loved. I was smoking pot when I should have been in Spanish class, piercing my nose instead of my ear cartilage, eating white cheddar Cheez-Its for breakfast, and looking more and more like my mother every day, an egregious crime, in her eyes. I never understood it. Kelly may have gotten the thin genes but my mother and I got face. A boy in high school once said that if you put my head on Kelly’s body we could be a supermodel. And this is the problem with the way girls are raised, because both of us were flattered. One of us even gave him a blow job.

Erin returns from the bathroom, shaking her wet hands. No paper towels in there, she says. I stick my hands in my sweatshirt and reach out to dry hers. For a moment, our fingers intertwine through the terry cloth material, and we feel that our hands are the same size. I love introducing other women to the eroticism of equality.

Thanks. Erin is flushed. She takes a seat next to me, pressing play on her recorder with a cutely scolding glance in my direction. I lift a hand with a shrug—No idea how that happened—and a prism of light distracts her.

Ah, she says. There’s the famous ring.

I hold out my hand so we can both admire the gold signet I wear on my pinkie. It’s a little cocktail-hour-at-the-club for me, I say, but I got absolutely no say in the design.

When the show was renewed for the third season, Jen, Steph, and I realized we were the only original cast members still standing, and Steph proposed having rings made to commemorate this momentous achievement. She sent me a link to the website of a designer Gwyneth Paltrow featured on Goop, $108 for an inch of plated gold, plus the cost to have them engraved SS, for Standing Sisters. This was before the $23.4 million, the book deal, and the speaking fees that still haven’t made me rich, because it is very hard to be rich in New York City. Does Claire’s still exist? I texted back. On me, was Steph’s response. A lot of things were on Steph, and despite what she tells you, she likes it that way. Sometimes, I catch Kelly staring at the ring. She’ll look away when she realizes she’s been seen, sheepish, like a guy busted staring at your tits when you bend over to pick up something that’s fallen on the ground.

Erin’s attention travels up my bare arm. Is that new?

I flex my bicep for her. I am not the type of woman who gets a tattoo on the nape of her neck or the underside of her wrist. A woman needs a man—

Like a fish needs a bicycle, Erin finishes. Another Straight Girl Flirts with Me (And I Love It) should be the name of my fucking memoir.

That’s so clever, Erin gushes. Especially with the reference to the bicycle.

"Oh, Brett is extremely clever." Kelly gets me in a headlock and gives me a noogie, her preferred method of attack whenever she feels like anyone is stroking my ego too hard. She likes to try to break off my Cher hair at the root. I sink my teeth into her arm hard enough to taste her Bliss body lotion, the only body lotion Kelly can afford at Bluemercury, and she releases me with a sharp cry.

Erin reaches out and irons my hair back into place.

Can you please tell everyone it’s real? I ask her.

Hair is real. Erin pretends to jot it down in a pretend notebook. It’s interesting, she says, but I’m noticing a pattern here that the show parallels. You as the little sister to the group.

Mmmm, I say, unconvinced. I think Jen Greenberg would rather hump a hot dog than share a bloodline with me.

Erin controls her laugh, but her eyes are twinkling with shared detestation for Jen. I’m sure that’s not true.

There is no love lost between Jen Greenberg and me. We were acquainted through the wellness industry years ago, something approaching friends that first season. Viewers watched as I grew close to her famous humanist mother, Yvette, who loves Jen because she has to and me because she does, and everyone thinks this is why we can’t speak the other’s name without a lip curl of contempt. The reality is that there is a gap between Jen’s onscreen persona (Vegan. Groovy.) and real-life one (Vegan. Mega bitch.), and I have no patience for that particular brand of inauthenticity.

And guess what? It’s okay that we do not get along. It is a dangerous thing to conflate feminism with liking all women. It limits women to being one thing, likable, when feminism is about allowing women to be all shades of all things, even if that thing is a snake oil saleswoman.

Erin continues, I guess I just mean everyone has their role, right? You’re the baby. The scrappy up-and-comer. Stephanie is the grand dame. The one with it all—money, success, love. Jen is obviously feminist royalty and Lauren’s the straw that stirs the drink. Hayley was, I don’t know . . . I guess she was the normal one?

And that’s why you’re speaking about her in the past tense. Hayley’s obituary came in the form of an Us Weekly announcement detailing her desire to concentrate on new and exciting business opportunities. As if the whole point of the show isn’t to document that very thing. I liked Hayley and I think she had another season in her, but she got greedy, asking for all that money when she was bringing nothing to the table.

Cast members drop every year and I see no reason to go into crisis mode worrying that I might be next. We all have a story that will come to an end at some point or another, no use making myself crazy trying to manipulate the inevitable, as is the way of some of the cast. Still, I’d rather deal with that than with my sister, buzzing in my ear the last few weeks. Would the producers consider her to replace Hayley? Would I talk to Lisa again? Would I talk to Jesse this time?

I submit. I guess I’m kind of the underdog.

One side of Erin’s mouth tugs down, wryly. "Well. If the underdog has three million followers on Instagram while the rest of the cast has yet to break a mil. But in terms of your socioeconomic standing, yes, though I’m so interested to see how this season plays out now that you’re catching up to everyone else financially. It seems like you’re really firing on all cylinders, you know? You’re in a serious relationship with a drop-dead gorgeous human rights lawyer—"

Who volunteers with sexual assault survivors and speaks five languages, I pad.

Erin laughs. "Who volunteers with sexual assault survivors and speaks five languages. Then you’ve got the book deal. The two new studios. You’re trying your hand at yoga. All of this, it’s going to cause a power shift in the group. I mean," she smirks—not at me; at her, it already has, hasn’t it?

Kelly watches me, curious how this is going to go. This is the first time anyone in the press has asked me about her. Stephanie. My former best friend.

I gather my wits and say, I’m not one for beating around the bush.

Erin leans forward with a collaborating smile, as though to assure me we can shape this any way I want if I’m willing to spill the tea. I heard you and Stephanie had a fight and are no longer talking.

I speak around her, to Kelly, "It was on TMZ, right? So it has to be true."

Erin shrugs, unfazed. "TMZ was the first to break the news about Michael Jackson’s death and the Kim Kardashian robbery."

"I love TMZ." Kelly grins at me, thrilled to see me in the hot seat. Kelly knows all about my falling-out with Stephanie. But unlike TMZ, and unlike what I’m about to tell Erin, she knows the truth, and I can count on her to keep it a secret. Sisters are reliably good for two things: hating and loving.

We haven’t spoken in six months, I admit.

Erin purses her lips, saddened by this news. But the sadness is only an angle to solicit more information. I loved your friendship with Stephanie. It felt important to see a relationship like that between two women. Important and remarkable, especially for the reality TV landscape that feeds off women in conflict. And you didn’t— She cuts herself off, searching for a better phrasing. I don’t want to sound blamey. I guess I’m trying to understand how two women whose bond seemed unbreakable don’t reconnect given the serious revelations made by one in her memoir. She waits for me to respond. I wait for a question to actually be asked. Unless . . . Erin squints as if to filter out everyone and everything but me. Unless you already knew about the sexual abuse?

I am prepared for this. Stephanie is a really private person.

So . . . you did know?

Just because we’re going through a rough patch right now doesn’t mean I’d betray her confidences. Violence against women, and particularly women of color, is a cause I feel very strongly about. I would never want to speak for Stephanie about her own experience.

Erin frowns and nods: Fair enough. Clearly, you still care about her. Does this mean we’ll get to see a reconciliation next season?

I gaze at the old cash register in the corner. There’s still a dish of Bazooka Bubble Gum on the counter. I’d like to keep that, if possible. Some original touches as penance for the fresh hell of athleisure that’s about to rain down on this unsuspecting corner of an innocent fishing village. "It’s really up to her. She’s the one who is upset with me. Maybe it’s for all the reasons you said. I know she’s having her big moment with her memoir right now, a moment I want to make clear is well-deserved, but maybe she liked me better when I was the underdog."

Erin props her elbow on the folding table, resting her chin on her fist, giving me her best I’m listening eyes. Or do you think it’s because you wouldn’t pass on an advance copy of her book to Rihanna?

I do a double take. Not even TMZ knew about the Rihanna part. Yet.

Full disclosure. Erin raises her hand like she’s about to take an oath. I called Stephanie for a quote earlier this week.

It’s a good thing I’m sitting down because I’m pretty sure my kneecaps have liquefied. She called Stephanie? Does she know?

I had pitched this as a piece about our new yoga suite, Kelly inserts with an amicable smile. And it’s true, she did. I didn’t see the need to have a member of the press present for today, but Kelly wants it printed in New York magazine that she is chief of SPOKE’s first foray into exploiting an ancient and sacred practice for its low overhead.

In addition to being SPOKE’s bookkeeper and also a .000000001 percent investor (she generously threw in 2K of the money Mom left us in her will), it was Kelly’s idea to expand into yoga. The pop-up studio is a trial run. If it does well for us, I promised Kelly that FLOW would be her domain. But for that to happen, Kelly needs to hire some instructors. Before Maureen there was Amal, who blew something called a Handstand Scorpion and spoke too high, like a little girl. How could anyone relax into something called King Pigeon with that voice? Before that was Justin, who was otherwise perfect if not for his declaration that he would require a 20 percent raise to leave his post at Pure Yoga. Next! Kirsten’s capital offense was her uninspiring sequencing.

I paw through the stack of resumés. Kirsten. I want to give her a call back. She was good. I liked her.

Kelly squares the pile of resumés I just cluttered. Not Maureen?

I tug my sweatshirt on. The sleeves are still wet from Erin’s hands. Bitch should have preordered my book.

Jesus, Kelly gasps, horrified. "Please tell

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