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Gerald and Other Short Stories
Gerald and Other Short Stories
Gerald and Other Short Stories
Ebook32 pages21 minutes

Gerald and Other Short Stories

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"Gerald" - Ben and Gerald live in a tenement. Gerald thinks Ben is too old to have an imaginary friend, but Ben is reluctant to take that first step to his own independence. How does an imaginary friend convince an adolescent that he doesn't need him anymore and needs to go out and find the equally wonderful experiences of real life?

"The Accomplice" - Morgan, the night guard of a Boston house of art, helps his friends Will and Chuck rob priceless paintings. He is going to live the high life and be part of the art heist of the century. Riches beyond his wildest imagination await him after this night. But Will and Chuck may have other plans.

"Lifetime Guarantee" - Jack and Beth meet up at a seedy motel for a secret tryst. They like to commit adultery and have fun doing it. What kinds of dirty deeds take place? How will their spouses react? And why are they so riled up on this tryst than any other in their past?

"The Security Guard" - Prudence, a seventy-five-year-old secretary working at her local church's parish center. She is given a very peculiar assignment. Against her own common sense but with a responsibility to do her job, she is thrust into the world of protecting the innocent from harm using nothing but her clipboard, her ingenuity and her feelings that absurdity is all around her.

"Morey's Deli" - Morey is a troll from the Slide, a place where elves, dwarves, and trolls came over into the human world. Morey has established himself as a deli owner and is quite proud of earning an honest living. He's not your faerie tale troll. He just wants to have a day where nothing goes wrong. Is that too much to ask?

Release dateApr 27, 2018
Gerald and Other Short Stories

Richard Elliott

The journey continues, but the destination remains predictably uncertain for Richard Elliott, a consummate seeker who never hesitates to explore new faith dimensions. Rarely content with the spiritual status quo, but regularly focused on digging deeper, he enjoys inviting others to venture into previously uncharted territory. Delightfully honest, downright frank and always well-intentioned are but a few ways I would describe my friend and brother in Christ. A man of deep convictions and a mature but ever inquiring faith, he never tires in his efforts to grow spiritually, be present to those in need and make a meaningful difference in the lives of others, whether that be family, friends or a stranger on the street. Gifted with a knack for accepting perspectives that may differ from his, he consistently displays a refreshing openness that often brings reconciliation, healing and peace. A seed sower whose goal is always to produce a meaningful harvest, it's fascinating to watch this perpetual planter at work. May those who read Richard’s most recent work, which is rooted firmly in the fertile soil of new perspectives, discover a rich assortment of gems worth pondering and helpful insights deserving additional contemplation. My guess is this will not be his last book. I continue to treasure the rather unique relationship I am privileged to share with a special saint, Richard Elliott. Eric Wogan, retired ELC Pastor I have worshipped, served in Christian outreach, and been friends in life and Christ with Richard since he, his wife Carol and others help bring me back to active faith formation a decade ago. Richard is an authentic disciple and the ultimate seeker. The sincerity and passion of his commitment to keeping God, Christ and the Spirit at the center of his life, and his willingness to help others like me do the same, are human values that are far too rare in this age in which we live. Steve Blackledge, Sarasota Throughout history, man has tried to understand how to get close to God. In most cases, he has followed a one-sided dogmatic theory from religious organizations. Richard Elliott gives us the information to find out for ourselves. He shows us the path to discovery Gods on the personal level. I firmly believe this is a groundbreaking book. Paul Gonzalez Radio and TV broadcaster The book “Developing a personal relationship with God: the one who created the universe” provides a comprehensive and informative overview of various religions without advocating for any specific one. It describes the beliefs of eight different religions, allowing the reader to understand the reason behind their followers practices the authors approach of providing references for further verification added to the books credibility while the book was easy to read and informative, and also prompted the reader to reflect on their own beliefs and raise new questions. Overall, the book offered honesty, direction, and a wealth of information without imposing a particular religious view. Tom Closson, Sarasota

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    Gerald and Other Short Stories - Richard Elliott

    Gerald and Other Short Stories

    by Richard Elliott

    Copyright by Richard Elliott, 2018

    First Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    This book is dedicated to my family and friends who have always supported me through the good times and the bad. Thank you so much for being who you are and for allowing me the time to find myself, my true calling and, ultimately, not giving up on me. This middle-aged dog is learning some new tricks. For that, I am eternally grateful. I love you all.

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Copyright Page


    Table of Contents


    The Accomplice

    Lifetime Guarantee

    The Security Guard

    Morey's Deli

    About the Author

    Contact the Author


    Originally published October 2017 by Scarlet Leaf Press

    I don’t want to go outside, Ben stated lazily, engulfed in the television’s hypnotic allure. His room was a little larger than a broom closet, but he liked the guitar on the wall and his books. Sure, it wasn’t the best room nor the best apartment building, but he didn’t care. He never went out anyway. He was in a very comfortable rut.

    Why not? Gerald queried, lying on the wall and tossing a Koosh ball up and catching it time and time again. Gerald didn’t follow the

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