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Redeeming Light
Redeeming Light
Redeeming Light
Ebook224 pages3 hours

Redeeming Light

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When Sarah McKinney's father dies tragically, she takes over the cattle ranch on the Texas Gulf Coast. To save the breed stock and make a fresh start, Sarah is forced to lead a harrowing cattle drive to sell off the herd. Amid the turmoil, Sarah finds herself distracted by her uncle's young law apprentice, Frederick Chessher.Frederick is drawn to the strong woman who stares adversity in the eye and wins, but if he is to court Sarah, Frederick must end a relationship with a girl from Beaumont, Texas. He sets off.When a great storm hits from the Gulf of Mexico, Frederick rushes back on an ill-fated train ride. Will he make it to the Bolivar Point Lighthouse where Sarah has taken refuge, or will he be claimed by the storm like thousands of others?
Release dateMay 11, 2018
Redeeming Light

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    Redeeming Light - Annette O'Hare


    Redeeming Light

    Annette O’Hare

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

    Redeeming Light

    COPYRIGHT 2018 by Annette O’Hare

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author or Pelican Ventures, LLC except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

    eBook editions are licensed for your personal enjoyment only. eBooks may not be re-sold, copied or given to other people. If you would like to share an eBook edition, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with.

    Contact Information: [email protected]

    Scripture texts in this work are taken from the New American Bible, revised edition Copyright 2010, 1991, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Washington, D.C. and are used by permission of the copyright owner. All Rights Reserved. No part of the New American Bible may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    White Rose Publishing, a division of Pelican Ventures, LLC PO Box 1738 *Aztec, NM * 87410

    White Rose Publishing Circle and Rosebud logo is a trademark of Pelican Ventures, LLC

    Publishing History

    First White Rose Edition, 2018

    Paperback Edition ISBN 978-1-5223-0128-8

    Electronic Edition ISBN 978-1-5223-0126-4

    Published in the United States of America


    A father is neither an anchor to hold us back, nor a sail to take us there, but a guiding light whose love shows us the way ~ author unknown

    Daddy, you will forever be in my heart.

    Harrell Jerry McRae

    1937 - 2017

    What People are Saying

    In Redeeming Light, Annette O'Hare once again gives us a delightful novel with fascinating characters caught up in a story of love, endurance, and complete trust in God in the most trying of times. Set on the Gulf Coast of Texas, the reader will experience the whims of the weather and tides of Bolivar and will be turning the pages to see who survives the tempest.

    ~Martha Rogers, author of the

    Seasons of the Heart series

    Annette O'Hare has nailed it in this delightful novel of a young woman's search to secure her future and finds an everlasting love. Well done!

    ~Cynthia Hickey, author of

    the Shady Acres mystery series


    For thou hast been a shelter for me, and a strong tower from the enemy. Psalm 61:3

    Bolivar Peninsula, Late Summer 1900

    Sarah Jane McKinney had dreaded the coming night for some time now. The very thought of having to deal with that crotchety old man had her stomach performing somersaults. On more than one occasion she’d heard Daddy refer to him as a shyster. And if he was brazen enough to try pulling something over on Daddy, then taking advantage of a house full of women should be as easy as drawing ants to a picnic.

    Come on, Ginger. Sarah Jane clicked her tongue and tugged the reigns. The auburn mare flipped her head in the direction Sarah indicated. The horse’s russet-colored mane swished past long, dark lashes. Ginger had the glamorous eyes of a pin-up girl on a calendar. She nickered and snorted her annoyance at the restless dog running between her legs.

    Come on, Rex. Mama’s gonna be angry if Maisy May gets out of her pen and eats up her vegetables, again. The keen-eyed dog snapped to attention at the sound of his name. Sarah gestured toward the gate. Get the rope.

    Eager to please his master, Rex grasped the tattered cords in his mouth and pulled. The wooden gate swung toward the scruffy dog and latched shut.

    Good boy, Rex.

    The milk cow mooed her protest at being shut inside the barn.

    Sarah knew firsthand that Maisy preferred the taste of Mama’s homegrown produce to her store-bought feed. Sorry, girl, but I’m not drinking any more onion-flavored milk.

    With the pen secured, Ginger slowly clopped to her stall in the back of the barn. The slow cadence of her hoof falls indicated her fatigue. All the animals spent their nights in the barn except the beef stock, and Rex of course. Rex stayed in Sarah’s room, much to Mama’s displeasure.

    Looking back, Sarah saw Maisy May’s udder bag swishing to and fro as she fell in line behind Ginger. Two goats, the newborn kid, and a half-dozen or more sheep followed in step as they did every evening.

    Sarah dismounted and filled Ginger’s feed trough with fresh oats. Sarah unhitched the saddle and lifted it off the horse’s back. She had helped her daddy take care of the ranch for years, with the help of Pedro and the other hands, but now that her father was gone she quickly came to realize how much work there really was. There were so many things that needed attention. If she didn’t get some help soon, the place would fall into disrepair.

    Ginger snorted her approval of dinner by plunging her long nose into the feed. Sarah brushed through the horse’s fur, damp from a hard day of work. Ginger’s flanks quivered with each stroke of the brush.

    Without warning, Pedro stuck his head around the corner of Ginger’s stall.

    Sarah startled, and the goats bleated their condemnation of his intrusion. She put her hand to her chest willing her heart to slow down to its regular pace. I need to put a bell around that man’s neck.

    I’m gonna go now, Miss Sarah, OK?

    OK, Pedro. It was an effort for Sarah not to pick up Pedro’s thick Hispanic accent. Thanks for all your hard work today.

    I see you next week, OK? We gotta castrate those new bull before Mr. Crosby come for the herd, OK?

    Sarah draped her arms over Ginger’s back. She extended a weary wave to Pedro. Exhaustion overcame her at the very thought of castrating the young bulls. It was disgusting work for sure, but she’d put it off long enough and needed to get it behind her. Her top lip curled thinking about the nauseating job that loomed ahead of them. See you next week. Say hello to Inez for me.

    He nodded. OK. Pedro wasn’t a man much for words. Having said his piece, he disappeared around the corner. He was a good man—their best man. And the only one who stayed on to help her with the herd after Daddy was killed. The others had left, afraid there would be no more work, no more pay. Not Pedro, though. He had been by Daddy’s side for as long as she could remember.

    But after the cattle were sold, she’d probably have to let him go too. Daddy’s ranch was too big for three women and one elderly Mexican man to handle. To keep her father’s MK brand alive, she’d have to scale down the operation. At least until she could get more help. Times like these made her wish she had half-brothers instead of two half-sisters.

    Pedro led his mule out of the pen, where he kept her during the day, and climbed on her back. It amazed Sarah every time his leg made it over with his diminished stature. He nudged the mule in the flanks and held tight to the homemade harness she wore. She took off down the road with a jingle from the bells around her neck, all the while hee-hawing her grievances. Pedro’s wife, Inez, decorated the mule’s harness with colorful ribbons and bells, making her, as she said, Muy bonita!

    Sarah removed her cowboy hat, and a passel of long, blonde curls tumbled down. She shook her head and ran her fingers through the straw-colored waves. A cow lowed in the distance, drawing her from the barn. She put the hat back on and walked toward the fence.

    One of the fence posts leaned precariously, demanding Sarah’s attention. One more thing she needed to take care of but didn’t have the time or energy for. She chose a sturdy post and leaned her weary body against it. It was the time of day she’d grown to love so much growing up on the peninsula.

    The sun appeared larger than usual. It cast brilliant rays of light onto the Bolivar Point Lighthouse standing tall in the distance. The huge tower reflected the dazzling light onto the swampy pond in front of it. The water danced and glimmered. The sun gave forth its final magnificent rays before gently sinking into the waters of Galveston Bay.

    The herd of fifteen hundred Texas Longhorn cattle bearing her father’s MK brand grazed in the pasture. The colors of their hides were more varied than an artist’s pallet. She couldn’t imagine a more beautiful sight than the one that lay before her.

    Sarah Jane. Her short, red-headed mama hollered from the back door. Come inside and get cleaned up. Mr. Crosby will be here before you know it.

    I’ll be right in, Mama. The screen door slammed shut. Oh, Lord, I’m not looking forward to this meeting tonight. You know how Mr. Crosby is. He’s not to be trusted. I need You there to make sure he doesn’t take advantage of us.

    God heard her prayers, but ever since Daddy died, it felt as if He was nowhere to be found. If she was to have a successful meeting with Mr. Crosby, she needed all the heavenly assistance she could muster.

    Brutus, the oldest and best of their breed stock, bellowed his long, loud cry. The cows followed him into the far pasture with a soft lowing. Mama insisted they keep Brutus after the horrible accident. She asserted they needed him to continue Daddy’s near perfect line.

    The broad chested king of the herd sauntered away with prideful arrogance. His seven-foot horn span swayed as he walked. Brutus was a regal animal, but it didn’t matter to Sarah how majestic he might be. She turned toward the house.

    She would never forget that he was responsible for goring her daddy to death.


    Sarah and her sister, Grace, helped Mama serve up the delicious cut of beef, potatoes, gravy, green beans, fresh peaches, and yeast rolls.

    Sarah paid careful attention to Mr. Laird Crosby’s demeanor during supper to get a feel for how their negotiations would go afterwards. If the way he devoured Mama’s home cooking had anything to do with his willingness to deal, then prosperity was on their side. But uncertainty assailed her. It seemed he’d checked his previously crotchety manner at the door. Perhaps he was on his best gentlemanly behavior since he was in the presence of ladies.

    Mrs. McKinney, that might have been the juiciest piece of roast beef I’ve ever tasted. Mr. Crosby patted his round belly as he followed Mama into the living room. He sat down in Daddy’s chair.

    Mama said nothing, so Sarah let it go.

    All men were to be respected, even if they did speak with some kind of Alabama accent. He wasn’t a native Texan; that much she was sure of.

    Why, thank you, Mr. Crosby. It’s been a while since I’ve cooked for a man. Mama sat in her rocking chair and smoothed out her skirt. Rex trotted over and sat close to her. Mama put her hand on his furry head. As you already know, our cattle provide some of the finest beef in southeast Texas—have for years now. She gestured to Sarah and her sister, standing at the doorway. Girls, come on in and have a seat. You are as much a part of this as we are. She reached up and touched one of her faded red curls. This will all be yours someday when I’m gone. Her voice cracked.

    Sarah wanted to roll her eyes. It was Mama’s new practice to voice her sense of mortality since Daddy died. She didn’t buy into Mama’s poor-little-old-me act. Her mother had survived a divorce and the deaths of her last two husbands. If she could live through that, then selling off a herd of cattle should be an easy day’s work for her.

    The middle sister, on the other hand, seemed to thrive on Mama’s newfound insecurities. Most everyone considered Grace Winnie the most beautiful girl on the peninsula, with her enormous blue eyes and angelic features. Of her two sisters, Sarah was closest to Grace, but bless her heart, the poor girl was as naive as they came.

    Grace rushed to Mama’s side and lifted her hand. Oh, Mama, are you getting the gloomies again?

    Mama patted Grace’s arm. I’ll be fine, honey. Now have a seat. She patted the straight-backed chair next to her rocker, and Grace sat down beside her.

    Eh, hm. Mr. Crosby loudly cleared his throat. Mrs. McKinney, even though it hasn’t been clearly stated to me, I believe I can ascertain the reason as to why you’ve invited me out here to your ranch.

    Mama raised her eyebrows. Oh? Well, it is the spring, Mr. Crosby. And if I’m not mistaken, the late Mr. McKinney had always invited you to our ranch at this time of year to discuss the purchase of our beef stock. So naturally, I assumed the reason I invited you here was more than obvious.

    Well, you see now, that’s just the thing, Mrs. McKinney. The man turned his attention away from Mama and looked at Grace. Darlin’ would you be a dear and fetch me a cup of warm coffee and some of that delicious-looking peach cobbler I seen on the sideboard?

    Grace looked to Mama, who patted her on the knee. Go on and get him what he wants. She left the room.

    Mama clasped her hands together and leaned forward to talk to the man. Now what was it you were saying, Mr. Crosby?

    Mama’s question appeared to catch the man completely off guard as his eyes lasciviously followed Grace’s backside from the room. His neck whipped around to Mama, a revolting smile on his face. "What I’m saying, Mrs. McKinney, is that, if, in fact, you have invited me here to discuss whether I intend to enter into a contract with you…ladies, well then, I’m sorry to disappoint you. You see, ma’am, I’m not exactly in a position to purchase your cattle this year."

    What? Sarah jumped from her chair. But you’ve always bought Daddy’s beef stock. Why would this year be any different?

    Mr. Crosby tightened his jaw and sneered at Sarah. He leaned forward in his chair…Daddy’s chair, and put his hand on his knee. It’s different, my dear, because you are not Clayton McKinney. He pointed at Mama and Sarah with two fingers on his right hand. You two may be McKinneys, but you’re by no means the man of the house.

    Mama waved her hand at Sarah. All right now, Sarah. Let’s all calm down, and see if we can work this out. Sarah returned to her chair, and Mama turned her attention to the smug faced man. "Mr. Crosby, I’m afraid I don’t understand your meaning. Of course, we’re not the man of the house, but we’re all that’s

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