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Uncle John's Bathroom Reader For Girls Only!
Uncle John's Bathroom Reader For Girls Only!
Uncle John's Bathroom Reader For Girls Only!
Ebook466 pages4 hours

Uncle John's Bathroom Reader For Girls Only!

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About this ebook

An entertaining almanac of fun-filled information…for girls only.

We locked the bad boys at the BRI in the water closet and let the fairer gender run things for a while. The result: For Girls Only! You’ll discover a secret stash of cheeky stories written for girls of all ages (but mostly pre-teens and teens). In what other book would you find fortune-telling tips through the ages, the recipe for Love Potion #9, and the origin of underwear? In no other book in the world! So unlock your inner goddess with . . .


* The woman who invented the bulletproof vest
* The Hungarian countess who killed for her beauty secret
* Ten teen gals who became millionaires (and spent it wisely)
* Guns and roses: the real-life story of Annie Oakley
* The not-so-glamorous life of a fashion model
* The princess diaries: horrific tales of intermarriage among the royal families 
* What movie stars wear during “nude” scenes and other cinema secrets
And much, much more!

Release dateAug 15, 2012
Uncle John's Bathroom Reader For Girls Only!

Bathroom Readers' Institute

The Bathroom Readers' Institute is a tight-knit group of loyal and skilled writers, researchers, and editors who have been working as a team for years. The BRI understands the habits of a very special market—Throne Sitters—and devotes itself to providing amazing facts and conversation pieces.

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I'm annoyed that "for girls" means including a lot of pseudoscientific nonsense that doesn't make it into other Bathroom Readers.

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Uncle John's Bathroom Reader For Girls Only! - Bathroom Readers' Institute


One day we were sitting around at the BRI, trying to think of an idea for our next book, when—amid all the pencil-tapping, potato-chip-crunching, and other deep-thinking sounds—somebody finally said, "I know! Let’s do a Bathroom Reader just for girls!" It was a great idea, so the rest of us started scribbling down lists of topics that girls might be interested in. But then the lists got longer… and longer…and longer. Why? Because we realized that girls are interested in everything .

So that’s what we made: Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader for Girls Only—a book about everything.

Here’s just a sampling of what you’ll find inside:

• A girl who picked up a ukulele and started an internet sensation (page 85).

• A woman who walked across Europe…twice (page 211).

• An Australian who blogs about her mysterious life as a geisha (page 234).

• Jane Goodall (page 189), Rihanna (page 252), and Emily Dickinson (page 151).

• And if you’ve ever wondered whether Natalie Portman did her own dancing in Black Swan (page 137), how to make a cupcake in a coffee mug (page 176), or how much water Katy Perry drinks (page 25), it’s all in here.

This book didn’t write itself (though there’s probably an app for that), so we’d like to send out a hearty thank-you to our own Jahnna, who penned most of what you’ll read here. We’d also like to thank the crack team who helped her: researcher extraordinaire Maggie, story wrangler Malcolm, traffic cop Amy, super-writers Marie, Rob, Eleanor, Jessika, and the two Michaels. And a special shout-out to artist Dorit, who wore out a few (electronic) paintbrushes to give us a beautiful cover.

We think you’ll find this book as much fun to read as it was to write. And if you do, let us know! Fan us on Facebook, tweet us on Twitter, and wave at our website. Or even better, tell us what you’d like to see in the next Bathroom Reader for Girls Only. With a whole world of girls out there, we know there’s plenty more to write about. So happy reading.

And as always,

Go With the Flow!

Uncle John

and the BRI Staff


Sometimes parents like to show they’re cool while texting. But judging by these real texts that kids posted on the internet, they don’t always succeed.

Mom: Hi, have a good day. Love mum.

Me: Mum! You learned how to text??

Mom: Hi, have a good day. Love mum.

Me: Can you type anything besides that?

Mom: Hi, have a good day. Love mum.

Dad: We have a lot of phone numbers:)

Me: Dad…Stop using so many smileys

Dad: I only use them with you.

Me: Still weird.

Dad: :’(

Dad: The key is under the cat.

Me: I hope you meant mat.

Dad: ytesd

Dad: wat u doing

Me: About to shower. You?

Dad: Peeing

Mom: Hey! Check out the birthday greeting I put up on your brother’s FB!

Me: It just says, Happy birthday!

Mom: Yeah. I thought it would be nice.

Dad: are you doing your math

Me: really daddy? from the basement? ye of little faith…

Dad: I notice you did not say yes

Grandpa: I love you!

Me: I love you too! You’re the best!

Grandpa: At what?

In 2008 Russia tried—and failed—to pass a law forbidding teenagers to wear goth clothing.


Can you match each famous first line with its famous book?

1. When Mary Lennox was sent to Misselthwaite Manor to live with her uncle, everybody said she was the most disagreeable child ever seen. It was true, too.

2. These two very old people are the father and mother of Mr. Bucket.

3. It was a dark and stormy night.

4. Mr. and Mrs. Dursley of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much.

5. Once there were four children whose names were Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy.

6. It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.

7. When he was nearly thirteen, my brother Jem got his arm badly broken at the elbow.

8. ‘Where’s Papa going with that axe?’ said Fern to her mother as they were setting the table for breakfast.

a. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

b. To Kill a Mockingbird

c. Pride and Prejudice

d. The Secret Garden

e. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

f. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

g. Charlotte’s Web

h. A Wrinkle in Time

ANSWERS: 1–d; 2–e; 3–h; 4–f; 5–a; 6–c; 7–b; 8–g.


About 40 percent of all video-game players are female, but relatively few women work in the video-game industry. Still, even in this male-dominated business, some women have found their dream jobs—by honing their gaming skills from an early age. Result: Now they get paid to play video games!


Stephanie Hex Bendixsen’s parents never allowed her to have a game console at home, so she would sneak to a friend’s house to play SimCity… and she was hooked. After she finished high school in Australia, she condensed a whole childhood’s worth of gaming into a few years. Now, at 25, she’s the host of Good Game, an Australian television program where she rates games, interviews developers, tells the latest gaming news, and offers game tips. What’s her advice for girls looking to make video games into a career? I think girls just need to be more vocal about being geeky and being into games.


After college, Lucy Song started looking for a job, but the search was difficult and tiring. She played video games to relieve the stress, and that got her thinking about designing her own game. She started working on it, and day by day, she added to her pet project. She mentioned it at a party, and a friend told her about a video-game company that was hiring new employees. In less than a year, Song became a community manager, moderating a discussion forum and writing articles for game developer ChangYou. Here’s what she learned about landing your dream job: Never miss a chance to show your enthusiasm, because you never know who might be listening. And never give up. Even if you fail again and again, you never know how much your life might change overnight.

World’s first human cannonball: a 14-year-old girl named Zazel, of the London Circus (1877).


Sally Reynolds is a quality-assurance technician for the British video-game company Jagex. In other words, her job is to play video games. Really. Sally worked her way into her dream job by starting with an entry-level position at Jagex. Then, when the company began looking for a game tester, she asked for the job. I make sure the games are bug-free and ready for release, she says. I get to do what I like doing for fun. I love my job. I get to be a big kid!


Brooke Hattabaugh is a hard-core gamer. How hard-core? A boyfriend once broke up with her because she spent too much time playing. But it’s more than just her hobby; it’s her career. She works for video-game maker Ubisoft as part of an all-female group of professional gamers called the Frag Dolls. Hattabaugh, who goes by the game name Brookelyn, travels the United States promoting new games and encouraging other girls to play them. She got her job through an online want ad. I didn’t think it was a real ad, she said. I didn’t even send in a real résumé, I sent a gamer résumé with the names of all the games I had played and beaten. It worked.

The giant spider crab’s 12-foot leg span could cross two parking spaces.


Amy Kalson was a computer programmer, but that was just to pay the bills—her real passion was writing. In 2000 she went to California as a freelance journalist to write a story about a video-game conference. There she caught a glimpse of the game Final Fantasy VIII, and it changed her life. It mesmerized me, Kalson says. Soon she discovered that video games blended all of her favorite interests: storytelling, technology, theater, music, myth, and history. She also noticed that there were very few games designed for women. (Even today, 9 out of 10 game programmers are male.) So she enrolled at Carnegie Mellon University to study entertainment technology, and by the time she graduated she had already worked on The Sims 2 and The Sims Unleashed. Today she is a senior design producer at Disney Interactive. What does she do all day? I travel around the country, meeting with all kinds of developers who are making games for Disney. I brainstorm game ideas and come up with the heart and soul of new games. And I get to dream for a living.

What are blindsies, hopsies, and yokeys? Jump-rope tricks.


Ever hear of beginner’s luck? Well, first-time author Stephenie Meyer had loads of it.


In early 2003, Stephenie Meyer was like a lot of American women: a stay-at-home mom taking care of her three little boys, Gabe, Seth, and Eli. She’d never written anything in her life, not even a short story, and the only professional job she’d ever had was as a receptionist at a property company in Phoenix, Arizona. Her husband was the breadwinner. But that all changed on the night of June 2, 2003, when Meyer had a dream about a human girl and a vampire who was in love with her…but thirsted for her blood.


The next day, Meyer sat down and wrote what turned out to be the 13th chapter in the hit book Twilight. It took her three months to finish the book, writing whenever she could during the day and after the kids were in bed. Then, with her older sister’s encouragement, she sent the manuscript to more than a dozen literary agents. Nine rejected her and five ignored her. But one, Jodi Reamer, accepted the book. By November, only six months after Meyers’s vampire dream, her agent sold Twilight to the publisher Little, Brown and Company. Meyer fantasized about being paid $10,000 for her book—enough to buy a new van. But her agent and the publisher knew Twilight had the potential to be a huge hit…and they signed a three-book deal for a stunning $750,000! Twilight was published in 2005 and skyrocketed to #1 on the New York Times best-seller list for children’s chapter books.

Stephenie Meyers’s original title for Twilight:…


Meyer, who used to write with a toddler on her lap watching Blue’s Clues, is now a full-time author earning more than $50 million per year. Her husband manages the household and takes care of the kids at their home in Cave Creek, Arizona. She’s finished the Twilight saga and has moved on to other projects, including a science-fiction book and movie, The Host. But don’t expect her work to be filled with anything R-rated. Meyer was raised a Mormon and, even though she writes about vampires and invasive aliens, she says she’s still pretty straitlaced about her beliefs. Her faith, stage plays, music, and classic novels are all sources of inspiration; in fact, Jane Austen, William Shakespeare, and Emily Brontë are the authors whose works influenced her as she wrote about the super-hot romance between Bella and Edward in Twilight.

Forks, after the town in Washington where the story is set.


Meyer admits to feeling a little guilty about her instant success. People [authors] go through so much, and I skipped over the bad parts. It feels like cheating, somehow. But this self-described girlie girl is more than grateful to be living the dream.


Meyer confesses, I can’t write without music. Check out what she listened to while she wrote her very first book. (It follows Twilight, chapter by chapter.)

1. Why Does It Always Rain on Me? Travis

2. Creep (radio edit), Radiohead

3. In My Place, Coldplay

4. I’m Not Okay (I Promise) (video edit), My Chemical Romance

5. With You (reanimation remix), Linkin Park

6. By Myself, Linkin Park

7. Dreaming, OMD

8. Please Forgive Me, David Gray

9. Here with Me, Dido

10. Time Is Running Out, Muse

11. Tremble for My Beloved, Collective Soul

12. Dreams, The Cranberries

13. Lullabye (Goodnight, My Angel), Billy Joel

Twilight: New Moon earned $72.7 million in a single day, the highest one-day box-office sales ever.


If you’ve ever had to give a speech in class or sing a solo in choir, you’ve probably felt the butterflies of stage fright. But seasoned actors and musicians never have that problem, right? Wrong.

I get so terrified before I go onstage. My secret is no eye contact. I find that if I don’t look directly at people and just concentrate completely on the singing and dance moves, then I can get through.


I can’t ever do theater because I would pee my pants. It’s way too nerve-wracking. There’s a comfort in being able to mess up when you’re on a movie set.

—Emma Roberts

My stage fright gets worse and worse as I get older. After 40 years you’d think that I’d get over it, but there is no trick to help.

—Ozzy Osbourne

I definitely get stage fright. That’s part of the fun. That’s what makes it interesting.

—Zac Efron

I nearly gave up the Beatles in the early ’60s. I remember being on the steps of Wembley Town Hall, literally getting ill with nerves, and thinking, ‘I’ve got to give this business up, this is no good.’

—Paul McCartney

"Once, somebody told me to picture the audience in their underpants. Do not picture the audience in their underpants. That does not work. At all."

—Taylor Swift

I have moments where I feel invincible and know that I have the audience in my hand—everything is perfect. And then I have panic attacks and I feel everyone is breathing my air and I can’t live up to everybody’s expectations and I might just die onstage.


The average puppy can’t wag its tail until it’s two months old.


Some people have weird talents, like being able to roll their tongue into a funnel or bend their thumb back to touch their wrist. Here’s a girl who took her special skill a little too far.


Sue S., a teenager in Colorado, had a rare talent: She could put her whole fist in her mouth. (Go ahead—try it.) This amazed her friends so much that they were constantly bringing her things to stick in her mouth. One day, a friend gave her the ultimate challenge: Could she get her mouth around the big doorknob on the science lab’s door? Sue bet $10 that she could—and knelt down by the door and did it! The trouble was, once she got her jaw locked around the knob, she couldn’t spit it out. To make matters worse, class was in session in the lab, and any second the bell was going to ring and someone would throw open the door and knock her teeth out. While the school nurse ran to call 911, someone else told the science class to leave the room by climbing out the first-floor window. Meanwhile, Sue was stuck—gagging, drooling, and starting to panic, and students were starting to gather, staring and saying things like, That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen. When the fire-department crew arrived, they had to take the door off its hinges (with Sue still attached) and lay it flat on the floor. They gave Sue a shot in the butt to relax her muscles and, finally, her jaw unlocked. The good news: Sue won the $10.

Every year, Americans spend more than $10 billion at the movies.


Here’s one goddess you don’t want to cross. She’ll heat your house one day…and burn it down the next.


According to Hawaiian legend, the explosive goddess of fire known as Pele lives inside the Kilauea volcano on the Big Island of Hawaii. From deep inside the rim, she rules over her feisty family of fire gods. Pele has the power to destroy and create, and her anger erupts in streaming flows of red-hot lava that can engulf humans and animals, turning them to stone. With one stomp of her foot, she can unleash a bone-shaking earthquake. But when Pele is happy and content, she stops any lava from reaching Hawaii’s villages and keeps her gentle fires burning so the locals can heat their homes and cook their food. Every now and then, Pele has been known to assume the shape of a woman walking a white dog, and people who have spotted her (and survived) claim she is the most beautiful woman they’ve ever seen. Not surprisingly, most Pele sightings occur near volcanic craters.


Pele remains a popular

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